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Swedes don’t normally meet each other outside of

bars, house parties or places where people

specifically go to interact, and even then they tend

1/2 of the to stay in their groups. Approaching a Swedish

population is a woman might be especially tricky unless she has had

member of a a lot to drink.

sports ot

hiking club. Don’t be surprised if she approaches you! Yes,

It's one of the foreign men are bewildered when it happens

best places to to them, but many have told me of not only being

meet people! approached but actually having drinks

bought for them! Swedish women are a lot more


assertive: they know what they want and

they go for it.

If you do decide make your move, If she likes you, she will probably make it known but

remember to: you can still try approaching her! After all, she might

1. Keep it laid back and fun be receptive to it, especially because

she is not used to getting approached by Swedish

2. Avoid getting in any way touchy
men, so it will be refreshing to her.

3. Avoid any kind of excessive flattery.

Genuine compliment? Great. More than

that will come as fake.

4. Don’t brag about your car, your job, your

house. Bragging is a no-go here.
Going for a
"fika" is the
5. Everyone is equal and your money won’t way to go.
impress anyone Swedes have
an average of
6. Offer to buy her a drink but if she feels 8 cups a day!
uncomfortable about it, let her get the next

one. Don’t fight her on it!

So, What Else Should You Know?
Let's get real here... there's no need to play games.

If a Swedish woman likes you, she will have little issues with taking you home the first

night. Swedes are raised with the belief that sex is a natural, positive expression of

your body and should be enjoyed to the max. If they want it - they go after it.

Or to stress out on "impressing her".

You won’t have to seduce her into it by promising her an amazing view from your

apartment or some expensive bottle of wine you kept in the fridge for a year for such

an occasion.

Also don't assume that having sex, she wants commitment.

Swedish women don’t hold back on sex just to secure commitment. is known for its

one night stands. In fact, relationships often begin with a series of hook ups. But the

night might just end in her walking you to the door and kissing you goodbye. No

contacts exchanged.

First Date Tip?

If you do make it on a first date, avoid a fancy first

date. Keep it laid back.

Drink in a bar?

Fika (coffee)?

Stroll around the park?

On Gender Equality
Swedish women are feminist and they strongly value their place in society.

The culture also prioritizes self-sufficiency. So while some Swedish women might

appreciate you paying, many will fight to cover the bill themselves. They don’t want to

feel like they are indebted to you in any way.

They also dislike the “macho” approach.

If you want to pay, do it, but let her know it is because you want to be a gentleman and

as mentioned before, let her get the next one. Don't bother trying to push the whole

"provider vibe" to her. She has her own money- and will spend it how she wants.
The Swedish "Personal Bubble"

Some things to keep in mind

when getting to know her...

In the first stages of dating especially, you will see

that the Swedish women like to keep their distance.

Texting her too much, calling her, and wanting to

see her too often will scare her right out of wanting

a relationship. Keeping your distance is the Scandi


If you are an especially affectionate type, keep in

mind that Swedish women will feel weird about

holding your hand or kissing in a public place. There

is a discomfort around public displays of affection

here. Being impulsive or expressive are traits that

are not understood much by Swedes. Having self-

control is where it’s at.

If you want to date a Swedish woman, recognize that you will

Always remember:
be with someone who is highly self-sufficient. She is someone

who prizes her independence, and who wants an equal

partner to walk side by side with her.

A Swedish woman
doesn't just want a
Sweden is one of the most developed countries in the world, boyfriend, she
so it’s no surprise that women here protect their rights and
wants a partner.
stand for gender equality. She will never expect you to buy

her expensive gifts or to surprise her with grand gestures. She

will, however, expect you to split your chores down the


Learn to respect her personal boundaries -

Swedes are highly independent and expect the same of their partners.



It’s incredibly easy to meet people (and women) in

Brazil. Brazilians are highly social so starting a

conversation in a bar or at a club is surprisingly simple,

but you can also do it at a coffee shop or the beach.


