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of Paper : 3812 syensper Code + 72032801 pae2018 Nameofthe Paper: Eni naneofthe Course : Ability Enhancement Compulsory semester : INCBCS) Daration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 —_— SS Attempt all Questions. ao 1, Write short notes on any five of the following in not more than 30-40 words. (@) Silence and Pauses (® Grapevine Chain (0. Haptics @ Listening © Disadvantages of oral communication () Interpersonal communication @ Personal zone 5x2=10 Ans. (a) The last element of good verbal communication is the Pause. It’s the last element of our verbal communication skills discussion, but it should be the first thing you do when reaching the lectern, or center stage, after the Master of Ceremonies introduces you. Standing in silence before the audience and looking out and scanning the ciowd conveys an aura of authority and confidence. Pause, almost so long the audience might start thinking something is wrong. (In fact, it’s a great time for a last moment of positive self-talk like, “I’m going to make this audience rock!”’) Finally, when you know they're beginning to wonder - open your speech. This can be an extremely effective technique for capturing the audience's attention immediately. Many speakers, especially those who are inexperienced, make the mistake of memorizing their speeches word-for-word and then reciting them as quickly as possible, without stopping even to take a breath. An experienced speaker knows ‘oPause periodically to give the audience time to “catch up,” and tolet the meaning of what he or she is saying sink in. They need time to search their memory banks tosee where, what you just said, fits or doesn’t fit in. If the statement is profound enough, some in the audience will even repeat it to themselves in their own words. Pauses can be powerful and they are very important. () Within a business, there are two types of internal communication, formal and informal. Formal communication spreads through newsletters, manuals, emails, memos, staff meetings, conferences and official notices. Informal Communication occurs through the grapevine, which is generally word-of-mouth ommunication. Internal business communication that moves through the Spevine spreads throughout the organization in a random, undocumented Tanner and is open to constant change with individual interpretation. Although Unstable, the grapevine carries some importance to internal business ‘mmunication. 197 198 AMAR: Ability Enhancement Compulsory (Sem-Il) ; ouch. This i () Haptic communication is communicating PY cs touching forse’ in number of contexts and also has dangers for the Halwary interpreted ag 2™Ple where another person can, in particular circumstances, be HerPyeted a8 assay, Touch is often intimate and can be used as ee by ov and when, Your, ashi, depending on the context and who is ouching who, how tne We. Young children and old people use more touching than people son. This vari Touch provides a direct contact with the other person. eS greatly with the purpose and setting. + A @ Listening isa skill of critical significance in all eee a eran yesfrom maintaining our personal relationships, to getting oa Re ardless of ho 'B Notes in class, to figuring out which bus to fake to the airport. Regarcless of how we're engaged with listening, is important to understand that listening involves more than just hearing the words that are directed at us. Listening s a @ process by which we make sense of, assess, and respond to what we hear. The listening process involves five stages: receiving, understanding, evaluating, remembering, and responding. These stages will be discussed in more detail in later sections, Basically, an effective listener must hear and identify the speech sounds directed toward them, understand the message of those sounds, critically evaluate or assess that message, remember what's been said, and respond (cither verbally or nonverbally) to information they've received. (@)_No record : In oral communication, messages are difficult to record, So it is impossible to preserve the message for future. Expensive: It is also expensive media of communication. Sometimes the audience can be managed by paying T. A and D. A. On the other hand Technological devices that are used in this system are costly. Distortion of the word: If distortion of the word occurs in oral communication, then main goals of the organization may be filed. There is very possibility of inaccurate messages to reach the destination. So, the reverse result of expected plan may be occurred. The scope of usage of oral communication is limited, It is not suitable for lengthy messages. It should be sued for short message. Probability of omitting main subject: Sometimes, main subject may be omitted to express a word for communicating. So, expected result may not be achieved. (f Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: its face-to-face communication. Interpersonal communication is not just about what is actually said - the language used - but how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and body language. Personal space is considered tobe an area of about 1.5 to 3 feet. This space is reserved for friends and even co-workers. These are people that you are comfortable around and have a good relationship with, In many ways we use personal distance to create a professional atmosphere. In a work setting itis often necessary to be in a close distance with a coworker, This is accepted because it is necessary, so even if the coworker would typically be considered to be a stranger or someone that you would not let into sucha close distance zone, it is acceptable. Clearly, no matter the culture, the distance zones that we choose for different Q. 2, Answer any two of the following : (a) Explain with suitable examples how Semantic Noi 5 communication. P| emantic Noise acts as a barrier to Communication Skill : Theory and Practice (5 May 2018) 199 (@ Kinesics (What is Sign Language ? Give examples explaining how sign language |,{so helps in communication. . | @ What is Feedback ? State its relevance in the cycle of communication. 