Daftar Tindakan Kulit Dan Kelamin

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86.0 Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue

86.01 Aspiration of skin and subcutaneous tissue:
abscess of nail, skin, subcutaneous tissue
hematoma of nail, skin, subcutaneous tissue
seroma of nail, skin, subcutaneous tissue
86.02 Injection or tattooing of skin lesion or defect
86.03 Incision of cyst
86.04 Other incision with drainage of skin and subcutaneous tissue
86.05 Incision with removal of foreign body
86.09 Other incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue
86.1 Diagnostic procedure on skin and subcutaneous tissue
86.11 Closed biopsy of skin and subcutaneous tissue
86.2 Excision and destruction of lesion or tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue
86.21 Excision of cyst
86.22 Excision debridement of wound, infection, or burn: remove tissue, necrosis,
86.23 Removal of nail, nail bed, or nail fold
86.24 Chemosurgery of skin: chemical peel of skin
86.27 Debridement of nail, nail fold, or nail bed: remove necrosis, slough
86.3 Other local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue:
86.4 Wide excision of skin lesion
86.5 Suture or other closure of skin and subcutaneous
86.59 Closure of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other site
86.6 Free skin graft
86.60 Free skin graft
86.7 Pedicle graft or flap
86.75 Revision of pedicle or flap graft: debridement, defatting
86.8 Other repair and reconstruction of skin and subcutaneous tissue
86.84 Relaxation of scar

08.22 excision verruca/wart of eyelid

08.25 destruction of lesion of eyelid
08.61 reconstruction of eyelid with flap or grafts
08.91 electrosurgical epilation of eyelid
21.22 Biopsy of nose
21.3 Local excision or destruction of lesion of nose (not biopsy)
27.0 drainage of face (abscess)
27.42 wide excision of lesion of lip

1. Konsultasi Dokter
2. Enukleasi milia/Ekstrasksi komedo
3. Peeling wajah
4. Peeling wajah & leher
5. Perawatan ulkus
6. Insisi abses
7. Enukleasi moluskum
8. Ekstraksi kuku
9. Tutul Podofilin 20% kondiloma akuminata
10. Tutul TCA 40% kondiloma akuminata
11. Bedah kimia/tutul moluskum
12. Elektrokauter/bedah listrik
13. Eksisi kondiloma akuminata
14. Bedah skalpel
15. Biopsi punch/elips
16. Eksisi tumor
17. Skin grafts
18. Skin flaps
19. Nekrotomi
20. Ekstirpasi kista atheroma/lipoma/ ganglion < 5 cm
21. Uji tusuk
22. Uji tempel
23. Autologous serum skin test (ASST)
24. Botox
25. Injeksi filler
26. Sclerotherapy/suntik varises
27. Treatment acne scar/subsisi bopeng jerawat
28. Injeksi keloid
29. Injeksi acne/jerawat
30. Injeksi rambut
31. Tanam benang/treadlift
32. Microneedling

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