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Assignment No.

We are the humans who live and breathe in this world. Everyone has lived in a specific

country since the day we were born, and we have been divided into many countries to live in.

Each country has its own unique set of beliefs, traditions, and cultures that they follow,

worship, and honour. We cannot deny the fact that none of us are the same. We are all

different and unique individuals. There is a country where their skin tones are brighter and

darker; they have different heights; they are tall and small; and their hair is curly and silky. We

are all aware, in some instances, that there is a country where people are being cruel to their

fellow men because they are different to them; different in colour of skin, hair, and overall

appearance than the majority. Acceptance is the only key to the unity of each and everyone.

Despite our differences, race will never be the standard of being human and who you are.

Humanity stands still for each of us.

As a student, I believe that the main reasons for the territorial disputes of certain countries

are fighting over and being obsessed with natural resources that are available in other

countries' hidden islands. These territorial disputes cause major wars and terrorism in each

country. They are inconsiderate to others without considering the consequences that are

bound to happen or those that have already happened. I just cannot imagine why other

countries are being terrible and cruel. In fact, they have their own natural resources to give

more attention to preserving and taking care of to cater to their needs. Thus, this is why our

nation is in chaos; we are not united as one and we don't want to bring negotiable solutions

into these disputes. Nevertheless, the problem with other countries is that they are

dissatisfied with what they have. They use their power to conquer. We should learn to be

hospitable and kind to everyone, because we all have needs to provide and fulfill. You are not

the only one who lives in this world. Do not own everything. Everyone has the right to and

deserves to benefit. As a student, I believe that the best thing for each country to do in its

territories is to provide for everyone's demands.

As a result of this, territorial disputes will be resolved. You have to negotiate with them,

ask them what they really want for this territory. Basically, it's not that easy, but there is no

harm in trying. At least you are being friendly and trying to be connected to them. This is the

only way I know of to settle territorial disputes between our Asian neighbors. You just have to

keep trying to convince them to become citizens of their own country. They are free to do
whatever they want on our territory as long as it benefits both countries. Being united is a big

satisfaction for every country and its own people; we have good relationships that we can use

to expand all of our natural resources. We can give it to a country that needs support due to a

lack of natural resources. We are free to live in peace where we can breathe normally without

any problems. It is inspiring to wake up every day and see that every country and race in the

world is working together without prejudice or judgment.

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