2%5=10 Ans, (a) Semantic is the study of meaning, signs and symbols used for communication, The word is derived from “sema”, a Greek word meaning signs. Semantic barriers to communication are the symbolic obstacles that distorts the sent message in some other way than intended, making the message difficult to understand. () Kinesic communication is communicating by body movement and is perhaps the most well-known non-verbal form of communicatién, although it is not the only way to talk with others without words. . (2 Sign language, any means of communication through bodily'movements, especially of the hands and arms, used when spoken communication is impossible or not desirable. The practice is probably older than speech. Sign language may beas coarsely expressed as mere grimaces, shrugs, or pointings; or it may employ adelicately nuanced combination of coded manual signals reinforced by facial expression and perhaps augmented by words spelled out in a manual alphabet. Wherever vocal communication is impossible, as between speakers of mutually snintelligible languages or when one or more would-be communicators is deaf, sign language can be used to bridge the gap. |_ (Feedback is the response or reaction of the receiver after perceiving or nderstanding the message. » It enables the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the message. It is inevitably essential in case of two-way communication. Without feedback, two way communication is either ineffective or incomplete. Feedback is the only way to gain receiver's response and depending on the feedback, sender an tack further steps. In organizational or business communication the feedback process is extremely important. Q.3. Read the questions very carefully before answering. Attmpt all parts : (@) @ Write a dialogue between a hosband and a wife about sending their son to a boarding school. Ans, : Parent: How was your day? Teen: Fine (as he walks off to his room). Parent : Who are you texting? Teen: Noone (as she continues to look down and type). Parent: (After observing her teen chatting online for quite some time) What were you talking to your friends about? Teen: Nothing (as he shuts the door to his room), : OR (i) Wriete a dialogue between a teacher and a student who has not submitted his/her assignment to the teacher on the scheduled day. 5 Ans, Student: May I come in, sir? Teacher: Yes, stand here. Why do you always come late? t yy Enhancement Compulsory (Sem) — 200 AMAR: Abi e late. i Student : Sir It is the bus which Cy | Teacher : What timedo youleavehome! : i Student ; : I always leave home at qu fae | Teacher: How far is your home feom here here. Student : It is about three kilometers eave your home very late, Teacher : That is why, you get late. fea ea Student : Sir, I take my break fast at 7330 a.m. Teacher .: What time do you get up? | Student : I get up at about 7:00 a.m. Teacher: Don'tyou offer your prayer? Student : Not regularly. , Teacher : My dear It isa bad habit. Change your routine. Always Bet wp early in the morning. Offer your prayers and go for a morning walk. Student : Sir, there is no park near our home. , , Teacher : No problem. You can walk along the street in the morning time. ‘Take breakfast at right time and then leave for school. Student : You are right, sir. From tomorrow, I shall never be late. Teacher : Good. One thing more keep in mind. Regularity and punctuality conquer the mountains. ; | | Student: Thank you very much for your good advice. Can I sit now, sit? | Teacher : Oh Yes, of course, (}) @ Write an interview of a famous sportsperson who is all set to Teaveto Participate in the Commonwealth Games for the first time. Ans. Basit Malik : What is the one question from the media that you don't like? Deepa Malik : That how I am feeling after winning the medal. Basit Malik 2 You don't like that question? Deepa Malik : Because everybody knows what the feeling would be like. All Basit Malik Deepa Malik : Definitely, yes! Because my medals or Basit-Malik Deepa Malik : What was missing Basit Malik your life you strive for that medal, that is a dream come true and that is the biggest gift you can give back to your country. So, it’s a very obvious thing that how somebody must be feeling. + Does it feel better than winning a’ medal? : my journey or my winning records or doing crazy stuff has all been aimed at only one thing, trying to change the stereotype theory that the physically challenged peopl happy or not worth investing in Ple are dependent, or not happ: + Inan earlier interview, you said disabjlitw sour lile into focus.” Wher ion 20H said disability Brought “you 0 you mean by that? ' society, by my being init. I¢ individu! * What do you mean by regular journey? schol, yore ate & Person, you get married, you Your children and yor work, fr your home, you work for That was m initialige 1 ork hard though, as a housewife. i WHally; I had a very limited contribution, or 2 fas for nl0r In my life Mainly because What I was doing and my hucbara, pts limited to my family, my children that Iwas doing. “fe Was nothing really larger than li Basit Malik * Do yoti think your economic situation affected how you pctienced your disability? Take a differently abled person who teanet from the economic background that you are. Do Par i alee able to do things such a person would No, bitt you'll be surprised that whatever I did, I have not used family money at all, Basit Malik: What have you used? Deepa Malik : I raised [the money]. I took loans for my restaurant business and I returned it in due course, and what I earned through my restaurant is what I used for my initial sports Participation. When the journey got little more serious and Which pensive I did various activities such as biking, for which again, I raised corporate funds. 