How will you know she's actually keen?
Brazilian women will give you a ‘green light’ if they are

into you (smiling, looking at you) but will doubtfully

approach you first. Thankfully most are easy to approach.

They will be friendly and open to chatting. Dont get

cocky though- Brazilian women are friendly to everyone,

even if they're not that into you.

When in Rio do as the Cariocas do...

FIRST DATE TIPS TO In Brazil, men tend to go for what they want, so women

IMPRESS YOUR QUERIDA are used to assertive men. That means if you are

interested in a Brazilian woman, one crucial thing to

Keep it old school..
remember is that you need to be clear that you are into
Be a gentleman and offer to pick her up
and drive her home (or Uber her home).

Dress to impress.. Brazilian men are notorious for their optimistic, go-lucky

Brazilian girls tend to go all out for first attitude. If they like a girl, they don’t hold back or

dates: high heels and all, so she’ll pretend otherwise. They express it. So, don’t act like her

appreciate you taking care of the

friend. Don’t be aloof. Flirt with her. Touch her on the
arm. Give her a compliment.

Choose your fragrance Just keep swiping!

Smell good! Yes, that is an obvious Did you know that
advice for any country, but Brazilians are
Tinder is a big deal
all about hygiene. They tend to shower
in Brazil?
more than once a day, so take a shower

before you step out the door.

It has one of the
largest markets of
When in doubt, just pay the tab
There are no real rules about paying on
users in the world,
the first date here, but it always looks
second only to the
good to pick up the tab. US.
The Do's - and the DO NOT'S for
Brazilian Women
Learn to read her body language: If she is smiling a
lot, looking deep into your eyes, touching you to make a

point and is sitting close to you during the date, you

can make a move.

Kiss the girl: Brazilians don’t believe in waiting until

the end of the date to kiss each other. In fact, kissing

in Brazil is no biggie - at a party people can

passionately kiss many people and never see them

Extra Tip:
again. Sex is a whole other story. But don’t worry,

Brazilian women are generally clear about what they Be obvious with
want. your interest and

intentions. Don't
wait three days or
Offer genuine compliments: Brazilian men will say all whatever amount of
of the sweet nothings a woman would want to hear - hours to text her.
be different! Give her a genuine compliment on

something besides her beauty and she'll remember it!

She'll move on quick
if she thinks you're
Generally, if you feel the moment is right during the just playing games
day, go for it. But read her body language first. or not really

The Do Not's:

Make a comment about Brazilian butts

Always remember:
A Swedish
Any other fetish comment will be a turn off; she’s used to being fetishized woman
so don’t go there

Assume Brazilian women are easy or expecting her to go home with you.
doesn't just want a
boyfriend, she
wants a partner.
Just because she is open to getting to know you doesn’t mean she’s down for sex.

Don't let stereotypes ruin your chances cause she won't give you another one!
Keep in mind!
As a Western man, it’s clear that you will be new to the rules of Brazilian dating, so
women know that. If you’re shyer or more reserved than a Brazilian man, don't

Brazilians love foreigners and you, as a foreign man, will be refreshing to her as
long as you keep it respectful!

Drop the macho act, your German girl Making and keeping a plan is practically
wants nothing to do with it! foreplay.

Not all Germans are highly punctual. She might

When dating a German woman, you must
even be late for a date. Gasp! (Not likely but can
keep in mind that equality reigns. This is not
happen). However, making a plan and sticking to
to say, that German women don’t
it is important. And this is not only for time
appreciate acts of chivalry: of someone
commitments. It’s all commitments. If you make a
opening the door, or paying the bill for
promise, you stick to it. If you say something, you
them on the first date. In fact, I personally
have to mean it. Don’t overpromise. Deliver what
have met many that absolutely adore that
you promise and you will be taken seriously.
(bonus points because German men aren’t

exactly gentlemen). But being “macho” is

not a good look. You will come off as a


Cut the small-talk and get real.

