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Amer Fort also known as Amer fort is a Fort situated in Amer, Rajasthan, India.

Amer is a town with a

location of 4 square kilometers located 11 kilometers from Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. Located high
up on a hill, it is she tourist attraction destination in Jaipur. The town of Amer was originally built by
Meenas, and later it was ruled by Raja Man Singh. Amer Fort is known for its imaginative Hindu design
elements. With its large ramparts and collection of gates and cobbled paths, the Fort overlooks Maota
Lake, which is major source of water for the Amer Plalce. Constructed of red sandstone and marble, the
appealing, luxurious place is laid out on 4 levels, each with a courtyard. It consists of the Diwan-i-Aam,
or Hall of Public Audience, the Diwan-i-Khas, or Hall of Private Audience, the Sheesh Mahal, or Jai
Mandir, and also the Sukh Niwas where a trendy enviornment is synthetically produced by wind that
blow over a water waterfall within the royal palace.

The Present Amer Royal Palace, was produced in the late 16 th century, as a bigger royal palace to the
already existing home of the rulers. The older Place, referred to as Kadimi Mahal is known to the oldest
enduring palace in India. This ancient palace site in the valley behind the Amer Palace. Amer was known
in the medieval duration as Dhundar and also ruled by the Kachwahas from the 11 th centuary onwards in
between 1037 and also 1727 AD, till the capital was mover from Amerj to Jaipur. The history of Amer is
indelibly connected to these rules as they established their empire at Amer.

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