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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 11

Page 97 order  /ˈɔː(r)də(r)/ Verb
if you order something, you ask for it to be sent to you or
bill  /bɪl/ Noun made ready for you
a bill is a list that shows how much you have to pay
I ordered a new washing machine last week | I’d like to
for something
order a taxi to the station | you can order them online |
Collocates:  pay a bill | a bill for something we don’t have any in the shop, but we can order one for
I asked the waiter for the bill | I paid the electricity bill you | if you order it today, we can deliver it to you before
yesterday | they’ve just sent us a bill for £200 | here’s the weekend
the bill for the work we did for you | can I have the bill Noun:  order
please (what you say in a restaurant when you have
Collocates:  place an order
finished your meal)
pregnant  /ˈpreɡnənt/ Adjective
chip  /tʃɪp/ Noun
if a woman is pregnant, a baby is growing inside her
chips are long thin pieces of potato that have been fried
in deep, hot oil she was eight months pregnant | you shouldn’t eat
raw meat if you are pregnant | she looks pregnant | a
steak and chips | fish and chips is a typical English dish |
pregnant mum | his wife is pregnant | she got pregnant
a portion of chips (enough for one person) | do you want
when she was 19
chips or rice with your chicken? | my chips are cold!
Noun:  pregnancy
cookery  /ˈkʊk(ə)ri/ Noun uncount
cookery is the activity of preparing and cooking food soft drink  /ˌsɒft ˈdrɪŋk/ Noun
soft drinks are drinks like orange juice that do not have
a cookery book | I don’t really like cookery programmes |
alcohol in them
he opened a cookery school in Cirencester
get some soft drinks for the children | do you have any
dessert  /dɪˈzɜː(r)t/ Noun other soft drinks apart from orange juice? | I’m driving, so
a dessert is a dish of sweet food that you eat at the end just a soft drink for me, please
of a meal
soup  /suːp/ Noun uncount
a fruit dessert | I don’t want dessert – just the bill please
soup is a food that is made with meat or vegetables and
| I never eat desserts | would you like to see the dessert
is mostly liquid
menu? | what’s for dessert? | all the desserts were
delicious a bowl of tomato soup | I’ll have the chicken soup please
| I’ve made some soup for lunch | a tin of soup | home-
fried  /fraɪd/ Adjective made soup is much better
fried food has been cooked in very hot oil or butter
spice  /spaɪs/ Noun
fried potatoes | a fried egg | chicken with fried rice |
spices are plants which have a strong taste and that are
you can have fried or grilled mushrooms
added to food to give a nice flavour. Food with a lot of
Verb:  fry spices in it is spicy
garlic  /ˈɡɑː(r)lɪk/ Noun uncount add some spices to the dish | I like to cook with spices |
garlic is a small vegetable with a white or pink skin, a they use a lot of spices in Indian cookery
little bit like an onion. Garlic has a very strong taste, and Adjective:  spicy
a little garlic is sometimes added to food to give
it flavour sweets  /swiːts/ Noun plural
sweets are small pieces of food which have sugar in
fry the onions and garlic for a few minutes | there’s too
them or that taste like fruit. Children like to eat sweets
much garlic in this dish | I can smell garlic in the kitchen |
garlic is very good for you sweets are bad for your teeth | I never eat sweets |
a packet of sweets | my uncle gave me some sweets |
onion  /ˈʌnjən/ Noun a bag of sweets
an onion is a vegetable with a thin brown or red skin that
you use in cooking. It has a strong flavour, and when you weight  /weɪt/ Noun uncount
cut it it makes your eyes produce water your weight is how heavy you are
fry the onions in butter | a kilo of onions | use red onions Collocates:  lose weight | gain/put on weight
in the salad | I hate cutting onions | you need a cup of I want to lose weight | she gained a lot of weight
chopped onions (cut into very small pieces) | thin slices (became much heavier) when she was pregnant | I try
of onion to watch my weight (eat carefully so that I don’t get
heavier) | he worries about his weight
Verb:  weigh

