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ISSN No:APPLY FOR, V – 1, I – 1, 2014

Journal Club for Electrical Engineering (JCEE)

Manuscript No: JCEE/REV/2014/6, Received On: 24/08/2014 , Revised On : 29/08/2014, Accepted On: 02/09/2014


A Review on Fundamentals of HVDC Transmission

Edison Selvaraj1, C. Pugazhendhi Sugumaran2, Krishnamoorthi3, M. Raj Kumar3, M. Rajmal Joshi4 , J.
Ganesan5, S. Geethadevi6, S. Dinesh Kumar7
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India.
Division of High Voltage Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and
Technology, Mamallapuram, Chennai, India.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Sree Sowdambika College of Engineering, Aruppukottai, India.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Aurora Technological and Research Institute,Uppal,
Hyderabad, India.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Peter’s University, Avadi, Chennai, India.

This paper deals with the basic knowledge for engineers to study about the need for HVDC
transmission, applications, advantages, disadvantages, types and basic components of HVDC
transmission. In addition, a review was given on the recent trends in HVDC transmission. The
advantages of thyristor valves were discussed. The drawbacks of mercury arc valves were also
indicated in this paper. This paper discusses only the basic fundamentals of HVDC. The first HVDC
link in the world was indicated in this review paper.
HVDC transmission, HVDC links, Thyristor, Mercury Arc valve, HVDC cables.
INTRODUCTION the line greater than 500km. Breakeven
First Electric central station in world was built distance decides the choice of HVDC
by Thomas A. Edison in New York at 1882 for converters. Cost decides design of HVDC link.
supplying 110 V about 1.6 km through The comparison of AC and DC transmission
underground. Size of commutator and cost system were based on cost and technical
restricts the peripheral speed of the machine. performance.
Supremacy of AC in 1880 to 1890 was due to Need for HVDC Transmission
advent of Transformers, Poly phase circuits The transport of bulk power above 500 km
and Induction motors. Reactive power gives rise to the following problems:
generated by the AC line was more than its 1. Variation of voltage profile.
power transmitting capacity for the length of 2. Decrease in power transfer.
3. Generation of reactive power.
*Address for Correspondence:
D. Edison Selvaraj First HVDC link in world:
Department of Electrical and Electronics The specifications of first HVDC link in the
Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College,
Chennai, India. world were given as follows:
E-Mail Id: edisonsivakasi@gmail.com
Place: Island of Gotland to Swedish main land

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Length: 96 km 5. When both neutrals were grounded, there
Year: 1954 was no ground current.

Transmission voltage: 100 kV

Transmission power: 20 MW
HVDC links in India:
A few HVDC links in India were as follows:
1. Vidhyachal
2. Sasaram
3. Chandrapur
4. Rihand to Delhi
Types of HVDC systems: Figure 2 Bipolar link
Three main types of HVDC system were: Advantages of bipolar link:
1. Monopolar link 1. It can be operated even in the fault of one
2. Bipolar link
3. Homopolar link conductor up to the half rated power due to
the operation of other conductor with
Monopolar link:
ground return.
Figure 1 shows the monopolar link.
Drawbacks of bipolar link:
Graded insulation was used for negative and
positive poles, hence it was not possible to
operate above the half rated power under
faulty condition in one conductor.
Homopolar Link:
1. It has two or more conductors with same
Figure 1: Monopolar link polarity.
1. It has only one conductor 2. Negative polarity was used.
3. Ground return was used.
2. Ground act as return conductor
3. Negative polarity was used Advantages of Homopolar Link:
4. Used in sub marine systems
1. It can be operated a hare the half rated
5. Sea water was used as return conductor
power under faulty condition in one conductor
Bipolar link:
by overloading at increased line loss.
Figure 2 shows bipolar link
2. It was preferable at the condition when
1. It has two conductor
continuous ground currents were inevitable.
2. One was positive and other was negative
3. Ground point was maintained at mid- 3. Lower corona loss due to negative polarity.
potential. 4. Reduced radio interference due to negative
4. Each terminal has two converters of same
voltage ratings connected in series.

