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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 8

Page 69 library  /ˈlaɪbrəri/ Noun
a library is a place where there are a lot of books which
build  /bɪld/ Verb you can borrow for a while but which you have to return
to build a house, bridge, shopping centre, road, etc.
Collocates:  a library book
means to make it. Things like houses and shops
are buildings the local library | a public library (which everyone can go
to) | a private library (where only members can go) | the
they’re planning to build a new school here | they built
university library | two libraries in the city closed down
a new sports stadium there | a builder is a person who
last year | the library isn’t open on Sundays | please
builds or repairs houses | the palace was built in 1772 |
don’t make a noise in the library | I’ve got to take these
they helped to build the new airport on the island
books back to the library | it’s not mine, it’s a library book
Noun:  building | Noun:  builder
lose  /luːz/ Verb
check-up  /ˈtʃekʌp/ Noun if you lose something that you had, you no longer have
if you have a check-up, a doctor looks at you carefully it, either because it was taken away from you or because
to make sure that you are healthy and to see if you have you cannot find it
any health problems
he lost his job when the factory closed | don’t lose your
Collocates:  have a check-up | go for a check-up ticket | I’m always losing my keys | she lost her passport |
I have a check-up every year | she went for a check- if you’ve lost my iPad you’ll have to buy me another one
up yesterday | an annual check-up at the dentist’s | a
routine check-up (one that you have regularly) lottery  /ˈlɒtəri/ Noun
a lottery is a sort of game where you choose a set of
clock  /klɒk/ Noun numbers, and you win money if the numbers you chose
a clock is an object that shows you what the time is are the right ones
let’s meet under the clock at Waterloo Station | an alarm Collocates:  do/play the lottery | win the lottery | win
clock | the clock has stopped | a digital clock (which (money) on the lottery | lottery ticket
shows numbers instead of using hands for the hours and a weekly lottery | a national lottery (you can buy tickets
minutes) | a clock on the wall | the clock is five minutes anywhere in the country) | a lottery ticket | I dream of
fast (it shows a time five minutes later than it actually winning the lottery | the lottery jackpot (the biggest prize
is) | the clock is ten minutes slow (it shows a time ten in the lottery) | I do the lottery every week | she won
minutes before it actually is) £200 on the lottery
destroy  /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ Verb marry  /ˈmæri/ Verb
to destroy something means to damage it so badly that it to marry someone, or to get married, means to become
no longer exists someone’s husband or wife in a legal ceremony
the storm destroyed several buildings in the town | the Collocates:  get married (to someone)
hotel was destroyed in a fire | a second bomb destroyed
they got married in Las Vegas | we got married in church
the station entrance
| my parents didn’t want us to marry | will you marry me?
fishing  /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ Noun uncount Adjective:  married | Noun:  marriage
fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish in a river, a
lake, or the sea move  /muːv/ Verb
if you move, or move house, you go and live in a
Collocates:  go fishing | a fishing rod
different place
we’re going fishing at the weekend | I never enjoyed
Collocates:  move house
fishing | a fishing rod (the long stick with a line
attached to it, used to catch fish) | fishing is very popular we’re moving house next week | my parents moved to
in Scotland Cornwall after I left home | I lived in Gas Street when I
first moved here | I hate this house, but I can’t afford
Verb:  fish
to move
grow  /ɡrəʊ/ Verb
provide  /prəˈvaɪd/ Verb
when plants grow, they become bigger until they are
if you provide something that someone needs, you give
full size. If you grow things like fruit or vegetables, you
it to them or make it available for them
look after the plants so that you can eat the fruit or
vegetables when they are ready we’re here to provide help if you need it | my parents
provided all the food for the party | they should provide
we grow fruit in the garden | I’ve never been able to
more information | the university will provide your
grow tomatoes | potatoes grow well in this soil | there’s
accommodation in your first year | the club provides a
an apple tree growing outside the house
useful service to local families