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 11

Pages 98–99 ready  /ˈredi/ Adjective

if you are ready to do something, you are prepared and
add  /æd/ Verb able to do it immediately
if you add something to something else, you put the two
Collocates:  ready to do something | ready for something
are you ready to order now? | at the age of 16, I was
they’ve added 15% to our bill for service | if you add 15
ready to leave home | he was still getting ready when
and 22 you get 37 | add some garlic to the soup | can
the taxi arrived | aren’t you ready yet? | she was getting
you add my name to the list? | add some cold water to
ready for school
my drink
recommend  /ˌrekəˈmend/ Verb
blood  /blʌd/ Noun uncount
if you recommend something, you tell someone that it is
blood is the red liquid that carries oxygen around your
good and that they should get one or do it
body, and which is pumped by your heart
Collocates:  recommend doing something
I want the steak well cooked – no blood, please | he lost
a lot of blood after the accident | I can’t stand the sight our waiter recommended the fish | I can recommend
of blood | there were blood stains (marks) on the carpet | the restaurant in Bridge Street | I need to buy a new
his head was covered in blood car – what model would you recommend? | a friend of
mine recommended a new online shop | I can strongly
chicken  /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ Noun recommend swimming in the sea | I can recommend the
a chicken is a bird that cannot fly. Chickens are kept for ice cream here. It’s delicious
their meat, and for their eggs. The meat that you eat is Noun: recommendation
called chicken
Collocates:  on someone’s recommendation
roast chicken | a chicken sandwich | a bowl of chicken
soup | chicken with fried rice | there were chickens salad  /ˈsæləd/ Noun
running around outside the farmhouse | a cold salad is a dish of raw, cold vegetables
chicken salad a tomato salad | a ham salad | I ordered burger and
chips with a salad | I’ll have a salad as a side dish (at the
course  /kɔː(r)s/ Noun
same time as the main dish) | I usually have a salad for
in a meal, the courses are the separate dishes that you
lunch | do you want a cooked meal, or shall we have
eat, one after the other. You usually have a starter, then
a salad?
the main course, then a dessert
a three-course meal | I won’t have a first course, thank service  /ˈsɜː(r)vɪs/ Noun uncount
you | the first two courses were lovely, but the dessert in a shop or restaurant, the service is the way that the
was horrible | what are you having for your main course? staff help the customers. In some restaurants, you pay
for the food and also have to pay extra for the service
full  /fʊl/ Adjective
the bill includes service | the service at the restaurant
if you are full, or full up, you have eaten a lot of food and
was very good | you don’t get very good service in that
cannot eat more
restaurant | she complained about the service
I won’t have dessert, I’m full | I feel full after such a big
Verb:  serve
dinner | no more, thank you, I’m full up
starter  /ˈstɑː(r)tə(r)/ Noun
ice cream  /ˌaɪs ˈkriːm/ Noun
starters or a starter is a small dish of food that you have
ice cream is a cold, sweet food, usually made of frozen
at the beginning of a meal, before the main course
milk and fruit, chocolate, or nuts
I’ll have the soup for starters | would you like a starter,
I had ice cream for dessert | all the children wanted an
sir? | the starters were very expensive | I won’t have
ice cream | how can you eat ice cream in the middle
a starter – I’ll have a dessert later instead | the price
of winter? | my ice cream has melted (become liquid
includes a starter, main dish, and dessert
because it is too warm) | chocolate ice cream
well  /wel/ Adverb
include  /ɪnˈkluːd/ Verb
if you cook food well, you cook it for a long time so that
if one thing includes another, the second thing is a part
none of it is raw
of the first thing
make sure you cook it well | I like my steak well cooked |
the bill includes service | breakfast includes tea or
if the meat isn’t well cooked, it can make you ill
coffee | the price includes flight, hotel, and all meals | the
concert included two pieces by Beethoven | free wi-fi is
included in the price of the hotel room Pages 100–101
milk  /mɪlk/ Noun uncount agree  /əˈɡriː/ Verb
milk is a white liquid produced by cows, which you can if you agree with someone, you say that you think the
drink and use in cooking same thing as them. If you agree to do something,
you say that you will do something that someone has
the price of milk has gone up again | cheese and butter
suggested or asked you to do
are made from milk | put the milk in the fridge | we’ve run
out of milk (we don’t have any left) | do you take milk in Collocates:  agree with someone | agree to do
your tea? | she poured milk over her breakfast cereals something

