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Architectural Science Review

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Sustainable Greek traditional dwellings of


Chitrarekha Kabre

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Cyclades, Architectural Science Review, DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2015.1082901

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Sustainable Greek traditional dwellings of Cyclades

Chitrarekha Kabre
Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Town Planning, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana, India


The Greek traditional dwellings of the Cyclades epitomize sustainable design principles to create opti- Received 28 November 2014
mum comfort environment. This paper evaluates specific traditional dwelling type in terms of its response Revised 8 August 2015
to climate and thermal comfort, based on passive design principles that could be adapted to cur- Accepted 11 August 2015
rent architectural practice in the area, in order to optimize the relationship between site, building KEYWORDS
and climate. This study especially deals with building envelope (walls and roofs: construction materi- Sustainable; traditional;
als, type of insulation) that demonstrate sustainable design principles. The paper discusses relevance dwelling; Cyclades; thermal
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of the study in the context of the Greek legislation the Act 3661 – Measures to reduce energy con- environment
sumption of buildings; Gazette 89/19 May 2008 KENAK [Hellenic Republic. 2008. Act 3661 – Measures
to reduce energy consumption of buildings, draft rules for energy efficiency of buildings – KENAK. (in Greek)]. Finally, the study is important
from the point of socio-cultural identity and regional character of the Cyclades, which are under preserva-
tion status as per law.

of temperatures was carried out by Sinou (2006), comparing
The Cyclades is an island group in the Aegean Sea, south-east of thermal environment of traditional and contemporary dwellings
the mainland of Greece. It consists of approximately 220 islands in the Cyclades.
of varying sizes, of which 24 are inhabited. The word Cyclades There is a growing energy-demand pattern as consequence
is derived from the ancient Greek word, Kyklos, which means cir- of both increased tourism and economic growth in Cyclades
cle. The islands were given this name because they roughly circle (Mihalakakou et al. 2002). CRES and DAFNI (2012) have pre-
the island of Delos, which is the sacred birth place and shrine pared Sustainable Energy Action Plan 2020 for Cyclades. Besides
of the god Apollo. The islands are peaks of a submerged moun- using renewable energy sources, the employment of bioclimatic
tainous terrain, with the exception of two volcanic islands, Milos buildings techniques and technologies in the Cyclades could
and Santorini (Thira). The city of Ermoupolis, in Syros island, is address the continuously increasing future energy demands.
the main town and administrative centre of the Cyclades islands. The Greek legislation the Act 3661 – Measures to reduce energy
The total area of the Cyclades is approximately 2572 km2 , whose consumption of buildings; Gazette 89/19 May 2008 KENAK
population is 1,12,615 as per 2001 census and density is 46/km2 . (Hellenic Republic 2008) was introduced in line with the Direc-
“The masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought tive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
together in light” was the comment of Le Corbusier on the of 16 December 2002. According to new legislation, the coun-
regional architecture of settlements in the insular complex of try is divided into four climatic zones depending on the Degree
Cyclades, Figure 1. Days for Heating. The Cyclades falls in zone A. The new legis-
The traditional dwellings of the Cyclades is a remarkable phe- lation describes maximum permitted rates of thermal transmit-
nomenon, because it is an appropriate architectural and tech- tance (U) values for building components wall ≤ 0.7 W/m2 K, roof
nological response to the local context and subtropical climate ≤ 0.5 W/m2 K, floor ≤ 2.0 W/m2 K and openings ≤ 3.85 W/m2 K
of Mediterranean region for providing summer and winter com- for the zone A. However, massive walls and roofs in the tradi-
fort. The traditional houses of the Cyclades form a significant tional houses do not meet the requirement of maximum permit-
cultural heritage and have been under preservation status since ted U values of the Greek legislation, but creates a stable environ-
1970. Greek traditional architecture was studied in general by ment due to mass effect, high time lag and low decrement factor
Pelekanos (1986) and Coch (1996) and the traditional architec- (Koenigsberger et al. 1974).
ture of Cyclades was studied by Siatitsa and Exarchoy (2005). The architectural community has had a strong and continuing
Stasinopoulos (2013) introduced a systematic approach based interest in traditional and vernacular architecture. This has been
on the “Four elements” concept (fire, water, earth and air) for rekindled by the need to develop an architecture that works
qualitative study of traditional architecture of Santorini islands, with climate, rather than against it, to create more sustainable
Greece. The only quantitative study involving field measurement buildings (Weber and Yannas 2013). Most earlier research and

CONTACT Chitrarekha Kabre

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

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Figure 1. Panoramic views of an island of the Cyclades.

