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Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD

Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

Unit Code BSBPMG513

Unit Name Manage Project Quality

Assessment T1 Due Date See Training Schedule
Student Name Student ID LON0000

Declaration of authenticity

I, the above named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached
assignment (and any additional attachment associated with it) to be submitted, to
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd, I have not plagiarised any other person’s work in this
assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own
work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been submitted for
I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to
Lonsdale’s Policies and Procedures.

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality


This assessment task comprises of two sections.

In the first section, develop a project quality plan for your project of choice. In the second section, answer
a series of questions, referring to your project, regarding project execution and evaluation.


1.Quality Management Approach

Describe how the project quality plan has been developed, :
- Refer to key project requirements/objectives/needs considered for quality planning

Ensure detailed requirements and specifications are documented, especially all documentation
about quality required by the council and sponsors.

Understand relevant quality standards considering this will be the first time the company will
develop this kind of events.

Understand organisational quality methodologies policies and procedures considering this will be
the first time the company will develop this kind of events.

Plan quality assurance and quality control activities specially with the contractors.
Detail impacts of change requests on quality requirements and processes
Ensure defects are repaired and monitored specially with the contractors.

- Identify major inputs into the plan

Scope baseline defining level of acceptance of all deliverables and activities defined in the WBS
(related with the council, contractors, team project etc.).

Cost baseline defining methods, check lists, revisions, etc. to meet with the budget on the right

Schedule baseline defining methods, check lists, revisions, etc.to ensure all contractors and
groups involved in the project meet with deliverables on time.

Government regulations to meet all legal requirements according with the current law. In this
particular case issues related with noise, recycling, alcohol, hygienic conditions etc.

Standards to meet all legal requirements according with the current standardisation (operations,
health, hygiene, safety, quality etc.).

Quality management system to meet guidelines of the WineTime.

Quality policies and procedures to meet guidelines of WineTime.
Lessons learned from previous projects to take advantage of previous problems or mistakes.
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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

- Mention any industry or organisational quality standards that have been taken into consideration

WineTime Events is a sustainable company so one of the most important regulations we use is
ISO 20121:2012, Event sustainability management systems –- Requirements with guidance for use,
which help us improve sustainability throughout the entire event management cycle. Another
important standard used by Wine Time is AS ISO 10006:2 – Quality Management System –
Guidelines for quality management in projects.

- Discuss involvement of key stakeholders (specifically mention what stakeholders) in the development of the

Even when all the Stakeholders participated in the different ways in the development of the plan,
the most important were Project Manager, Bobbie Fitzgerald, Riley Hogan and Eli Yimbat.

The project manager researched about previous wine events and realized the company should
considerate quality standards in the develop of the plan one of the most important for the
company was “ISO 20121:2012, Event sustainability management systems”.

Bobbie Fitzgerald HHRR manager, must dealing with all quality assessment in the event, he is
the person who must inform or register if any activity or product is not being developed

Riley Hogan is the sponsor coordinator and he know in “real time” which are the requirements of
the sponsor, particularly, quality requirements.

Eli Yimbat Operation manager, have 15 years of experience being operations manager, she has
more than enough experience developing quality plans, actually she and her team will be the
people who will check, assess, accept or reject all the work made by the contractors.

These stakeholders are related directly with quality activities so they actively participated in the
development of the plan.

All points MUST be addressed.

2.Organisation, responsibilities and interfaces

Describe the primary roles and responsibilities of the project team and other key stakeholders as related to project
quality management. It could include: coaching, mentoring, auditing processes, project reviews, provision of key
knowledge and expertise.

Name Roles Quality Responsibilities

Carlos Lidon Project Manager Ensuring quality standards are adhered to will be checking
each manager and take care of quality whole event
Sasha Intina Assistant Project She will be responsible for using app software and
Manager hardware, good contact with council. Sasha will check if
apply is working good, high quality program is her
Peta Tyrone Accountant, finance Controlling all invoices and movement of money, her
manager responsibilities are caring of legal finance and financial
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Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

