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Owin Jay H.

BSEd- English 3A

“The Big Black Cat and the Mouse”

By Owin Jay Candilanza

Once there was a big black cat. The big black cat went out and roam to find food.
Then suddenly the big black cat saw a mouse. The big black cat then chase the
mouse but unfortunately the mouse got away. After a while of searching for the
mouse, the big black cat successfully found and eat the mouse. The big black cat is
full and is very happy for the food.

The ABT formula in the story:

Once there was a big black cat (AND). The big black cat went out and roam to find
food (AND). Then suddenly the big black cat saw a mouse. The big black cat then
chase the mouse (but) unfortunately the mouse got away. After a while of
searching for the mouse, the big black cat successfully found and eat the mouse.
(THEREFORE)The big black cat is full and is very happy for the food.

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