Source: Available at = Paros462413353

existing publications on traditional architecture have followed Milos, Kimlos, Sifnos, Serifos, Syros, Myconos, Naksos, Amor-
qualitative approach. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap gos, Anafi, Thera, Ios and Sikinos); North Cyclades (Kythnos, Kea,
in the research of the traditional architecture of Cyclades. The Andros and Tinos). Table 1 presents the climatic data of Milos
environmental performance of the traditional house is investi- island.
gated holistically and quantitatively. The study is significant in The peak summer months, July and August, are warm with
the context of the insulation regulations in Greece. the maximum and minimum air temperature being 28.8°C and
The term “bioclimatic architecture” was coined by Olgyay 21.2°C, respectively. The summer monthly averaged specific
(1963) and the process of building a climate-balanced house is humidity is 13.965 g/kg, creating intensely uncomfortable con-
divided into four steps: study of climate, human biology, tech- ditions. The peak winter months, January and February, are mild
nology and lastly architectural expression, with a strong advo- with maximum and minimum air temperature noted as 12.9°C
cacy of architectural regionalism. In many ways, Olgyay can be and 8.5°C, respectively. The winter monthly averaged specific
considered as an important progenitor of what we now call humidity is 6.497 g/kg; Precipitation is very low; the annual aver-
“sustainable architecture” (Szokolay 2008). Bioclimatic design age rainfall in the Milos island is 411 mm. Sky conditions vary
is concerned with the layout of the building (orientation in between cloudy and clear skies; cloud cover is 67.5% in Decem-
relation to sun and wind, aspect ratio), the site planning (the ber and 13.6% in July. Winds are mostly local, strong coastal
spacing), the air movement, the openings (size, position and winds, caused by the unequal heating and cooling of land and
protection) and the building envelope (walls, roofs, construc- sea surfaces. The prevailing wind direction is north since around
tion materials and type of insulation). The hypothesis of the one-third of time wind blows from the north, and secondary
research is that optimum environment is the one with the most wind direction is the northeast.
stable conditions within the comfort zone. Bioclimatic design
strategies are effective for “envelope-dominated” structures; this
Algorithms to calculate hourly ambient air temperature
paper, therefore, evaluates thermal behaviour of building enve-
and solar radiation
lope (walls and roofs: construction materials, type of insula-
tion). This research follows four steps to analyse the climate- The hourly variation of the ambient temperature is generated
balanced house of Cyclades: study of climate, human biology, from the available monthly mean maximum and the mini-
building technology and architectural expression. Bibliographic mum data, using the algorithm of ASHRAE (2009, Chapter 14,
research is used for the presentation of the general data of Section 14.11). The assumption underlying this algorithm is that
the traditional dwellings of Cyclades: climate, thermal comfort, the temperature follows sinusoidal pattern, with the maximum
the buildings’ form, typology and technology. Finally, admit- temperature occurring at 15 h and minimum at 5 h. The hourly
tance procedure is used to evaluate thermal environment of variations are calculated by using the formula
a typical house and its variation during hottest and coldest
months. tn = tmax − tdiff .wn , (1)

where tdiff = tmax – tmin, tmax is the maximum mean monthly

temperature, tmin is the minimum mean monthly temperature
and wn is the weightage factor given by ASHRAE.
All the islands of Cyclades have Mediterranean climate. The The instantaneous hemispherical insolation Īh (total of direct
islands can be differentiated into two groups with similar cli- and diffuse) on a horizontal surface for all months is calculated by
matic data: The Central and South Cyclades (Folegandros, Paros, applying conversion factor rh to the available long-term average

Table 1. Monthly climatic data of Milos island, Cyclades, Greece.