Bobbie Human Resource, risk He will be dealing with quality assesments, quality of food
Fitzgerald manager standard/hygiene and the storing and serving of food and
wine. Bobbie will be responsible for hiring people, his duty
will be checking them previous experiences and training if
they need new skills.
Jamie Keynon Marketing manager Getting information out on the internet, good looking
website, quality of fresh information and easily finding for
customers, high quality and interesting advertisements with
print and radio. Jamie will be responsible for requiring 2
other, good quality sponsors, who will give money and will
not want to make any decision on this project.
Riley Hogan Sponsorship Responsible for dealing with marketing management and
coordinator checking quality of advertisements
Toby Social media Will be responsible for quality of fanpages facebook and
Vanderlink marketing coordinator Instagram profiles
Eli Yimbat Operations manager Quality of all operational activities, Eli will check electronic
equipment during short concert with DJ before event, and
quality of stall with hired engineer. Quality of Ferris Wheel,
Eli will check safe before event. Eli will hire good quality
company of rubbish bins and toilets. It will be responsible
for quality during event

3. Quality Planning Register

The table below is your quality planning register. Review your plan and complete the table making sure that you
address all the deliverables for your project.

Project Quality Quality Standards QA Activities QC Activities

Deliverables Requirements or relevant metrics
Permit Botanic have a meeting to ISO 21500:2012 Status information Quality standards
Garden the council to sign Precedents and
the contract. examples from
  previous projects
Get contracts to Sign the contract ISO 21500:2012 Selection Quality
the stakeholders with the appropriately management plan
  stakeholders. skilled team
Onboarding of all Give training and ISO 21500:2012 Work instructions Work performance
staff inducting to and process information
  personal with the Training and up-
objective to skilling
provide quality to
For example:
Customer service
Get 2 sponsors have a meeting  to ISO 21500:2012 Status information Status information
  the sponsor and Precedents and
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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

Project Quality Quality Standards QA Activities QC Activities

Deliverables Requirements or relevant metrics
project manager examples from
to sign the previous projects
Marketing Design page of ISO 21500:2012 Development Quality standards
promotion Facebook of methodologies
50 stall holders Quotes to hire ISO 21500:2012 statistical quality Quality checklist
  stall sampling
And ensure type techniques
of quality for every
Installation of the The installation of ISO 21500:2012 Quality checklist Quality
stall holders the  all stall must inspections
  be meet with the 
standards of the

4. Quality Planning
This section is an overview of your project quality planning. Include:
- A summary of the key quality standards relevant to the project; mention expectations from customers, key
stakeholder or client; critical success factors.

As the event is a wine and food festival, the quality standards should be linked to the main or core
deliverables of it.

Food Quality: The food and its preparation should have a minimum of hygienic standard in order to
prevent any consequences in peoples’ health. The highest quality of the food will be definite by project
budget, people expectation, etc.


Wine Quality: As the Wine is one of the two more important deliverables, it has to achieve a certain
quality standard, also it is linked with the type of event, it means that because the nature of the event, it is
expected a certain variety of different wines and standards for them as well.


In the following table can be seen the deliverables of the project and each key requirement in order to be
consider as an accomplished

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

Project Quality Standards or
QA Activities QC Activities REQUIREMENT
Deliverables Requirements relevant
have a information
meeting to the ISO Precedents Quality
council to sign 21500:2012 and examples standards GET THE
the contract. from previous COUNSIL
projects SIGNATURE
Sign the Selection
Get contracts Quality SIGNED
contract with ISO appropriately
to the management CONTRACT FOR
the 21500:2012 skilled team
stakeholders plan ALL
stakeholders. members
Give training
and inducting
to personal Work
with the instructions
objective to and process Work
Onboarding of ISO MUST SIGN A
provide quality performance
all staff 21500:2012 TRAINING LOG
to customers. information
Training and
For example:
have a Status
meeting  to the information
sponsor and
Get 2 ISO Precedents Status SIGNED FOR
sponsors 21500:2012 and examples information TWO
manager to
from previous SPONSORS
sign the
Design page
Marketing ISO Development Quality APPROVAL OF
of Facebook of
promotion 21500:2012 methodologies standards TWO
50 stall Quotes to hire ISO statistical Quality FIND AT LEAST
holders stall 21500:2012 quality checklist 4 QUOTATIONS

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

And ensure OF EVERY

type of quality CONTRACTOR
for every stall. AND THEM PICK
installation of
Installation of the  all stall
the stall must be meet
21500:2012 checklist inspections TO GUARANTEE
holders with the 
standards of
the security.

