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Tujuan pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :

1. melafalkan kata-kata  dalam bacaan terkait dengan numbers.

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan numbers.
3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan
dengan numbers.
4. menggunakan pola kalimat positive  dalam simple present tense.
5. menggunakan pola kalimat negative dalam simple present tense
6. menggunakan pola kalimat interogative dalam simple present tense

Task 1
      Listen and repeat.
one            [wÃn]   eleven       [IÈlevn]

two            [tuù]     twelve    [twelv]

three   [Triù]    thirteen [T«ùÈtiùn]

four           [fù]     fourteen  [fùÈtiùn]

five            [faIv]    fifteen      [fIfÈtiùn]

six              [sIks]    sixteen   [sIksÈtiùn]

seven         [Èsev«n]  seventeen [sev«nÈtiùn]

eight          [eIt]     eighteen  [eIÈtiùn]

nine [naIn]    nineteen  [naInÈtiùn]

ten             [ten]     twenty [twentI]
Task 2
      Listen to your teacher. Then, follow it.


Task 3
Read the text, and then answer the questions.
What are they?
They can be positive or negative, odd or even. They can be whole or in parts. Without them you
wouldn’t be able to tell the time. You wouldn’t even know how old you are. And how about this
—without them you wouldn’t have any math homework! What are they? They’re numbers. And
you use them every single day.

1. What is the text about?
2. What are they for?
3. When do you use them? Give some examples.
4. Mention some odd numbers.
5. Mention some even numbers.

Task 4.
1. Seven is an odd number.
2. Two and four are even numbers.
3.  Five plus six is eleven.
4. Ten minus two is eight.
5. Three divided by three is one.
6. Five times five is twenty five.
7. Twelve divided by three is four.
8. Eleven times zero is zero.
9. Twenty divided by four is five.
10. Five plus six is not ten.
11. Ten minus two is not seven.
12. Four times four is not fifteen.
13. Is seven an odd  number?
14. Are two and four even numbers?
What sentence pattern do you see?
Task 5.
Take turns changing these statements to question forms. The first one has been done for
1. One and three are odd numbers. Are one and three odd numbers?
2. Two and four are even numbers.
3. Five plus seven is twelve.
4. Fifteen minus four is eleven.
5. Ten plus ten is twenty.
6. Seventeen minus nine is eight.
7. Six and three is nine.
8. Four and eight is twelve.
Task 6
Complete each sentence with is or are.
1. Twenty __________ an even number.
2. Twelve and fourteen __________ even numbers.
3. Thirteen __________ an even number.
4. How old __________ you?
5. Five plus six _________ eleven.
6. What __________ seven plus nine?
7. __________ thirteen and three odd numbers?
8. Seven plus nine __________ sixteen.
9. What __________ nine minus two?
10. __________ ten plus five fifteen?
Task 7
       Take turns doing like the example.
        Example                        : 4 + 4
                                      Student A    : What is four and four?
                                      Student B    : It is eight.
1. 5 + 7
2. 6 + 8
3. 11 + 4
4. 14 + 6
5. 20 + 10
6. 13 + 8
7. 12 + 3
8.  9 + 1
9. 15 + 2
10. 0 + 17
  Task 8
 Take turns doing like the example.
        Example                        : 11 –  4
                                      Student A    : What is eleven minus four?
                                      Student B    : It is seven.
1. 21 – 7
2. 13 – 3
3. 10 – 1
4. 20 – 12
5. 19 – 7
6. 25 – 5
7. 16 – 8
8. 9 – 0
9. 17 – 2
10. 12 – 11
Task 9
 Take turns doing like the example.
        Example                        : 3 x 5
                                      Student A    : What is three times five?
                                      Student B    : It is fifteen.
1. 1 x 3
2. 2 x 5
3. 4 x 6
4. 7 x 4
5. 10 x 1
6. 20 x 0
7. 11 x 2
8. 8 x 3
9. 5 x 5
10. 13 x 1
Task 10
Take turns doing like the example.
        Example                        : 15 : 3
                                      Student A    : What is fifteen divided by three?
                                      Student B    : It is five.
1. 12 : 3
2. 20 : 4
3. 21 : 7
4. 11 : 11
5. 6 : 3
6. 18 : 6
7. 27 : 9
8. 25 : 5
9. 24 : 12
10. 15 : 15
 Task 11
 Complete the following text with the words in the box.
(There is a word that can be used twice)
Everyone uses numbers sometimes, but some people use __________ a lot. Scientists use
numbers to describe the __________ of distant galaxies or to __________ the paths of rocket
ships in space. Accountants use numbers to keep track of __________. Baseball fans use
numbers to __________ how well players are doing. And that’s just a small sample of the ways
we use __________.

Read and answer the puzzle.
In a family there are 9 boys; each brother has one sister. How many people are in the family
including the 2 parents?

A. a.      Circle 5 numbers you hear from your teacher.
                                      a. 1b.12 c. 5 d. 20e. 13      f. 17
                   2. Write O after an odd number and write E after an even number
1. a.      eleven            :  __________
2. b.     twelve            :  __________
3. c.       sixteen           :  __________
4. d.      five                :  __________
5. e.       six                  :  __________
6. f.        thirteen         :  __________
7. g.       ten                 :  __________
8. h.      fourteen        :  __________
9. i.        seventeen      :  __________
3. Fill in the text with the words in the box.
               WHAT IS A NUMBER?
A __________ is a word or a symbol. It usually represents an amount, such as 3 keys in your
pocket or a bill worth 5 dollars. __________ are used for all kinds of things. They’re on clocks
and cash registers, on __________ and license plates. You see them on road __________ and

 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very Well OK A little

I can pronounce and understand words

1 related to numbers      

I can differentiate odd numbers  from

2 even numbers      

3 I can mention numbers one to twenty      

I can express ideas related to numbers

4 in simple English      


one noun [wÃn] Satu
two noun [tuù] Dua 2.
three noun [Triù] Tiga

four noun [fù] Empat 2.

five noun [faIv] Lima 2.
six noun [sIks] Enam
seven noun [Èsev«n] Tujuh 2.
eight noun [eIt] Delapan 2.
nine noun [naIn] sembilan
ten noun [ten] Sepuluh 2.
eleven noun [IÈlev] Sebelas

twelve noun [twelv] dua belas 2.

thirteen noun  [T«ùÈtiùn] tiga belas 2.
fourteen noun [fùÈtiùn] empat belas
fifteen noun [fIfÈtiùn] lima belas 2.
sixteen noun [sIksÈtiùn] enam belas 2.
seventeen noun [sev«nÈtiùn] tujuh belas
eighteen noun [eIÈtiùn] delapan belas 2.
nineteen noun [naInÈtiùn] sembilan belas
twenty noun [Ètwenti] dua puluh
even noun [Èiùvn] Genap 2.
odd noun [d] Ganjil

number noun [ÈnÃmb«] Angka 2.

sign noun [saIn Tanda 2.
amount noun [«ÈmaUnt] Jumlah
Tujuan pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :

1. melafalkan kata-kata  dalam bacaan terkait dengan shapes.

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan denganshapes.
3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan
dengan shapes.
4. menggunakan pola noun phrases ( Adjective + Noun) dalam kalimat simple present tense.
5. melengkapi bacaan rumpang dengan kata yang tepat

Task 1
Listen and repeat.
circle        [Ès«ùkl               rectangle         [ÈrektQNgl]

square     [skwe«]               triangle         [ÈtraIQNgl]

cone          [k«Un]                cube                [kjuùb]

cylinder  [ÈsIlInd«]          octagon          [ȁkt«g«n]

oval          [È«Uvl]               pentagon       [Èpent«g«n]

pyramid   [ÈpIr«mId]      polygon         [ÈplIg«n]

trapezoid  [ÈtrQpIzId]       angle              [ÈQNgl]

side           [saId]

Task 2.
 Complete the table.

Shapes Number of Sides Number of Corners

square 4 4








Task 3
Read the lyrics of the song, and answer the questions.
Triangle, rectangle, circle, oval, square, BASIC SHAPES!
Triangle, rectangle, circle, oval, square, BASIC SHAPES!
Triangle, rectangle, circle, oval, square, BASIC SHAPES!
Basic shapes will help you to create
pictures of people or whatever you want to make.
You can use an oval for the body of a fish.  
Very small circles can be his eyes.  
Triangles can be his fins and that’s a fish, with BASIC SHAPES!
Basic shapes will help you to create
pictures of people or whatever you want to make.  
You can use a square to make your house, 
Rectangles can be windows and doors, 
Triangle can be the roof, 
And that’s a house, with BASIC SHAPES!
1. What are the basic shapes?
2. How do basic shapes help you?
3. How do you make a picture of a fish?   
4. How do you make a picture of a house?
5. Describe how you make a picture of a car.