Latitude N 37° 43
Longitude E 24° 27
Altitude 180 m
Climate Type Köppen “Cfa”
Months January February March April May June July August September October November December Year
Mean sunshine hoursa 124 128 178 233 285 311 353 338 269 196 149 122 223.8
Cloud cover (%)b 62.9 62.6 57.9 50.7 41.5 21.7 13.6 15.0 24.7 44.6 62.7 67.5 43.7
Solar irradiation daily avg. (Wh/m2 )
Globala 2020 2720 3910 5710 6240 7010 7010 6370 5200 3560 2310 1740 4483
Diffusea 1090 1590 1940 2270 2730 2630 2480 2250 1810 1630 1280 1010 1893
Mean Relative humidity (%)b 67.0 66.6 67.4 68.4 68.8 66.6 65.6 65.9 65.6 66.9 68.3 67.9 67.1
Mean Absolute Humidity (g/kg)b 6.49 6.24 6.79 8.07 10.08 12.23 13.64 13.97 12.27 10.37 8.63 7.14 9.7
Air temperature (°C)
Maxm.(DBT)a 12.9 13.2 15 18.2 23.1 27 28.8 28.1 25.4 21.6 17.9 14.9 20.5
Minm.(DBT)a 8.5 8.4 9.5 11.9 15.5 19.2 21.2 21.2 18.8 15.7 12.8 10.1 14.4
Mean (DBT) 10.7 10.8 12.3 15.1 19.3 23.1 25.0 24.7 22.1 18.7 15.4 12.5 17.5
Thermal Neutrality 20.9 20.9 21.4 22.3 23.6 24.8 25.4 25.2 24.5 23.4 22.4 21.5 23.0
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Upper limit 23.4 23.4 23.9 24.8 26.1 27.3 27.9 27.7 27.0 25.9 24.9 24.0 25.0
Lower limit 18.4 18.4 18.9 19.8 21.1 22.3 22.9 22.7 22.0 20.9 19.9 19.0 21.0
Precipitation (mm)a 75 51 47 21 13 3 0 1 6 43 61 90 411
Wind Speed (m/s)a 8.4 8.6 7.4 6.0 4.7 4.4 6.1 6.4 6.2 6.9 6.9 7.8 6.7
Wind Directionb 42 62 42 194 42 46 46 46 46 62 42 42 50
HDD base 18°Cb 163 165 148 69 9 0 0 0 0 8 52 125 739
CDD base 18°Cb 0 0 0 5 51 152 222 232 161 77 15 0 915

a Meteonorm software v. 6.1.

b =
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Figure 2. Psychrometric chart delineating winter and summer comfort zones overlaid with climate of twelve months for Milos island (Analysis by B.Arch. graduate
Mr Kapil Grover).

daily total irradiation on a horizontal surface H̄h (Collares-Pereira use the regression equation given by Auliciems (1982) correlat-
and Rabl 1979). ing thermal neutrality (tn ) and mean monthly outdoor Dry Bulb
Temperature (tm ):
Īh = rh × H̄h , (2)
tn = 17.6 + , (3)
Similarly, standard algorithms are used to calculate the Although there are different opinions about the lowest and
instantaneous hemispherical insolation on vertical surfaces for highest limits of neutrality, this study uses the neutrality limits
all months. given by Auliciems: 18 < tn < 28°C. The width of the comfort
zone is taken 5 K for naturally ventilated environment for 90%
acceptability (Szokolay 2008, 20). Figure 2 presents summer and
Human biology: thermal comfort
winter comfort zones overlaid with 12 months climate. In win-
Thermal comfort is that condition of mind that expresses its ter, passive solar heating is useful and thermal mass is required
satisfaction with the thermal environment (ASHRAE 2009). A to reduce heat losses and lower the indoor average tempera-
study sponsored by American Society for Heating, Refriger- ture, though temperature swings are less critical in this season.
ating and Air-conditioning Engineers (de Dear, Brager, and In summer, solar protection is required to avoid increase in the
Cooper 1997) compiled an extensive database from past field average indoor temperature and thermal mass (relatively heavy
studies to study, develop, and test adaptive models (psycho- construction) to reduce thermal swings.
physiological), an empirical model of thermal perception. In gen-
eral, the value of using an adaptive model to specify set points
Building technology
or guide temperature control strategies is likely to increase the
freedom that occupants are given to adapt throughout the The traditional settlements in Cyclades are characterized by lin-
year (e.g. by having flexible working hours, locations, or dress ear series of row houses arranged either in a polygon leaving
codes). an internal space as in Antiparos and Kimolos or along narrow
The term “thermal neutrality” refers to a specific value of paved streets on slopes of mountain as in Kastros in Siphnos
the indoor thermal environmental index (e.g. operative tem- and Pyros in Santorini. Two specific types of houses have been
perature) corresponding to a mean thermal sensation vote of identified in the traditional settlement of Kastros (Sinou 2006)
zero on the seven-point scale (i.e. “neutral”). This study would and Andros (Zacharopoulos 2004). The first type is referred to