Nothing kills a German more than small

talk. Germans are direct and will generally

tell it how it is. Avoid the fluff and

superficiality with her and say what you

think. What are your world views? What
Unless you want you don't want a second one,
make sure to:
are your honest thoughts? Be honest.
1. Give her space!
Straightforward. Saying things just to say
Germans are an independent bunch, so overwhelming
them, exaggeration and any kind of
her with endless texts, speeding things along, making
insincerity will be sniffed a mile away.
grand plans for the future will probably get her

hyperventilating in a paper bag. Take things slow and

Show a German any American reality give her enough room to breathe.

show like “Love is Blind” and will see them

cringe hard at the overuse of the word 2. Get ready for “the talk” if she wants to define
“love”. “Oh my Gooood, I LOVE YOU!” No.
things between you two.
Is she interested in taking it to the next level? You
It’s almost like they have a built in radar for
won’t have to guess. She will tell you straight out.
From her views on your sex life, to her feelings on

where you are relationship-wise to even your

finances. It might not be the most romantic expression

of emotions, but you will know immediately where you

stand with a German woman.

It is German practicality at its finest!

There are many stereotypes regarding Russian women.

"They are superficial and like expensive things"

"They just want a rich oligarch with money."

"They are plastic and fake."

"They expect the man to do all the work".

There are certainly women like that. But you can identify them fast: if you are meeting women in

prestigious clubs, if they are suggesting your dates take place in the priciest venues, if you are

paying through your nose time and time again, you can guarantee you are dating one of these

women. However, use your common sense here!

The Reality of Russian Dating?

For Russian Women, the potential pond Did you know that in
Russian the pressure
of suitors to pick from is pretty small. to marry young is still
pretty high?
In Russia there are more women in Russia than

men (54% women to 46% men). This means

Though the age has
been increasing in
there are a lot more beautiful, single women
recent years, still the
who are having a really hard time finding vast majority of women
someone. It’s not surprising that you’ll often get married at 25 or
meet a gorgeous young woman walking next to

a balding man with a big pouch.

It’s also unfortunately common to date married

So as a foreigner,
men, as there are just not a lot of men to go what are your
around. Not surprising then that so many chances?
women travel outside of Russia (back when they
In 2022, around 15% of
still could) to find someone.
Russian women (within
the country) married
This is not because they want a green card as foreigners.
the stereotype suggests; many simply want to
I'd say that's pretty
find a partner and not have to settle for less (ie
good considering that
a balding man with a big pouch). doesn't count the
Russian wmen living

From Russia with Love...

Here's your checklist- and yes it takes more than
money - to win over your Russian Woman:
Are you assertive and a leader?

Can you plan a date?

Book a nice restaurant?

Pick her up and drop her off at night?

So if you've got the basics covered... but what about the

real stuff?

Can you be her strong shoulder in times of need?

Can you support her in times of need?

Can you solve a problem for her?

If a problem occurs, can you step in?

Are you financially stable (a kind of no-brainer)?

Are you serious and mature with your intentions?

If you don't think you can manage these expectations then believe me, Russian women
will find someone who can!

The Pros of Dating Your "Lapochka"

Yes, it's a long checklist of qualities to have -but so are the pros! When you've finally gotten

your girl remember:

Regardless of any traditional roles- she will be brutally honest with her opinion

Expect fierce loyalty back - she will be your best friend, lover and supporter

She will put you first - expect someone caring and nurturing

Russian women
want a partner who OVERALL:
has something to
bring to the table if Russian women are not always supeficial but they are practical.
times get tough. I’ve made a point to mention this many times in my videos!

Russian women may come off reserved and disinterested before you

I don't mean get close to them. Honestly, sometimes it can feel like you're hitting a
financially - I mean wall of ice - but slowly you will discover that there is someone truly
warm and soulful beneath the surface. And direct. She will speak her
mentally, and

First things first- you have to master the art of
reading body language.
She will absolutely not make the first move.