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 8

romantic  /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ Adjective date  /deɪt/ Noun

something that is romantic involves feelings of love a date is a romantic meeting when two people go to a
between two people restaurant, cinema, etc.
a romantic dinner | we had a romantic weekend in Paris Collocates:  go on a date | ask someone out on a date
| a romantic novel (about two people falling in love) I asked her out on a date | are you going out on a date
| he’s so romantic | red roses are very romantic | her with him? | our first date | I’ve got a date tonight | a blind
grandparents began their romantic relationship during date (a date with someone you have never met before)
the war | we had a romantic holiday in Italy
Verb:  date
Noun:  romance
doctor  /ˈdɒktə(r)/ Noun
save  /seɪv/ Verb a doctor is someone whose job is to look at people who
if you save money, you keep it so that you can use it are ill and tell them what medicine they need
later, rather than spending it straight away. The money
I’m going to the doctor’s for a check-up | she’s studying
that you keep is your savings
to be a doctor | both my parents are doctors | the doctor
I’m saving money for my university fees | I saved over told me to do more exercise | a hospital doctor | is there
£500 last year | you should save as much as you can a doctor on the plane?
if you want to buy a flat | she saved £10 a week for
two years ill  /ɪl/ Adjective
Noun:  savings if you are ill, you are not well and have a problem with
your health
win  /wɪn/ Verb Collocates:  be taken ill | fall ill | feel ill | be seriously ill
if you win a game, you beat the other players. If you win
I’ve been feeling ill all afternoon | I was too ill to go to
a bet, you get money because you said correctly what
school | he was taken ill last night (he suddenly became
was going to happen
ill) | she’s still seriously ill (very ill) in hospital | he fell ill
we won the match against Arsenal | Tottenham won the and died while he was on holiday
match 4-0 | I won £500 on the lottery
Noun:  illness || Opposite – Adjective:  well
Noun:  winner
Collocates:  get well

Pages 70–71 keep  /kiːp/ Verb

if you keep fit or keep well, you stay fit or well by doing
arrange  /əˈreɪndʒ/ Verb exercise, eating the right sort of food, etc.
if you arrange something such as a meeting or an event,
I go to the gym to keep fit | I hope you’re keeping well | I
you decide when it is going to happen and what is going
use this cream to keep my skin in good condition
to happen and you make sure everyone else knows
Collocates:  arrange to do something plan  /plæn/ Verb
we arranged to meet outside the cinema | who arranged a plan is a set of actions that you have decided you
the party? | I arranged to have lunch with Jeremy next will do in a particular situation. If you are planning to
week | can you arrange a meeting for me with the sales do something, you have decided what actions you are
manager | I had to arrange another appointment with going to take
the doctor Collocates:  plan to do something
Noun:  arrangements we’re planning to move to Edinburgh | when are you
planning to retire? | they’re planning a new railway line
blog  /blɒɡ/ Noun between here and Doncaster | we haven’t planned our
a blog is a page or set of pages on a website where holiday yet for this summer
someone writes short articles and where other people
Noun:  plan
can add things
his blog is read by thousands of people | I always read presentation  /ˌprez(ə)nˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun
her blog before I start work in the morning | a blog post if you give a presentation, you stand in front of a group
(a single article on the blog) | a political blog (a blog of people, for example in a meeting or in a class, and tell
about politics) | a food blog (a blog about food) them information about a particular subject
Noun:  blogger | Verb:  blog Collocates:  give a presentation
I have to give a presentation at the meeting | I nearly fell
client  /ˈklaɪənt/ Noun
asleep during Gavin’s presentation | a short presentation
a client is a person who is paying someone such as a
| we sat through a two-hour presentation on the
lawyer or accountant for their professional service
company’s plans
I have a meeting with some important clients | Diane’s
out visiting a client | she had an appointment with a serious  /ˈsɪəriəs/ Adjective
client at three o’clock | his clients include a number a serious illness or problem is very bad
of famous actors | she advises clients on business I hope it’s not a serious problem | he came back from
opportunities in China holiday with a serious illness | this is a serious difficulty |
she’s in hospital after a serious accident
Adverb:  seriously