Task 7
1. a.      It is a rectangular bag.
2. b.     All polygons have an equal number of sides.
3. c.       Round wheels, cylindrical tubes and conical hats are good examples of shapes.
4. d.       A fish has an oval body.
5. e.       It is a square box.
Look at the pattern of noun phrases.

Article Adjective Noun

A Rectangular bag

An Equal number

Round wheel

Cylindrical tubes

Conical hats
An Oval body

A Square box

Task 8
Choose the correct word order.
1. Squares have (equal sides, sides equal).
2. Polygons are shapes with more than one (straight side, side straight).
3. A cylinder consists of (bases two, two bases).
4. All polygons have the (number same, same number) of vertices and sides.
5. A pyramid has a (base square, square base).
6. A square has four (straight lines, lines straight) and (angles right, right angles).
7. A (triangle plane, plane triangle) has three (angles interior, interior angles).
8. A square is a shape with four (lines straight, straight lines).
9. Every (interior angle, angle interior) of a (convex polygon, polygon convex) is less than
180 degrees.
10. What is the shape of the (bell car, car bell)?
Task 9
Choose the correct form in the bracket.
1. There are four (polygon, polygons)
2. Some (angle, angles) have special names.
A. Not all (rectangle, rectangles) are squares.
B. In every (triangle, triangles) there are three (side, sides)
C. We see (shape, shapes) in our life.
D. Polygons are (shape, shapes) that have three or more straight (line, lines).
E. There are three interior (angles, angle) in a plane triangle.
F. A trapezoid is a shape with four sides of different (length, lengths).
G. A cube is a solid (object, objects) with six (square, squares) of equal size.
H. How many interior (angle, angles) are there in a (triangle, triangles)?
Task 11.
       Complete the following text with the words in the box.
Triangles, __________, and pentagons are all examples of __________. A polygon is a plane
figure with three or more straight __________. Regular polygons have __________ of equal
length and interior __________ of equal size. There are two __________ of polygons, namely
convex and re-entrant polygons. Each __________ angle of a convex __________ is less than
180 degrees. A re-entrant __________ has at least one interior __________ greater than 180

Guess what shape it is.
It is the simplest plane polygon. It has three sides, and they are of equal length. It also has three
equal interior angles of 60 degrees.

Read the text, and answer the questions
Polygons are flat geometric figures. There are two kinds of polygons: convex and re-entrant
polygons. This division depends on the arrangement of their sides and interior angles. Each of
the interior angles of the convex polygon is less than 180 degrees. By contrast, the re-entrant
polygon has at least one interior angle which is greater than 180 degrees. A triangle is the
simplest plane polygon. It has three sides and three angles. The square is a polygon with four
sides and internal angles. The lengths of the sides of a square are equal and the size of each of
the four internal angles is 90 degrees. A pentagon is a figure with five sides. It has sides of equal
length and five equal internal angles of 108 degrees. An octagon is a polygon with eight sides
and the length of the sides are equal. The size of each of the internal angles is 135 degree.

1. What is a polygon?
2. What are the two kinds of polygons?
3. What are the figures that belong to the convex polygon?
4. What are the figures that belong to the re-entrant polygon?
5. What is a triangle?
6. What is a square?
7. What is a pentagon?
8. What is an octagon?
 How well can I do these things. Put a check (V) in the boxes.

well OK A little

1. I can spell the words

related to shapes.

1. I can pronounce the words

related to shapes.

1. I can tell how many kinds

of angles in a shape are.

 Part of this unit that I like most is  ____________________________.


circle Noun [Ès«ùkl] Lingkaran

empat persegi
rectangle Noun [ÈrektQNgl] panjang

square Noun [skwe«] bujur sangkar

triangle Noun [ÈtraIQNgl] segi tiga

cone Noun [k«Un]

cube Noun [kjuùb] Kubus

cylinder Noun [ÈsIlInd«] Silinder

ellipse Noun [ÈQlIps] Elips

octagon Noun [ȁkt«g«n] Octagon

oval Noun [È«Uvl] Ofal

pentagon Noun [Èpent«g«n] Pentagon

pyramid Noun [ÈpIr«mId] Pyramid

polygon noun [ÈplIg«n] Polygon

trapezoid noun [ÈtrQpIzId] Trapezium

angle noun [ÈQNgl] Sudut

side noun [saId] Sisi

division noun [dIÈvIZn] Pembagian

arrangement noun [«ÈreIndZm«nt] Pengaturan

figure noun [ÈfIg«] Bangun

plane noun [pleIn] bidang datar

equal adjective [Èiùkw«l] Setara

internal adjective [InÈt«ùnl]  Dalam

length noun [leNT] Panjang

Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu:

1. melafalkan warna (colours).

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata yang terkait dengan warna (colours).
3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks.

4. menggunakan noun phrases untuk mendeskripsikan gambar

5. mengungkapkan pola kalimat dengan menggunakan noun phrases
6. menggunakan pola noun phrase untuk menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat yang runtut.

Task 1
Listen to and sing the song along.
Edelweiss, edelweiss

Every morning you greet me

Small and white

Clean and bright

You look happy to meet me

Blossom as snow

May you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever

Discuss these questions with your teacher.

1. What is the flower in the song?
2. What is the colour of the flower in the song?
3. What is the song about?

Task 2
Listen and repeat.

Red adjective [red]

Blue adjective [bluù]

Yellow adjective [Èjel«U]

Orange adjective [ȁrInZ]

Green adjective [griùn]

Purple adjective [Èp«ùpl]

Indigo adjective [ÈIndIg«U]

Violet adjective [ÈvaI«l«t

Task 3
Read the following text.
Primary Colours

Life is full of colours. The colours of living and non-living things are so diverse. Animals,
flowers, trees, sky, rainbow, sea, and so on are  in amazing colours. Though there are so many
colours in life, there are only three primary colours. Can you name those colours? Yes, you are
right. Red, blue, and yellow are primary colours. You cannot get primary colours from any other
colours. Every other colour is a mixture of these three colours.

Task 4
Work with your friend. Name the colour for the following things. Check (√) the right

Things Colours
No. You Yellow

1 Lemon

2 Sky

3 Strawberry

4 Sea

5 Apple

Task 5
Read another text carefully.
The Colours of Rainbow
            What is a curved shape of different colours seen in the sky when rain is falling and the
sun is shining? Yes, it is a rainbow. A rainbow is one of the natural phenomena. It usually
appears after rain. The sun light is dispersed by the water droplets. This produces a rainbow.
There are seven colours of the rainbow. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
violet. Red, blue, and yellow are primary colours. While, the colours that you get by mixing
primary colours are called secondary colours. You will get orange when you mix red and yellow.
You will have green if you mix blue and yellow.
Task 6
Are the following statements True or False?
1. Circle is the shape of a rainbow. (T/ F)
2. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. (T/ F)
3. We see a rainbow before rain. (T/ F)                
4. There are six colours in a rainbow. (T/ F)
5. White is one colour in a rainbow. (T/ F)
6. A rainbow consists of three primary colours and four secondary ones. (T/ F)
7. Green is a mixture of brown and yellow. (T/ F)
8. You will get orange when mixing red and yellow. (T/ F)

Task 5
Let’s study how to make a noun phrase. Notice the following examples.

Number Adjective Thing

One Yellow Lemon

Two yellow Pears

Seven different Colors

Twelve red strawberries

Task 6
Work in groups of four. Choose one of the following pictures. Describe the picture as the
example below.
Picture 1
If there is only one thing, you write:

There is one colourful butterfly in the park.

If more than one, you write:

There are three yellow flowers in the park.

Picture 2  At the Zoo

      Taken from New English Parade 3 (Herrera and Zanatta, 2000)

Task 8

Match the description on the left column with the pictures on the right one.

No. Description Things Surrounding You

Youth like to visit this place. They watch

their favorite movies.They are yellow and
1.2. long. You usually eat them as popcorn. A.B.

They are red and green. They are hot and

your mouth will produce the sound of
3. huh..hah…huh.. when you eat them. C.

4. They are white. Vampires hate them very D.

They are like a cylinder and green. You
usually slice them and put them in your
5. sandwich. E.

Their outer skin is brown, but the inside one

is white. They make your eyes cry when you
6. peel them. F.
7. They are orange. Rabbits like eating them. G.

This place is the home of many interesting

and nice books. Students like to spend their
8. time to read their favorite books in this place. H.

This place is holy and sacred for Moslems.

9. They go to this place to pray. I.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, delicious foods,

fresh drinks, hot and tasty spices, baked
white and brown bread, and other daily needs
are sold in this place. People like to go
shopping in this place with their family or
10. friends. J.