Japanese culture is highly indirect. This means you

Statistically have to read between the lines and observe her

Japan is one of body language.

the most "Single"

countries in Once you learn how read body language-
world. 1/3 of the recognize when she is just being polite.
country under 30 They can go all “ooh” “ahh” over you, but that

has never doesn’t mean they like you. It is in the overly-polite

"dated". culture to show appreciation, and it is all about

preserving other people’s feelings. So, if she’s

gushing over you at a party, it might feel great, but

A LEVEL OF PROPRIETY: that doesn’t mean she is impressed .

Finally, understand that in Japan it's a bit more
Once you've gotten to courage to ask her

of a guessing game.
1. Take the lead: pick the venue, plan the Women here want you to figure out what they like,

date, Uber her home so instead of asking her straight out, it’s all about

guesswork. Yeah, good luck with that!

2. Make it a group date! It is very common

practice and will her feel more comfortable

3. Don't get all touchy-feely. Japanese

culture appreciated a personal space. Group dates
are called
4. Do always offer to pay. It is more "gōkon". So
customary to split (around 80/20 manto
grab a friend
to introduce
woman) but always offer.

5. Do not, and I can't repeat this enough, to the group!

try to force PDA. Respect her personal

What Else Should You Know?
Japan and Sex
They officially have an aging population majority.

Every year, Japan's population gets older and older. As of

2020 28% of Japan is over the age of 65 and only 12%

percent are younger than 14. That means the dating pool has

gotten, smaller and smaller.

Online and speed dating is how most people meet their

partners- and it is often paid for by government.

This matchmaking industry is worth 62 billion yen or roughly

(500,000 USD) so that Japan's young people get married-

and have babies.

Japanese people are less interested in sex and more in


The reality is with Japan and dating is complicated. Long

work hours, high pressure social norms, and a gender paygap

mean that sex and dating is probably the last thing on their

After the First Date:
Don't text her too often and take it slow

If your first group date goes well, ask her out on solo
Kokuhaku: The Japanese art of confessing your
feelings. Any gender can "confess" and if Forget about having "the talk" - you are only exclusive
accepted - you are in an exclusive relationship. after you confess

Don't rush things be it intimacy or meeting her family.

Everything goes slowly here.


They work a lot in Japan. Like a lot.
Japanese people
These days women prioritize their relationships with their co-workers, appreciate
friends, and family above all else. This means that with so little free-time,
'me time" a great
you'll have show her you're worth a spot in her calendar.
Another aspect to this is cultural. Japanese people and women have a

tendency to not show their true feelings and can take ages to decide Don't be offended
whether some one is worth investing their time into. if she only makes
time to see you
However, once you succeed in showing her what you bring to the table-
once a week!
you'll never find a mor dedicated person. She may not be the most

outwardly affectionate, but she you will always feel appreciated.

First of all let's keep in mind that inside the United Kingdom, there are 4

countries each with our cultures, preferences, and even languages.

It's a bit complicated but I'll give you the gist as best I can!

England: We all know her, we all want to be her - well kind of - when we
Around 30% of adults
think of UK or British culture, London is usually the first place to come to
in the UK said "No"
mind but there is much more to the UK than just London. to a first first date in
a pub.
Scotland: Beautiful, green, the home of Outlander, and of people who can

really handle their pints! Scots are bit more relaxed in comparison to their For those younger
English counterparts- and they love to take the piss and have a laugh.
than the age of 35,
outside dining or
rooftop bars were
Wales: We often forget about tiny Wales, but they do have the coolest
flag. The Welsh have their own distinct culture despite their size and

they're proud of it.