- Add information about your overall approach to QA and QC: do you have identified key points to undertake
QA and QC activities? How are you communicating findings to key stakeholders (specifically mention the

In reality quality assurance and quality control activities control are performed throughout the project as
deliverables are executed and checked against requirements. Quality assurance activities are built into
the development of each deliverable, whereas quality control activities are performed once a deliverable
has been completed.
These include:
 Quality standard.
 Quality metrics
 Control chart

The remedial actions will be considered as a change, since every gap means consequences in time,
quality or budget. Every time a quality gap is found it the project manager will be in contact with the
responsible of it, and he or she would be in charge of estimate the consequences of this change, which
also will be described in the log sheet waiting for sponsor approval.

5.Tools, environment and interfaces

List and define the quality tools that will be used to measure project quality and level of performance to define quality
standards/metrics (specify if they will be used for quality assurance (QA), control (QC) or both (QAC)). Include how
they will be applied to your project under ‘application’.

Tool Description QA/QC Application

Project team Involves selecting the QA In the beginning of the project was
selection team members who necessary
have the most Involves selecting team members.
experience and
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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

qualifications to
perform their
assigned activities on
the project.
Work practices  Are methodologies QA Give training and inducting to personal with
or process which the objective to provide quality to
ensures that good customers.
practices are used. For example:
Customer service
Inspection and Examination of a QA/QC The installation of the  all stall must be meet
checklists deliverable to with the  standards of the security.
determine if it meets
the documented
quality standards and
Benchmarking Generates ideas for QC This was applied in the Permit Botanic
quality improvements Garden.
by comparing specific
project practices or
characteristics to
those of others
projects within or
outside the
Cost-benefit The primary benefits QA Quotes to hire stall
analysis of meeting quality And ensure type of quality for every stall.
requirements are less
rework, higher
productivity, lower
costs and increased
Designed of Statistical method for QC Give training and inducting to personal with
experiment identifying the factors the objective to provide quality to
that have the most customers.
influence over the For example:
quality of the end Customer service
Project team Involves selecting the QA In the beginning of the project was
selection team members who necessary
have the most Involves selecting team members.
experience and
qualifications to
perform their
assigned activities on
the project.

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

6.Quality Assurance
- Your plan for QA: timing, tools and techniques that will be utilised, key personnel that will perform QA. Any
relevant information on how you will analyse the data.

The data would be analyzed by the project manager firstly, and then with part of the team depending on
who is involve in the certain part of the project. Every time the revision will be basically comparing the
difference between the quality standard requirements against the result either during the project or at the
end of it depending on QA or QC is being measure.

The quality of the time would be stablished by the schedule, it means that everything must have been
done no after than the due date described on it.

The techniques utilized would be Six sigma, Kaizen and Quality management. The main tool would be
Kaizen, so every team member can make suggestions or lead process improvements.

- Your approach to remedial actions if quality gaps between current and desired performance, are identified.
All points MUST be addressed.

The remedial actions will be considered as a change, since every gap means consequences in time,
quality or budget. Every time a quality gap is found it the project manager will be in contact with the
responsible of it, and he or she would be in charge of estimate the consequences of this change, which
also will be described in the log sheet waiting for sponsor approval.

7.Quality Control
- Your plan for QC: at what time it will be performed, tools and techniques that will be utilised, key personnel
that will perform QC. Any relevant information on how you will analyze the data.

Our plan for quality control is to perform it once each deliverable is completed in order to detect and
rectify project defects. The tools and techniques utilized will be: benchmarking (by comparison with other
projects); inspection and check-list, cause-and-effect diagrams (to analyze problems, the causes and how
to solve them), histograms (Paretto chart). The key personal involved in the quality control are the project
manager, the project team and the key stakeholders. I will analyze the data by comparing the quality, cost
and time with similar projects in order to improve my project.

- Include your process for recording the QC data and how they will be communicated to relevant

The process for recording the quality control data will be on QC logs, where the requests for each
technique/tool will be registered followed by the approval or reproved and why. The deliverables reproved
will have their rectify plan. The quality control data will be communicated to relevant stakeholders through
regular meetings during the project.

- What process do you have in place if it is determined that at the end of the project quality standards do not
comply with the standards defined in your plan?

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

If at the end the project quality standards don’t comply with the standards defined by our plan I would
adopt the Kaizen method that consists in small but constant improvements, so we can prevent errors over
inspections. For example, in order to test the Ferris safety, it would be reviewed and tested to check that
everything is working how it needs to be. Then, I would report to the sponsors and key stakeholders the
Ferris test results. Ultimately, I would register all the process in the logs so that never happens again in
future projects

All points MUST be addressed.


Making appropriate reference to your project quality plan.