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 8

Pages 72–73 own  /əʊn/ Adjective

if something is your own thing, it belongs to you
abroad  /əˈbrɔːd/ Adverb
I want to start my own business when I’m older | they
if you go abroad, you go from your country to a different
went back to their own homes after the war | I want to
country. If you live abroad, you live in a country that is
sleep in my own bed tonight | it was all my own work
not your own
(nobody helped me with it)
she went abroad to work | we have holidays abroad
every June | I worked abroad for a few years | you’ll rich  /rɪtʃ/ Adjective
need your passport if you’re going abroad | she spent someone who is rich has a lot of money
a year abroad as part of her university French course | she wants to be rich | you won’t get rich by being a
about 5 million British people live abroad now teacher | you’ve got to be rich to stay in that hotel | it’s
right that rich people should pay more tax | she came
accident  /ˈæksɪd(ə)nt/ Noun
from a rich business family
an accident is something bad that happens to someone,
and that was not planned but happens by chance run  /rʌn/ Verb
he had a serious accident at work | she broke her leg in if you run a business, you control it
an accident | a car accident | be careful – I don’t want I run the restaurant that my grandfather started | she
you to have an accident on the icy roads runs her own company | we run a small hotel in London |
who’s going to run the business while you’re away?
actor  /ˈæktə(r)/ Noun
an actor is a person who performs in a play at a theatre smoking  /ˈsməʊkɪŋ/ Noun uncount
or in films or on television. In the past, actors were men, smoking is the habit of regularly using cigarettes
and a woman who did that job was called an actress, but or cigars
the word actor is now used for men and women
my dad’s going to stop smoking | smoking is not allowed
her brother is an actor | Judi Dench is the best actor inside the hotel | he started smoking when he was
I’ve ever seen | I’ve always wanted to be a film actor | a 18 | smoking is very bad for your health | smoking
famous Hollywood actor can cause cancer
Verb:  act | Noun:  acting Verb:  smoke | Noun:  smoker
competition  /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun Collocates:  a heavy smoker
a competition is an event in which people try to win by
start  /stɑː(r)t/ Verb
doing something better than all the other people who
if you start a business, you make it begin
are taking part
I want to start my own business next year | we started a
she won a writing competition when she was 20 | an
local newspaper | they started an online shopping site
international sports competition | he entered a piano
competition | I won first prize in a singing competition stop  /stɒp/ Verb
Verb:  compete | Noun:  competitor if you stop doing something, you do not do it any longer
Collocates:  stop doing something
divorce  /dɪˈvɔː(r)s/ Verb
if two people divorce or get divorced, they officially end my dad’s going to stop smoking | I stopped going to
their marriage school when I was 16 | stop telling me what to do! | she
stopped wearing make-up for a few weeks
my parents got divorced when I was 12 | he divorced
his first wife after just three years | she and her husband travel  /ˈtræv(ə)l/ Verb
divorced in 2014 if you travel, you go from one place to another. If you go
Noun:  divorce | Adjective:  divorced travelling, you spend a long period of time going to lots
of different places
instrument  /ˈɪnstrʊmənt/ Noun
I want to travel around the world | we’ve been travelling
a musical instrument is an object that you can play music
for six hours and we still haven’t got home | I try to travel
on, for example a guitar, a violin, or a trumpet
light (not carrying lots of bags) | we travelled to Thailand
Collocates:  musical instrument last year | he has to travel a lot for his job | I went
can you play any instruments? | I wish I could play travelling for a year when I left university
a musical instrument | she learned to play several
instruments | a shop selling musical instruments | brass
instruments (made of metal) | woodwind instruments
Pages 74–75
(made of wood and that you play by blowing into them) age  /eɪdʒ/ Noun
your age is the amount of time you have been alive
motorbike  /ˈməʊtə(r)ˌbaɪk/ Noun
he died at the age of 86 | the average age in my class
a motorbike is a vehicle with two wheels, like a bicycle,
is 14 years and three months | Pete and I are exactly
but with an engine
the same age | 65 is the retirement age (you can stop
Collocates:  ride a motorbike working when you are 65 years old)
she bought a motorbike and travelled around Europe
| I rode as a passenger on the back of the motorbike |
he fell off his motorbike and broke his leg | you need a
licence to ride a motorbike

