Edited - Mani Kumaresan Janarthanavel (SCSS) - 3. WS 2.1.3 Practice WS Housing QN

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Swiss Cottage Secondary School

Secondary Two Geography

Topic: Housing
Practice Worksheet 2.1.3 15
Name: _______________________________________________ ( ) Class: ________ T2 W1

Learning objectives:
GQ3.1 Describe the impacts that housing has on the environment using images or schematic diagrams.
GQ3.2 Describe the impacts that housing has on people using images or schematic diagrams.

1. Study Fig. 1, which is a picture of Smokey Mountain, a slum located north of Manila in the
here over 25,000 people pick up garbage for
a living and it is called Smokey Mountain because of the constant fire from the burning of tires and
wood. Access this website https://www.justonewayticket.com/2014/05/11/smokey-mountain-a-
walk-through-the-slums-of-manila-philippines/ to read more about Smokey Mountain.

Fig. 1

Using Fig. 1, describe some of the ways that housing can negatively impact the environment. [2]

The people living there dont have proper disposal

it which causes carbon -
emissions which pollute the air

Space Place Time Scale Economic Socio-cultural Environmental Political Inter-dependence
2. Study Fig. 2, which shows the survey results for basic
informal settlements during the Covid-19 crisis in 2020.

Fig. 2

(a) Using Fig. 2, describe the two key problems that some African informal settlements are
facing during the Covid-19 crisis in 2020. [2]

Some affricant sentiments do not

their waste in the toilet cleaned in the
last 7 in the settlement
days and waste
was not collect ex

(b) With reference to Fig. 2, describe the impacts that informal housing has on people in Cape
informal settlements. [3]

some people in
Capetown lack clean water


orink dirty water
such as chorea
are more


their toilets make them more


cleaned vulnerable
COVID-19 as viruses
spread faster

everyone is
sharing the same uncleaned
toilet Not .
having their waste collected muhp
the waste disposed their
so 2
Space Place Time Scale Economic Socio-cultural Environmental Political Inter-dependence
stink Others
3 Study Fig. 3, which shows a problem faced by people living in Wallacedene, a shanty town in Cape
Town, South Africa. Read this article to find out more about this problem that people living in shanty
towns face: https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Publications-and-media/NFPA-

Fig. 3
Identify the problem faced by people living in informal settlements in Fig. 3 and describe the cause
of this problem in informal settlements. [3]
Easily flammable,they are closely packed together so if one house catches fire the other will also have a higher chance of
catching fire

Space Place Time Scale Economic Socio-cultural Environmental Political Inter-dependence
4 Study Fig. 5, which shows how a neighbourhood is planned for its residents.

Fig. 5

(a) With reference to Fig. 5, describe the distribution of the amenities provided in this
neighbourhood. [3]

The distribution of amenities provided in this neighbourhood was very uneven as there are more
Places for entertainment within zone B than C and there are only 2 hospitals both in zone C so if an medical
emergency were to occur it will take a longer time to reach a hospital

(b) Describe the positive social impacts of the distribution of amenities shown in (a). [2]
Places such as playgrounds are close to each other so kids have a higher chance of making aquaintences

Space Place Time Scale Economic Socio-cultural Environmental Political Inter-dependence

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