F Lit 6 La Week 17-18

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Republic of the Philippines


San Juan Avenue, Sipocot, Camarines Sur


Name: Date:

Year & Section: Week no.: 17-18


A. Choose one of the issues, challenges and trends of the emerging literature below and write
an essay about your insights about it. Note that a perfect score will be given to those who have
the following criteria:

4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Fair Beginning

Clearly states the Clearly states the The main idea

Main idea of the
Main Idea overall main idea main idea of the of the text is
text is present.
of the text. text. not present.

Includes some
Includes only Includes important relevant details but Contains
Supporting Details essential and details but some critical irrelevant
relevant details. might be missing. information is details.

Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

Demonstrate basic
clear adequate little or no
understanding of
Understanding understanding of understanding of understanding
in formation in the
information in the information in the of information
text. text. in the text.

Issues, challenges and trends of Emerging Literature:

Aesthetic Movement gained popularity due to its being in favor of Catholicism and
mysticism. Aesthetes believed in the idea that the art is useless if it is in commitment with the
ideas of morality and standard of conduct. For them “art for art’s sake” has been the motto of
the movement.

Feminist writers restate gender in association with other categories such as race and class.
These writers use literature as a strong medium to fight for the rights of women and
especially of women writers.
Marxist movement began in early 20th century with Karl Marx’s idea of utopian world; a
classless society. Many writers after Industrialization felt the requirement of a society
Science class-struggle
without fiction is a trend which is the outcome of totally opposite realms i.e. facts and
and clashes.

Digital or Cyber literature is the latest trend in which works of creation are exclusively on
and for digital devices. In this trend of literature, the writer relies on cyber medium like
website, blogs or social media pages.

Modernism which has its origin in the early 20th century. Modernists explored and
experimented with literary form and expression. It was the outcome of drastic efforts to
change traditional representation styles into new ways of expressing sensibilities of the time.
Modernism has arisen from two movements: “symbolism‟ and “imagism‟ which highly
affected the poetic creation of the time. Symbolism is a reaction against naturalism and
realism. Imagism is utilizing common speech; in creating new rhythms and moods; infinite
choice of subject matter; excessive use of symbols and images; yet providing clarity in style.

B. Choose one among the emerging genres in literature and then create your own piece (e.g.
stories, poems), your work will be graded based on the criteria below.

3 2 1 0
Exceeds Meets Needs Inadequate
Expectations Expectations Improvemen
• Structure • Paper is • Paper has a • There is • There is no
•Organization logically clear some level of apparent
• Flow of thought organized organizational organization organization to
• Transitions • Easily structure though the paper.
• Format followed with some digressions, • Difficult to
• Effective, digressions, ambiguities, follow
smooth, and ambiguities or irrelevances • No or poor
logical irrelevances are too many transitions
transitions • Easily • Difficult to • No format
• Professional followed follow
format • Basic • Ineffective
transitions transitions
• Structured • Rambling
format format
• Language • Vocabulary • Vocabulary is • Vocabulary • Vocabulary is
• Vocabulary; use of is varied, is used unsophisticated,
vocabulary sophisticated specific and properly not used
• Tone and correct appropriate though properly in very
as are • Frequently sentences simple
sentences uses subject may be sentences.
which vary in specific simple • Uses subject
structure and vocabulary • Infrequently specific
length correctly uses subject vocabulary too
• Uses and • Writer’s tone specific sparingly
manipulates emerges and vocabulary
subject is generally correctly
specific appropriate to • Writer’s
vocabulary for audience. tone exhibits
effect some level of
• Writer’s tone audience
is clear, sensitivity
consistent and
for intended
Content/information • Central idea • Central idea • The central • Central idea
• Clarity of purpose is well and clarity idea is and clarity
•Critical and original developed and purpose is expressed purpose is
thought clarity of generally though it may absent or
• Use of examples purpose is evidence be vague or incompletely
exhibited essay too broad; expressed
throughout the • Evidence of Some sense of and maintained
paper critical, purpose is • Little or no
• Abundance careful thought main evidence of
of evidence of and essay critical, careful
critical, careful analysis and/or • Some thought
thought insight evidence of analysis and/or
and analysis • There are critic insight
and/or insight good, relevant careful • There are too
• Evidence and supporting thought and few, no
examples analysis examples and
are vivid and and/or insight evidence or they
specific, while • There are are mostly
focus remains some exam relevant
tight. and evidence,

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