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rekening koran

account statement
Kepada Yth / To No. Rekening/Account Number : 130-00-2106030-9
13016 Nama Produk/Product Name : TAB MANDIRI
RIDWAN CAHYANA Valuta/Currency : Indonesia Rupiah
KP. LAMPING JATI NO. 14 Periode/Period : 01/03/22 s/d 31/03/22
RT 003 RW 002 Cabang/Branch : KCP Bandung Taman Kopo Indah
KUTAWARINGIN No. Kartu/Card Number : 4837968800100645
Jatisari BANDUNG 40286 No. NPWP/NPWP Number : -



Tgl. Tgl. Val Rincian Transaksi / No. Referensi Debet / Kredit Saldo
Date Val.Date Description / Reference No. Debet / Credit Balance
_____ _______ ________________________________________________________ ________________________ ___________________________

Saldo Pemindahan 17,734,981.80

03/03 03/03 ATMB trf Credt - 15,157,225.00 32,892,206.80
03/03 03/03 - S1ADACJB /6774666384/LMP-00900000000/G2 10,000,000.00 D 22,892,206.80
03/03 03/03 - 6,500.00 D 22,885,706.80
03/03 03/03 - S1ADACJB /6774666387/LMP-00900000000/G2 2,000,000.00 D 20,885,706.80
03/03 03/03 - 6,500.00 D 20,879,206.80
03/03 03/03 PRMA DR Transf - S1G9977636/7940 /PRM-BANK CENTRA 5,000,000.00 D 15,879,206.80
03/03 03/03 PRMA DR Transf - 6,500.00 D 15,872,706.80
10/03 10/03 PRMA SA CSH WD - S1G9983711/1001 /PRM-BANK CENTRA 7,500,000.00 D 8,372,706.80
10/03 10/03 ATMB trf Credt - 10,000,000.00 18,372,706.80
10/03 10/03 ATMB trf Credt - 10,000,000.00 28,372,706.80
10/03 10/03 - S1AW1M00 /7748489070/ATM-UNIKOPINJTI 2,500,000.00 D 25,872,706.80
11/03 11/03 PRMA CR Transf - 17,450,000.00 43,322,706.80
11/03 11/03 - S1ADACJB /6774668884/ATM-GRIYAMETRO 2,500,000.00 D 40,822,706.80
12/03 12/03 ATMB trf Debit - 12,000,000.00 D 28,822,706.80
13/03 13/03 - MONTHLY CARD CHARGE 0004837968800100645 10,000.00 D 28,812,706.80
14/03 14/03 - S1AW1M0M /7748778062/ATM-MCDSOETTA 0 1,250,000.00 D 27,562,706.80
14/03 14/03 - S1ADA30A /5148814643/LMP-00200000000/G2 5,000,000.00 D 22,562,706.80
14/03 14/03 - 6,500.00 D 22,556,206.80
14/03 14/03 - DD859278 /0000101220/JPN-0000000000014 1,475,000.00 D 21,081,206.80
17/03 17/03 - S1AW1COH /6748725121/ATM-METRO 03 2,500,000.00 D 18,581,206.80
17/03 17/03 MCM InhouseTrf - 13,000,000.00 31,581,206.80
18/03 18/03 - S1AW1CUH /6785726554/LMP-00200000000/G2 6,500,000.00 D 25,081,206.80
18/03 18/03 - 6,500.00 D 25,074,706.80
18/03 18/03 - S1AW1CUH /6785726556/LMP-00200000000/G2 3,000,000.00 D 22,074,706.80
18/03 18/03 - 6,500.00 D 22,068,206.80
18/03 18/03 - S1AW1CUH /6785726557/ATM-TANJUNGSARI 1,250,000.00 D 20,818,206.80
18/03 18/03 ATMB trf Credt - 17,500,000.00 38,318,206.80
19/03 19/03 - S1AW1CUH /6785726767/LMP-00200000000/G2 5,000,000.00 D 33,318,206.80
19/03 19/03 - 6,500.00 D 33,311,706.80

rekening koran
account statement
Kepada Yth / To No. Rekening/Account Number : 130-00-2106030-9
13016 Nama Produk/Product Name : TAB MANDIRI
RIDWAN CAHYANA Valuta/Currency : Indonesia Rupiah
KP. LAMPING JATI NO. 14 Periode/Period : 01/03/22 s/d 31/03/22
RT 003 RW 002 Cabang/Branch : KCP Bandung Taman Kopo Indah
KUTAWARINGIN No. Kartu/Card Number : 4837968800100645
Jatisari BANDUNG 40286 No. NPWP/NPWP Number : -



Tgl. Tgl. Val Rincian Transaksi / No. Referensi Debet / Kredit Saldo
Date Val.Date Description / Reference No. Debet / Credit Balance
_____ _______ ________________________________________________________ ________________________ ___________________________

19/03 Saldo Pemindahan 33,311,706.80

20/03 20/03 - S1ADA30O /5148817046/ATM-MTC 02 1,250,000.00 D 32,061,706.80
20/03 20/03 - 1300030008844 4837968800100645 5,000,000.00 D 27,061,706.80
21/03 25/03 ATMB trf Credt - 10,000,000.00 37,061,706.80
25/03 25/03 ATMB trf Credt - 10,000,000.00 47,061,706.80
25/03 25/03 - S1AW13KM /5175778705/ATM-IM TANJUNG L 3,000,000.00 D 44,061,706.80
28/03 28/03 - S1ADACJB /6774663402/LMP-00900000000/G2 5,000,000.00 D 39,061,706.80
28/03 28/03 - 6,500.00 D 39,055,206.80
28/03 28/03 - S1ADACJB /6774663404/LMP-00900000000/G2 6,000,000.00 D 33,055,706.80
28/03 28/03 - 6,500.00 D 33,048,706.80
28/03 28/03 - S1ADACJB /6774663406/LMP-00900000000/G2 3,000,000.00 D 30,048,706.80
28/03 28/03 - 6,500.00 D 30,042,206.80
28/03 28/03 - 1310015391990 4837968800100645 3,400,000.00 D 26,642,206.80
28/03 28/03 - S1AW131T /5149736393/ATM-RANCAEKEK 1,000,000.00 D 25,642,206.80
28/03 28/03 - S1ADACJB /6774663626/LMP-00900000000/G2 2,600,000.00 D 23,042,206.80
28/03 28/03 - 6,500.00 D 23,035,706.80
29/03 28/03 - S1AW1311 /5149762055/LMP-00200000000/G2 4,900,000.00 D 18,135,706.80
29/03 28/03 - 6,500.00 D 18,129,206.80
29/03 28/03 - S1AW1311 /5149762059/LMP-00200000000/G2 2,000,000.00 D 16,129,206.80
29/03 28/03 - 6,500.00 D 16,122,706.80
31/03 31/03 Biaya Adm - 12,500.00 D 16,110,206.80
31/03 31/03 Bunga - 1,833.62 16,112,040.42

Saldo Awal : 17,734,981.80

Mutasi Kredit : 103,109,058.62 9
Mutasi Debet : 104,732,000.00 41
Saldo Akhir : 16,112,040.42
Biaya Admisitrasi : Rp. 5,000.00
(Rp. 2,500.00 per halaman)


Status Biaya Statement Nasabah : ACCEPTED



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