as “one-unit” house, deep rectangular plan house, the width is

less than 3 m and the length varies from 6 to 12 m. The house
has two rooms separated by a wall; the front living room is big-
ger than the back sleeping room. The second type of houses is
formed by the union of two or more one-unit houses. The set-
tlement developed within limited space; the houses, therefore,
expanded vertically and became two or three storey.

Walls and roofs

The traditional houses in the Cyclades use natural and locally Figure 3. Small openings in traditional houses.
available materials. The materials are reusable and recyclable
(Bougiatioti, Oikonomou, and Evangelinos, 2009). Structural
stones are reused in new construction. Natural and organic shaded courtyards are full of people having their lunch, cook-
materials such as reeds and sea weeds are fully biodegradable. ing, drinking their coffee on the afternoon or even sleeping there
The walls, approximately 600–900 mm, are built from locally during the night, enjoying the cool night breeze. In winter day,
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quarried schist or slate, bound with a fine-earth sieved mortar the terraces are filled with women doing the laundry for the
or cement mortar and they are usually plastered, inside and out. house and getting advantage of the sun, to dry the clothes. Peo-
The floors of the ground level houses are also constructed with ple will be sitting on the entrance steps of the house, conversing
slate stone slabs on the soil or over the stone vaults of the base- with their neighbour opposite the narrow street. In the winter
ment, while the upper floors are made of timber. The generalized night, the family gathers around the main-central room of the
use of flat roof is mainly due to scarcity of rainwater and the need house, which may have a fireplace to heat the place and warm
for its efficient collection. However, the use of materials in con- the atmosphere.
struction differs according to the island. In islands with wood
availability, the flat roof sub-structure is constructed from wood,
whereas in islands with scarcity of structural wood , the wooden Methodology: prediction of thermal performance
elements are minimized and are replaced by built elements, such The research employs a calculation method to predict thermal
as stone arcs (volta) in the middle of spaces, and slate. The sub- performance of alternative solutions to traditional built form
structure is first covered either with reeds or with schist tiles or (roof). When estimates are to be made of indoor temperatures
both. A second layer of 30 mm of seaweed is used as insulation, for human occupation, it is neither possible nor desirable to
while a third layer of 12 mm of volcanic argil or kourasani (a plas- attempt high accuracy: uncertain assumptions have to be made
ter of crushed bricks or tiles with some sand) acts as vapour for some of the physical parameters needed, the weather is
barrier. The exterior surfaces of high thermal capacity walls and variable, patterns of usage differ widely, individuals differ in
roofs of houses in the Cyclades are all white-washed with olive their choice of conditions and some space and time variation in
oil as highly reflective useful in reducing the heat load during the indoor temperature is generally welcomed (Davies 2004, pref-
day-time. ace, xv).
There are essentially two approaches to calculate the periodic
thermal response of buildings (Milbank and Harrington-Lynn
1974), which has proponents in different parts of the world. In
The solar heat gain, the direction of wind and the daylight are their more sophisticated forms, the two solutions give similar
the governing factors in deciding the size and orientation of results to given design problems.
openings. As the air temperature marginally (summer) reaches
above the upper comfort limit and mean absolute humidity is
also above the comfort limit of 12 g/kg in July and August, phys- Numerical approach
iological cooling by air movement would be useful only during A number of numerical methods available are for solving the
these 2 months, whereas during remaining months strong north transient conduction equations, of which the response factor
winds are to be avoided. The strong light also created the need method and finite difference method are the most widely used
for shelter with lower light levels. The very small openings in in energy calculations. For use in design, it is common to feed
the southern façade of the Cyclades residence are, therefore, this type of program with the same sequence of weather data for
useful to control solar heat gain but do not provide adequate several days until the model reaches a stable condition. In other
ventilation and daylight (Figure 3). words, the hourly temperature and energy requirements are the
same from day to day. The “response factor” method is adopted
by the ASHRAE (1972).
Space use
Finite difference method treats storage effects by dividing the
In addition, the single most powerful tool used in traditional building structure into a number of layers, and calculating the
houses was the willingness and the ability of the occupants temperature or energy distributions at selected time intervals.
to organize daily activities in space and time so that comfort The exterior and interior temperature variations are modelled
is achieved by optimizing space use. In summer verandas or with piecewise linear functions.