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 11

I thought it was a terrible film, and Frank agreed with disagree  /ˌdɪsəˈɡriː/ Verb
me | I agreed to meet them outside the cinema | we if you disagree with someone, you say that you do not
discussed it for an hour and still couldn’t agree | I agree think the same thing as them
– it’s too cold to go for a walk Collocates:  disagree with someone | disagree about
Noun:  agreement || Opposite – Verb: disagree something
Collocates:  reach an agreement | come to an agreement the two countries disagree about where the border
| disagree about something | disagree with someone should be | I disagree with everything you’ve just said! |
I don’t care if you disagree, I’m painting the walls bright
banana  /bəˈnɑːnə/ Noun yellow | we’ll just have to agree to disagree (we can’t
a banana is a long curved fruit with a thick skin. It is reach an agreement)
green when it is on the tree, and can be eaten when it
Noun:  disagreement || Opposite – Verb: agree
becomes yellow
disagreement between people | disagreement about
a bunch of bananas | ripe bananas (yellow and ready to something
eat) | a kilo of bananas | a banana skin (the yellow outer
covering) | take a banana in case you get hungry discuss  /dɪˈskʌs/ Verb
if you discuss something, you talk about it with
bean  /biːn/ Noun someone else
beans are the seeds of some plants, which are eaten
they were discussing their favourite TV programmes |
as food
we spent an hour discussing our holiday plans | can we
a dish of fried rice and black beans | a tin of baked discuss this later? | I’d like to discuss your ideas in class |
beans | I grow beans in my garden | boil the beans for we discussed the situation in Ukraine
30 minutes
Noun:  discussion
beef  /biːf/ Noun uncount Collocates:  have a discussion | a discussion about
beef is the meat you get from cows something
roast beef and vegetables | a slice of cold beef | I like my
egg  /eɡ/ Noun
beef rare (not cooked for long and still pink with blood)
an egg is a small, almost round object with a thin shell
| a beef stew (pieces of beef cooked with vegetables in
produced by birds. People eat eggs from chickens and
a sauce) | a joint of beef (a large piece of beef that you
ducks and also use them in cooking
cook in the oven)
a boiled egg | fried eggs | half a dozen eggs (six eggs) |
bread  /bred/ Noun uncount crack the egg into the water
bread is a food made from flour and water and usually
yeast (a substance that makes the bread rise when it juice  /dʒuːs/ Noun
is cooked) juice is the liquid you get by squeezing a fruit, such as an
orange or an apple
Collocates:  a loaf/slice of bread | white/brown/stale/
fresh bread a glass of orange juice | would you like some apple
juice? | add some lemon juice to the salad | a bottle of
a slice of bread and butter | a loaf of bread (one whole
fruit juice
piece that you buy and then cut into slices) | sliced bread
(that has already been cut into slices when you buy it) | lamb  /læm/ Noun uncount
white bread | I prefer brown bread | the bread has gone a lamb is a young sheep, and lamb is the meat you get
stale (it’s old and does not taste good any more) | I love from young sheep. The meat from older sheep is
the smell of fresh bread called mutton
butter  /ˈbʌtə(r)/ Noun uncount a shoulder of lamb | roast leg of lamb | would you prefer
butter is a soft yellow food made from milk, which you lamb or beef? | garlic goes well with lamb
use in cooking and spread on bread
nut  /nʌt/ Noun
a slice of bread and butter | fry the onions in a little a nut is the hard seed of some plants, which you can eat
butter | keep the butter in the fridge | a packet of butter
do these chocolates have nuts in them? | I bought a bag
| salted butter (which has had a little salt added to it) |
of nuts to eat on the journey | a bowl of nuts | these nuts
unsalted butter
are very salty | I’ve eaten too many nuts
cream  /kriːm/ Noun uncount
pepper  /ˈpepə(r)/ Noun uncount
cream is a thick liquid made from milk
pepper is a spice that you add to food to give it a slightly
strawberries and cream | you shouldn’t eat too much hot flavour
butter or cream | for dessert we had fruit and cream | a
the salt and pepper are on the table | we’ve run out of
jug of cream
pepper (there’s none left) | black pepper | grey pepper
curry  /ˈkʌri/ Noun
pork  /pɔː(r)k/ Noun uncount
curry is an Indian dish made with a lot of spices
pork is the meat you get from pigs
a beef curry | a chicken curry | a curry house (a
we had roast pork for dinner | a pork chop (a piece of
restaurant that serves curries) | a hot curry (made with
pork meat still attached to the bone) | a pork pie | cook
very strong spices) | I prefer a mild curry (with not very
the pork slowly with onions and garlic
strong spices) | curry and rice

