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Weekly glitches!


 To highlight AVOIDABLE errors and
suggest appropriate measures to
prevent those in future.
1. Proofreading errors

 The errors, which can be eradicated with a vigilant checking using search engines
(Google & and critical thinking, and reading.
 Why is it important to proofread ?
as it leads to either

CRITICAL errors i.e., inaccuracies Grammatical errors like spelling, &

missing content punctuation, articles, awkward
phrasing, et cetera.
(a) Examples of critical errors:
Incorrect Version Correct Version Feedback

- The patient went to - The patient went to the -"EM G" was misinterpreted for ER as the scribe assumed
EMG. ER. it as an another kind of ER, whereas it is a diagnostic
procedure called "Electromyography“. Could be
rectified with

-Whether it is weight loss or gain, it should be specified.

For instance, if the patient is gaining weight
- The patient reports - The patient reports unintentionally, then doctor must be giving her/him
weight gain. unintentional weight instructions to maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and
gain. exercise as it is a concern or could check labs to rule
out any related cause. However, if it is intentional, then
no instruction is needed because it is patient's

- If a patient discusses his vacation, then he must

- The patient went for - The patient went for a 7- have mentioned where he went and if not then
a 7-week vacation. week vacation to doctor ought to ask because it is important for
Arizona. immunization purposes, so we could rectified this by
asking a specific query from the provider. Hence, no
missing info.
… to be cnt’d

Incorrect Version Correct Version Feedback

- She has back pain. - She has low/upper back pain. ***Specify the location – if we don’t get
it during the patient-provider discussion,
then it should click in our mind while
proofreading that specificity is missing
- She has leg pain. - She has bilateral/right/left leg which can be asked from the provider
pain. or can be rectified with PE details
(once the provider dictates).
- She has pain in ears. - She has pain in both ears/left
- Such mistakes are not missing errors,
or right ear. these are proofreading errors as we
know which body parts are not one
- The patient complains of right- in number, so we should specify
- The patient complains of sided/left-sided/lower accordingly.
abdominal pain. abdominal pain.
- In worst case scenario, if these
details are not discussed during the
visit but we asked from the provider,
then it will show our alertness &
(b) Examples of grammatical errors:
Incorrect Version Correct Version Feedback
- She has flu like symptoms. - She has flu-like symptoms. - Spelling error: It will be treated as
one word because these both words
(flu and like) are used for describing
one thing (symptoms). Another e.g. –
patient has cough with greenish-
bluish phlegm.

- The patient followed up with - The patient followed up with Dr. - Awkward phrasing
the paediatrician for a sleep XX, pediatrician for a sleep
consult with Dr. XX. consultation.

- He has a history of diabetes for - He has a history of diabetes for - Tense error but made it
which he took Trulicity weekly which he takes Trulicity weekly
and Actos daily. and Actos daily.

- The patient is a xx-year-old - The patient is an xx-year-old - M issing articles

male who presents today for male who presents today for a - Why is that person following up?
follow-up. follow-up visit. There must be an area of concern
be it – hypertension, labs, regular
follow up, etc.
2. Organizational errors
 The errors, which occur due to disassociation of content present in the note. These errors
can also be rectified with an attentive and careful proofreading.

•Place the content/paragraphs on the basis of severity i.e., descending

Order of order.
•Example - the complaint with highest severity will be the 1 st paragraph of
complaints the HPI, after the introduction sentence (The patient is an xx-year-old
female/male presents today for abc).

•Related information should be placed together in one paragraph.

•Example – all the diabetes-related context will go in one para including
Inter-paragraph stability, medications, any side effects, any kidney or eye problems, callus on
foot, lab result particularly HbA1c and blood glucose levels, etc.

•Organization within the paragraph i.e., a complaint or concern should be

followed by its onset, associated symptoms, treatment (if any, along with
benefit/side effect), related context, and denial symptoms.
Intra-paragraph •Example – He has a history of hyperlipidemia for which he is taking
atorvastatin with benefit. His recent lipid panel showed elevated triglycerides
and LDL; otherwise, within normal limits.
3. Miscellaneous
Incorrect Version Correct Version Feedback

- He was diagnosed with - He was diagnosed - It is important to mention whether the

arthritis for which he took with arthritis for which medication was prescribed, taken OTC, or
anti-inflammatory he was prescribed from any previous meds without any
medications. anti-inflammatory
- There is a difference amongst prescribed,
- The patient was advised to - The patient was given advised, and recommended.
take Questran powder a prescription of Prescribed: a written direction/order that a
every day. Questran powder to patient must take + such meds are not
be taken daily. available OTC.

Advised: an instruction for prevention of

undesirable, e.g. “I advised the patient to
reduce salt intake”, in case when patient’s BP is
borderline normal

Recommended: an instruction, in general, that

should be followed by a patient be it about an
OTC meds or lifestyle change.
4. A Few hyphenated phrases

 As-of-now

 Up-to-date

 Back-and-forth

 Back-to-back
Thank you…..
I hope this PPT was helpful.

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