1 did one thing and created a base for the'other thing. As far as my [sports car] rallies are concerned it's again either with the help of friends, OF getting some concession or raising funds through some * corporate or the other. It was a lot of struggle. When it came to sports, to sustain myself, I started motivational speaking, to raise funds. Then, I stood up and I fought for the policies. Which policies? Deepa Malik : The sports policies. Basit Malik: What were the sports policies? DeepaMalik : The at-par treatment of physically challenged people in terms of job opportunities, cash awards, and the other perks that the government has to offer. I was member of the five-year planning commission. Deepa Malik : Basit Malik Basit Malik: What was the five-year planning commission for? Deepa Malik : [It was] the working group as designated by the HRD (Human Resource Development] division of sports or upgradation of policies, from 2012 to 2017. Basit Malik What were some of the changes the commission introduced? pa Malik : We were included in the job opportunities. What we deserve is what a regular, able-bodied sports person deserves. So | also battled for my government job, because I hail from Haryana, and Haryana had declared government jobs in lieu of the medals. : Which medals are you referring to? / Any medals. We have very clear system of registered games, For example, the Asian games, the Commonwealth games, Basit Malik Deepa Malik 202 AMAR: Ability Enhancement Compulsory (Sem.-I1) t ics, the World Championship, and the Asian Champion these are the five things that make you eligible for any points or any consideration for a job, So gradually, the cash started coming in with the medals 1 was winning. The house that you are sitting Se part, any Particle of this house has been bought throug! my earnings, and I'm very proud of the fact that I haven't used a single rupee from the family earnings. So it would be wrong to say that I was able to do what I did because of my financial background. OR : Gi) Avery well known enterpreneuris going to lanuch his/her chain of reataurants in the city. Write an interview of such a person which will be pubolished in a magazine. 10 Ans. From childhood I have always had a passion for cooking, especially traditional British desserts and puddings. After my daughter was born some 20 years ago, 1 found my close friends had spread the word about my cooking skills and many people were coming to me on a weekly basis for Tupperware top-up catering for traditional Indian & Caribbean home meals. The catering business started in UK. Later we moved to Hong Kong, and after a few years I found I was drawn back into the food industry, by friends and business associates who were impressed by my meals. Tell us about Mandy’s Private Kitchen Thad planned to open a restaurant in 2007 but the world had just stepped into a recession and, rather than take the tisk in an uncertain financial era, I opted to start small with low risk and start the Private Kitchen at honte. I was prompted to do this by a good friend, Linda Chau, whom I have known since arriving in 2004 and who was my first best friend in Hong Kong. Thad a year long trial period to see if I wanted to pursue this career further. 1 visited many Private Kitchen venues in the early years to gain knowledge and to experience different cuisines. My good friend, Dan Chan, organized a Private Kitchen group, which originally started on Twitter and became a large following of different people from all walks of life in Hong Kong, (©) Prepare a public speech (in about 100-150 words) on any one of the following : (@ Dowry asa social evil. Ans. In the early days dowry was an institution in which gifts and presents were given to a girl at the time of her marriage when she was required to leave her parents’ home and join her husband’s household. But, in course of time, it became a crude institution resulting in female infanticide, suicide, bride-burning and other indignities and cruelties. The problem of dowry has become a serious social evil among the upper castes and middle classes both in towns and villages. The rules of marriage, namely, caste endogamy and clan exogamy, and anuloma (hypergamy) and pratiloma (hypogamy), have been misinterpreted and misused for maintaining the dowry system, These rules restrict the choice of mate selection, as marriage takes place within one’s caste and outside one’s clan. ‘Communication Skill : Theory and Practice (5 May 2018) ae Further, a girl needs to be married to a boy who belongs to a family with a satus higher than that of her family. This practice of marriage alliance is known senypergamy or anuloma, When a girl is married to a boy whose family status is ower than that of the girs, itis known as hypogamy or pratiloma. Thus, anuloma has restricted choice and created a desire to give away a girl through marriage to a superior family. ‘A boy becomes a more valued object than a girl. The net result, therefore, is dowry: the giving of material goods and cash to the parents of the boy at the time of fixing the marriage, at the performance of marriage and even afterwards on several other occasions. This