Discuss what you would do if the following happened at execution phase:

1. When monitoring quality assurance processes, you find out that one of your deliverables
was not properly quality assured and that it does not meet the quality requirements as
defined by your project plan. You are three weeks from completing your project.

Refer to your project plan and discuss the following (ALL points MUST be addressed):

a. Indicate what project deliverable you have chosen to discuss:

Botanic Garden permission

b. Analyse the impact of the issue on your project progress. Consider risks, resource
requirements, interdependencies, cost, quality and so forth.

Use the table below to record your analysis.


Cost High impact once when it’s only 3 weeks to the event and the price of the
botanic garden could be higher than the planned
Time High impact because if they don’t have the dates available the project will be
harmed and probably postponed
Quality High impact because if the place is not available then the project team would
have to find another place for the event and it may not have the same quality as
the botanic garden
Risk It’s very risky once the botanic garden is where the Festival will be hold, so if
they don’t have availability for the date the Festival would have to change
HR Low impact once only the responsible for this authorisation will be in trouble
Resources Low impact because the botanic garden doesn’t affect the project resources

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

c. Identify and describe what actions need to be undertaken to address the situation
and maintain project objectives.
Include your plan to implement the change/action.
Use the table below to record your answer.

Change/Action needed Implementation

Urgent meeting to the Do an emergency meeting with the council to see if the date
council is available for the botanic garden and sign the contract
List other places Just in case the botanic garden doesn’t have the date
available, it’s important to have a list of other places that has
the availability that we need so the Festival can be delivered
Find more sponsors Because of the urgency to close with the Botanic Garden, the
price could be higher than expected so it’s important to find
more sponsors so the project won’t be affected by any
unexpected costs

d. Discuss how you the quality assurance process should have been applied to this

The quality assurance should have been applied to “Botanic Garden permission” through
the project checklist, once the project team make a meeting to check the progress they
would notice the missing deliverable.

e. Discuss how you are informing relevant stakeholders (mention which ones based
on your project) about the issue. Record your answer in the table below:

Stakeholder Communication strategy (media, content, timing,

WineTime events Weekly meetings about the issue and what are the project
team plans to solve it
Council Urgent meeting to see availability and sign the contract
Peta Tyrone Weekly meetings to follow the budget after the mistake
Bobbie Fitzgerald Meetings 2 times a week until the problem is solved to
analyse the risks of this deliverable

2. After one month into the project, the lack of project management experience of the project
team is undermining the success of the project. You have determined that the team is not
performing quality assurance processes as instructed and they are not providing you with
correct and current progress reports.
What remedial actions would you undertake?

Consider your project, your project quality planning document and reflect on the issues
addressed in the previous questions (assume that the scenarios in question 1 and 2
happened during the execution phase of your project).

Given the fact that the project team has been having difficulties to make the deliverables achieve
the quality standards that the project has established and also to report project progress, I would
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 11 of
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
BSBPMG512 Manage Project Quality

train the project team again in order to put quality assurance processes in the culture of the
project and train everyone to follow it, report and learn with the mistakes of these project so it
doesn’t happen again.

3. Address the following (ALL points MUST be discussed)

a. How would you identify and document quality management issues and recommend
improvements for future projects?

I would identify quality management issues by making checklists with the project team so we
could follow closely the deliverables completed and the missing ones. I would document
issues on the log issue. For future improvements I would recommend the use of quality
assurance activities (reviews, process checklists and quality audits) to ensure that the
deliverables achieve the quality standards.

b. Consider that you have now completed your project and you are preparing your
project review report.

c. Write an evaluation report on the quality plan (to include lesson learned and
recommendations for future projects) addressed to your client. (Minimum 100

Dear Winetime Events,

Fortunately, the Festival went as expected although some urgency in the closing phase.
We had issues related to the deliverables and contract the Botanic Garden was missing
only 3 weeks before the Festival.

For this reason, the cost with the Botanic Garden increased and we were not expecting
that. All the activities that were depending on the event location, the quality could have
decreased because of other location in case they didn’t had the availability and the
Festival were in a very high risk to be postponed in order to be held in the Botanic

I suggest for a future project that checklist meetings are inserted on the planning because
it’s a way to confirm that everything that needed to be done was done. Finally, I also
would like to suggest finding more sponsors to help covering unexpected expenses.

Thank you for the opportunity and I’d be glad to work with you again in future projects.

Carlos Lidon

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V2 Mar 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F

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