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 11

potato  /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ Noun biscuit  /ˈbɪskɪt/ Noun

potatoes are vegetables that grow under the surface of a biscuit is a thin, usually round, piece of sweet food like
the ground. They have a brown or red skin and are white a cake
or yellow inside a packet of biscuits | would you like a biscuit? | are there
a baked potato | I grow potatoes in the garden | two any biscuits in the cupboard? | a biscuit tin (for keeping
kilos of potatoes | boiled potatoes | mashed potatoes biscuits in)
(cooked and then smashed until they become smooth) |
potato crisps (crisps made from potatoes) combination  /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun
a combination of things is a number of different things all
product  /ˈprɒdʌkt/ Noun mixed together
a product is something that is made and sold. Dairy Collocates:  a combination of something
products are things like butter, cheese, and yoghurt,
chocolate and cheese is an unusual combination! | the
which are made from milk
show was a combination of music and dance | there’s
she can’t eat any dairy products | all their products are a combination of reasons for the decision | the doctor
good quality | they sell a range of computer software recommended a combination of drugs for her illness
products | keep all dairy products in the fridge
Verb: combine
Verb: produce | Noun: production
diet  /ˈdaɪət/ Noun
salt  /sɔːlt/ Noun uncount your diet is the range of food that you eat. If you are on
salt is white stuff found in the sea and in the ground. a diet, you are very careful about what you eat because
You add salt to food when you are cooking it to make you are trying to lose weight and stay healthy
it taste nicer
eat a varied diet (lots of different sorts of food) | I’ve
where’s the salt and pepper? | a teaspoon of salt | been on a diet for three weeks | it’s important to eat a
there’s too much salt in the soup | you should reduce the healthy diet | we had a very poor diet when I was a child
amount of salt in your food | a balanced diet (with the right amounts of different
Adjective: salty sorts of food)

steak  /steɪk/ Noun employed  /ɪmˈplɔɪd/ Adjective

a steak is a piece of beef that you grill or fry if you are employed, you have a job that someone pays
I ordered steak and chips | my steak isn’t cooked you for
enough | she asked for her steak rare (not cooked for I was employed as a window cleaner | are you employed
long and still pink with blood) | well-done steak (cooked at the moment?
for a long time so it is not pink at all) | fry the steak for Verb:  employ | Noun: employer | Noun: employee ||
two minutes on each side Opposite – Adjective: unemployed
sugar  /ˈʃʊɡə(r)/ Noun uncount full  /fʊl/ Adjective
sugar is sweet stuff that you use in cooking cakes and if something is full of something else, it contains a lot of it
biscuits, and that some people add to their tea or coffee
Collocates:  full of something
to make it taste sweeter
oranges are full of vitamins | the cupboard was full of
do you take sugar in your coffee? | too much sugar is
food | my suitcase is full | a full bottle of milk
bad for your teeth | a bag of white sugar | brown sugar |
tea with milk and two sugars (two teaspoons of sugar) hungry  /ˈhʌŋɡri/ Adjective
if you are hungry, you want to eat something as soon
Pages 102–103 as possible
I’m always hungry after I’ve been swimming | there are
avoid  /əˈvɔɪd/ Verb
some biscuits if you’re hungry | I had lunch half an hour
if you avoid someone or something, you try to keep
ago so I’m not hungry | she woke up feeling hungry
away from them so that you do not see them or have to
and thirsty | there are two hungry children waiting for
deal with them
breakfast here
I managed to avoid the rush hour (the busy time on
Noun:  hunger
trains and buses) by leaving an hour early | I think Sam
is avoiding me (trying not to see me or speak to me) | part-time  /ˌpɑː(r)t ˈtaɪm/ Adjective
I avoid dairy products | I can’t avoid it any longer – I’ll if you have a part-time job, you work for some of the
have to start my homework time, but not all the time. Compare full-time
bar  /bɑː(r)/ Noun I’m looking for a part-time job while I’m studying | he’s
a bar is a solid piece of something that is longer than it a part-time teacher | I found part-time work at the car
is wide factory
Collocates:  a bar of something Adverb:  part-time
a bar of chocolate | a bar of soap | thieves stole gold separately  /ˈsep(ə)rətli/ Adverb
bars worth £2 million if things are separate, they are not together. If things
happen separately, they do not happen at the
same time

