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Absolute poverty - is the condition where an individual or a group cannot attain or provide a certain

standard level of food, water, shelter or a descent household that are needed in order to survive in this
world. People under this type of poverty cannot recieve any benifits of the countries economy and
finance. In other words they are not affected whether thier country succeeds or fails regarding thier
economic status. However, this type of poverty does not cover the broader quality life issues such as
inequalities regarding the human rights and treatment in the society.

Relative poverty - is the condition where an individual or a group can afford and provide the basic
necessity of life but cannot achieve a luxurious life or the standard of life in a community or in the
society they live in. People under this type of poverty has the amount of a certain money but only for
thier basic needs and cannot buy materials or things that are standardly bought by the people in the
society. This can be also refer to the lack of television, internet, clean cloth, safe home, education, and
many more. Even though that this type of poverty is not that serious, this level of poverty can be
permanent and unbreakable. People under this poverty has very low income and salary, making him
incapable to breakthrough the barriers of this poverty.

According to the research of Fritz Hieder(1958) he categorize causes of poverty into two factor, the
characteral of a person factors and situational factors. Characteral factors are the causes of poverty in
which originated from the character of a human person such as being lazy, lack of skills, lack of
motivation or effort. This kind of causes solely lies from the actor or the person that is responsible for
creating a life that he wants. While situational factors are the factors that points out to the situations in
the real-world that causes poverty such as an unfair or unequal system of government, low wages, poor
access to quality

education and health.

The effects of poverty is very serious. Children who grow up in poverty has many serious cases in
suffering from many diseases and illnesses. Making them weaker in fighting the daily challenges that
human being face. They will then grow weaker, illiterate, and violent. Which can result to many bad
things in happening in the society. Even infants who are born in to a poor family would most likely to die
because of the lack of financials and food necessary for the baby to survive.

Poverty is believe to be the main source to violence. Most academic scholars as well as a normal persons
believe that those who live in poverty more frequently engage in acts of violence as a consequence of
conditions that they are subjected to. According to Krivo & Peterson (1996) growing in a rough
neighborhood and ghettos because of poverty will make a child grow as a violent person that would
likely commit crimes in order to survive.

Poverty has been fought globally for century since the dawn of human being. This has devoured many
lives and countries. This issue is caused by two factors, characteral of a person factors and situational
factors. Characteral factors are the factors created by the actor itself and situational is a factor that is
caused by real-world events. Poverty has a very serious effect to humanity, such as violence, crimes,
miscarriages, teenage pregnancies, and many more. So in conclusion, it is very important that this issue
will be solved once and for all for the better of the future of the human beings and the world.

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