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HVDC transmission system: The design was different when compared to
Components of HVDC system were that of transformers used in AC systems due
1. 6/12 pulse converters. superimposed DC voltages.
2. Converter Transformers. Requirements of converter transformers:
3. Filters.
1. The insulation system of a converter
4. Smoothing reactor.
5. Shunt capacitor. transformer has to withstand AC voltages,
6. DC cables. Short time over voltages and Super
Figure 3 shows the Components of HVDC
imposed DC voltages.
2. Knowledge of breakdown of solid
6/12 pulse converters:
interfaces in liquid was needed for the
Usually generation of power was in AC mode.
design of transformers.
Hence the essential requirement for a DC
3. Variation in the impedance of converter
system was rectifier at one end to converter
transformer has more impact on the cost of
AC to DC and inverter to convert DC to AC at
the associated DC terminal equipment.

other end. The invention of power thyristors 4. The amount of harmonics produced in a
has made this job easier. 12 pulse converters converter transformer was much greater
were used because of than the conventional AC transformer.
1. Less ripple These harmonics could cause additional
2. Reduction in harmonics leakage flux resulting in the formation of
Converter Transformers: local hot-spots in the windings. Magnetic
The transformers used in HVDC systems shunts and additional cooling
before rectification of AC were called as arrangements were needed to avoid such
converter transformers. hot spots in the transformer.
Filters were used to regulate the harmonics.

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Causes of harmonics: 6. Break even distance was the one at which
1. Repetitive firing of thyristors. the cost of both AC and DC systems was the
same. Break even distance for over head lines
2. Unbalance in converter transformer
was 500 km and it was 40 km for cables.
reactance. Break even distance depends on several
factors such as
 Labour cost
3. Unbalance in AC supply voltage.

 Land cost
4. Errors in the firing angle of the phases.
Effect of Harmonics:  Material cost
1. Overheating of the equipment.  Line cost
2. Interference with communication systems.  Tower cost
7. DC transmission was preferable for long
Shunt Capacitor:
Shunt capacitors were used to compensate the
8. Total cost = installation cost + utilisation
reactive volt amperes generated in the process
cost. Utilisation cost was less in DC lines.
of convention due to delay in the process of
Installation cost was higher in DC lines.
conversion due to delay in the firing angle of
Installation cost involves HVDC converters,
the thyristors. Static Var compensation depends
cable cost, land cost, tower cost. HVDC
upon the short circuit ratio of the AC systems.
converters were costly. But, the costs of lines,
DC Cables or DC lines:
land cost, tower cost were less in DC links.
1. It requires only two conductors.
2. Losses were less. Figure 4 shows the cost Vs distance graph for
3. Size of the towers and structures was less. AC and DC systems.
4. There was no skin effect.
5. Size of the conductors was small.

Comparison of AC and DC transmission

Comparison of AC and DC transmission was
done based on the following three main
1. Economics of power transmission.
2. Reliability.
3. Technical performance.
Economics of Power transmission:
1. There was no effect of inductance and
capacitance in DC transmission.
2. There was no leakage or charging current in
the cables.
3. DC transmission was preferable over Figure 4 cost Vs distance graph for AC and
500km. DC systems.
4. DC line requires only two conductors.
5. The cost of terminal equipments was more Technical performance:
in DC transmission. A few technical advantages of DC lines:

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1. Bidirectional control in the power  Size of towers and right of way were less
transmission. in DC lines.
2. Improved transient and dynamic stability. Charging Currents:
3. Limitation of fault currents due to fast  There was no charging current in DC lines.
control in DC lines.  There was no dielectric loss in DC cables.
4. DC link can be used to tie asynchronous  Ionic motion was absent in DC cables due
systems operating under different frequencies. to unidirectional electric fields.
5. DC link can be used to damper the system  Working stress was 400 kV/cm in DC
oscillations due to its short over load capacity. cables and 100 kV/cm in AC cables.
6. Reduced transmission losses.  Thinner insulation.

7. Economic stability due to reduced
Superior cooling characteristics in DC
conductor cost, tower cost, labour and land cables.

Less over current stresses.

Technical performance was based on stability
Reactive power problems were more in
level, overvoltage, corona, skin effect,
charging currents. AC lines.
Stability:  Steady state charging currents in AC
Stability of power systems in AC depends on:
systems pose serious problems in cables.

I. Sending end voltage.
II. Receiving end voltage. Shunt and series compensation was done
III. Line reactance. in AC transmission to overcome the problems
IV. Phase angle difference.
of line charging and stability limitation.SVC
V. Shunt reactors
VI. Inductance was also used.
VII. Capacitance  Interconnection problem of AC links

Stability of DC depends on  It occurs due to

I. Thermal conditions. I. Presence of oscillations.
II. Current carrying capacity.
II. Increase in fault level.
Resistance. III. Transmission of disturbance.
Over voltages: Reliability:
Switching surge level in EHVAC was 2.5pu Reliability of supply was more in DC line.
whereas it was 1.7pu in HVDC. Transient reliability = Number of times
Corona, radio interface and skin effects: HVDC systems performed as
There was no skin effect in DC systems. designed/Number of recordable AC faults.
Corona loss and radio interference were less in Energy availability and Transient reliability
Dc system. was more than 95% in DC systems.
Towers and Tower sizes:

Advantages of HVDC transmission:
DC insulation level was lower than AC.

