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TERH AD I Set 1-2 )

Part 1
Questi ons 1 - 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
For each question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

f .. To:! re; m : :

Subject:! Thank you, Uncle! 4 ¥ii?¥


'~Jx:~Gl .,,.*B• ~ !»~&@8 J1~"; 1,~ .1~,,


Dear Uncle Remy,

Thank you very much for giving me your laptop. It's my
first computer. I've already started using it. Yesterday, I typed
out my English essay on it. In my free time, I use it to play
computer games and chat with my friends. Later today, Dad
and I are going to the store to buy a wireless mouse.

1 Veera wants his uncle to know

A that the gift is very useful.
B that he received a mouse as a gift.
C that he took the laptop to the store.

Looking for ways to help

the environment?
Join the Natu re Club!/
Every Tues day
3 p.m. -4 p.m.
Be a membe r now and participate
in a nationw ide tree planting campaign from
Septem ber to December. Get the chance to be in the Book of
Records if your club plants t-he largest number of trees during the period

2 The Nature Club members will

A have the opportunity to be in the Book of Records.
B participate in activities in September.
C meet every Tuesday at 4 p.m.
TERHAD [ Set 1-3 )

Tioman Island
This is not only a marine park but also a
duty-free island. Located 51 miles off the
mainland of the east coast of Peninsular
Malaysia, the island is connected via ferry from
Mersing, Johor and Tanjung Gemuk, Pahang.
The best time to visit the island is between May and August. Expect to see
beautiful beaches and untouched rainforest. See amazing marine life too. _/,%"::..

3 Tioman Island is
A accessible by sea.
B 51 square miles wide.
C located in East Malaysia.

1, Chlldhood:
Life in a Wildlife Sanctuaries................
The book contains stories from Shawn Ancrenaz's childhood

Cf_!!1 which was spent in a wildlife sanctuary. Shawn's parents were

well-known wildlife veterinarians who spent 15 years researching
and caring for wildlife in the sanctuary. Read about Shawn's
amazing childhood. Prepare to laugh and cry and never be bored!

4 The story is about

A being a young traveller.
B true-life childhood stories.
C living with adventurous parents.

ANNUAL \ Spend RMIOO and over in a

single receipt at our toy store and
~ _
_ /
A get a 'Science Lab Kit'foronly
MID- YEft The kit lets you do
. """'.
RM35. Usual price is RM85. ................
D '-
-~ -

~ f I
5 Shoppers will get
A a free gift worth RM85.
B a big price discount on another toy.
C a RM35 cash voucher if they spend RMlOO.
[ Set 1-4 )

Subject: Music Camp
~jx ~ !,-.,(t

Dear Riya,
I'm interested to attend a 2-day music camp at a prestigious
music academy. But my parents say that they' ll let me go if
you sign-up for it too. We'v e the chance to improve our guitar-
playing techniques from a professional guitarist. We'l l also
perform in a concert on the second day of the camp.

6 Shas ha is askin g Riya

A to join a musi c camp .
B to parti cipat e in a new hobby.
C for advic e on whic h camp to join.


1 have to work until 7 p.m. so I can't pick you up

afte r your
Math ema tics tuitio n class. Dina's moth er said that
she'll give
you a lift home. Afte r your snack, wash the cloth es and
then , dry
them . Dad will be home abou t 6 p.m. While he cooks dinn
er, set the
table please.

7 Humaira has to
A dry the clothes.
B help his father prepare dinner.
C accompany Dina to her tuition class .

Short courses this December:
Coding, Cooking, Fine Arts and many more
Hurryf Places available are limitedf
Specially for teenagers between 13 and 16 years old.
For full list of courses and reservations,
go to

8 The advertisement says that

A each course lasts one month.
B teens can browse online for a full list of courses.
C the courses are specially for very young children.
[8 marks]

Par t2
Questions 9 - 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
e provided on your answer sheet.
For each question, write the correct word in the spac


to teach me how to cook. I wanted to learn

My mother (0) has a good cook. One day, I asked her
lesson, I had an exercise book to write
all the dishes she has been cooking. (9) With my first
lesson, my mother gave me two rules to
down the recipe (10) but cooking tips. Before the first
ing mistakes because they were part of
(11) remembering. First, she said not to worry about mak
food. She chose to teach me how to cook
learning how to cook. Second, always (12) tastes the
She listed the ingredients and I got them
roast chicken. It is one of (13) mine favourite food.
ed so I got them too. Now, the cooking
(14) to the fridge. Then, she listed the utensils I need
er gave clear instructions. She was (16)
process would (15) going smoothly, she said. My moth
the oven. The kitchen was filled with a
too patient. Soon, I was removing a roast chicken from
delicious aroma.
[8 marks]

0 IS
[ Set 1-6 ]

Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24.


