Tugas Bahasa Inggris Mandiri 1

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Nama : Vivi Kusumadewi

NIM : 2021081055
Kelas : Reguler 1A
Exercise 1 :
Page 11
Guided Practice
Underline the subject in the following sentences. Remember, a subject must be a noun.
Look back to page 2 to see the nouns that have already been identified.
1. Much of the South was destroyed during the Civil War.
2. People could travel west on the Transcontinental Railroad.
3. Andrew Johnson wanted to humiliate the wealthy southerners.
4. Congress wanted to punish the South.
5. Southerners passed Black Codes to limit the freedom of former slaves.

Page 12
Independent Practice
Underline the subject in the following sentences. Remember, a subject must be a noun.
Look back to pages 3 and 4 to see the nouns that have already been identified.
1. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery.
2. The Fourteenth Amendment gave citizenship to all former slaves.
3. The Fifteenth Amendment gave all men the right to vote.
4. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were designed to end slavery and protect the
rights of the newly freed slaves.
5. Reconstruction helped former slaves to have hope.
6. Many former slaves had to work as sharecroppers.
7. The Freedmen’s Bureau helped establish schools and hospitals.
8. Northerners who came to the South to take advantage of Southerners were called
9. Scalawags were Southerners that supported Reconstruction.
10. All of the plans for Reconstruction called for an end to slavery.
11. The South was rebuilt during Reconstruction.
12. Black Codes would not allow a black man to testify in court against white man.
13. Black Codes allowed African American children who did not have parents to be
apprenticed to work for white men.
14. Southerners did not want to give up their way of life.
15. People who opposed slavery did not believe anyone had the right to own anyone a

Page 13
Independent Practice
Underline the subject in the following sentences. Remember, a subject must be a noun.
1. African Americans wanted to find their families.
2. Protection for the rights of African Americans was needed.
3. Most freedmen couldn’t purchase land because they did not have money.
4. Many freedmen worked as sharecroppers.
5. African Americans were able to vote and hold political office during the
Reconstruction period.
6. The Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction.
7. After Reconstruction the Democrats won control of the southern state governments.
8. Terrorist groups like the KKK violated the constitutional fights of freedmen.
9. African Americans established strong communities in the South.

Write three to four sentences describing someone you know who is a kind person. Then
underline the subject in each sentence. Remember, a subject is a noun.
Ramlan is a local chef in my village. He has a good ability skill to cook a traditional Javanese
food. Chicken soup with spicy flavor is one of his best seller foods. Many of my neighbors
order rice boxes from Mr. Ramlan when they have family events.
Page 14
Guided Practice
You have already found the nouns and the subject of these sentences on previous pages.
Now, circle the verb in each sentence that shows the action of the subject.
5. Much of the South was destroyed during the Civil War.
6. People could travel west on the Transcontinental Railroad.
7. Andrew Johnson wanted to humiliate the wealthy southerners.
8. Congress wanted to punish the South.
9. Southerners passed Black Codes to limit the freedom of former slaves.

Page 15
Independent Practice
You have found the nouns and the subject of each of these sentences on previous pages. Now
underline the verb that shows the action of the subject.
1. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery.
2. The Fourteenth Amendment gave citizenship to all former slaves.
3. The Fifteenth Amendment gave all men the right to vote.
4. The three Reconstruction amendments were designed to end slavery and protect the
right of the newly freed slaves.
5. Reconstruction helped former slaves to have hope.
6. Many former slaves had to work as sharecroppers.
7. The Freedmen’s Bureau helped establish schools and hospitals.
8. Northerners who came to the South to take advantage of Southerners were called
9. Southerners that supported Reconstruction were called Scalawags.
10. All of the plans for Reconstruction called for an end to slavery.
11. The South was rebuilt during Reconstruction.
12. Black Codes would not allow a black man to testify in court against white man.
13. Black Codes allowed African American children who did not have parents to be
apprenticed to work for white men.
14. Southerners did not want to give up their way of life.
15. People who opposed slavery did not believe anyone had the right to own anyone a

Page 16
Verbs – Independent Practice
You have found the nouns and the subject of each of these sentences on previous pages. Now
underline the verb that shows the action of the subject.
1. African Americans wanted to find their families.
2. The three Reconstruction amendments were designed to end slavery and protect the
right of the newly freed slaves.
3. When Reconstruction ended there was not protection for the rights of African
4. Most freedmen couldn’t purchase land because they did not have money.
5. Many freedmen worked as sharecroppers.
6. African Americans were able to vote and hold political office during the
Reconstruction period.
7. The Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction.
8. After Reconstruction the Democrats won control of the southern state governments.
9. Terrorist groups like the KKK violated the constitutional fights of freedmen.
10. African Americans established strong communities in the South.

Writing -‐ How does it make you feel when you see someone treated wrong? Underline the
verb in each sentence.
I feel displeased when someone is treated wrong. If such a situation occurs, I feel compelled
to lend a helping hand. All must be treated fairly and without discrimination. As fellow
human beings, we must treat everyone with kindness and proportion.

Page 17
Subject and Verb Practice
Remember, the subject has to be a noun phrase.
The subject tells who or what the sentence is about.
The verb shows what the subject is doing.
Usually the subject comes before the verb. Underline the subject and circle the verb.
1. This book was written a long time ago.
2. Most children watch too much television.
3. Kindness should be given to everyone.
4. Some dogs bark too much.
5. Some people swim for exercise.
6. The wind whispered through the forest.
7. Cell phones are very popular among teenagers.
8. The painting fit in the large frame.
9. Do you like to read?
10. Have you ever visited Washington D.C.?
11. The house was build quickly.
12. The chef cooked a great meal.
13. The man drove a nice car.
14. The boys wrestled each other for the football.
15. Birds sing every morning.

Page 18
Guided Practice
Underline the linking verb in each sentence.
1. The Wright Brothers are famous for inviting the airplane.
2. Electricity was a great invention.
3. Immigrants were attracted to the jobs created by big businesses in America.
4. Inventions became very important to the American economy.
5. Big business owners were very wealthy.

Independent Practice
Underline the linking verb in each sentence.
1. Basketball is an international sport that was invented many years ago.
2. Today’s inventions look different than they used to look.
3. Many women were happy when the washing machine was invented.
4. Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone.
5. People were happy to have electricity.

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