practice has become a serious social problem. Magnitude of the Proble In India, and particularly in Delhi and other metropolis, dowry murders and suicides have become a matter of great concern. In Delhi alone, a bride was burnt to death every twelve hours. A total of 162 cases of burning of women were reported in Delhi between 1 April and 30 June 1983. This was an all-time high number of such incidents, and dowry was the most prominent cause of such a phenomenon. The problem of dowry is experienced by all sections of Indian society, but it has become chronic evil particularly among the educated middle classes engaged in salaried jobs and trade and commerce. Women’s organisations, voluntary associa-tions, the intelligentsia and the media have expressed their serious concern for finding legal and reformative remedies to curb the menace of this social evil. Incidences of the dowry-related atrocities and crimes have receded recently as a result of the social awakening created by various groups and organisations. Dowry isnota’gift’, a ‘return gift’, an ‘exchange’ or a‘recip-rocal gesture’. It is considered more as an expenditure on the marriage of a girl, which parents are required to incur by force. Parents of a boy of marriageable age, who possesses the qualifica-tions that the parents of a girl are looking for, demand a dowry according to what they think is the ‘value’ of their son. There are no references to dowry in the Sanskritic texts. However, there are references to bride-price in the context of the traditional forms of marriage. There are certainly references to ornaments given to the bride. ‘The Smritis also do not mention dowry. Dowry is a phenomenon which emerged in the medieval period, The Rajput princes, thikanedars and jagirdars gave away gifts to their daughters at the time of marriage with a view to exhibit their prosperity and superior status. In course of time the practice filtered down from the rich Rajputs and other twice-born castes to other sections. English education and white-collar jobs have accentuated the problem of dowry. A boy with good education and employment becomes much sought after match for a girl. If anything has kept some pace with wider social and economic changes in India, it is thé increase in dowry in terms of cash and material goods. Whatever new products come to the market, such as motorcycle, car, music system, DVD player, television, refrigerator, household goods, electrical appliances, clothes, ornaments, furniture, etc., have become a part of dowry. Dowry has also become a symbol of prestige for both the dowry-givers and the dowry-takers. It is considered a matter of dignity to give more dowry than one’s kinsmen and caste-fellows and others. Parents of a boy boast that their son 204 AMAR: Ability Enhancement Compulsory (Sem.II) 5 Jot of land or fetched a very high amount of dowry, including a car, 3 P A video and all ‘other luxury and household goods. Both Ne oe takers of talk about these things and value them with a feeling of pride. OR . (i Lack of infrastructure for the differently-abled people inthecity, 5 Ans. The population of disabled people in the world is a ote Ber cent ofthe world population, that is, over one billion. Disability is i ho erm and encompasses people with limited mobility, activity limitation ov hearing ang vision impairment. As per Census 2011, nearly 2.68 crore peor Sa India are disabled. Nothing has dampened the indomitable spirit of people with disabilities as muchas their inaccessibility to proper infrastructure. Lack of adequate disabled. friendly facilities has acted as bigger roadblock than their condition itself and prevented them from making valuable contributions to the society. The Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, both are intended towards securing the rights of persons with disability and providing them equal access. However, a lot needs to bedone with regards to revamping public infrastructure like foot-bridges, trains, buses and offices and thus guarantee them a comfortable lifestyle. MakaanlIQ brings you updates on initiatives by government and private bodies in developing infrastructure for the differently-abled. Public spaces need to be thoughtfully planned with provision for braille symbols and auditory signals in elevators; provision of compatible toilets with grab bars, audio announcement system at traffic signals, wheelchair facilities, graphic signage, installation of ramps, etc.’A very small percentage of architects in the country are aware of the designs and expertise required for developing accessibility designs for the disabled. According to National Building Code, it is mandatory for all public places, not only airports and railway stations, to provide accessibility for disabled people. Encroached spaces, raised kerbs and bumpy pavements are some hurdles that restrict mobility of such people on the streets. Q. 4. (a) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: A common social problem in India is the prevalence of superstitious beliefs and practices. Superstition can be referred to any belief or practice which does not have a scienfic explanation toit. It can be explained as the lack of any scientific association and reasoning, while following any general belief and practices. Even though superstitious beliefs are mostly in the rural areas, urban localities are no less behind. However, these beliefs and practices vary from person to person based on their personal ideas, religion, region, and many other factors. Hence, what is superstition to one person may not be the case with another individual. . Some of the common supersitious practices which lack a scientific reasoning, are avoiding such roads in which a black cat has just walked across; faith in Godmen, and hanging chillies and lemon to wards off the evil eye. The list is endless. The most common cause which has been attributed as the basis of - superstition is the lack of education among the common public which results in placing their devotion and trust in unscientific methodology. Thus, if one has t0 put an end to such false practices, one has to take the initiative of convincing people about the lack of any truth in such superstitious beliefs. flat, as Communication Skill : Theory and Practice (5 May 2018) 205 () Whatis the relation between superstition and science? 