Task 9
Arrange the following jumbled words into good sentences. The first number has been done
for you.
1. amazing – has – A – colours – rainbow – seven. A rainbow has seven amazing colours.
2. and – are – Elephants – grey – one – have – trunk – white.
3. green – sells – vegetables – and – A – many – market – fresh – traditional.
4. flowers – are – Orchids – interesting – roses – and.
5. things – Rocks – non – are – living.
6. in – dancing – the – elephant – zoo – A – is.
7. a – tiger – is – swimming – A – cat – also.
Do you ever see a weather wheel? Let’s do a simple project to make a weather wheel.
You need:
            Taken from New English Parade 3 (Herrera and Zanatta, 2000)
What you have to do:
1. Cut out four circles.
2.  Draw some pictures of hot and rainy seasons.
3. Stick them on the white circles.
4. Cut out a piece of the coloured circle.
5. Put the circles together.
6. Push the paper fastener through all the circles.
7. Move the different circles and make sentences.                              

Task 10
Complete the missing gaps with the adjectives in the box.
  big      striped     rain     beautiful      rainy      dangerous       hot
My name is Trudy. I’m a black 1) … tiger. I live in a tropical 2) … forest or a jungle. There are
many 3) … trees and bushes in the jungle. There are many 4) … and unique birds, 5) … insects,
and monkeys. It’s 6) … and 7) … in the jungle. I’m an animal, so I don’t wear clothes. What do
you think people wear in the jungle?

Task 11
Complete the following story with the adjectives in the box.
kind         healthy         strong        green        old         red         spicy         fresh

hot           instant          fried

            One day a young farmer goes to cut down a big and 1) … tree on his farm. The tree says,
“Oh, farmer, please don’t cut me down. Even though I am not young anymore, my root is still 2)
… to keep water for your farm.” The birds that live on the tree also beg the young farmer,
“Please, don’t cut the tree down, a 3) … and young farmer. We’ll have no home if you cut it
down.” The farmer stops.
The tree says, “Thank you! I am giving you and your family three wishes. You can have any
three things you would like. I believe you can use the three wishes wisely.”

The farmer runs into his house. His mother is putting breakfast on the table. There are 4) … eggs
mixed with 5) … vegetables, some slices of fresh 6) … tomatoes, fried rice and orange juice. His
mother always prepares 7) … foods and drinks for his family. The farmer says, “We’ve got three
wishes from a tree! What wishes should we say?”
His mother doesn’t listen. “Sit down and enjoy your breakfast,” says his mother.

The farmer sits down and says, “Oh, I’d like 8) … sausages with my breakfast.” Poof! And there
are sausages on his plate. The mother is angry. “You wish for sausages?” she asks. “Why don’t
you wish fresh fish instead of 9) … sausages. They are not good for our health. I’d like to see
those sausages on your nose!” says his mother angrily. Poof! And the sausages are on the
farmer’s nose.

Then the farmer and his mother hear the father at the door. “Use wish number three!” the mother
says. “I’d like the sausages to disappear,” the farmer says. Poof! The sausages disappear,
together with the three wishes.

The father comes in. “Good morning,” he says. “It smells like 10) … and 11) … sausages! Can I
have some?”

Adapted from ‘The Three Wishes’ retold by Judy Veramendi (Herrera and Zanatta, 2000)

 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very well OK A little

1. I can pronounce colours.

1. I can identify the meanings of colours.

1. I can identify specific information on


1. I can use the pattern of noun phrase to

arrange jumbled words into good

1. I can identify appropriate adjectives to

complete the missing gaps in a

I.       WORD LIST

beautiful adjective [ÈbjuùtIfUl] cantik

Blue adjective [bluù] biru

dangerous adjective [ÈdeInZ«r«s] berbahaya

Fresh adjective [freS] segar

Fried adjective [fraId] goreng

Green adjective [griùn] hijau

healthy adjective [ÈhelTi] sehat

Hot adjective [ht] panas

Indigo adjective [ÈIndIg«U] indigo

instant adjective [ÈInst«nt] cepat saji

Kind adjective [kaInd] baik

Old adjective [«Uld] tua

Orange adjective [ȁrInZ] oranye

Purple adjective [Èp«ùpl] ungu

Rain noun [reIn] hujan

Rainy adjective [ÈreIni] bersifat hujan

Red adjective [red] merah

   gurih (penuh
Spicy adjective [ÈspaIsi] rasa  rempah)

Striped adjective [straIpt] bergaris

Strong adjective [strN] kuat

Yellow adjective [Èjel«U] kuning

Violet adjective [ÈvaI«l«t] Violet ∕ ungu

Tujuan pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :

1. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan  parts of the body

2. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan
dengan parts of the body
3. menggunakan pola kalimat comparison and contras
4. melengkapi kalimat rumpang yang ada dengan menggunakan
5. melafalkan kata-kata  dalam teks terkait dengan parts of the  body.
6.  ekspresi/kata-kata yang terkait dengan parts of the body

A.    LET’S LISTEN Task 1
Listen and repeat
face                          [feIs] chest                        [tSest]

arm                          [Aùm] eye                           [aI]

nose                         [n«Uz] hand                        [hQnd]

ear                            [I«] wrist                        [rIst]

cheeck                     [tSiùk] foot                          [fUt]

mouth                     [maUT] waist                        [weIst]

eyebrow                  [ÈaIbraU] hip                           [hIp]

forehead                 [Èfùhed] thigh                        [TaI]

chin                          [tSIn] elbow                      [Èelb«U]

head                         [hed] leg                            [leg]

neck                         [nek] shin                          [SIn]

shoulder                 [ÈS«Uld«] knee                        [niù]

ankle                        [ÈQNk«l]

Read the text.
Task 2
      Mr. Jones is my biology teacher. He is my favourite teacher. He is good in teaching. He is
quite short and fat. He’s got big brown eyes. He hasn’t got much hair. He is bald, but he’s got
thin beard and a moustache. He is a good teacher.
Answer the questions.
1. Who is the narrator’s favourite teacher?

2. How is his build?

3. What color are his eyes?

4.  How much hair has he got on his head?

5. What does he have on his face?

Task 4
Julie is my older sister. She is a polite and caring girl. She is beautiful. She has blue eyes, long
black hair, and a pointed nose. She has dimples on her cheecks. She is quite tall and slim. She
has fair complexion. She is really good looking.
Answer the questions.
1. What is Julie like?

2. What color are Julie’s eyes?

3. How is Julie’s hair?

4. What does she have on her cheeks?

5. Is she fat?

Task 5
The functions of the parts of the body

(Five sense organs)

There are five senses. They are sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. We use our eyes to see
around. We can see beautiful scenery, beautiful girl or handsome boy using our sight. We use
our nose to smell, nice things and bad things. We use our tounge to taste sweet things, such as
sugar, ice cream, or candy; salty things, such as salt, and bitter things such as pills. To feel that
something is hard or smooth, we use our hand to touch. We use our ears to hear, for example
good music.

Answer the questions.

1. How many senses do people have?

2. Mention the senses that people have!

3. What do people use to smell?

4. What is the function of the nose?

5. What do people taste with their tounge?

Task 6
Practice the following dialog.
Teacher                      : How are you, students?
Students                     : Fine, what about you mam?

Teacher                      : Good. Pretty good. Today, I’d like to explain the functions of

the parts of the body. Do you know the five senses?

Student 1                   : Yes, mam. Nose, eyes, mouth, ears, ehm ….

Student 2                   : Skin, mam

Teacher                      : Good. You are right. What is the function of your nose?

Student 3                   : To smell.

Teacher                      : Right, what about the eyes.

Students                     : To look at things, to see scenery, to watch TV, and to read

books .

Teacher                      : Good students.

Answer the following questions.

1. What does the teacher explain?

2. What are the five senses?

3. What is the function of the nose?

4. What are the functions of our eyes?

5. Do you think that the students are good?

Comparison & Contrast

Comparative Superlative
Adjective ( … + er) (the … +est)
One syllable:tall
taller the tallest
long shorter the shortest

fat longer the longest

  fatter the fattest

Two syllables:pretty the prettiest
ugly cleverer the ugliest

clever lazier the cleverest

lazy   the laziest

Jim is 1.60 m tall.

George is 1.65 m tall.

Tom is 1.70 m tall.

Jim is shorter than George.

George is taller than Jim.

Tom is the tallest.


Adjective Comparative Superlative

One syllablegood better the best

Bad worse the worst
Two or more
syllablesbeautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
creative more creative the most creative

Julies is beautiful.

Sarah is more beautiful.

Anne is the most beautiful.