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 8

create  /kriˈeɪt/ Verb because there was something on the line | it’s a very fast
to create something means to make it start to exist line up to Edinburgh (the trains travel very fast) | there’s a
my grandfather created the company 60 years ago | the direct line from London to Paris (you don’t have to change
Internet has created new forms of entertainment | the to a different train on the way) | a high-speed rail line
government has promised to create 10,000 new jobs in
mall  /mɔːl/ Noun
a year
a mall, or a shopping mall, is a very large building in a
Noun:  creation city with a lot of shops inside it
cut  /kʌt/ Verb we spent the afternoon at a shopping mall | they’re
if you cut something, you reduce it by making it smaller going to build a new mall on Stevenson Street | there’s
in quantity or number even a cinema in the mall | there are more than 30
shops in the shopping mall | the mall gets over 5 million
we need to cut the number of cars on the road | a plan
visitors a year
to cut costs | several jobs will be cut | we will not cut
services for young people | they’re trying to cut crime noise  /nɔɪz/ Noun
Noun:  cut a noise is a sound that you can hear, especially a loud,
unpleasant sound
environment  /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ Noun singular
Collocates:  a loud noise | make a noise
the environment is the land, air, and natural water
around us there was a lot of noise in the classroom | did you hear
a noise just now? | my dog is afraid of loud noises | the
Collocates:  the natural environment | harm/damage the
car started making a strange noise | that noise is really
environment | protect the environment
annoying | it’s hard to concentrate with all that noise |
a project to help the environment | we need to do more cars cause a lot of noise and pollution
to protect the environment | the factory has caused a lot
Adjective:  noisy
of damage to the environment | trees are an important
part of our natural environment plane  /pleɪn/ Noun
Adjective:  environmental | Adverb:  environmentally | a plane is a vehicle that flies in the air and carries
Noun:  environmentalist passengers
Collocates:  environmental damage/pollution about 650 planes fly into Heathrow Airport every day
| the plane carries 260 passengers | planes aren’t
extra  /ˈekstrə/ Adjective allowed to land here during the night because of the
something that is extra is another thing as well as what is noise | a 10-hour plane journey | a plane flew over
already there the farm
my parents want me to have extra English lessons | take
an extra pullover in case it gets cold | I brought some pollution  /pəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ Noun uncount
extra chocolate in case the train is late | take extra care pollution is things like smoke from factories that damage
when you’re driving in snow the air that we breathe or the land and rivers and seas
there’ll be a lot of noise and pollution | there’s a lot
health  /helθ/ Noun uncount of pollution in Beijing | air pollution is a big problem
your health is the condition of your body. If you are in in London | the government should do more to stop
good health, you are well, and you can also say that you pollution | people near the airport suffer from
are healthy. If you are in bad health, you are ill noise pollution
Collocates:  be in good/bad/poor health Verb:  pollute | Adjective:  polluted
you’re lucky you still have your health (that you are still
well and fit) | she was in very good health | I’ve been in save  /seɪv/ Verb
poor health recently | he had to stop work because of ill if you save time, you manage to spend less time than
health | her health soon improved once the weather usual doing something
was warmer I packed my suitcase the night before to save time in the
Adjective:  healthy morning | we can save time if we get the bus instead of
walking | save time by buying your ticket online
improved  /ɪmˈpruːvd/ Adjective
to improve something means to make it better. speed  /spiːd/ Noun
Something that is improved has been made better than the speed of something is how fast it is going
it used to be the plane can travel at a speed of 500 miles an hour |
the roads are much improved here | an improved bus a high-speed train (that can travel very fast) | the wind
service now runs till 11 at night | visit our new, speed is 20 miles an hour | the speed limit (the fastest
improved website! speed cars are allowed to drive on a particular road) |
a speed camera (that takes photographs of cars if they
Verb:  improve | Noun:  improvement
break the speed limit)
line  /laɪn/ Noun
stadium  /ˈsteɪdiəm/ Noun
a line, or a railway line, is the path that trains travel along
a stadium is a large open building around a sports field
they’re planning a new metro line in Newcastle | they where lots of people can sit or stand to watch sports
were doing repairs on the line | the train had to stop events or other entertainment