3 (i) Why does superstition vary from person to person ? 3 Gi). What is the role of education in reducing the prevalence of superstition? 3 (i) Make sentences with the following words so as to make their meaning clear: (@) Urban (®) Perception (© Initiative @ Devotion 2 Ans. (a) (i) A common social problem in India is the prevalence of superstitious beliefs and practices. Superstition can be referred to any belief or practice which does not have a scienfic explanation to it. Superstitious beliefs are mostly in the rural areas, urban localities are no less behind. However, these beliefs and practices vary from person to person based on their personal ideas, religion, region, and many other factors, (© Superstition basically means to possess a thinking or belief that is not based on any knowledge or logic. Many people around the world are superstitious. The only difference is in the forms of superstitions. Education can make people less superstitious, At least educated people are more likely to send the sick to the hospital, than to call priests to cast out demons in order to cure the sick. Education provides an understanding of the diseases, the cause and the cure of the diseases. Superstitions are due to fear of the unknown. Once the unknown becomes known, there is no longer any superstition. As imperfect human beings, no matter how ‘much science has made progression, ‘we will not be able to gain complete knowledge on everything. There will still be some areas that we can never know. We may never know the cause of the psychic power that some people possess. We may never invent something to capture, and harness the psychic power and use it to our advantage. As mortals, we have a fear of dying. Not knowing where we go after death. Not knowing how and when we are going to die. This is the greatest unknown factor that causes all the superstitions in the world: Education can never eradicate superstitions relating to death, Nobody knows how to stop death from claiming all of us. Nobody knows how to predict the time of death accurately for everyone of us, Nobody can prove that the dead are enjoying life or suffering in any other places.Since education cannot stop us from fear of dying and death, people, even highly educated people, are still superstitious. It is only when human beings gain complete knowledge of everything, then education is able to eradicate superstition. For the present, education does reduce a lot of superstitious beliefs around thé world. @_ (a) Urban-relating to town or city (b) Perception-the ability to see ® 206 AMAR: Ability Enhancement Compulsory (Sem-Il) (0) Initiative -initiate things independently @ Devotion-loyalty (®) Attempt any one of the following: . . () Write a summary in about 50 words of the following passage : People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting ina train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a temporary solution, for the boring rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches. A night when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light on the ceiling. Without a doubt you arrive at your destination almost exhausted, Long car journeys are even less pleasant for it is quite impossible even to read. On highways you can at least travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not , the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic. By comparison, trips by sea offer a great variety of civilised comforts. You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games, swim, meet interesting people and enjoy good food always assuming, of course, that the sea is calm, If it is not, and you are like to get seasick, no form of transport could be worse. Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a Jong time, Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice upto a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship. Ans. People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting ina train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a temporary solution, for the boring rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches, A night when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light on the ceiling. Without a doubt you arrive at your destination almost exhausted. OR (i Define Translation. State two advantages and disadvantages of translation. 5 ‘Ans, Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.