Hamishs One Plan

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.

Year Level 05 Date of Birth 14-Aug-2011 Multi Enrolment N


Site Owner Plan Owner Plan Created By Plan Created On

SA School for Vision Impaired Rosette Zerella Rosette Zerella 16-Mar-2022
Planned Interim Review Actual Interim Review Annual Review

Plan Rationale
To provide Hamish with the best educational opportunities that are responsive to his needs and to nurture his social and emotional wellbeing. To continue to develop his
curriculum engagement.

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) / Australian Curriculum (AC) / South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
Learning Area: English

Strand: Language – Year 2 (working towards)

Recognise that capital letters signal proper nouns and commas are used to separate items in lists

Strand: Literature – Year 3 (working within)

Create texts that adapt language features and patterns encountered in literary texts, for example characterization, rhyme, rhythm, mood, music, sound effects and dialogue

Strand: Literacy – Year 3 (working towards)

Re-read and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation
Use software including word processing programs with growing speed and efficiency to construct and edit texts featuring visual, print and audio elements

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) / Australian Curriculum (AC) / South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
Learning area: Mathematics

Strand: Number and Place Value – Year 1 (working within)

- Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
- Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line
- Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts

Strand: Number and Place Value – Year 2 (working towards)

- Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and tens from any starting point, then moving to other sequences
- Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000
- Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting
- Explore the connection between addition and subtraction
- Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies


Social / Personal
Hamish can (at times) struggle to regulate his emotions. When tasks and activities may not directly align with his desires, it is extremly difficult for Hamish to stay engaged
enough to produce even a small amount of work.

There has been a significant shift in Hamish’s behaviour. Hamish now finds it more difficult to regulate himself within social settings and his behaviour challenges have been
identified more so in this space.

Hamish is an effective communicator verbally. When he is calm he successfully articulates what he is thinking and feeling. Hamish is challenged when asked to communicate
using writing methods. He finds it difficult to control his feelings and emotions when upset or when he is excited.

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) / Australian Curriculum (AC) / South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
Growth Points
- To increase literacy levels with a focus on producing more written texts with appropriate letter formation
- Maths – master understanding in simple number facts
- To continue to develop strategies that supports his ability to self-regulate
- To become an advocate for himself in all environments

Service/Agency Service Provision Start Date End Date
Can: Do 4 Kids Occupational Therapy sessions with Stephanie Iannella. 27-Jan-2020
Speech Pathology sessions with Kiki Papaefstratiou.
Behavioural Support

From the Perspective of Parents/Carers Name Aly and Ewen McGregor
Strength Interest
? Socially making friends (no social fear) ? Reading
? Reading ? Drawing
? Resilient ? Nova 91.9
? Creative ? Jurassic World (dinosaurs)
? Imaginative ? Lego
? Engaging ? Computer games (youtube)
? Charming ? Beach
? Caring (when he wants to be) ? Swimming
Motivation Aspirations (including Pathways)
? Chocolate ? To be an illustrator, paleontologist, scientist, Youtuber
? Screen time (Minecraft) ? To develop skills in maths and spelling
? Positive feedback
? Going to kmart

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

From the Perspective of Student Name Hamish McGregor 2021

Strength Interest
Drawing Harry Potter
Playing with my sister Jurassic World
Reading Lego
Whistling Reading
Bike riding Playing with my friends
Motivation Aspirations (including Pathways)
Making things Get better at drawing
Reward chart Improve on my writing – spelling words and writing on the lines
Challenges Hamish’s career goal is to become a radio presenter
Free time

From the Perspective of Teachers Name Rosette Zerella and Nadine Hughes
Strength Interest
- Drawing - Drawing
- Motivation in things that interest him - Fantasy texts
- Passionate and caring - Dinosaurs
- Minecraft
Motivation Aspirations (including Pathways)
- Praise/encouragement - For Hamish to be involved in all class lessons by incorporation of his interests into the
- Rewards curriculum
- Reading and drawing breaks - For Hamish to be an effective user of ICT to be engaged in the curriculum

Aims/Goals (SMARTAR)

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Type Curriculum Date Set 07-Mar-2022 Date Achieved
Aim Understand, demonstrate and apply basic number facts across all strands of mathematics
Progress Notes
Type Curriculum Date Set 07-Mar-2022 Date Achieved
Goal (SMARTAR) Hamish will develop confidence with number sequences, representing and solving simple addition and subtraction problems
independently, using a range of strategies with 100% accuracy by the end of term 4
Adjustment Type(s) Curriculum, Environmental, Instructional
Adjustment Notes Curriculum
(Universal / Specific) - Follow the Australian Curriculum Mathematics – Numeracy (Year 1, 2 and 3)

- Reinforce addition and subtraction strategies allowing sketch breaks to maintain engagement
- Give 1:1 support in Mathematics lessons where SSO management allows
- Provide incentives and rewards to engage Hamish in Mathematics lessons

- Appropriate lighting
- Dark lined stationary and .6 black pen
- Tasks supplied in Large Print format in small booklets
Type Curriculum Date Set 07-Mar-2022 Date Achieved
Aim Independently compose texts in electronic formats, using correct capitalization, full stops and sequencing of ideas.
Progress Notes

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Type Curriculum Date Set 07-Mar-2022 Date Achieved

Goal (SMARTAR) Hamish will be able to type at a speed of 15 words per minute with 90% accuracy by the end of term 4
Adjustment Type(s) Environmental, Instructional
Adjustment Notes Potential homework goal*
(Universal / Specific)
- Continual feedback
- SSO/Teacher support
- Structured templates for guidance and reinforcement
- Encouragement to participate with rewards offered in the form of a song choice.
- Praise for ‘having a go’ at tasks.

