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Drills stage 1

Common faults
-Arms are not straight and not close to side
-Heels not together; feet not together at proper angle
-Roving eyes
Stand at Ease(Senang Diri)

Common faults
-Feet not at proper angle and distance
-Fingers not together
Stand Easy(Rehatkan Diri)

Common faults
-Not pulling the hands quickly and smartly
-Moving the rest of the body
Right turn(Ke-kanan Pu sing)
Left turn(Ke-kiri Pu sing)
About turn(Ke-balakang Pu sing)

Common faults for about turn

-Turning counterclockwise
-Body not erect throughout
Marching(Cepat Jalan)
Common faults
-Arms bent at elbows and wrists
-Looking down
Halting(Berhenti) Body not erect
Not swinging arms straight in front and back
Not striking the ground with the heel first
Salute(Hormat kehadapan HORMAT)

Things to note

-Hand above eyebrow

Falling out(Keluar Baris)
This command marks a break in the drill parade and
not the end of it.Squad will not leave parade ground
but await further instructions
Dismissal(Bersu Rai)
At the end of the parade, the squad will be dismissed.The
men will salute if an officer is present and he will return
the salute. Before dismissing, the commander or
instructor will inform the squad whether to salute or not

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