Analytical or harmonic approach solid elements, Q̃gc is air-to-air conduction through glass, Q̃v is
The transient conduction equations are solved analytically in ventilation gain and Q̃i is Internal gain.
building thermal energy calculation with a periodic temperature This deviationin heat gain is either dissipated through ventila-
boundary condition on one side of the slab and a constant tem- tion or stored in the fabric. The rate of heat entry into construc-
tional elements is the admittance (Y) and for the whole space,
perature boundary condition on the other side. Therefore, this 
approach is called the “harmonic” solution. This approach gives the area-weighted total admittance: (A.Y). From this, the devi-
the temperature or energy pattern for a building, assuming it has ation in internal environmental temperature at time θ can be
reached the stable, or equilibrium, state for some given cycle of found as
weather and usage. The “admittance” procedure, developed by Q̃θ
Danter (1960) and adopted by the IHVE (Guide, 1970), is typical T̃e(θ) =  . (9)
(AY) + Cv
of this type of solution. It is a comprehensive procedure without
the complications of harmonics other than that of period 24 h
and with only reference to time lag. The admittance procedure
has the advantage that it is very simple to carry out and it would
be appropriate for the climatic data available for this study.
The study includes a preliminary analysis of the thermal envi-
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ronment of a typical house with the use of “admittance proce-

dure” of the UK Building Research Establishment (CIBSE 1999)
and Milbank and Herrington-Lynn (1974). It is based on the cal-
culation of the 24 h mean heat flow through an element (Markus
and Morris 1980; Szokolay 1983)
Q̄ = AU(Ts − Ti ) (4)
(where Ts is the 24-hour mean sol-air temperature of the outside
surface and T i , the indoor temperature, is taken as constant), fol-
lowed by calculation of the deviation from this mean for each
hour θ :
Q̃ = A.U.μ(Ts(θ−∅) − Ts ) (5)
where µ denotes decrement factor; ϕ is the time lag and Ts(θ−∅) Figure 4. Model of a typical traditional house (dimensions in mm).
is the sol-air temperature of surface ϕ hours previously.
In the actual method, T e (environmental temperature) is used
rather than T i and it is the unknown.
The heat flow due to air temperature difference, over the
24 h cycle, is taken as zero. Thus in the absence of other gains
T̄e = T̄o (where T e is indoor environmental temperature and T o
is outdoor air temperature). The “extra” gains are then calculated
Q̄ = Q̄s + Q̄g + Q̄i , (6)
i.e. the solar excess gain through solid elements + solar gains
through glass + internal gains. This “extra” must be dissipated
by conduction and ventilation, driven by the T̄e − T̄o differential.
From this the mean indoor environmental temperature can be

T̄e = T̄o +  , (7)
(AU) + Cv
where Cv represents “ventilation conductance” (W/m2 °C), for
small ventilation rates taken as Cv = c.ρ.v = 1200 v = 0.33 N.V.
c is the specific heat capacity, ρ is the density of air, v is the rate
of ventilation in cu. m/sec, N is the number of air changes per
hour and V is the volume of room.
In the next step, the deviation from the mean heat gain rate
at time θ is calculated (Q̃θ ), as a sum of all component heat flows.
Q̃θ = Q̃s + Q̃g + Q̃sc + Q̃gc + Q̃v + Q̃i , (8)
where Q̃s is solar gain through opaque elements, Q̃g is solar gain
through glass for radiation, Q̃sc is air-to-air conduction through Figure 5. Street view of traditional row houses of Cyclades.