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 11

cook the vegetables separately | the batteries are sold vitamin  /ˈvɪtəmɪn/ Noun
separately | we’ll deal with the two problems separately | vitamins are substances in food which are necessary to
the two teams arrived separately for the big match keep your body healthy. Each vitamin is given a name
Adjective:  separate using a letter of the alphabet
fresh fruit is full of vitamins | green vegetables are a
terrible  /ˈterəb(ə)l/ Adjective great source of essential vitamins | vitamin C tablets |
something that is terrible is very bad vitamin pills | nuts contain vitamin E | vitamin B12
he made a terrible mess in the kitchen | a terrible crime
| they worked in terrible conditions | I’ve got a terrible weigh  /weɪ/ Verb
pain in my leg | what a terrible film that was! | I made a if you weigh something, you measure how heavy it is.
terrible mistake If you weigh, for example, 80 kilos, that is how heavy
you are
unfair  /ʌnˈfeə(r)/ Adjective I weigh five kilos less than I did last month | how much
something that is unfair is not right or reasonable, do you weigh? | have you weighed yourself this week?
especially because it treats some people better | these suitcases weigh a lot | I’m not sure how much I
than others weigh at the moment
it’s so unfair – I have to be home by ten o’clock but my Noun:  weight
brother doesn’t | they had an unfair advantage because
they’d seen the questions before | sometimes life seems
really unfair | it was so unfair that he started crying GROW (GREW, GROWN, GROWING)
Adverb:  unfairly || Opposite – Adjective: fair Grow can mean different things. Look at the examples
below. Translate them. How many different verbs in your
unforgettable  /ˌʌnfə(r)ˈɡetəb(ə)l/ Adjective language do you use?
something that is unforgettable is so good or bad or
people:  he’s grown very tall / he’s growing old / my son
interesting or exciting that you are unlikely to forget it
says he wants to be a doctor when he grows up
it was an unforgettable meal | an unforgettable visit
to St Petersburg | the boat trip was an unforgettable plants and farming:  those trees grow very tall / the
experience | an unforgettable camping adventure | the plant’s not growing / they grow a lot of rice in that area / I
view from the top of the mountain was unforgettable grow my own tomatoes
increase / get bigger:  the economy’s grown by 3% / the
unhealthy  /ʌnˈhelθi/ Adjective
population’s growing
if you are unhealthy, you are not fit and often ill. Things
that are unhealthy make you unfit or ill
I was quite unhealthy at the time | an unhealthy lifestyle
(a way of living that makes you ill) | an unhealthy diet
(food that is not good for you) | children eat too much
unhealthy sugar
Opposite – Adjective: healthy

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Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder  Unit 11


Prepositions Collocations
A Choose the correct preposition. D Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in the box. Look up the words in bold if
1 I said it was a bad idea, and everyone agreed you need help.
to / with me.
gain   place   have   pay   reach   lose
2 She ate a slice from / of bread with her eggs.
1 We didn’t have enough money to
3 They disagreed about / with what to do. the bill.

4 He always has a bar with / of chocolate in his bag. 2 I’d like to an order for three large
pizzas, please.
5 They had a discussion with / about politics.
3 If you want to weight, you should
6 She’s in her bedroom getting ready for / to the party. order the salad.

4 We finally an agreement after a

Word families long discussion.

B Write the noun form of the verbs from the unit. 5 We a discussion about the election
in class yesterday.
1 weigh
6 His clothes are too small because he
2 combine weight on holiday.

3 produce E Complete the missing adjectives from the unit.

1 an u_ _ _ _ _ _ _y lifestyle
4 recommend
2 an u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e experience
5 discuss 3 an u_ _ _ _r advantage
4 a p_ _ _ _ _ _t woman
6 disagree
5 f_ _ _d chicken
C Complete the sentences with the adjective form 6 a h_ _ _ _ _y diet
of the word in bold.
1 The food was very and had too Word Groups
much garlic in it. spice
F Choose the word that is different. Look up the
2 I needed to drink a lot of water because the food was words if you need help.
very . salt
1 chicken / beef / pork / egg
3 Traffic and pollution are not two
problems. separately 2 onion / soup / potato / garlic

4 I’m always after going to the gym. 3 banana / butter / cream / milk
4 sugar / spice / salt / steak
5 My mum ate a lot of ice cream when she was
. pregnancy

6 I like potatoes more than chips. fry

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