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Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

I- Current and Future Trends of Media and Information

A. Ubiquitous Learning
B. Massive Open Online Course
C. Wearable Technology
D. 3D Environment
E. Performance Task: Project
1. Prototyping for Empathy
Media and Information in Education
The main characteristics of ubiquitous learning are: (Chen et al., 2002; Curtis et al.,
Accessibility: Access from everywhere as personally required
Permanency: Learning materials are always available unless purposely deleted.
Immediacy: Wherever a student is, he/she can immediately access learning materials.
Interactivity: Online collaboration with teachers and/or peers (chat/blogs/forums)
Situated instructional Activities: Learning in context (on-site).
Adaptability: Getting the right information at the right place for the right student.
Formative Assessment Identify this technology tool.
iPhone watch
Google Glass
Fitbit Charge 2 “fitness wristband”
HTC Vive VR Headset
“virtual reality”
Microsoft HoloLens “augmented reality”
3D Printer
Video Presentation: Wearable Technology

MOOC- Massive Open Online Course – a term used to describe web technologies that
have enable educators to create virtual classrooms thousand students.
Wearable Technology - Military and industrial applications for wearables especially
emphasized their hands-free aspect and concentrate on speech input and heads-up
display or voice output.
3D Environment – allows you to create objects in a 3-dimensional space.
3D Printing – refers to any of the various processes for printing a three – dimensional
3D or 3D (three dimensional) film is a motion picture that enhances the illusion of depth
Hologram – is a technique which enables three – dimensional images to be made.
Augmented reality (AR) – is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real – world
environment whose elements are augmented or (supplemented) by computer generated
sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.
Ubiquitous Computing
- Educational technology is constant evolving and growing, and it is inevitable that
this progression will continually offer new and interesting advantages in our
Mark Weiser – a researcher at Xerox PARC, coined the term “ Ubiquitous Computing”
In the late 90’s.

Media and Information Literate Person

  Can decode, appraise, examine and produce both print and electronic media
  Autonomy affiliation to all media and information
  Stresses media and information literacy training range extensively, including well-
versed citizenship, aesthetic appreciation and expression, social advocacy, self-
esteem, and consumer competence

 Media are constructed and construct reality
 Media have commercial implications
 Media have ideological and political implications
 Form and content are related in each medium, each of which has a unique aesthetic,
codes and conventions
 Receivers negotiate meaning in media


Easy access to other sources of information
Simple to identify the reliability and validity of information
Greater Political Participation
People who consume more news media have a better probability of being civically
and politically engaged across a diversity of measures
Social media brings politicians and parties closer to their potential voters
Reactions, feedback, conversations and debates are generated online as well as
support and
partaking for offline events
Online engagement is mainly constrained to people already active in politics and on
the Internet


  The accomplishment of social media is grounded on conversation
  Cost-effective technique in advertising because of the wiriness of their budgets
  Social media is used as an operative marketing goes beyond economic decision


  Media can be a constituent of vigorous learning strategies ( group discussion,
case studies)
  It can be used in almost any discipline to improve learning (short films, TV clips,
written articles, blogs)


1. Popular media (film, music, YouTube) are a familiar medium to students that
helps gain attention and uphold interest in the perceptions under discussion.
Students can see them in action.
2. Students can sharpen their analytical skills by examining media using the
theories and concepts they are studying
3. Students can experience world beyond their own, especially if the media are
sharply different from their local environment.


 Use of Facebook, Twitter, and easy access of communication to friends
Influences on the Youth
 Social networking services depend on active participation - users take part in
activities and discussions on a site, and upload, modify or create content
 Young people who use social networking services to showcase content – music,
film, photography or writing – need to know what permissions they are giving the host
service, so that they can make informed decisions about how and what they place on
the site
 Explore additional licensing options that may be available to them within services
to allow them to share their work with other people in a range of ways.
Media Literate Person – comprehends and uses mass communication technologies
effectively and efficiently to access, analyze, evaluate, produce and distribute
information and entertainment in a variety of formats by a variety of means.
Media Literacy - means understanding and using the media of mass communication in a
pro-active, non-passive, assertive way.
Information Literacy – is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognized when
information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the
needed information.

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