Noun Phrase

Article/determiner Adjective Noun

Athe Beautifulhandsome girlboy

The Creative teacher

Mr. Jones is a creative teacher.

Linda is a beautiful girl.

Tim is a handsome boy.

Task 7
Complete the exercise.
Lisa is 1.5 m tall. Elizabeth is 1.7 m tall. Terry is 1.58 m tall.

Lisa is __________

Terry is __________ Lisa.

Elizabeth is __________

Task 8
Complete the following exercise.
Bob is a diligent student.
Tom is __________ than Bob.

George is __________ student of all.

Task 9
Fill in the blanks.
   People have __________ __________ to see. They smell things using their __________. They
taste things, such as candy or ice cream, using their __________. If there is good music, they use
their __________. People are also able to touch __________ things and __________ things.

Task 10
Practice the following dialog.
Dialog 1
Student A                  : Who is taller? Ben or Don?

Student B                   : Ben is taller than Don. He is 1.7 m tall, while Don is 1.66 m tall.

Dialog 2
Student A                  : Who is taller? Tom or Ben.

Student B                   : Tom is taller than Ben.

Tom is 1.70 m tall, while Ben is 1.68 m tall.

Task 11       
Rearrange the following jumbled words (adjective).
a. a-t-i-B-u-f-e-l-u
b. t-y-t-P-e-r
c. v-e-C-a-t-i-e-r
d. s-a-d-n-H-m-o-e
e. i-P-t-o-i-l
Task 12
Complete the following text with the words in the box.

the best          longer          taller          clever        slimmer    

My sister Julie is __________ (1) than me. She is also __________ (2) than me. Her hair is
__________(3) than mine. She is __________. (4) She is __________(5) student.

 Task 13
Complete the following sentences with a noun phrase.
            Tim is a smart student.
a. Sarah is _________.

b. Tom is __________.

c. George is _________.

d. Hillary is __________.

e. Clara is _________.

Task 14
Mention the functions of the parts of the body.
The function of:

a. The eyes

b. The nose

c. The tounge

d. The skin

e. The ears

Listen and sing.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes

 Head shoulders knees, and toes, knees and toes,

Head shoulders knees, and toes, knees and toes,

and eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose,

Head shoulders knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Task 15
Look at the picture.
What is the boy doing?
What parts of the body is he using to do the action      

How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very A
well OK little

1 I can pronounce and understand words related to

. parts of the body      

2 I can differentiate degree of comparison      


. I can describe people      

4 I can express ideas related to describing parts of

. the body in simple English      
. I can describe the five senses      


Ankle n [ÈQNk«l] pergelangan kaki

Arms n [Aùmz] lengan

Check n [tSiùk] pipi

Chest n [tSest] dada

Chin n [tSIn] dagu

Ears n [ÈI«St] telinga

Elbow n [Èelb«U] siku

Eye n [aI] mata

eyebrow n [ÈaIbraU] alis

Face n [Èfiùsiùz] wajah

forehead nou [Èfùhed] dahi


Foot n [fUt] telapak kaki

Hand n [hQnd] tangan

Head n [hed] kepala

Hip n [hIp] paha

Knee n [niù] lutut

Leg n [leg] kaki

Mouth n [maUT] mulut

Neck n [nek] leher

Nose n [n«Uz] hidung

Shin nou [SIn] tulang kering


shoulder n [ÈS«Uld«] pundak

Thigh n [TaI] paha
Waist n [weIst] pinggang

Wrist n [rIst] pergelangan tangan


Tujuan pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini siswa diharapkan mampu :

1. melafalkan kata-kata  dalam bacaan terkait dengan environment

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan  environment
3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan
dengan environment
4. menggunakan pola kalimat simple present tense  dengan be
5.    menggunakan pola kalimat simple present tense dengan article
6. Melengkapi bacaan rumpang dengan kata yang tepat.

Task 1
Listen and repeat.
environment                                      [InvaI«r«nÈmentl]

living things                                      [ÈlIvIN TINz]

non-living things                              [nn ÈlIvIN TINz]

pollution                                            [p«ÈluùSn]

pollutant                                            [p«Èluùt«nt]

ecosystem                                          [Èiùk«UsIst«m]

extinct                                                 [IkÈstINkt]

recycle                                                [riùÈsaIkl]

Task 2
Match the terms with the definition.
Terms Definition

1. environment a.  things that are alive.

b. the air, water, and land on which

2. living things people, plants, and animals live

3. pollution c. all the living things in an area

4. pollutant d. to be gone

5. ecosystem e. damage to environment

6. extinct f. harmful substances

B.     LET’S READ.
Task 3
Read the text, and complete the table.
An ecosystem is all the living and nonliving things in a certain area. All the plants and animals
are living parts of an ecosystem. Even the microorganisms that live in the soil are also living
parts of an ecosystem.  Air, water, and rocks are nonliving parts of an ecosystem.


Living things Non-living things

Plants air

Task 4
Read the text
Animals and plants are living things. However, they are different. Unlike plants, animals cannot
make their own food. Animals eat other living things—plants and other animals—to get energy.
Animals also have senses, such as eyes or ears. The senses tell them what is going on around
them.(Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2008)
Task 5
Is each statement below true or false according to the text above.
a. Animals are living things.                      T/F

b. Plants are not living things.                   T/F

c. Animals make their own food.              T/F

d. Plants make their own food.                  T/F

e. Animals eat other living things.            T/F

6.   Plants can smell.      T/F

7.   Animals hear and see things.   T/F

Task 6.
This is another text to read. Read it and answer the questions.
Pollution is harmful because it can kill or sicken plants, animals, and people. Pollution can
change the environment. Things that cause pollution are called pollutants. When the pollutants
harm the air you have air pollution. This pollution irritates people’s lungs. Two other kinds of
pollution are soil and water pollution. Soil pollution damages soil and water pollution damages

1. Why is pollution harmful?
2. What are pollutants?
3. What are the two kinds of pollution besides air pollution?
4. What does each kind of pollution damage?

Task 7
Study the following sentences.
1. a.      A cat is an animal.
2. b.     Human beings are living things.
3. c.       An animal is different from a plant.
4. d.     Microorganisms are also living things.
5. e.      Animals and plants are parts of an ecosystem.
6. f.       Animals and plants are living things.
7. g.      Air, water, and rocks are non-living things.
8. h.     Pollutants are harmful to living things.
9. i.        Soil pollution and water pollution are dangerous to human beings.
What sentence pattern do you see in the sentences above?

SUBJECT (‘is’ or ‘are’) COMPLEMENT

A  cat is  an animal

An animal is different from a plant

Human beings are living things

Animals and plants are parts of an ecosystem

Air, water, and rocks are non-living things

Pollutions are harmful to living things

Task 8.
Arrange the following jumbled words into correct sentences. 
1. cat  –  a  – living – a – thing – is
2. cats – living – dogs – are – and – things
3. rock – a – non-living – is – thing
4. are – microorganisms –  living – very – small – things
5. plants – animals – parts – are – of – ecosystem – an – and
6.  is – pollution – harmful – environment – to
7. pollutants – are – chemical – substances – some
8. a – pollution – killer – to – animals – plants – and
9. pollutants – things – are – that – cause – pollution
10.  a – safe – forest – ecosystem – this – is
Task 9
Develop the following words into correct sentences. Add to be ‘is’ or ‘are’ and article ‘a’ or
‘an’ if necessary.  
1. tiger/living/ thing
2.  chemical/substances/harmful/to /environment
3.  acid/rain /kind of /pollution
4. plants/different/from/fungi
5. air/pollution / serious/ problem/everywhere

Task 10
Practice the short dialogue about pollution below with a classmate.
Student  :    Is there anything we children can do to reduce  pollution, Sir?

Teacher  :   Yes, sure. There are three things that you can do.

Student   :   Can you tell me?

Teacher   :   First, plant trees in your place.   Secondly, walk to nearby places.

Student   :    What is the third, sir?

Teacher   :     Save electricity

Student   :     I see.

Task 11
Complete the following text with the words in the box.
You can do something to help us reduce environmental __________. Some choices __________

First, do not ask for __________ bags when shopping. Bring your cloth bags instead for your
shopping stuff. Secondly, use your __________ less frequently. Walk to nearby places. Thirdly,
save electricity. Do not keep the __________ playing music when you are not in the room. Do
not keep TV on when you are not awake.  The fourth choice is planting __________. This is one
of the best ways to reduce environmental pollution. Promise yourself that you plant  __________
young tree every week. If you do not have enough space you may plant a young tree in a
__________. Another best way is recycling.  Make paper bags out of your __________. You
may sell or use them. Use natural  or make compost from your degradable waste in the house.

