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Teacher: Mr. Josh (18:00-19:15pm) Teacher: Ms. Duyên (18:00-19:15pm)

Subject pronouns and be; Object Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives;

Unit 0: Welcome! Alphabets; Greetings and Introductions; Classroom Language; Months Possessive Pronouns; Plurals; Definite and Indefinite articles;
1 20/08/2022 8-17 21/08/2022 Grammar 18-25
Vocabulary and Speaking of the Year and; Days of the Week; Numbers; Colors; Telling the Time; Demonstrative Adjectives; Prepositions of place; Countable and
Uncountable nouns

- Describe and discuss people in the photo

- Discuss about whose their heroes are
Learn new words from the paragraph about families: son,
Unit 1: Family Matters - Continue Asking and Answering personal questions
granddaughter, child, step-father…
Unit opener Speaking Strategy (Continue) - Present tense of Be and Have got
2 27/08/2022 - Use new vocabulary to read about and discuss three famous families 26-31 28/08/2022 32, 33
Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 - Learn new words of describing personality and describe a person
- Learn new words: enjoy, famous, good at, interested in
Speaking Strategy (Your family or favorite characters)
- Vocabulary strategy: adjective + dependent prepositions (good at, bad
at, happy about…)
- Asking and answering personal questions

- Read and discuss about what families in four different countries eat for
- Watch and discuss about how some countries have special days to
3 03/09/2022 Reading breakfast. 34, 35 04/09/2022 Video 36, 37
celebrate their dead family members.
- Reading strategy: make prediction based on visuals.

- Genre: personal description Presentation Present to chosen topic on page 41

Grammar 2
4 10/09/2022 - Focus: How to join words are used to connect and contrast information 38, 39 11/09/2022 Pronunciation Pronunciation: Syllables and Stress (For unit 1) 40,41,162
- Describe a member of your family Mini Test Take a mini test of Vocabulary and Grammar

Executive officer
sends teacher the
5 17/09/2022 Review the Vocabulary and Grammar of Unit 1 prepared by 18/09/2022 Cambridge Practice Test: KET (Reading - Correction) - Test 9 Practice test 3
teacher days in advance

- Describe and discuss the school in the photo.

- discuss your perfect classroom
- Use new vocabulary to Read about and discuss the different education
Unit 2:
in some countries.
Continue talking about likes and dislikes
- Learn new words from the paragraph about education: lesson,
A different Education Speaking Strategy (continue) - Present Simple: Talking about routines, habits and permanent
6 24/09/2022 language, screen, homework… 42,43,44,46 25/09/2022 47,48,49
Unit opener Grammar 1 states.
- Use vocabulary to discuss about the difference of education in the
Vocabulary - Describe your typical school week
Speaking Strategy
- Learn new words: different, easy, difficult, same.
- Vocabulary strategy: Antonyms
Talking about likes and dislikes

Watch and discuss the education around the world

- Read about and discuss How to be brilliant - Genre: Write about a person’s routine
Reading - Reading strategy: Identify the main idea - Focus: Using sequencing words to show the order of events
7 01/10/2022 50,51,54 02/10/2022 Writing 52,53,55
Grammar 2 Adverbs of frequency: saying how often you doing something: never, - Write a paragraph of describing a day of your life.
Mini test
rarely, sometimes, often, always. - Take a mini test (15 minutes) of vocabulary and grammar
(materials prepared by teacher)

8 08/10/2022 Review Unit 1 + 2 for Periodic Test prepared by 09/10/2022 PERIODIC TEST: READING, LISTENING, WRITING AND SPEAKING
- Describe and discuss the Robots in the photo.
- discuss the machines in your house
Unit 3: Robots and Us
- Learn new words from the paragraph: help, scree, design, follow…
Presentation - Present the chosen topic on page 59 Unit opener
9 15/10/2022 59,162 16/10/2022 - Use vocabulary to discuss the Robots. 60-65
Pronunciation - Pronunciation: The third person –s and –es endings (for unit 2) Vocabulary
- Learn new words: bring, hold, movable, move.
Speaking strategy
- Vocabulary strategy: The –able endings.
- Reacting

Read about and discuss Girls can code

- Continue learning about Reacting
Speaking strategy (continue) Reading - Learn new words: code, program, engineering, project.
10 22/10/2022 - Can and Can’t: Talking about ability 65,66,67 23/10/2022 68,69,72
Grammar 1 Grammar 2 - Reading strategy: Identify the main point of the paragraph.
- Learn new words: imagine, cry, laugh, dream.
Should and Shouldn’t: giving advice

- Watch and discuss Squishy Robot Fingers, how the Robots can help
explorers in places that are very dangerous or difficult to reach Presentation Present the chosen topic on page 75
11 29/10/2022 - Genre: Contrast paragraph 70,71,73 30/10/2022 Speaking & Pronunciation Pronunciation: The th sound (for unit 3) 75 , 163
- Focus: Use contrast words Mini Test Take a Mini Test of Vocabulary and Grammar
- Writing practice: Compare two different gadgets in your house.

Materials officer sends
12 05/11/2022 Review the Vocabulary and Grammar of Unit 3 prepared by 06/11/2022 Cambridge Practice Test: KET (Listening-correction) - Test 9 teacher the
teacher Practice test 3
days in advance

- Describe and discuss the animals in the photo.

- discuss the nature and animals.
Unit 4: Part of Nature - Learn new words from the paragraph: endangered, conversation, - Continue learning about checking facts
Unit opener costumes, pandas, wild… Speaking Strategy (continue) - Quantifiers: Talking and Asking about quantity.
13 12/11/2022 76-81 13/11/2022 81,82,83
Vocabulary 1 - Use new words to discuss the pandas. Grammar 1 - Learn new words of quantifiers: centimetres, litres, kilograms,
Speaking Strategy - Learn new words: leopard, mountain, reserve, wildlife. metres
- Vocabulary strategy: Compound words
Checking facts

Present the topic prepared on page 93

- Read about and discuss Wild Animals Presentation
Pronunciation: Short vowel sounds
14 19/11/2022 Reading - Learn new words from the paragraph: against the law, rain forest, 84, 85 20/11/2022 Pronunciation 93,163
Take a mini test (15 minutes) of vocabulary and grammar (materials
return, sell. Mini Test
prepared by teacher)

- Adverbs: Saying how you do something

Watch and Discuss Into the new wild: Photographing pandas with Ami Grammar 2 - Genre: Fact sheets
15 26/11/2022 Video 86, 87 27/11/2022 88,89
Vitale, how workers try to prepare pandas for life in the wild. Writing - Focus: Categorize and Label Information
- Write a fact sheet about a animal.

16 03/12/2022 Review Unit 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 for Mid-Term Test prepared by 04/12/2022 MID-TERM TEST: READING, LISTENING, WRITING & SPEAKING


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