Northern Ireland: Again, a little complicated but they are witty and a

wonderfully, dark sense of humour. They can also take forever to end a

phone call. They're tough, enjoy a joke, and don't take things too seriously


The difference of dating culture is subtle but it's there! 1 out of 10
In general, the English are a bit more formal in their approach.
couples in the
They also might require a bit more liquid courage to make a
UK are
move but they'll be a bit more clear with their intentions, as the

Welsh. If they're keen, they'll show you through body language

multiracial or
and loads of indirect flirting.

For Northern Ireland and Scotland, however, the more casual

the approach the better. Offer to get her a drink, be playful

and tell a joke or two. Honestly, I'd say if a Scots or Irish girl isn't

"taking the piss" and joking back with you than they might not

be that interested!

Either way as a foreigner, as long as you make the first move,

make her laugh, and "are good chat" - you'll be in the clear.

And yes, having just a hint of chilvary will get you far!

Regardless of which country you're dating around in - they

all love "banter" and it is an art form in itself in the UK.

Now, what is "banter"? Let me explain.

The notion of banter has changed quite a bit in the past

few ears but banter is basically the preferred flirting style

of the UK. It is cheeky, teasing and playful - again it's

always important to have a laugh. There are around

1.8 billion
The most important thing about banter is that you let the Britons using
chemistry happen natural so don't try to force it. If you have Tinder as of
the chemistry with her great, - if not, don't expect the date 2021. That's the
to last much longer. third largest
market outside of
Nowadays, banter is described as being "good chat", or a the US,
good conversationalist but there's always a fine line to

draw! You can't be too mean and you've got to be able to

read the room.

Basically to succeed in the UK dating scene, you can't take

yourself too seriously!

In the UK, Go-to Ice Breakers when first talking to

personality and a your UK gal:
sense of humour DO's

are key. The Weather - yes it's shite but they could talk

about it all day

Take the time to What they'll get up to on a holiday

get to know her

Ask them where they're from in the UK and what

it's like
and make her
Ask them about their city and they like to get a
drink or have fun

Maybe Not:

Brexit. Just don't go there - too soon! For many

young people in the UK (especially for the Scots and

Northern Irish) this might be a sore spot. Or at least

wait until they mention it first.

Spanish women greet everyone with a 1. Focus on making Spanish friends first as

kiss or two. they usually date within their own circles.

The country's general greeting to anyone and 2. At a bar, discoteca or even an

everyone is two kisses on the cheek. So, she's Intercambio. This is for people who maybe

not being flirting, she's just being friendly. don't speak much Spanish.

3. At the after work "tardeo" drinks

Dating is just a "concept" in Spain. There 4. When in doubt you can always try a

isn't a specific time line for things. dating app

If you both really hit it off, she might bring you 5. Join a hobby or group activity

home before there is even a first date, or it

might take two months. It depends on where

and how she met you, and what the 'vibe' is.

They are more feminist than you'd think.

This goes from who makes the first move to

splitting the bill on the first date. Spanish

women are staunchly independent and will

not appreciate any "machismo" behavior.

Please get the notions of Penelope Cruz

seducing you out of your mind. Do:

1. Get along with her friends

Yes, Spanish women are beautiful and due to
2. Learn some basic Spanish (she'll appreciate it!)
their sense of independence, are quite
3. Do your share of the household chores
comfortable talking about their needs and
4. Keep your communication open
wants. However, just because she is quite
5. Expect her to be late - always.
open doesn't mean that she is "game" for

everything or doesn't want commitment.


1. Say they are the same as South Americans

If you want to date a Spanish woman - like 2. Fight her to always pay the bill

for the 'end game'- you MUST get along 3. Expect her to be "fiery" all of the time

with her friends. 4. Jump to conclusions - again, just talk to her!

Friends are everything in Spain, and

everything they do is a social event. If their

friends don't like you, then you will not last

long. In fact, for both men and women, if you

cannot 'get with their friends' - you're a red

flag. Yes, family is important, but the friend

circle is everything.

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