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1. Interconnection of system using long Recent trends in HVDC:
length of cables while crossing sea. Mercury arc valves were now replaced by
2. Inter connection of systems operating at thyristors. Mercury arc valve has the following
the different frequencies. drawbacks:
3. Decreased transmission losses. 1. Arc backs.
4. Control of the power flow. 2. High cost.
5. Easy reversibility of power flow. 3. Large requirements of land.
6. Damping out oscillations. 4. Lack of control.
7. Improving the stability margins when 5. High maintenance.
connected to weak AC systems having low 6. Heat rise.
values of SCR.
Thyristors were the recent trends in HVDC
(SCR=less than 3, then AC system is said to
transmission. Figure 5 shows the symbol of
be weak. SCR is defined as the AC power
thyristor. Advanced Cooling methods of
transfer under short circuit at rated DC
thyristors, DC breakers, metal oxide gapless
power. )
arresters and Applications of fiber optics and
8. HVDC is useful in long waterways like
digital electronics in the control of converters
crossing a sea.
were the recent inventions in HVDC
Limitations of HVDC transmission lines:
1. Huge filters were required to suppress the
2. Lack of HVDC circuit breakers.
3. Reliable multi terminal DC systems.
4. Lack of reactive power.
5. SVC was used for providing reactive
6. Complexity of control.
7. High cost of converters and filters.
8. Inability to use transformers for the
variation of voltages.
Figure 5 Symbol of thyristor
Applications of HVDC transmission Advantages of Thyristor valves were as
1. Power transfer over long distances follows:
2. Underwater transmission 1. They were free from arc backs.
3. Interconnection of AC systems with 2. Low power loss.
different frequencies. 3. Wide flexibility of design.
4. Better power system stability. 4. Economical design.

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5. Low maintenance requirements. Failure implementation of HVDC links all over the
rate of thyristors was less than 0.6%. world up coming in the future. Breakeven
6. Reduced requirements of land. distance decides the selection of HVDC
7. Increase in voltage and current ratings. systems. It was higher for overhead lines. It
GTO has ratings of 8kV, 4000A and IGBT was very less for cables. The advantages and
has 6.5kV, 1000A. disadvantages of both AC and DC systems
8. 12 pulse mode of operation has economic were discussed in this paper for the
filter requirements. comparison purpose. This paper would be
9. Advanced methods of cooling using Freon useful for the students for their examination
to maintain low values of junction point of view to score more marks. This paper
temperatures of SCRs. would be useful for the young engineers for
10. Enhanced power handling capacity. the comparison of AC and DC systems. It
11. GTO and fiber optic triggering were used might be useful for their project works also.
to improve the control philosophies with
12. Reliable. 1. http://www.mhhe.com/kamakshaiah/hvdct1
13. Light activated Thyristors with cesium – 2. HVDC Power Transmission Systems, K. R.
Padiyar, 2nd Edition, New Academic
mercury flash lamp was used for high Science.
power light sources. 3. HVDC Transmission Power Conversion
Applications in power systems, Chan-Ki
14. IGBT has PIV rating of 4 to 6 kV Kim, Vijay K. Sood, Gil-Soo Jang, Seong-
15. IGBT were connected in series up to Joo Lim, Seok-Jin Lee, Wiley-IEEE Press.
4. Kimbark E.W., Direct Current
500kV. Transmission, Wiley Inter science (New
16. IGBT were self commutated. York), 1971.
5. Arillanga J., High Voltage Direct Current
17. IGBT valves were used in under water Transmission,(london) Peter Peregrinus,
cables having a power range of 100 to 1983.
6. Harrawa L., Electrical Power systems,
500MW with a voltage rating up to 200kV. Chapter 7,(London), Peter Peregrinus,
18. Modular construction of thyristor valves. 1985.
7. ABB Systems. http:// WWW.abb.com.in
CONCLUSIONS 8. HVDC Light Technical Background Sea
Thus this paper would be helpful for the Breeze Olympic Converters LP, Websource

engineers to provide the basic ideas and

knowledge about HVDC transmission for the


Selvaraj, E., Sugumaran, C. P., Krishnamoorthi, Raj Kumar, M., Joshi, M. R., Ganesan, J., Geethadevi, S., &
Dinesh Kumar, S. (2014). A Review on Fundamentals of HVDC Transmission. Journal Club for
Electrical Engineering (JCEE), 1(I), 1-7.

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