Sol-air temperature where

tsa is the sol-air temperature °C; toa is the Outdoor air tem-
A precise definition of sol-air temperature is:
perature °C; Ig is the total solar radiation (direct + diffuse)
the equivalent outdoor temperature that will cause the same rate incident on the surface (W/m2 ); α is the absorptance of the
of heat flow at the surface and the same temperature distribution material for short wave or solar radiation; fo is the outside
through the material, as results from the out-door air temperature
film or surface conductance (W/m2 K); ∈ is the emittance
and the net radiation exchange between the surface and its environ-
ment. (Rao and Ballantyne 1970) of surface, for low temperature radiation usually taken as
0.9 for most building surfaces, but only 0.05–0.2 for low
The sol-air temperature is given as emittance surfaces such as polished metals and Il is the
net long wave radiation exchange between a black body
1 at outside air temperature and the outside environment
tsa = toa + (Ig α− ∈ Il ), (10)
fo (W/m2 ).

Table 2. Thermal properties of flat roofs. (dimensions in mm).

Roof sections Resistance Conductivity Density Specific heat
(all dimensions in cm) Layer (m2 K/W) (W/m K) (Kg/m3 ) (J/kg*K)
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Case 1: Outside film 0.04a

(1) White wash
(2) Argil 0.01875 0.8c 1300c 880d
(3) Volcanic earth 0.01333 0.9c 3000c 840d
(4) Sea weed 0.79787 0.0376b 55b 1050d
(5) Schist tiles 0.0125 3.2c 2200c 921c
(6) Reeds 0.44444 0.09a 270a 1300d
Inside film 0.14a
Performance U-value Dec.fact Time lag Admittance
(W/m2 K) (h) (W/m2 K)
0.68 0.39 5.61 2.92
Case 2:
Outside film 0.04a
(1) White wash
(2) Argil 0.01875 0.8c 1300c 880d
(3) Volcanic earth 0.01333 0.9c 3000c 840d
(4) Sea weed 0.79787 0.0376b 55b 1050d
(5) Reeds 0.44444 0.09a 270a 1300d
Inside film 0.14a
Performance U-value Dec.fact Time lag Admittance
(W/m2 K) (h) (W/m2 K)
0.69 0.88 2.67 2.90
Case 3:
Outside film 0.04a
(1) White wash
(2) Argil 0.01875 0.8c 1300c 880d
(3) Volcanic earth 0.01333 0.9c 3000c 840d
(4) Sea weed 0.79787 0.0376b 55b 1050d
(5) Schist tiles 0.0125 3.2c 2200c 921c
Inside film 0.14a
Performance U-value Dec.fact Time lag Admittance
(W/m2 K) (h) (W/m2 K)
0.98 0.88 2.73 2.82
Case 4:
Outside film 0.04a
(1) Cement render 0.02353 0.85c 1000c 1047c
(2) Bitumen 0.006 0.50e 1700e 1000e
(3) Polystyrene 0.85714 0.035c 2800c 1507c
(4) Reinforced concrete 0.02353 0.85c 1000c 1047c
(5) Cement render 0.14a
Inside film
Performance U-value Dec.fact Time lag Admittance
(W/m2 K) (h) (W/m2 K)
0.84 0.17 12.46 3.12

Note: The values shown in bold are derived from the thermo-physical properties of roof materials. These values are used in calculating thermal performance of roofs.
a CIBS (1980).
b Pedersen and Ransby (2008).
c Papadopoulos (2008).
d Assumed values.
e BIS (1987).

The term (tsa – toa ) is often referred to as “sol-air excess” where m = cloud cover in oktas; m ranges from 0 to 8
temperature, especially in British literature. Although there is (m = 0 denotes clear sky; m = 8 denotes completely overcast
abundant literature on precise computation of the term Il , the sky).
degree of accuracy depends on the availability of data on sky The recommended value is −4 K by ASHRAE (2009 Chap-
cover and other atmospheric factors. A reasonable approxima- ter 18, Section 18.23), if seasonal variation in cloud cover is
tion was proposed by Loudon (1968) at BRS. For a horizontal accounted.
surface, ∈ . Il may be taken as 95 W/m2 for a cloudless sky, 15
for an overcast sky, and intermediate values proportional to the
cloud amount for partially clouded skies. Therefore, Evaluation-thermal environment
A single-unit house 3 m wide, 6 m long and 3 m high is cho-
m sen, Figure 4, as it is the basic type of house that is most com-
Î.Il = 95 − (95 − 15) ∗ , (11)
8 monly found in the traditional settlements of the Cyclades and
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Figure 6. Environmental temperatures in the coldest month (February) and hottest month (July).