If now you know how to reduce environmental pollution, do your bit every __________.  Help
the Environment, Help Yourself!
(Adapted from

What is it? Answer the following riddles?
1.    If you let me live, I shall soon die; if you kill me, I shall live long.

2.   If you look at me, you cannot see me.

3.   If I look at it, it looks at me; if I laugh, it laughs.

Some of the sentences below are wrong in grammar. Correct them.
1. This one of the best ways to reduce pollution.
2. Some chemical substances are pollutants in the water.
A. Cow is a living thing.
B. There some kinds of pollution.
C. You can reduce pollution by planting young trees everyday.
D. Pollution dangerous because it can harm environment.
E. People plant tree in pots when they do not have enough spaces.
F. Animals are not the same as plant.
G. Air, water and rocks is parts of an ecosystem.
H. Recycling one of the best ways to reduce pollution.

 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

well OK A little

1. I can spell the words

related to environment in
the texts.

1. I can pronounce the words

related to environment in
the text.

1. I can tell about pollution.

 Part of this unit that I like most is ________________________.


environment (noun) n(ipmm(((

noun[InvaI«r«nÈmentl] lingkungan
living thing noun [ÈlIvIN TINz] benda hidup
non-living thing noun [nn ÈlIvIN TINz] benda mati
pollution noun [p«ÈluùSn] polusi
pollutant noun [p«Èluùt«nt] polutan
ecosystem noun [Èiùk«UsIst«m] ekosistem
extinct adjective[IkÈstINkt] punah
recycle verb [riùÈsaIkl] mendaur ulang
substance noun[ÈsÃbst«ns] bahan
chemical adjective[ÈkemIkl] dari bahan kimia
irritat everb[ÈIrIteIt] menjadikan sakit
animal noun[ÈQnIm«l] binatang
plant noun[plAùnt] tumbuhan
pot noun[pt] pot
stuff noun[stÃf]barang

Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu:

1. melafalkan pengucapan nama-nama binatang

2. melafalkan pengucapan jenis-jenis habitat binatang

3. mengidentifikasi habitat binatang

4. meminta dan memberi informasi mengenai cara hidup binatang

5. merangkai kata menjadi kalimat sederhana dalam bentuk simple present

Task 1
Listen and repeat after your teacher.

desert noun [Èdez«t]

forest noun [ÈfrIst]

jungle noun [ÈdZÃNgl]

plain noun [pleIn]

river noun [ÈrIv«]

Sea noun [siù]

snow and ice noun [sn«U] [Qnd] [aIs]

Task 2
Listen, point, and say kinds of animal homes.

Task 3
Read about animal homes.
Animal Habitats
      Animals live in many different places. Chimpanzees and parrots live in hot jungles.
Kangaroos and ostriches live on plains. Polar bears and penguins live in the polar regions.
Camels live in hot deserts. Crocodiles and fish live in lakes and rivers. Whales and fish live in
oceans. Deer live in the cool forests.

Task 4
Check  to what animal these homes belong. Work with a friend.

Home Animal

the jungle Parrot

the sea …

lakes and rivers …

the desert …

the snow and ice …

the plains …

the forest …

Task 5
Read and match.
Taken from New English Parade 3 (Herrera and Zanatta, 2000)
1. … swimming    2. … jumping    3. … flying    4. … climbing     5. … walking

Task 8
Work with a friend. Pick one card for you. Ask each other like this.
“What can you do?”                          “I can swim.”
Taken from New English Parade 3 (Herrera and Zanatta, 2000)
Task 9
Work with a friend. Use the same cards and pick one picture of  those animals for you. Ask
and answer like this.
Task 10
Arrange the following jumbled words into good sentences.
Not – walk – do – fish – the – desert.
Fish do not walk in the desert.
1. In – walk – desert – camels – the.
2. Whale – pond – not – does – in – swim – the – a.
3. Snow – penguins – live – the – in.
4. Jump – the – jungle – in – monkeys.
5. Does – in – sea – crocodile – the –not – a –crawl.
Task 11
Write the homes of animals and what they can or can’t do. Work with a friend.

No. Animals Home They can … They can’t …

1. Kangaroos Plain Jump Swim

2. Birds … … …

3. Crocodiles … … …
4. Whales … … …

5. Butterflies … … …

6. Fish … … …

7. Monkeys … … …

8. Ostriches … … …

9. Bears … … …

10. Horses … … …

Task 11
Read the following text. Put the forms in brackets into the ones in the simple present tense.
Diversity of Living things: History of Classification
About 2000 years ago, Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, divided living things into two kingdoms,
i.e. plants and animals. Most plants 1) … (have) chlorophyll and are immobile, while animals 2)
… (not/have) chlorophyll and are mobile.

Aristotle system 3) … (classifies) the animal kingdoms into three groups based on their habitats
(water, land, and air). Animals 4) … (live) in different habitats. Animals which belong to the
same species live in the same habitats. For example, whales and fish live in oceans.

(Adapted from Self-Learning Materials Year VII)

Task 12
Read the following story. Put “T” when the sentence is already in the correct simple
present tense and “F” when it is in the false form of the simple present tense.
There are many birds in the forest. Birds with red and green feathers sings in the trees (F). Birds
with yellow and purple feathers come from the plains (1 …..).

But, there is one bird in the forest who hasn’t got any feathers. She sit (2 …..) in a tree and cry
and cry, “I haven’t got any feathers!”

The birds in the forest say, “Let’s help the bird with no feathers.” The parrot give (3 …..) her a
red feather. The owl gives (4 …..) her a brown feather. Soon the sad bird get (5 …..) five
feathers, ten feathers, twenty feathers!

She laughs, “I don’t need you. Now I’ve got many feathers.” And she fly out of the forest (6

The owl is angry. He wants to find that bird. He wants his feather. He flies out of the forest.

He asks the monkey, who jumps in the jungle, “who-who-who has got my feather?” The monkey
do not know (7 …..). He asks the whale, who swims in the sea, “Who-who-who has got my
feather?” The whale doesn’t know (8 …..). He asks the crocodile, who crawls in the river, “Who-
who-who has got my feather?” The crocodile do not know (9 …..). He asks the camel, who
walks in the desert, “Who-who-who has got my feather?” The camel do not know? (10 …..)

To this day the owl says (11 …..), “ Who-who-who.” He is always looking for his feather.

(Based on American Folk Tale – Re-told by Judi Veramendi)

 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very well OK A little

1. I can pronounce the names of animals.

1. I can pronounce and identify kinds of

animal homes.
1. I can make sentences in the simple
present tense with verbs.

1. I can express and respond meanings in

information exchanges about the ways
animals live.

1. I can write what animals can do and

what they can’t do.

1. I can put jumbled sentences in  good


I.       WORD LIST

bird noun [b«ùd] burung

camel noun [ÈkQml] unta

crocodile noun [Èkrk«daIl] buaya

deer noun [dI«] rusa

desert noun [Èdez«t] padang pasir

fish noun [fIS] ikan

forest noun [ÈfrIst]  hutan

jungle noun [ÈdZÃNgl] hutan rimba

kangaroo noun [kQNg«Èruù] kanguru

lion noun [ÈlaI«n] singa

ostrich noun [ȁstrItS] burung unta

penguin noun [ÈpeNgwIn] penguin

plain noun [pleIn] dataran

polar bear noun [Èp«Ul« be«] beruang es

river noun [ÈrIv«] sungai

snow and ice noun [sn«U] [aIs] salju dan es

whale noun [weIl] ikan paus


Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :

1. melafalkan kata-kata  dalam bacaan terkait dengan tumbuhan

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan tumbuhan.
3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan
dengan menggunakan pola kalimat simple present tense dengan action
verbs; menggunakan pola kalimat pertanyaan dengan wh-question words.
4. melengkapi kalimat rumpang yang dibacakan oleh guru dengan  kata berejaan

Task 1
Listen and repeat.
bare                      [Èbe«]

cold                      [k«Uld]
desert                   [Èdez«t]

dry                        [draI]

enough                 [IÈnÃf]

loose                     [luùs]

loosen                  [Èluùs«n]

plants                   [plAùnts]

plough                 [plaU]

warmth                [wùmT]

Task 2
Match parts of a plant with the description.

Parts of a Plant Description

1. root
1. stem part of a tree which grows out from the trunkthe seed-
1. leaf bearing
1. branch
partpart that is usually below grounda flattened structure,
1. flower
typically green and blade-likehard outer layer
1. bark
  the main body

Task 3
Read the text, and then answer the questions.
Why Things Grow
 Why do trees and other plants grow in some places and not in others? Why do some types of
land have so many plants growing on them, while other types of land have almost no plants
growing on them at all?

