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The labyrinthine sewer system beneath the city has been home to numerous creatures, both

good and evil, for centuries. City leaders occasionally vow to purge the dark tunnels when
reports of missing individuals and livestock begin to increase, and the recent disappearance of
ten of the city’s sewer entrance guards has forced a call to arms.

Notes about the Kauna, Sewer Gorgon Challenge Card:

1. When Kauna draws an Imperial card, one Champion (defender’s choice) in play or in hand
is petrified and must be sacrificed. If no Champion is sacrificed, defender loses 5 Health.
(Health loss is not prevented by Guards.)
2. When Kauna draws a Wild card, she gain 5 Health and defender loses 3 Health. (Kauna still
gains Combat from the card; the 3 Health loss is not prevented by Guards).)
3. When Kauna draws a Guild card, all Champions in the Market are sacrificed.
4. When Kauna draws a Necros card, all players must disard one card.
5. When Kauna has a card from each faction in front of her, she gains an additional 6 Combat
and sacrifices all her cards except for Guards.

For added difficulty:

* Kauna provides protection for many of the sewer’s inhabitants who in turn alert her to outside
threats. Whenever Kauna has two Wild cards in front of her, she sacrifices these two cards
and immediately deals 5 Combat to the defender with the highest Health.


* For each Wild card that does Combat damage to Kauna, the defender loses 2 Health.

Have fun! - James Floyd Kelly, January 2017

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On each player’s first turn, they get a three-card starting hand. Play proceeds clockwise around
the table.

Kauna starts with 40 Health per player and does not have a hand or personal deck. After each
player’s turn, Kauna takes a turn attacking that player. During Kauna’s turn, reveal the top card
of the Market Deck and place it face-up in front of Kauna. Kauna gains Combat equal to the
cost of the revealed card(s). The faction of the revealed card determines Kauna’s bonus ability
for that turn (see reverse). If the revealed card has no faction, then the defending player
chooses which ability Kauna uses for that turn. When Kauna has a card from each faction in
front of her, she gains an additional 6 Combat and sacrifices all her cards except for Guards.

Kauna uses her Combat to stun the defending player’s champions whenever possible, unless
she can reduce their Health to zero. Kauna always attacks the defending player’s champion
with the highest defense that she can stun (player chooses if there is a tie). After stunning all of
their champions she can, Kauna uses any remaining Combat to attack that player. Guards
protect their defending player and their non-guard champions as normal.

Cards in front of Kauna don’t do anything, except guards in front of her still protect Kauna and
her non-guard champions. During each player’s turn, they may spend Combat to attack Kauna
or the champion cards in front of her.

If a player would make Kauna discard a card, instead they choose one of her non-champion
cards in play and sacrifice it.

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