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Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

a. determine the biodiversity and stability;

b. participate in poster making, slogan and jingle; and
c. value the importance of biodiversity and stability.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Biodiversity and Stability
Reference: Science 10 Learner’s Module, Quarter 4 Module 8, Science Learning
Materials, LAS 8.
Learning Competency: (S9FE-IVh-j-46).
Materials: Visual Aids, Video Presentation, Appliances, Television
Values Infused.
III. Procedure
1. Prayer
Everybody please stand
for the prayer. In the name of the Father….Amen
Roshelle please lead the
 Greetings
Good morning Class Good morning Teacher Tabiliran

Please tidy up the trash under your chairs

before taking your seats. Do as told.

2. Checking of Attendance

Class secretary Hanna please check the

attendance? Who are absent? None ma’am, all are present sir.

That’s great, let’s clap our hand


3. Setting of Agreements

Before we are going to starts our new

lesson, let’s set first our agreement.

Everybody, please read our agreement.

1. Always raise your right hand and avoid
answering in chorus.
2. Participate in all activities and try your best
3. Avoid distractions such as noise, phones and
talking to your seatmate.
Thank you.

I hope you will follow our agreement, all

throughout our session this morning.
Do as told
Okay class did you bring your
Pass your assignment.

Who can recall what is our topic

Yes Jarviz. Yesterday we discuss about the basic electrical
quantities sir.
Very good.

What are the three basic electrical

quantities? The three basic electrical quantities are voltage, current
Yes Rheard and resistance sir.

Very good.

Based on the three electrical quantities,

how to we get the power of an
Yes Winston
Very good. We need to multiply voltage and current sir.

A. Ellicit
Let us know if you remember these
words from your grade 8 lessons. Are
you ready class? Yes sir.
I have a here a scrambled words and
all you need to do is to arrange the
words based on its definition.
Okay raise your hands. Do as told
Okay Rheard, Jarviz, Mary Jane and

SITYDIVERBIO- is a term that describes how

varied living things are in a specific area

LITYSTABI- an ecosystem can be described as the

reliance to withstand changes that may occur in the

LATIONPOPU SITYDEN- refers to the number of

organisms per unit area.

RRYINGCA CITYCAPA- determines the maximum

population size of a species that the ecosystem can
sustain with its natural resources.

Answer Key

Very good everybody. It seems that

you have remember this terms from
your previous grade.

B. Engage
Observe the pictures that I will
present to you class.
Yes sir.
1 Picture.

What can you say about the first I see different kinds of animals living in a forest

Very good observation.

2nd Picture

I noticed that that the stones are very well balance.

Okay what did you observe?

Yes Winston?

Very good
Our topic these morning is all about “Biodiversity
Okay by that answer, what do you and Stability”
think is our topic these morning?
Yes Christine.
Very good.

Our topic for today is “Biodiversity

and Stability”

These are the learning objectives for

our topic. Please read our lesson At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able
objectives. to:
a. determine the biodiversity and stability;
Read objective number 1 Sheni Mae b. participate in poster making, slogan and
jingle; and
c. value the importance of biodiversity
Read objective number 2 Levie Love and stability.

Read objective number 3 Ashley

Thank you.
C. Exploration
BIODIVERSITY- is a term that describes how
Please kindly read what is varied living things are in a specific area. Organisms
Biodiversity. are part of biodiversity and may be economically and
ecology valuable. Their products are sources of food,
medicine, clothing, shelter and energy.
The value of species can be divided
into various categories. Kindly read
those value.
1. Direct Economic Value – the species is
considered to have direct economic value if
their products are sources of food,
medicine, clothing, shelter, and energy.
2. Indirect Economic Value – if there are
benefits produced by the organism without
using them.
3. Aesthetic Value – many species provide
visual or artistic enjoyment, like a forested
landscape and the calming beauty of a
natural park.
Any question so far about
None so far ma’am.

What do we mean by stability? STABILITY- an ecosystem can be described as the

Kindly read. reliance to withstand changes that may occur in the

Thank you.

How about Population Density?

POPULATION DENSITY- refers to the number of
organisms per unit area. If a population density is very
high, that means there are many organisms crowded
into a certain area.
Thank you. What do we mean by
Carrying Capacity? Please read.
CARRYING CAPACITY- determines the maximum
population size of a species that the ecosystem can
Any questions class? sustain with its natural resources.

Did you understand our topic? None Maam.

Very Good! Yes Maam!

Since you already know the different
formula, let us apply this through a
group activity.

Group yourself into 3

Count off

Go to your group

Group 1 will make a poster about the

interaction of organisms within a
specific biodiversity

Group2 will make a slogan about the

awareness and protection of our Category 5 4 3
biodiversity Presentation The group The group The group
presentation presention presentation
is is good . is poor.
Group 3 will make a jingle showing Content All answers 1 to 2 2 to 3
are correct answers are answers are
the importance of biodiversity. incorrect incorrect.

Before that that let us read the Cooperation All of the

Some of
the member
Only one
member is

rubrics. are
are not
doing the
in doing the in doing the
activity activity
Okay Christine please read.
Timeliness Members Members Members
finish ahead finish do not
of time with ahead of finish time
complete time with with
answer incomplete incomplete
answer answer

I will give you 5 minutes to do the


D. Explain
Group 1 present your output

Good job group 1. I will give you

your score.

Group 2 present your output

Very good 2. I will give you your


Group 3 present your output

Good job group 3. I will give you

your score.

E . Elaborate
Did you understand our topic for
today class? Yes sir

We will have a short review if you

truly understand the lesson.

Okay this is a term that describes how

varied living things are in a specific area
Okay Katherine
Very good

An ecosystem can be described as the

reliance to withstand changes that may
occur in the environment.
Yes Mariane
Very good
F. Extend
Let’s watch this video together class.
Okay in your own idea, what is the
importance of biodiversity?
Yes Jarviz For me maam, Biodiversity Ensures Health and Food
Very good. Security.

Another suggestion?
Yes Sheni Mae. Biodiversity Helps Fight Disease.
Very good.

Last suggestion
Yes Levie Love Biodiversity Benefits Business
Very good.

This time, we will test if you have

learned from our discussion.

G. Evaluation
Get ¼ sheet of paper. Please read the
directions. Hannah Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write
your answer in your paper. (2 points each)

1. is a term that describes how varied living things are

in a specific area
a. Biodiversity
b. Biotic
c. Biology
d. Biogenetic
2. An ecosystem can be described as the reliance to
withstand changes that may occur in the environment.
a. Stability
b. Stabilizer
c. Statistics
d. Stable
3. Refers to the number of organisms per unit area.
a. Population Density
b. Biodiversity
c. Stability
d. Carrying Capacity
4. This determines the maximum population size of a
species that the ecosystem can sustain with its natural
a. Carrying Capacity
b. Population Density
c. Biodiversity
d. Stability
5. How does biodiversity helps the environment?
a. Biodiversity Ensures Health and Food Security
b. Biodiversity can make people set their goals
c. Biodiversity can make a person rich
d. Biodiversity will help youth to participate in
environmental conservation.
Do as told

Okay times up exchange your papers

with your seatmate.

Answer Key
1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. a
Do as told
Who got perfect?
Who got 8?
Okay pass your papers to the person in
front you.
Okay please read your assignment class. Assignment:

Research about how Magnetism produced electricity.

Okay pick up the pieces of papers under

your chairs.
Yes Maam
Do you learn something today?

That’s all for today, thank you and

goodbye class.
Thank you and good bye Teacher Tabiliran.

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