To grow, plants need several things. One is warmth. In very cold places almost nothing grows.
That’s why the cold land at the North and the South Poles is so bare.

Plants also need water. In very dry parts of the Earth, only a few rare plants can grow. That’s
why dry deserts everywhere are almost bare.

Plants must also have a place in which to put down their roots and grow. They find it hard to
grow on rocky land. The soil must be loose enough for the roots to push their way down and for
the air and water to find their way to the roots. That is why farmers plough their fields – to
loosen the soil.

Adapted from Webster’s Beginning Book of Facts (1978)

1. What is the text about?
2. What do plants need in order to grow?
3. Why do plants not grow in very cold places?
4. What kind of soil do plants need in order to put down their roots?
5. What do farmers do to loosen the soil?
Task 5
Based on the text above, are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Plants do not need warmth to grow.                                    T/F
2. Many plants can grow in very cold places.             T/F
3. A few rare plants can grow in very dry deserts.                 T/F
4. Plants can grow on rocks easily.                                           T/F
5. Farmers can loosen the soil by ploughing the fields.        T/F

Task 6
Study the sentences. What sentence pattern do you see?
1. Different species of plants grow differently.
2. A plant needs warmth, water, and soil to grow.
3. Plants with soft stems live for only a few weeks.
4. Plants with wooden trunks live for years.
5. The farmer loosens the soil every year.
6. A rare plant grows in our backyard.
7. A very tiny plant lives in a tropical rain forest.
8. Plants have a place to put down their roots.
Task 7
Change the sentences above to questions.
1. a.      Do different species of plants grow differently?
2. b.     Does a plant need warmth, water, and soil to grow?
3. c.       ______________________________________________
4. d.     ______________________________________________
5. e.      ______________________________________________
6. f.       ______________________________________________
7. g.      ______________________________________________
8. h.     ______________________________________________
Task 8
Work in pairs. Study these questions and the answers. What sentence pattern do you see?
1. How do different species of plants grow?

2. What does a plant need to grow?

Warmth, water, and soil.

3. Which plants live for only a few weeks?

Plants with soft stems.

4. Which plants live for years?

Plants with wooden trunks.
5. What does the farmer do every year?
Loosens the soil.

6. Where does an unusual plant grow?

In our backyard.

7. Where does a tiny plant live?

In a tropical rain forest.

8. What do plants have to put down their roots?

A place.

Task 9
 Work in pairs. Read the sentences, and take turns changing them to question forms.
1. Certain plants catch insects.
2. Most plants get their food from the soil.
3. A Venus’s-flytrap has leaves shaped like small pitchers.
4. This plant catches tiny water creatures with a trap.
5. Farmers give fertilizer to the plants.

Task 10
Ask questions, the answers of which are the words in italics. Read the questions aloud.
1. Certain plants catch insects.
2. Most plants get their food from the soil.
3. A Venus’s-flytrap has leaves shaped like small pitchers.
4. This plant catches tiny water creatures with a trap.
5. Farmers give fertilizer to the plants.

Task 11
Complete the following text with the words in the box.
soil             plants         through       
airleaves          take          minerals

Green plants need nutrients in the form of minerals. These __________  are absorbed by the
green plants from the __________, and then transported up to their __________.  The mineral
intake by __________ depends on the mineral type.  Most plants __________ nitrogen from the
soil in the form of ions.  Certain plants can take free nitrogen from the __________. Coffee
plants also take nitrogen directly from the air __________ their leaves.

(Adapted from Self-Learning Materials for Science Year 7)

Task 12
Complete the questions with do or does. Then draw a line to match the question and

a. Yes, he does. He buys the fertilizer in


1.______ new wood grow inside the bark 1. Yes, it does. This indicates the
of the tree?2.______ only a few unusual age of the plant.
plants grow in a very dry place?3.______ c. Yes, it does. This makes insects find
the farmer put fertilizer into the soil? their way onto the sticky stalks.
4.______ farmers use a machine to spray
1. Yes, they do. Generally dry
the fertilizer?5.______ the sundew plant
places are bare.
shine when the sun shines?
e. Yes, they do. The machine sprinkles
6.______ the color of the new wood look
it evenly onto the land.
1. Yes, it does. The tree becomes
taller and bigger.
 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

well OK A little

1. I know parts of a plant.

1. I can pronounce words related

to plants correctly.

1. I can make questions.

 Part of this unit that I like most is _____________________________.


Bare [Èbe«] tandus


Cold [k«Uld] dingin


Desert [Èdez«t] gurun pasir


Dry [draI] kering


enough [IÈnÃf] cukup


Plough [plaU] membajak


Root [ruùt] akar
Spray [spreI] menyemprot

sprinkle [ÈsprINkl] menyemprot


Stalk [stùk] dahan


Stem [stem] batang


Sticky [ÈstIki] bergetah



Tujuan pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :

1. melafalkan kata-kata  dalam bacaan terkait dengan states of matter.

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan states of matter.

3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan

dengan states of matter.

4. menggunakan pola kalimat imperative.

5. melengkapi kalimat rumpang yang tersedia dengan  kata berejaan benar.

Task 1
Listen and repeat.
phase  change           [feIz] [tSeInZ]
chemical                   [ÈkemIkl]

physical                    [ÈfIzIkl]

solid                         [ÈslId]

liquid                        [ÈlIkwId]

evaporation              [IvQp«ÈreISn]

gas                            [gQs]

plasma                      [ÈplQzm«]

condense                  [k«nÈdens]

heat                          [hiùt]

boil                          [bIl]

Read the text.
Task 2
States of Matter
There are three main states of matter. Solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas. Each of these states is
also known as a phase. Elements and compounds can move from one phase to another phase
when special physical forces are present. One example of those forces is temperature. The phase
or state of matter can change when the temperature changes. Generally, as the temperature rises,
matter moves to a more active state.
Answer the questions.
1. How many states of matter do you know?

2. Mention the main states of matter.

3. What is the cause of change among the states of matter?

4. What is one of the examples of force?

5. What happens to the matter if the temperature rises?

Task 3
Phase describes a physical state of matter. The key word to notice is physical. Things only move
from one phase to another by physical means. If energy is added (like increasing the temperature
or increasing pressure) or if energy is taken away (like freezing something or decreasing
pressure) you have created a physical change.
Answer the questions.
1.What does phase describe?

2. What moves things from one phase to another phase?

3. What will happen if energy is added/

4. What will happen if energy is added to solid?

5. What will happen if the energy is taken away from gases?

Task 4
One compound or element changes frrom phase to phase, but it is still in the same substance.
You can see water vapor over a boiling pot of water. That vapor (or gas) condenses and
becomes a drop of water. If you put that drop in the freezer, it would become a solid. No matter
what phase it is in, it is always water. It always has the same chemical properties.
Answer the questions.
1. What do you see over a boiling pot of water?

2. If vapor (gas) condenses what does it become?

3. If you put a drop of water in the freezer what does it become?

4. What is the basic form of matter?

5. What has the same chemical properties?

Task 6
Practice the following dialog.
Teacher          : Do you know how to change solid into liquid?

Student          : Boil the ice cube, mam.

Teacher          : Right. You heat the ice cube. It melts into liquid.

Student          : When you boil water, it produces ‘smoke’

Teacher          : Sure, when the water is boiled, it produces water vapour.

Answer the following questions.

1. How do you change the ice cube into water?

2. What happens to the ice cube when you heat it?

3. What is the form of the ice cube when it is heated?

4. What is produced when water is boiled?

5. Do you know how to change water vapour into liquid?

Imperative Sentences

Positive Imperative Sentence Negative Imperative Sentence

Boil the water. Don’t boil the water.

Drop the glass. Don’t drop the glass.

Heat the ice. Don’t heat the ice

Decrease the pressure. Don’t decrease the pressure.

Condense the vapor. Don’t condense the vapo

Task 7
Put the following words into imperative sentences (both positive and negative)
a. heat/the  water

 Heat the water.

 Don’t heat the water.
b. explain/ the states of matter/to your friend

 _____________________.
 _____________________.

c. describe/ the process

 _____________________.
 _____________________.
d. change/ the process

 _____________________.
 _____________________.
e. increase/ the pressure

 _____________________.
 _____________________.

Task 8
Rearrange the following jumbled words.
a. s-P-a-h-e-s
b. d-i-q-L -u-i
c. r-a-p-o-V
d. e-r-s-P -s-u-e-r
e. r-e-p-r-t-m-e-a-T-e-u
Task 9
Complete the following sentencse, by mentioning the states of matter.
a. A plastic ball is __________.

b. Gas vapour is __________.

c. The rain is __________.

d. Ice cube is __________.

e. Water in the river _________.