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 8

the new stadium opened in 2015 | the stadium holds belong  /bɪˈlɒŋ/ Verb
60,000 people | the Olympic stadium (where the if something belongs to you, it is yours and you own it
Olympic Games took place) | the stadium cost over Collocates:  belong to someone
£20m to build | a football stadium | the old stadium was
who does this coat belong to? | the house has belonged
knocked down in 2011
to our family for a hundred years | it’s not my computer;
street light  /ˈstriːt laɪt/ Noun it belongs to the school | does this book belong
a street light is a tall lamp that shines at night in a street to you?
we need more street lights in Colchester | the street Noun: belongings
lights go off at midnight | 40% of the street lights are
cow  /kaʊ/ Noun
broken | his car hit a street light | electric street lights first
a cow is a large animal that farmers use for milk
appeared in 1885
and meat
technology  /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ Noun a herd of cows ( a group of them) | every morning we
technology is the use of science and modern knowledge milk the cows (take milk from them to sell) | there are
in making machines and doing things 200 cows on the farm
we need to use technology more | the STEM subjects
fresh  /freʃ/ Adjective
are science, technology, engineering, and maths
food that is fresh is good to eat because it is not
| our classrooms have up-to-date technology and
very old
equipment | the factory makes good use of modern
technology these tomatoes are very fresh | I eat a lot of fresh fish |
they sell fresh fruit and vegetables there | a fresh salad |
Adjective:  technological
it will stay fresh for a few days in the fridge
tourist  /ˈtʊərɪst/ Noun
grass  /ɡrɑːs/ Noun uncount
a tourist is someone who is visiting somewhere on
grass is a low green plant that grows all over the ground.
holiday or for pleasure
It is made up of thin pointed green leaves
Trafalgar Square was full of foreign tourists | a queue
they moved around to find grass and water for their
of tourists at the Eiffel Tower | a tourist bus | tourists
animals | the grass is getting long | he’s cutting the grass
spend a lot of money here | a coach stopped outside the
in the back garden | it had rained in the night and the
cathedral and 50 tourists got off
grass was still wet | all cows eat grass
Noun:  tourism
own  /əʊn/ Verb
wi-fi  /ˈwaɪfaɪ/ Noun uncount if you own something, it belongs to you
wi-fi is a way of connecting a computer or other machine
how many cars does he own? | I used to own a
to the Internet without using any wires
restaurant in Hoxton | she owned a house in Scotland |
there’s free wi-fi in the café | what’s the password for the company owns two office buildings in Manchester
your wi-fi? | a good wi-fi connection | there’s wi-fi access
Noun:  owner
in every classroom
Collocates:  the owner of something

Page 76
accent  /ˈæks(ə)nt/ Noun
an accent is the way someone says words, and often Give can mean different things. Look at the examples
shows what country or region they come from below. Translate them. How many different verbs do you
use in your language?
Collocates:  a slight/strong/heavy accent | a foreign
accent present / money:  my parents gave me a computer for my
she speaks with an American accent | he’s got a strong birthday / I was given £50 / I often give money to charity
Yorkshire accent | She has a French accent | I lost my pass to / put into hand:  can you give me that bag? / give
accent when I moved away from Wales me your coat / give him a glass
believe  /bɪˈliːv/ Verb do:  I have to give a talk to the class / I gave a
if you believe something, you are sure that it is true presentation at work / I’m giving a class later / give a
Collocates:  believe in something lecture
do you believe in God? | I don’t believe you (I think you say something:  she gave me some advice / can you give
told a lie) | he believed the world was flat! | I saw it in the me directions there? / give an example
newspaper, but I don’t believe it | you shouldn’t believe wait / time:  can you give me a minute? / give me ten
everything you read on the Internet | I don’t believe minutes to get ready / the teacher only gave us 20
a word he said (I don’t believe any of what minutes to answer all the questions
he said)
Noun:  belief

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 8


Prepositions Collocations
A Complete the sentences with the correct D Complete the sentences with the correct form of
preposition. Look up the word in bold if you the verbs in the box. Look up the words in bold if
need help. you need help.
1 She asked him out a date. do   make   get   give   go   have

2 We don’t know who the book belongs . 1 I ……………………… a check-up at the hospital every 6
3 She was very good health after her long holiday.
2 My dad ……………………… fishing every Sunday
4 I won first prize a singing competition. afternoon.

5 He broke his arm a car accident. 3 I usually ……………………… the lottery online.

6 We moved this house three years ago. 4 My sister ……………………… married last summer.

5 I have to ……………………… a presentation at a meeting

Word families in Spain.

B Tick the words in the unit that are both a verb 6 My dog ……………………… a lot of noise when I get home
and a noun. from work.
1 own
E Choose the word that DOES NOT make a
collocation. Look up the word in bold if you need
2 believe help.
3 cut 1 a slight / strong / heavy / fresh accent

4 divorce 2 in poor / noisy / bad health

5 arrange 3 be / go / feel / fall ill

6 plan 4 make / win / play the lottery

C Complete the sentences with the noun form of 5 a public / near / local library
the word in bold.
6 fresh / modern / up-to-date technology
1 The church is the oldest in the city.
F Complete the missing adjectives. Look up the
nouns if you need help.
2 His parents had a long and very happy
. marry 1 a m_ _ _ _ _l instrument

3 She spent her on a holiday in 2 the n_ _ _ _ _l environment

Greece. save
3 in g_ _d health
4 The of the competition was a boy
aged 4. win 4 a l_ _d noise

5 My sister helped me with the for the 5 a f_ _ _ _ _n accent

party. arrange
6 a h_ _ _y smoker
6 The swimming competition had
from 10 countries. competition

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