[1] The English language draws a terminological distinction (not all languages do) between translating (a written text) and interpreting (oral or sign-language communication between users of different languages); under this distinction, translation can begin only after the appearance of writing within a language community. A translator always risks inadvertently introducing source-language words, grammar, or syntax into the target-language rendering. On the other hand, such “spill-overs” have sometimes imported useful source-language calques and loanwords that have enriched target languages. Translators, including early translators of sacred texts, have helped shape the very languages into which they have translated. Communication Skil : Theory and Practice (5 May 2018) 207 Because of the laboriousness of the translation process, since the 1940s efforts have been made, with varying degrees of success, to automate translation or to mechanically aid the human translator, More recently, the rise of the Internet has fostered a world-wide market for translation services and has facilitated “language localization”. : Advantages Easy to learn and use minimum programming knowledge or experience. Disadvantages 4 Usually run quite slowly limited access to low level and speed optimization code. Q. 5. (a) (i) Write a letter to you younger sister informing her of a blood + donation camp recently organized by the NSS unit of your college. Ans. A blood donation camp was organised by the NSS unit of Hyderabad Business School (HBS) and School of Technology, GITAM University in association with the Lions Clubs of Hyderabad - Manjeera and Sabari, More than 300 students and staff members donated their blood. ‘The camp was inaugurated by Ch. Sanjay, Director-Campus, $.S. Prasada Rao, Dean and Director of HBS, and D.V.VS.R. Varma, Resident Director, GITAM University, Hyderabad, Prof. Sanjay recounted the activities of the NSS Unit of GITAM University, Hyderabad, which have benefited communities around. OR (i) Write a letter of complaint to the manager of an electric equipment company about products which your company had ordered, of which a few products turned out to be damaged at the time of delivery. 10 Ans. Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Date Name of Contact Person Title Company Name Street Address City, State, Zip Code Dear On [date], I bought [or had repaired] a [name of the product with the serial or mode] number or service performed). 1 made this purchase at [location, date, and other important details of the transaction]. Unfortunately, your product has not performed well [or the service was inadequate] because [state the problem]. To resolve the problem, I would appreciate your (state the specific action you Want]. Enclosed are copies [copies, not originals] of my records [receipts, Buarantees, warranties, cancelled checks, contracts, model and serial numbers, and any other documents] concerning this purchase/repair. 208 AMAR: Ability Enhancement Compulsory (Sem-II) Look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I will wait [set a time limit] before seeking third-party assistance. Please contact me at the above address or by phone [home or office numbers with area codes]. Sincerely, . Your Name Account Number © @ Youare the head of the sales team in an automoblic company and the sales of the company is decreasing gradually. Write a report to the Managing Director stating the reasons for the constant decrease, and suggest special schemes which can boost the company’s sales. Ans. Inappropriate sales incentives schemes employed by retail banks are an underappreciated and undermanaged risk to financial consumers and financial stability. This is the headline conclusion of our unique look at the continuing lack of adequate consumer protection in financial services. Drawing on evidence from consumer organisations, trade unions, banks and regulators in G20 nations and some OECD countries, Risky business: The case for reform of sales incentives schemes in banks, demonstrates the pain and despair suffered by individuals who have been persuaded to buy inappropriate financial products, as well as the threat that these schemes pose to financial stability. OR (i) Asthe Convener of the NCC unitin your college, write a report to the Principal mentioning the achievements of the troop in the Republic Day celebrations, 10 Ans. The NCC Republic Day (RD) Camp, 2018 commenced at the Cariappa Parade Ground, Delhi Cantonment on January 1. Lt Gen BS Sahrawat, SM, Director General National Cadet Corps addressed the cadets and officials on the occasion and called upon all to derive a deep sense of purpose from each activity in the camp which is unique with no parallel. 2070 cadets, including 695 girl cadets drawn from all 29 States and 7 Union Territories of the Country are participating in this one month long Camp. This also includes 102 cadets from J&K and 162 cadets from North Eastern Region (NER). The cadets are selected through a tough selection process. The cadets attendin; the camp participate in a number of activities like cultural, National Integration Awareness Programme and Institutional Training Competitions. The camp will be visited by a large number of dignitaries including the Vice President of India, Raksha Mantri, Raksha Rajya Mantri, Chief Minister of Delhi and the Chiefs of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The aim of the Republic Day Camp is to enhance the self confidence of cadets, deepen their value systems and provide an exposure to the rich culture and traditions of our nation. Projection of cherished ideals and capabilities of the cadets of the NCC is intrinsic. The camp portrays a reflection of “Mini India”, Wile speaking to the media, the Director General achievements of the NCC in Youth and Nation Buil campaigns, community development, environment ‘adventure. highlighted the major ding, social awareness protection, sports and eco to.ofQ. Paper : 6942 7 fue Paper Code : 72032801 27 Nov. 2018 ofthe Paper, : Communication Skills (English-A) of the Course : Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course:1 1 ~ goester 20 ~ puration : 3 Hours ~ |gximum Marks: 75 a Attempt all questions ~ | Q.1. Write short notes on any five of the following in not more than 30-40 ~ ds— : 2%5=10 ~ | @ Channels of Communication > | @ Anformal