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was born in Visoko (a small town near by Sarajevo) one snowy winter. She finished the primary school in Visoko and secondary technical school in Sarajevo. As a young girl, she went to Great Britain, where at the college with work she began to study English language. At the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo graduated English language and American literature in 1982. For many years, she was working in Sarajevo as skilled translator, court interpreter and Professor of English language. She was the member of the Association of scientific and skilled translators of Yugoslavia. Her working and cultural enrichment, she also gained in the countries such as Croatia, France, Switzerland, Libya and England. During 1997, at Morris College of Journalism in the county of Surrey in England, she studied a freelance Journalism. Cambridge will become her home and the centre of her spiritual transformation, where she became the spiritual student of New Positive Consciousness at World Spiritual University Brahma Kumaris with the centres in more then a hundred countries all over the world. Jasmina published articles from education, spiritual psychology and life feauters in English magazines and journals. Thought French language in the special type of Waldorf (Rudolf Steiner) school, where each child is treated as special spiritual entity. At the start of 2000, Jasmina chose again Sarajevo, where she continues her life and work as freelance translator and private English teacher in various fields and depens her spiritual insights. In 2010, she published the first book Beauty of our inner being. The second book to be published is called Breath of happy and healthy life.


Presentation of the book Breath of happy and healthy life


THE SECOND BOOK - spiritual manual Breath of happy and healthy life is indeed a practical continuation with many examples for life of the lady authors first book-spiritual manual Beauty of our inner being, published in at the beginning of 2010. in Sarajevo. This second book is my sincere incentive to spiritual awakening and ennnobling of individuals, particularly young ones, recognizing of the own spiritual and moral virtues(values) as to find in themselves a powerful moral base, channel their youthful energy, develop will power, get to know themselves and thus easier and happier master themselves and their own life.

The second book to be publish in Sarajevo very soon. Title BREATH OF HAPPY and HEALTHY LIFE


Presentation of the book Breath of happy and healthy life

Quotation from the first book:

When a Human Being lives from the HEART, that is good quality energy, the purpose of love which then creates(shapes) our thoughts and communicates our decisions.Life must not be suffering. It is a challenge in which we grow and mature, a phenomenon in which our consciousness is elevated and it is the foundation of humanity from which our hearts truly beat.

The first Book published in Sarajevo, in 2010. Title BEAUTY OF OUR INNER BEING

Both of these manuals (books) you shouldnt read from cover to the last page and then leave them aside. Why? Inner, spiritual development of every Human Being is a permanent and daily forming, grinding of each Unique jewl (especially of young persons) with positive, healthy thoughts, moral and decent actions and deeds with discipline and full responsibility. Gains and awards are unmeasurably great; spiritualpositive consciousness, healthy and happy individuals, who live easier more stable (calm) and a lot happier life, filled with inner freedom, selfrespect and dignity. You should live with these books, take them often in hands and then, after each paragraph is read, stop, re-think and calm down. Allow those valuable books to wake YOU up from the run into the weeds of your conditioned Thinking that is constantly repeated. ***Both of the young Critics (reviewers of my book) a lady psychologist and a gentleman-pedagogue, strongly reccomended both books, esepcially the second whoch id to be published soon, Breath of Happy and Healthy Life as the future regular school book that should be the school subject Let us teach them how to be happy One of most essential values of the second book are the guidelines for building of Self-respect and Self-confidence, which are crucial elements of character for the rightous and successful activities of one individual in any segment of his or her life. When a person recognizes the own spiritual virtues, when he or she moves on the path of the own contentment, love and peace, and those are the internal states of every Human Being not the external stimulations, such person becomes aTEMPLE, that doesnt depend on the external, transient stimuluses..


Presentation of the book Breath of happy and healthy life


My plan for the Future Humanitarian/Social work

Indeed, I shall still have to continue earning my life existence (my bread), support my old mother with my freelance translation, private English classes (on such low degrading Bosnian income). However, my HEART with so much of unconditional love for my late, the only son Albin, who at the age of 23, as best student of electro-technical Faculty in Sarajevo, committed a suicide, with such earnest and pure motivation and all this powerful waterfall love for the Humanity, especially for the Young Persons, no matter where, is really with this humanitarian/social works that I have started with these books.

Next stages would be:

1. If Cantonal Minsitry of Education and Institute of Pedagogie in Sarajevo approve my books and my free entering to school and University, I could start with small workshops with the youngsters Spiritual enriching of dauly life and spiritual, inner virtues to gain much better quality of life; 2.Introduce my Books to TVs and Radio channels; 3.If the local authorites can be persuaded and recognize the enormous values to arrange Spiritual Serial for some months on TVs. Of B& H and others if possible. 4.If some Good Persons such as mr. CAKMAK. His Councils and similar all over the world, would recognize the enormous potentials in spiritual, that is truly human awakening (material things dont bring full inner peace and contentment) to improve positive self-awareness, own responsibility, discipline, develop self-respect, increase self-confidence, become calm and content as DIVINE CREATIVE HUMAN BEINGS - then my beautiful vision that I brough from Cambridge 10 years ago, to create small Spiritual Academy for New positive consciosuness for such depressed society as Bosnia and Herzegovina really could be achieved...!! 5. If , inshallah, I get to live long and healthy life there could be many more projects - INTERNATIONALLY.


Presentation of the book Breath of happy and healthy life

Contact information:

JASMINA JASNA OSI t: 00387 62 612 399 e:


Presentation of the book Breath of happy and healthy life

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