Task 10
Practice the dialog.
Dialog 1
Student A      : Do you know how many states of matter are there?

Student B       : There are three; solid, gas, and liquid.

Dialog 2
Student A      : Is ice cube solid or liquid?

Student B       : Ice cube is solid.

Student A      : What are the examples of gas?

Student B       : They are water vapour, smoke, and air.

Student A      : Thank you for the information.

Student B       : Don’t mention it.

Task 11
Arrange the jumbled words into good sentences.
a. metal- The- is-made-bridge-of

b. is-air-The-gas-matter-of
c. liquid-state-The-water-is-of

d. solid-is-wood-The-of-state

e. freezing-The-is-water-solid
Task 12
Complete the following text with the words in the box.

Gas                    matter               solid                     phases                liqui

States of matter are the distinct forms that different _________(1) of _________(2) take on.
__________ (3) is the state in which matter maintains a fixed volume and shape; __________ (4)
is the state in which matter maintains a fixed volume but adapts to the shape of its container; and
_________ (5) is the state in which matter expands to occupy whatever volume is available.

Task 13
Cross Word Puzzles
Find the 5 words related to the states of matters.








What did the baby digital clock say to the mother alarm clock?

‘Look ma, no hands’

Why did the man throw the clock out of the window?

He wanted to see time fly.

What has forty feet and sings?

The school choir!
If two’s company and three a crowd, what are four and five?

What is the quickest way to double your money?

Fold it in half!

What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea?
It gets wet!

What is a volcano?
A mountain with hiccups!

Why is Alabama the smartest state in the USA?

Because it has 4 A’s and one B!

3. Jokes

Teacher: If 1+1=2 and 2+2=4, what is 4+4?

Pupil: That’s not fair!  You answered the easy ones and left me with the hard one! 

Task 14
Mention the state of the following matters.
a. air

b. vapor

c. ice cube

d. syrup
e. rain

f. oil

g. stone

h. water

i. sand

j. smoke

Task 15
Put a check (V) on the right column.

Things Solid Liquid Gas






ice cube




 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very well OK little

1 I can pronounce and understand words related

. to matters      

. I can differentiate the state of matters      

. I can mention some forms of the state of matters      

4 I can express ideas related to the states of

. matters in simple English      

. I can mention imperative sentence

 Part of this unit that I like most is ____________________________________.

Become verb  [bIÈkÃm] menjadi

Boil  [bIl] merebus

 Change  [tSeInZ] perubahan


chemical  [ÈkemIkl] kimiawi


condense  [k«nÈdens]  mengembun


Drop  [drp] jatuh


Energy  [Èen«dZi] energi


evaporation  [IvQp«ÈreISn] penguapan


Freezer  [Èfriùz«] pendingin


Gas  [gQs] uap


Heat  [hiùt] memanaskan


Liquid  [ÈlIkwId] cair


Phase  [feIz] fase


physical  [ÈfIzIkl] fisik


Plasma  [ÈplQzm«] plasma


Shape  [SeIp] bentuk

Solid  [ÈslId] padat

Volume  [Èvljuùm] isi

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :
melafalkan kata-kata  dalam bacaan terkait dengan unit waktu.
1.  mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan unit waktu.
2. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan dengan
unit waktu.
3. menggunakan pola kalimat simple present tense dengan be; menggunakan pola kalimat
pertanyaan dengan wh-question words.
4. menanyakan hari dan tanggal secara bergantian
5. menyusun kembali kalimat acak menjadi paragraf yang runtut.

Task 1
Listen and repeat.
Monday               [ÈmÃndeI]               Friday                  [ÈfraIdeI]

Tuesday               [ÈtjuùzdeI]               Saturday              [ÈsQt«deI]

Wednesday         [Èwenzdi]                 Sunday                 [ÈsÃndi]

Thursday             [ÈT«ùzdeI]             
January          [ÈdZQnju«ri] July              [dZuÈlaI]

February        [ÈfebrU«ri] August          [ȍùg«st]

March             [mAùtS] September     [sepÈtemb«]

April [April] October          [kÈt«Ub«]

May                [meI] November     [n«Èvemb«]

June                [dZuùn] December      [dIÈsemb«]

Spring            [sprIN]    Winter                 [ÈwInt«]                                        

Summer          [ÈsÃm«]                       Autumn              [ȍùt«m]                 

Task 2
Fill in the gaps to spell the names of days, months, and seasons.
___   p   ___   i   ___

O   ___    ___    o   ___    e    ___

___     ___   n    t    ___    r

T  ___   ___    r   ___    d   ___    ___

___   u   ___   u   ___   n

S   ___    ___   u   ___    ___    a    ___

___    a   ___   c  ___

S  ___    ___   m   ___    ___

___   ___   n   ___   a   ___   y

J  ___   ___   e

Task 3
Listen to your teacher reading these situations. Then, finish his/her sentences.
1. Today is Wednesday. The day after tomorrow is __________.
2. Today is Friday. The day before yesterday was __________.
3. Today is Sunday. The next three days is __________.
4. Today is Saturday. Two days before was __________.
5. Today is Monday. Two days after tomorrow is __________.
Read the flyer.

Pine Valley Library Activities

 Preschool Story Time (10.00 – 10.30 A.M.)
Stories for ages 3 – 6.

 Afternoon Story Time (3.30 – 4.00 P.M.)
Stories for ages 5 – 8.

 Email Basics Class (7.00 – 8.00 P.M.)
Learn how to set up an email account and read and send

Friday Teens
 Computer Gaming/Pizza Party (6.00 – 8.00
Join other teens for pizza and computer activities.

Hours: 9.00 A.M. – 8 P.M. Monday – Saturday. Closed on Sunday

Note: All activities are free.

Adapted from Excellent English 2 (Blass, 2008).


Task 4
Circle the correct answer.
1. Preschool Story Time is for ages                           3 – 6/5 – 8.

2. Seven-year-old children can hear stories at         10.00 A.M./3.30 P.M.

3. Afternoon Story Time lasts for                               30 minutes/60 minutes

4. Adults can learn about email on                           Wednesday/Friday.

5. There is a computer and pizza party for              adults/teens.

6. Computer Gaming/Pizza Party lasts for             one hour/two hours

7. The library is closed on                                          Saturday/Sunday.

8. All activities in the library                                      cost $5.00/are free.

Task 5
Draw a line to match the situation with the activity.

Situations Activities

1. A 3-year-old child likes to listen to

2. Computer Gaming/ Pizza Party
3. Your mother wants to learn to send
4. Preschool Story Time
5. You want to play computer games
with other teens.
6. Afternoon Story Time
7. A 7-year-old child wants something
to do in the afternoon.
8. Email Basics Class

Read this situation.

Firda goes swimming every three days. Ami goes swimming every four days. If today, 14 May,
Firda and Ami go swimming together, on what date do they go swimming together again?

Firda’s schedule: 14 May, 17 May, 20 May, 23 May, 26 May, 29 May, etc.

Ami’s schedule: 14 May, 18 May, 22 May, 26 May, 30 May, etc.
Look. What date is the same after 14 May?
So, Firda and Ami go swimming together again on 26 May.

Task 6
Read the information carefully, and then answer the questions.
1. Tika goes to baseball practice every four days. Nina goes to baseball practice every five
days. If today, 2 July, Tika and Nina go to baseball practice together, on what date do
they go together again?
2. Riza plays soccer every three days. Ronald plays soccer every six days. If today, 5 May,
Riza and Ronald play soccer together, on what date do they play soccer together again?
3. Fahmida goes grocery shopping once a week. Janet goes grocery shopping once in two
weeks. If today, 13 August, Fahmida and Janet go grocery shopping together, on what
date do they go grocery shopping together again?

Task 7
Look at these sentences.
1. Today is Thursday.
2. Tomorrow is Friday.
3. The day after tomorrow is Saturday.
4. Today is 5 May.
5. Tomorrow is 6 May.
6. The date after tomorrow is 7 May.
7. This month is March.
8. Next month is April.

Task 8
Make questions from the sentences above.
1. What day is today?
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. What date is today?
5. ____________________________
6. ____________________________
7. What month is this month?
8. ____________________________

D.      LET’S SAY
Task 9
Work in pairs. Take turns asking about days and dates.
1. Today is ______________________.
What day is tomorrow?

What is the day after tomorrow?

1. Today is ______________________.
What date is tomorrow?

What is the date after tomorrow?

Task 10
Rearrange these scrambled sentences to become a paragraph.
1. It also tells us whether it is morning, noon, or afternoon.
2. When the sun is almost directly overhead, it’s noon.
3. The sun is probably the world’s first ‘clock’.
4. It tells us whether it is day or night.
5. When it is halfway down again, it is the middle of the afternoon.
6. When the sun is halfway to this point, it is the middle of the morning.