Communication + Gi) Proxemics (a) Paralanguage () Limitations of Written Communication (vi) Mechanical barriers of Communication + (vi) Grapevine . Ans. @) Channels of Communication : Communication channels refer to the + ythe information flows within the organization and with other organization, (i) Informal Communication : See Q. 2 (d) Page-156, ii) Proxemics : It is the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of we that people feel it necessary to set between themselves and others, (o) Paralanguage : See Q. 1 (a) Page-185. ) Limitations of Written Communication : See Q. 1 (b) Page-169, (0) Mechanical barriers of Communication : See Q. 1 (f) Page-150. i) Grapevine : See Q. 1 (d) Page-131. . Q.2. Write on any two of the following in 75-100 words each— 5x 2=10 () Merits and demerits of diagonal communication i) The process of communication i) Intrapersonal communication 9) Audio visual aids and communication jie (0 Merits and demerits of diagonal communication : See Q. 2 (b) Page- The process of communication : See Q. 2 (a) Page-186. ‘i Interpersonal communication : See Q. 2 () Page-132. Audio visual aids and communication :See Q. 1 (c) Page-131. OR ~ . There was a party in the park near your house last week. Asa result the park "Mtdiny and people in your locality cannot use the park, Write a letter to the 211 _ Tequesting them to clean up the park. 212 ty Enhancement Compulsory (Sem-I) . Sanitation department of MCD in yourarea complaining about the problem ang Ans. 15-A | Green Avenue > Delhi January 25, 2018 The Municipal Corporation Delhi Subject : The Grabage spread in the Colony Parks due to a night Party. Sir, 1 am-writing to your considerate self to request you for the installation of garbage in the colony park. In the absence of bins people throw the garbage here and there at empty places in the park. Asa result, garbage heaps have accumulated | at so many place in the colony. These heaps are source of stink and a perfect | breeding ground for many dangerous insects. Children playing outside are| vulnerable to this stink and insects. I on the behalf of the entire colony requests.1 on the behalf of the entire colony request you for the installation of dust bins and the regular disposal of the garbage from the bins. And also take the park’s garbage as well. I hope you will look into our problem and do the need ful. Thanking You ; Your Truly ABC” Q.3. (a) Read the following questions carefully before answering in around) 100 words. 10) Write a dialogue between a customer who wishes to travel to Europe anda trayel agent. Ans. 4 Travel Agent ,: Good Morning Sir, May Ihelp you? Customer + Good Morning, I am preparing to travel Europe. Travel Agent : Ok, I will tell you the packages and criteria of our agers): Customer ~ : Well, I will go with my family we are four people on this tour. Travel Agent : Ok Sir, For how many days you are preparing for the tou" Customer: Around 20 days. “Travel Agent : Ok Sir, pleasé fill this form with your details. Customer + Ok, thank you. OR Communication Skill ; Theory and Practice (27 Nov. 2018) 213 and writea dialogue between two friends, one who wishes to go fora mo eather who wishes to go to the book fair. Gujon + HelloRedoy :Howare you? Redoy +: Iam fine what about you? Sujon : Tamfine too Redoy : Good tolisten. What's going on. If you are free then, we will go for a break and watch a movie. Sujon + Oh, but, lam thinking, that we will go for a book fair. You might know about his. “Redoy + But, | already visited the book fair yesterday with my cousins. Sujon : Ok, then we will go for a movie. Redoy : Ok, then I will meet you tomorrow. Sujon : Ok. ( Imagine you are a journalist. Write an interview with your favourite film + actor/actress. ; Ans. See Q.3 (i) (b), Page-158. OR You are the editor of your college magazine and propose to interview the principle of your college on his future plans for the development of the college. Write the questions you wish to ask him together with appropriate responses. Ans, See Q. 5 (a) (ii), Page-167. Q.4. (a) Prepare a public speech in about 150-200 words on any one of the following — 10 Spirit of Sportsmanship Ans. Sport manship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, anda sense of fellowship with one’s competitions. A “sore loser” refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a “good sport” means being a “good winner” aswell as being a “good loser”. t t 1 i e OR Corruption in higher education. Ans. The growth of Education in India has been a remarkable one, There is an ,. itcrease in human of people seeking higher learning in India. Though India has 1i, 80tall the chances to become an education superpower but the increasing business in this sector stands as a real threat for the country to achieve this goal. a1 Besides these promising factors some untidy business and politics played in educational sector, spoils in the educational, system. Most of the Indian have the desire to provide good knowledge to their children. All of them prefer to send ir children to the best schools they can afford. 