Gerak G SPM t5 Blue Rational Clize May 12, 2022

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2 Rational Cloze


to 10
Questions I correct letter
and choose the For each question, circle the
Read the tet beloW best word for each space.
A. B. Cor
Taman Negara
it sits the states of Pahang.
Negara or the National Park, has (0) a total area 4,343 km as across
Taman estimated to
(1) rainforest,
Kelantan and Terengganu. The forest is said to be one of the
be more than 130 million years old!
(2) activities.
Negara Park perfect place to visit if you love rainforests and
is the

There is also the famous Taman
Walking excursions into the jungle are usually accompanied by guide.

walk: this is a 510 nmeters long suspension bridge

_(3) high treetops. From
Negara Canopy the wonderful flora and
the walkway, you can (4) all the majesty of the park including
fauna. The park is known (5) having some 380 different (6) of birds. You can
visit bird watching areas in Kuala Tahan and Kuala Terengganu.
Less than an hour's walk from Kuala Tahan, you
can (7) the magical Gua Telinga. It
relaxation, the
for a half day excursion. For those seeking
is a perfect place to visit if you are looking leisure.
of picnicking, swimming and fishing at
river trip down Sungai Tahan provides a pleasant day
adventure by river at your own pace.
_(8). you can also rent boats for a jungle
famous fishing river, Sungai
Furthermore, for. _(9) who enjoy a fishing holiday, there is a
fish around. The most suitable months
Kenyam. where there are manylarge pools containing plenty of
For more information and enquiries,.
for fishing (10) February, March, July and August.
available at the park headquarters.
there is a wide range of information sheets and travel guides

C had D having
0 has B have
C oldest D largest
IA dirtiest B richest
B outdoor C indoor D informative
2 A modern
B between C of D in
3 A with
C look out D take in
4 A see with B look up
C on D at
5 A for B by
B common C species D shapes
6 A various
B investigate Canalyse D research
7 A explore
C Next D In addition
8 A AS well as B Finally
C this D these
9 A those B them
C was D were
10 A is B are
10 marks
Questions I to
the best word Jor
cach space.
FOr each
question, circle
the correct
belos and chose
Read the text letter
Cor D.
A. B.
A Possum's Bite

and relaxing in the countryside of

and Catherine Chickspent it trekking tralia'
It was the weekend technician drove back towarde
Tasmania. As the 45-year-old hospital
southern island of
the road ahead and braked hard
where she was (0) staying,
she spotted something (1)
Catherine stopped her car
and moved the creature to t.
ature to the side
confused ringtail possum.
w a s a small,
the animal (2) her on the index of
the road. Just as she was putlting
the possum down, finger
of her right hand, and then hurried (3) into the woods.
how frightened the possum
would have been.
She wall.
The only thing on Catherine's mind was
back to her car and searched for the antibacterial
hand wash she usually (4) her car,
the wound. and then continued on her journey. The
next day, Catherine resumed work. By Wednecd sday,
(5), she noticed swellings in the lymph nodes near her armpit and she had develoned
(6) fever, chills and uncontrollable shakings. Catherine went to see a doctor, who put her
on antibiotics. The bite site had almost healed, but Catherine grew sicker as the swollen lymph nodes

Her doctor took swabs and (7) stronger antibiotics which did
under her
not work.
arm became worse.
Finally, 47 days after being biten, Catherine was admitted to the Royal Hobart. Catherine
waited. scared and frustrated, as doctors Iried every treatment they could think of, 8)
nothing worked.
When presented with something they don't recognise, doctors rank the possibilities. They started
from the fact she had been bitten by a (9) animal days before she got sick. "Catherine's
(10) were fairly classic for a bacterial or fungal infection," said Dr. McGregor, the Royal
Hobart's director of microbiology and infectious diseases, who became Catherine's specialist.

(Adapted from RD Asia. 2013)

0A is B are
C)was D were

1A I B They C Them D He
2 A bit B bits C biting D bitted
3 A by B off C from D at
4 A keeping
Bkept C keeps D keep
5 A Since B however C towards D moreover
6A burn B burns C burnt D burning
7 A offered
B gave
C prescribed D recommended
8 A unfortunately
B luckily
C seriously
9 A calm
D unhappily
B cute
Csmal D wild
10 A warnings B mark
C symptoms
D characteristie
1 0mar
Questions I to 10
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, circle the correct letter
A. B. C o r

A Successful Author
I was (0) a very (1) student in school. My headmaster thought I was useless and when I
was 14, he said "You're never going to (2) anything in life... you were born to fail'.
After 5 years in dead-end-jobs, I was attracted to a young shy girl. It was the best thing that
could have happened to me. I (3) to do something positive with my life because
I wanted to prove to her what people said (4) me was wrong. Therefore, I went
to college and tried hard at pursuing my passion for (5) as well. My first novel was
published (6) I was at college. After college, I taught during the day in secondary
schools and studied during the nights at London University. As soon as I completed my degree,
I became a part-time lecturer at Leeds University. It was really good for my ego here was a
working class boy who was once a school drop-out, now teaching at the university. I got a
degree and became a senior lecturer. Soon I thought of giving up that job to write full time.
However, my writing career only (7) (7) whenIinvented a name new

and changed my writing style. I started writinga new book using my new style and I
have yet to look back since then. I made a lot of money in the past decade and I still
love to (8). I am rich and famous. But what does it mean? I just wish all
the people who (9) me had said, 'I like you. I believe in you. I'm (10) your

0 A is B are was D were

1 A weak B sick C bright D strong

2 A reach B appreciate C accomplish D acquire

3 A decide B decided C deciding D decision

4 A in B on C along D about

5 A write B writes C writing D will write

6 A while B since C after D before

7 A made up B gave way C took off D gave in

8 A wrote Bwrite C writing D written

9 A scolded B encouraged C loved D belittled

10 A with B by C in D on
10 marks
Questions 1 to 10
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question. circle the
orrect leme
A. B, C or D.

How soon is too soon?

It is said (0) that there is a time for everything. The question now 1) how soon is t00
to start kids on a computer? The answer to your question is simple. 2) the baby is
than a year old, obviously he or she is too young. An infant's eyesight would not have developedto
focus on the screen. Their. (3) span is too short and they would have very limited hand-eve
Some infants are hardly able to even sit (4) their own. Having said that. there are alwavs
different opinions given by experts concerning the suitable age for a baby to use computers. Some child
psychiatrist are (5) about exposing three-year-oldsto computers. These psychiatrist strongly
recommend the idea of parents focusing on stimulating their babies the traditional way 6
reading, sports and play.
(7), there are those who believe that early exposure to computers is important in
(8) world. It can be seen as a way to develop the toddler's ability
digital to identify letters
shapes and numbers via a computer. Nonetheless, it has been agreed upon that. 9) as a
child begins to start- (10) the keyboard, parents should make sure they are sitting there.
engaging in shoulder-to-shoulder computing.

0 A say B says Csaid D saying

1A is B are C was D were

2 A But BIf C Or D For

3 A brain B mind C attention D thinking

4 A for B on C by D at
5 A doubt B doubts C doubting D doubtful

6 A through B in C to D beside
7 A Since B Moreover C However D Wherever
8 A our B their C your D they
9 A directly B whichever Cwhen D as sOon

10 A watching B clicking C touching D playing


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