Figure 7. Monthly total energy consumption in a house in Cyclades parametric run for four roof variations. Source: eQuest software.
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Figure 8. Field measure of temperature of traditional and contemporary houses in Cyclades (Sinou 2006).

this basic unit is used in multiples for making bigger houses for two windows and 1 × 2.1 m for the door) enclosing a high
(Sinou 2006). Figure 5 presents a street view of traditional houses volume room resulted in an indoor environmental temperature
of the Cyclades. fluctuations following the outdoor air temperature with small
The aim of the thermal analysis is to obtain a representative time lag but reduced amplitude. For winter month, the envi-
picture of the passive thermal behaviour of the house, mainly ronmental temperature shows that the diurnal range is very
its behaviour without active heating systems (fire places, bra- small (1 K, from 13.8°C to 14.6°C) for two traditional roofs (cases
ziers, etc.) during the period that the house is on a free-running 1 and 2), while as the third traditional roof using schist tiles
regime. Number of air changes is presumed to be two per hour (case 3) is slightly hotter (by 0.5 K). It is interesting to note
and occupancy of two people is taken. that the diurnal range of the outdoor air is 4.8 K (from 8.4°C
For thermal analysis, four variations are constructed and anal- to 13.2°C).
ysed, in order to represent the different roofs since the roof is For a summer month with outdoor air temperature is fluc-
by far the most important, as it receives the greatest amount tuating between 21.2°C and 28.8°C (range of 7.6 K), the respec-
of solar radiation during day-time. Thermal properties, air-to- tive indoor environmental temperature presents a small diurnal
air thermal transmittance U-value, decrement factor time lag range of less than 2 K (from 28.8°C to 30.6° C) for traditional
and admittance are calculated for four roofs (three traditional roofs (cases 1 and 2), while as the third traditional roof (case 3)
and one contemporary) (Table 2). All the external walls (south is slightly hotter (by 0.5 K), Figure 6.
and north) are constructed with stone (thickness: 60 cm, U-value: During both the seasons, the RC roof in combination with tra-
2.47 W/m2 K, time lag: 12.5 h, decrement factor: 0.10, admittance: ditional massive stone walls (case 4) shows the lowest swings
5.84 W/m2 K). of temperature in comparison to traditional roofs. However, the
The first variation of roof is constructed with both reeds and contemporary RC roof in combination with the brick walls does
slate tiles, the second one with only reeds, the third one is only not create stable environment (Sinou 2006). This shows that the
schist tiles, while for the fourth variation 20 cm Reinforced Con- wall is as important as roof in creating stable environment in the
crete (RC) roof is assumed with stone walls. In the first three traditional houses.
variations, traditional insulation materials (sea weed and vol- The model predicts indoor temperature in terms of Environ-
canic earth) are used, which is plastered and white-washed. In mental temperature, which is a combination of air tempera-
the fourth variation, polystyrene (thickness: 10 mm) is topped ture and radiant temperature. The environmental temperature
with bitumen and cement render. In all four variations, the is found out of the comfort limits, the overheating occurs by 2 K
model had southern orientation, and east and west walls are in summer and the underheating is of the order of 3 K in win-
unexposed. ter. This is ameliorated by passive means, by natural ventilation
In case of three different variations of traditional roofs, cases in summers and solar heating in day-time in winter. However, in
1, 2 and 3, the U-value ranges between 0.68 and 0.98 W/m2 K, the winter nights, active heating becomes inevitable.
time lag ranges between 2.67 and 5.61 h and the decrement fac- Further, to validate the above results, parametric runs were
tor ranges between 0.39 and 0.88. While as in case of RC roof made with eQuest software to find monthly energy consump-
the U-value is 0.84 W/m2 K, time lag is the highest (12.61 h) and tion (cooling and heating) for all the above four roof varia-
decrement factor is the lowest (0.17). tions and compared with the roof having U-value of 0.5 W/m2 K,
which is prescribed for Cyclades as per new legislation (Figure 7).
The results are also comparable with the field measure-
ment of temperatures done by Sinou (2006) in the month
The results of the thermal analysis indicate that the combination of June in traditional and contemporary houses in Cyclades
of high mass shell construction with small openings (0.3 × 0.3 m (Figure 8).

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