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1ac Primary Points --------underlined cards are the most useful ones.

ImpactsKWAR ---------global thermonuke exchange Chol 2002 Denuke--------global prolif--->nuke war Hayes and Hamel Green 10 and Cimbala 10 Relations------Warming action now is key Brown 8 Small !s K War- Taiwan war, Korean war Relations- China war, Warming, South Korea relations, Prolif, Miscalc Tags/Authors:

Succession politics make DPRK aggression inevitableYeonpyeong proves that Kim Jong-un will be more aggressive to consolidate his power Korean Herald 10 Independently the bad economy ensures aggression to regain public support Reuters, 10 Withdrawal is necessary to prevent U.S. entanglement in Korean conflicts Succession crisis means more North Korean provocations. Bandow 10 Physical presence guarantees US involvement and escalation Hornberger 9 Causes a nuclear attack on the U.S. Layne, 06 The impact is global thermonuclear exchange resulting in extinction Chol 2002

U.S. troops based in South Korea dont work as deterrentsmilitary presence only causes instability and North Korean nuclearization Erickson, 10 The plan is the vital concession for Chinese co-operation on North Korea also resolves territorial disputes and prevents decline in relations Carpenter 10 The result is effective cooperation and the successful denuclearization of the peninsula Bandow 11/23 US engagement with North Korea is doomed to fail only China can induce reform in the North Korea regime and solve nuclearization Bandow, 09 Chinas recent proposals are not enough to solve, a hard-line stance is key CNN 11/28

Failure to de-nuclearize North Korea guarantees global proliferation and nuclear strikes that kill millions Hayes & Hamel-Green, 10 Guarantees nuclear war Cimbala 10 China Relations US-Presence in South Korea is destroying US-Chinese relations and has become a means to assert power against China in the region risking a return to Cold-War confrontation The National 10 Yeonpyeong is irrelevant: military presence is still seen as containment and hurts relations CNN 10 Korea is key U.S. presence there and continued Chinese intransigence risks superpower conflict and miscalc Emmott, 10 China perceives South Korean policy as the worst form of containment Lee 10 U.S.-China relations solve all scenarios for extinction including warming Cohen 9 Warming causes extinction action now is key Brown 8 Only US-China cooperation can solve warming it is impossible for either to solve alone. Foot 09 Even a 4C rise causes starvation, resource shortage, and certain extinction. Tickell 8 Status quo military presence is geared towards Chinese containment --- this strategy facilitates hostility and ensures Asian warfare and a Sino Taiwan conflict Klare 06 Any US-China conflict will go nuclear Kolko, 06

By Dillon Hall

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