214 AMAR: Ability Enhancement Compulsory (Sem-I) This strong aspiration in Indian parents is very promising. This desire in, parents has increased the demand for quality knowedge. Today there are a Bood number of school and colleges that fulfill the rieed of the people from all economic classes. . | On the other hand, with the increase in the count of institutions, competition has also emerged in this field. Institutes compete in the market to provide the ‘most number of facilities to the students. In between this tough competition some the institutes have turned the focus on mere business rather than focusing on the main thing itself. ; (©) Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow— : Walking is the key to fitness for people of all ages. It is the natural habit which one learns from an early age and it can become an insurance against major health problems. People generally have the wrong idea that vigorous exercise is the only way to keep fit. What they don’t realize is that walking, which requires less effort, can be as beneficial as any exercise. Walking can be especially effective in curing obesity, from which many of us suffer. Though it happens mostly in middle age, it can occur at any stage of life, Obesity in childhood and adolescence is likely to be followed by obesity in adult life. Many housewives lead sedentary lives and tends to be obese. Regular walking is recommended as the first step towards weight reduction because housewives find it an easier form of exercise. An hour's walk at 3 miles an hour will bun about three hundred calories. This may seem a small amount, equivalent to about 30 grams of fat, but if the daily walk becomes a habit it could add upa weight loss of nine kilograms in a year. Some people believe that walking for exercise may adversely affect the heart since it is harmful. This is a myth. There is no evidence to support this belief In fact walking and mild exercise are prescribed to persons recoveri ing from heart disease. It help to reduce weight, improves work tolerance, and allows more physical activity to be undertaken with relatively less strain on the heart, (a) Complete the sentences given below— 2x5=10 (© Walking is one of the best forms of exercise because, (i) The wrong idea that people usually have of walking i Gi A common ailment that housewives suffer from is (io) Walking is advantageous because, (®) The passage tells us about, () Find words in the @ To perform certain actions/cu (i) Useful/advantageous Gi) Abnormally fat stoms regularly Communication Skill : Theory and Practice (27 Nov. 2018) 215 (io) Suggested (0) Stress ; Ans. (a) (i) because itis the key to fitness for people of all ages. (i) that vigorous exercise is the only way to keep fit, Gif) is lead sendentary lives and tend to be obese. (2) it help to reduce might, improves work tolerance, and allows more physical activity to be undertaken with relatively less strain on the heart. (@) that exercise is very important in daily life. ©) @ To perform certain actions/ customs regularly —Habit (i) Useful/advantages—Service (iil’ Abnormally fat—obese (i) Suggested—propose () Stress—Strain Q.5.A survey was done in Delhi with the youth (men and women) to fin out sbout safety measures available for women in the metros. They were asked to talk about how safe they feel in the metros. The findings of the survey are given below. Using the information given below, write a brief report in 125-150 words. 10 (a) Telephonic assistance from women’s helplines (50%) ©) PCR availability and regular patrol in the areas of delhi (15%) (© Public sensitivity and response in case of an event (10%) (@) Awareness of moblie apps, and other such devices (5%) (2) Need for self-defence training programmes (10%) Need for sensitization against sexual harassment (10%) Ans. (a) Telephonic assistance from women’s helplines (50%) —The Scheme of universalisation of women Helpline in intended to provide 24 hours immediate ind emergency response to women affected by violence through referral and information about women related government schemes programs across the tountry through a single uniform number. (}) PCR availability and regular patrol in the areas of delhi (15%)—The task of the all women PCR units will not be confined to keeping check of instances of tveteasing, harassment, molestation and other form of assaults on women. (Q Public sensitivity and response in case of an event (10%)—The most tffective weapon against sexual harassment is prevention. Harssment does not disappear on its own. Infact, it is more likely that when the problem is not ‘ddressed, the harassment will worsen and become more difficult to remedy as ‘ime goes on. @ Awareness of moblie apps, and other such devices (5%)—Personal “curity has always been a major concern for women in India, and various Yotention solutions have been discussed on how technology can be incorporated solve the problem. 216 AMAR : Ability Enhancement Compulsory (Sem.-l) es (10%) —Self defence is also io ining programm (2) Need for self-defence training prog! sesert yourself and safely de. abour prevention, learning how to set boundaries, escalate situations. () Need for sensitization against socially learned behaviour, based, on social varies across the world. sexual harassment (10%)—Gender is 1 expectation from men and women. It OR tional newspaperand you were witness Imagine that youare a reporter of ana motorcycle. Write a to a major accident near your office between a truck and a report of the accident for your newspaper. Ans. Ludhiana, Punjab December 28, 2017 Subject : A terrible road accident took place at Ludhiana Ferozpur Highway yesterday. A truck coming from Ferozpur collided a private car bound for Ludhiana. Kartar Singh, who was the driver of the private car was seriously wounded. Observing his serious condition some pedestrians being excited began to break the truck. The truck driver fled away. The police came and cooked down the situations. The car driver was taken to a nearby hospital. He was hospitalized at emergency unit. But later he declared dead. The police are investigating the case. Though the bus owner and driver have not been arrested, Police are hopeful to making the case successful and taking drastic action against the criminals. ooo

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