- Production of a personalised ‘rewards chart’ with dinosaurs
- Appropriate lighting
- Dark lined stationary and .6 black pen
- Tasks supplied in Large Print format.

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Type Behavioural Date Set 07-Mar-2022 Date Achieved
Aim For Hamish to take appropriate actions to independently self-regulate in social settings.
Progress Notes
Type Behavioural Date Set 07-Mar-2022 Date Achieved
Goal (SMARTAR) Hamish will take understand and demonstrate socially acceptable behaviors within the SASSVI community 80% of the time by the
end of term 4 with minimal prompting.
Adjustment Type(s) Environmental, Instructional
Adjustment Notes Instructional
(Universal / Specific) - Remind Hamish of his think it and say it opinions
- Work closely with behavior support therapist on strategies to support Hamish

- Have appropriate places in the classroom where Hamish can go to calm himself when necessary.
- Provide sensory toys that will assist him to self-calm
- Have verbal reminders and cues to encourage self-regulated appropriate social behaviors .
Type Other Date Set 11-Mar-2021 Date Achieved
Aim For Hamish to demonstrate confidence and safety with community travel, with adult supervision, as part of orientation and mobility.
Progress Notes Hamish demonstrates confidence and safety walking along residential footpath with supervision.

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Type Social Date Set 11-Mar-2021 Date Achieved

Goal (SMARTAR) Hamish to demonstrate full concentration to accurately assess traffic to complete safe road crossings in quiet residential
environments with adult supervision 100% of the time by the end of 2021.
Adjustment Type(s) Environmental, Instructional
Adjustment Notes Environmental
(Universal / Specific) - At times lessons will be required to take place outside of SASVI school site in the nearby community.

- 45-minute instructional lesson 1:1 with orientation and mobility teacher once per week.

Name Rosette Zerella and Nadine Role Teacher Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 10 x per week Total Hrs of Support 5h 0m
Focus Areas for Support
- 1:1 ICT & Assistive technology support
- Australian Curriculum- English
- Australian Curriculum - Mathematics
- Explicit instruction and tactile manipulatives in all learning areas
- Expanded Core Curriculum
Name Adrien Reissen Role Teacher Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 1 x per week Total Hrs of Support 0h 45m
Focus Areas for Support
Support Hamish with learning and applying Orientation and Mobility skills.

Name Rosette Zerella Role Teacher Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 3 x per week Total Hrs of Support 45m
Focus Areas for Support
Support with providing adaptations relevant to Hamish’s needs, enabling him to access PE as part of the Australian Curriculum.

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Name Hannah O'Brien Role Teacher Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 1 x per week Total Hrs of Support 1h 0m
Focus Areas for Support
Support and make adaptations relevant to engagement with learning Japanese.

Name Lily Gower Role Teacher Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 2 x per week Total Hrs of Support 1h 30m
Focus Areas for Support
To support Hamish by providing appropriate adaptations to ensure he can engage in the Arts as per the Australian Curriculum.

Name Rosette Zerella Role Teacher Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 1 x per week Total Hrs of Support 0h 45m
Focus Areas for Support
To make adaptations for Hamish to engage with the Australian Curriculum in Health.

Name Ross Sims Role Teacher Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 1 x per week Total Hrs of Support 0h 30m
Focus Areas for Support
Support with teaching ICT/Adaptive Technologies to support Hamish to engage with the Australian Curriculum.

Name Accessible Format Role SSO Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 1 x per week Total Hrs of Support 1h 0m
Focus Areas for Support
To produce resources and materials in large print to allow Hamish to access the Australian Curriculum

Name Relevant Staff Member Role Other Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 1 x per week Total Hrs of Support 0h 45m
Focus Areas for Support
To provide intensive support and instruction during swimming lessons.

Name Lachlan Wallace, Gemma Role SSO Site SA School for Vision Impaired Freq of Support 10 x per week Total Hrs of Support 10h 0m
Potter, Raija Linckers
Focus Areas for Support

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

- 1:1 ICT & Assistive technology support

- Australian Curriculum- English
- Australian Curriculum - Mathematics
- Explicit instruction and tactile manipulatives in all learning areas
- Expanded Core Curriculum
Type Background
Hamish lives at home with his parents Aly and Ewen and older sister Maddy.

Type Communication
Regular communication between teacher and family via email and face to face.

Type Assessment(s)
Functional Vision Assessment
Conducted by Lynne Loh - 28/07/2020

Speech Pathology Assessment

Conducted by Kiki Papaefstratiou – 18/02/2021

Auditory Processing Assessment

Conducted by Molly Moloney - 19/02/2021

PM Benchmark
June 2020
Level 30
Type Medical

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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Ex Premature 24 weeks gestation

Severe retinopathy of Prematurity treated with laser as an infant
Ocular Albinism
Visual Acuity
RE: 6/120 LE: <6/120
Dr John Pater – 22/01/2020

Functional Vision Assessment

Conducted by Lynne Loh (Flinders University) – 28/07/2020
Eye condition: Retinopathy of Prematurity, albinism, Macular Hypoplasia

Auditory Processing Disorder

As a result of Hamish’s small stature resulting from his prematurity, he is currently prescribed growth hormones.

Agreed Actions
As per the request of Aly and Ewen, Hamish is to work from and receive an A-E grade against the year 3 curriculum. Aly and Ewen will supply a letter stating their wishes of
Hamish working within the year 3 curriculum in 2021.

Aly is to follow up a recent Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) appointment with the paediatrician. When done so, Aly will provide us with the report.


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Hamish Mcgregor - 106889867F Learning Plan Version: Draft - 2022.1.0

Learning plan endorsed by

Role Name Signature Date

Principal/Preschool Director/Delegate


Guardian (if applicable)

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