1 When I was 14 years old, I was
I never even thought of becoming a teacher until I met Mrs Pasca · . · d "
· · trugglmg to get a passmg gra e 1or
not domg well m school. My grades were below average and I was s
Mathematics. Mrs Pascal was the new Maths teacher in our school.
0 n her fl rst class with . 't tudy Maths. You have to practise
us, Mrs Pascal had this to say: "You can s

Mrs Pascal used everyday examples to make Maths not only fun but also easy to underStand· After
each topic, she gave us simple problems to do. She gave us a lot of worksheets to do at weekends too. At
first, most ofus grumbled. But we got them done. Ifwe didn't, she just give us more.

She always started with easy problems. Then, she gave us more difficult ones. One day, I realized
that I wasn't afraid when I read a question and immediately didn't know what to do. My brain didn't shut
down like before. Following Mrs Pascal's rule, I read the question again and wrote down the information
given in the question. Writing things down makes everything clearer, she often said. I didn't give up like

Before, I used to be afraid to raise my hand to solve problems on the board but after a few months
of being in Mrs Pascal's class, I would always have my hand up. It wasn't that I knew the answer. I just
wasn't afraid to try.

Mrs Pascal also conducted extra classes twice a month. We had it every Thursday after school from
3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. ~or the first class, she brought snacks for all ofus. We did a lot of problems and
we asked a lot of quest10ns. Before long, the extra classes felt more like a big study group. Mrs Pascal
wasn't our teacher but one ofus.

. for the first test Mrs Pascal gave us in February of that year. In Apn-1, she had another
I got 52 marks
one of her surpnse tests. I got 70 marks. For my final exam, I got 90 mark 1
and I owed it all to Mrs Pascal. s. was so proud of myself

I used Mrs Pascal's approach for other subjects too. I began to see the di .
grades improve but also my self-confidence. fference. Not only dtd my

I was amazed at how one person could make a positive imp t

changed my life. She helped me believe in myself. I realized th~\ on someone else's life. Mrs Pascal
hopeless and lost because I felt that way too. And this is howaMrcould hel~ other children who feel
teacher. s Pascal tnspired me to become a
TERHAD . [ Set 1-7 )

Questions 17 - 24
complete the following table. .
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer. For each questwn,
. h
write your answ er m t e space provided on your sheet.


Age decided to become a


Mrs Pascal's approach to


How Mrs Pascal 19

improved the students '
understanding 20

Writer's results at the

beginning of the year

Writer's results at the end 22

of the year

How Mrs Pascal changed 23 Helped become

the writer's life 24 Helped increase
[8 marks-]

Read the text and answer questions 25 to 34.


learnt how to play the guit ar at 7 and bega n performing at family birthday parties at IO years.
e friends, Kea n and Izfan, shar ed his love for music. But it was only when they got to secondary
His clos
they even talked abo ut their drea m of play ing in a band. Jason and Kean played the guitar and
school that
n's vocals were the strongest.
Izfan played the drums. They all could sing but Jaso
possible names. And they thought of many names;
Once they decided to start a band, they thought of
on The Kings.
Starfish, the Outfits, No Stranger but finally settled
s. They practised a lot. Izfan was the most
The boys practised playing songs from other band
manager. He checked everyone's schedules and
organised person in the band. So he became the band feel
missed a session. They knew it was important to
planned weekly practice sessions. The boys never s,
ther. Once they had perfected playing a few song
~omfortable with their instruments and playing toge
it was time to play for an audience.
[ Set 1-8 )
!he Kings' first gig was playing at a family member' s anniversary party. As soon as they began
~mg, the gues~ were on their feet dancing. The boys were thrilled. After that, word spread about The
gs. They received more offers to play at functions. Izfan also created a YouTube Channel for the band
and posted all their performances on the channel.

For a year, The Kings practised and performed at gatherings in front of small groups of people.
Then they were asked to perform at their school's annual fun fair. This was a major event for the boys.
They would be playing in front of a large crowd. And the crowd would include their school mates and
teachers .