Task 11
Read the information. Then, answer the questions.
1. Feliks goes swimming every three days. Fadhil goes swimming every four days. If
today, 2 March, Feliks and Fadhil go swimming together, on what date do they go
swimming together again?
2. Ronny plays soccer every week. Ahmad plays soccer once in two weeks. If today, 3
September, Ronny and Ahmad play soccer together, on what date do they play soccer
together again?
3. Zakia has basketball practice every three days. Rahma has basketball practice every
five days. If today, 4 January, Zakia and Rahma have basketball practice together, on
what date do they have it together again?
4. Tata practices dancing every three days. Nisa practices dancing every four days. If
today, 5 February, Tata and Nisa practice dancing together, on what day do they
practice it together again?
5. Tika has a piano class once a week. Tania has a piano class every three days. If today,
1 October, Tika and Tania have a piano class together, on what date do they have it
together again?

 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.
well OK A little

1. I can spell days,

months, and seasons.

2. I can pronounce days,

months, and seasons.

3. I can make questions.

4. I can do simple
calculations of time.

 Part of this unit that I like most is ____________________________.


Autumn musim gugur

noun [ȍùt«m]

Date Tanggal
noun [deIt]

Day Hari
noun [deI]

Halfway Separuh
adverb [hAùfÈweI]

Library Perpustakaan
noun [ÈlaIbri]

Middle Tengah
noun [ÈmIdl]

Night Malam
noun [naIt]

Overhead di atas kepala

adverb [«Uv«Èhed]
Spring musim semi
noun [sprIN]

Summer musim panas

noun [ÈsÃm«]

Winter musim dingin

noun [ÈwInt«]

Tujuan pembelajaran
Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :

1. melafalkan kata-kata  dalam bacaan terkait dengan measurement.

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan

3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang

berhubungan dengan measurement
4. menggunakan pola kalimat how many and how much
5. melengkapi kalimat rumpang yang dibacakan oleh guru dengan

kata berejaan benar.

Task 1
Listen and repeat.
measurement         [ÈmeZ«m«nt]

mass                                    [mQs]

metric                      [ÈmetrIk]

gram                        [grQm]

capacity                  [k«ÈpQsIti]

volume                   [Èvljuùm]

length                      [leNT]

weight                     [weIt]

meter                       [Èmiùt«]

distance                              [ÈdIst«ns]

liter                                      [Èliùt«]

standard measurement     [ÈstQnd«d] [ÈmeZ«m«nt]

ruler                                     [Èruùl«]

scale                                     [skeIl]

temperature                       [Ètempr«tS«]

thermometer                       [T«ÈmmIt«]

Task 2
Listen and find.
Match the tool of measurements with their functions.

The tools of measurement The functions

1. a ruler 1. to measure time

2. a scale 2. to measure temperature

3. a thermomether 3. to count

4. a watch 4. to measure weight

5. a calculator 5. to measure length

Read the text.
Task 3
Measurement Systems and Tools
To measure the sizes or dimensions of something


This is a semicircle instrument. It is used to draw and measure angles in degrees.


This is a tool to measure and draw straight lines. This tool is usually divided into         units and
fractional parts of the units, such as inches or centimeters.


Any instrument that is divided into equal units that can be used to measure. Rulers,
thermomethers, and weighing devices are examples of scales. Weighing devices are most
commonly referred to as scales or balance scales.

Answer the questions.

a. How many kinds of measurement tools do you know?

b. What is the function of a ruler?

3. What is the meaning of a scale?

4. What kins of tools do you use to measure weight?

5. What do you know about measurement?

Task 4
      Temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness of an object. The instrument to measure
the temperature is thermomether. There are two metric, or centigrade, scale of measurement of
temperature, Celcius (abbreviated with a capital C) and Farenheit (abbreviated with a capital F)
Answer the questions.
a. What is the meaning of temperature?
b. What is the instrument to measure temperature?

c. How many scales of measurement are there?

d. What are the scales of measurement of temperature?

e. What do you think of these two scales of measurement? Are they the same or


Task 5
How Thermometers Work

If you look around your house, you will find lots of different devices whose goal in life is to
either detect or measure changes in temperature:
 The thermometer in the backyard tells you how hot or cold it is outside.
 The meat and candy thermometers in the kitchen measure food temperatures.
 The thermometer in the furnace tells it when to turn on and off.
 The thermometer in the oven lets it keep a set temperature (hot).
 The thermometer in the refrigerator lets it keep a set temperature (cold).
 The fever thermometer in the medicine cabinet measures temperature
accurately over a very small range.

Answer the questions.

a. How many types of thermomether do you know?

b. Where do you find thermomether?

c. Do you ever use a thermomether?

d. How to read a thermomether? Explain, please.

How many rulers do you have
How many calculators do you have?
How many watches do you have?
How much time do you need?
How much money do you spend in a month?

Task 6

Complete the sentences.

1. How _________ boxes do you need?

2. How _________ time do you need?

3. How _________ books do you need?

4. How _________ money do you need?

5. How _________ scales do you need?

 Read aloud.
 Explanation of system of measurements
Comparing Mass in Grams

 A kilogram is 1000 grams

 A hectogram is 100 grams
 A decagram is 10 grams
 A gram is the basic unit of mass
 A decigram is 1/10 gram
 A centigram is 1/100 gram
 A milligram is 1/1000 gram
Comparing Metric Liters

 A kiloliter is 1000 liters

 A hectoliter is 100 liters
 A decaliter is 10 liters
 A liter is the basic unit of volume
 A deciliter is 1/10 liter
 A centiliter is 1/100 liter
 A milliliter is 1/1000 liter
Task 7
Practice the following dialog.
Teacher          : Good morning. How are you?

Student          : Morning, Sir. Fine, thank you..

Teacher          : Today. We will discuss the system of measurement. What kinds of

system of measurement are you familiar with?

Student          : Gram, and liter.

Teacher          : Excellent. A kilogram is similar to one thousand grams. A gram is the

basic unit of mass. How many grams are a half kilogram similar to?

Student          :A half kilogram is similar to five hundred grams.

Teacher          : Great. What about a kiloliter?

Student          : A kiloliter is similar to one thousand liters.

Task 8
Complete the following sentences.
a. To measure length you need __________.

b. To measure wight you need __________.

c. To measure coldness or hotness you need __________.

4. To measure volume you need __________.

5. To measure distance you need __________.

Measurement Equivalents
 1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 3 teaspoons (tsp)
 1/16 cup (c) = 1 tablespoon
 1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons
 1/6 cup = 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons
 1/4 cup = 4 tablespoons
 1/3 cup = 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon
 3/8 cup = 6 tablespoons
 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoons
 2/3 cup = 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons
 3/4 cup = 12 tablespoons
 1 cup = 48 teaspoons
 1 cup= 16 tablespoons
 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) = 1 cup
 1 pint (pt) = 2 cups
 1 quart (qt) = 2 pints
 4 cups = 1 quart
 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts
 16 ounces (oz) =  1 pound (lb)
 1 milliliter (ml) = 1 cubic centimeter (cc)
 1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm)
Task 9
Fill the blanks.
a. One cup is equal to _________ tablespoon.

b. One tablespoon is equal to _________ teaspoon.

c. One cup is equal to _________ quart.

d. One cup is equal to _________ teaspoons.

e. One quart is equal to _________ gallon.

f. One mililiter is equal to _________ cubic centimeter (CC).

g. One pound is equal to _________ ounces.

h. One inch is equal to __________ centimeters.

i. One tablespoon is equal to _________ cup.

j. One pint is equal to _________ cups.

Task 10
Crossword Puzzle
Find words related to measurement.









 How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very A
well OK little

1 I can pronounce and understand words related

. to measurements      
. I can differentiate kinds of measurements      

. I can mention kinds of measurements      

4 I can express ideas related to measurements in

. simple English      

5 I can express ideas using how many and how

. much

 Part of this unit that I like most is ___________________________________.

1. I.                   WORD LIST

measurementmas noun [ÈmeZ«m«nt][mQs] pengukuranmasa

s noun
[ÈmetrIk] metrik
metric adjective
noun [grQm] gram
[k«ÈpQsIti] kapasitas
capacity noun
noun [Èvljuùm] isi
[leNT] panjang
length noun
noun [weIt] berat
weight noun
noun [Èmiùt«] meter
noun [ÈdIst«ns] jarak
distance noun
noun [Èliùt«] liter
[ÈstQnd«d] standar

ruler [Èruùl«] penggaris

scale [skeIl] timbangan

temperature noun [Ètempr«tS«] temperatur
thermometer [T«ÈmmIt«] termometer

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