The Kings first major performance was a success. The crowd loved their performance and as a result,
their gained many fans .

. One day, Jason told the others about a song he had written. He didn't have all the lyrics and wanted
their help. After a week of collaborating together, The Kings created their first original song. They
perform ed it for their parents who were impressed. After that, they included their original song in their
perform ance.

Two months after debuting their original song, Izfan received a message from a man claiming to
be an executiv e at a record company. He said that he had seen them performing their original song and
wanted to meet them. The boys weren't sure if the man was genuine so they asked Izfan's father to talk
to him. The executiv e turned out to be who he said he was.

It was then that The Kings made Izfan's father their new band manager. The executive wanted The
Kings to be one of the opening acts for a well-known rock band that was scheduled to have their first
concert in the country. The boys were beyond thrilled.

A month later, The Kings were on stage performing their original song in a stadium filled with music
lovers. As Jason bowed at the end of the performance, he couldn't help but think about the band's very
first performa nce.

Questio ns 25 - 32
Answer the question s below.
Choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

25 Jason, Kean and Izfan started a band when they w e r e - - - - - - - - -

[1 mark]

26 Jason was the lead singer because he h a d - - - - - - - - -

[1 mark]
27 In order to feel comforta ble playing in a band and with their instruments, The Kings

[1 mark]
28 Izhan was selected as The Kings' first band manager because he was the _ _ _ _ _ __

[1 mark]
TERHAD [ Set 1-9 )

29 The Kings began to get fans after they performed at the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[1 mark]
by their school.

_ [1 mark]
30 The first people to hear The Kings' first original song were _ _ _ _ _ _ _

31 Jason, Kean and lzfan were satisfied that the man who contacted them was really an
[1 mark]
executive at a record company after Izfan's father _ _ _ _ _ _ __

rock band. [1 mark]

32 The Kings performed in a stadium as one of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ofa famous

Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answe r in the space provid ed on your answe r sheet.

Meaning Word

33 working together on [1 mark]


34 performing in public [1 mark]

for the first time
[10 marks]

Questions 35 - 40
You are going to read a newsp aper article about the benefits ofpainti ng.
(A - H) to fit each gap
Six sentences have been remov ed from the article. Choose from the senten ces
(35 - 40). There are two extra senten ces which you do not need to use.
For each question, mark the correc t answe r (A- H) on your answe r sheet.


your own
Painting is a fun hobby which you can do at any age. You are only limited by
The following are
imagination. Painting also offers many benefits that can improve the quality of life.
the benefits.

to paint
First, painting is not only for artistic people. People who are more analytical can learn
too. They can rely on their strong focus and practice skills to stimulate creativity.
JS But it is a

hobby they can nurture.


[ Set 1-10)

• .
Second, pamtmg . nhancing your recollection skills
strengths memory. When you pamt, you are e ·
I36 I I Keepin g your brain active this way reduces the chances of developing memor y loss-rela
illnesses as you grow older.

The third benefit of painting deals with self-expression. Some people can't express themselve
using words. 37 I I I
So painting is a good way for them to convey their life st0ries.

Fourth, painting is a great stress reliever. It acts as an outlet to reduce stress. You need to
when you paint. This allows your mind to forget your problems for a moment. Having
a period during
the day when you don't have to think about your problems allows your mind to relax. When
you relax,
you allow your mind to be rejuvenated. This helps you tackle whatever problem you have
later. When
you have low-levels of stress or know how to deal with stress, you are happier. \ 381 I
The fifth benefit deals with self-confidence. A beginner painter starts with small goals.
As you
learn more skills and improve your techniques, you become a more experie nced painter.
You grow a
more positive attitude as you progress as a painter. 39 I I
Finally, painting builds your problem-solving and motor skills. You may encoun ter problem
during the painting process. 40 I I I You may have to change the colours you use or you may use a
differen t techniq ue to save your painting. Using paint brushes to put paint on paper also
increas es the
mobilit y in your hands and fingers.

A A happy person has good mental health.

B You can let go of negative feelings through painting.
C They may learn painting at a slower pace.
D They paint to express their emotions and feelings.

E You have to think of solutions so your painting follows your vis·

F It talces time to nurture this technique.
G This helps sharpen your mind.

H This increases your self-confidence and inspires you as an art· t

lS .

[6 marks]

tF> Pl<P P11hlirnt inn.

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