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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica

Semester August-June 2022

Analog and digital communications systems

Fundamental Activity 1.2

Statistical Description of the Information Source

Instructor: José Ramon Rodríguez Cruz

Students Matrícula
Alfredo de Alba Alvarado 1794507
Eduardo Melendrez Escobedo 1884202
Kenya Giselle Martinez Puente 1862460
Bryton César Arguelles Aguilar 1730665
(he doesn’t worked)

Career: Electronic and communications engineering

Day y Hour: Tuesday_M1-M3

Date of delivery: 07-February-2022

In this activity we will see more about the statistical descriptions of the information
source that we choose, identifying numbers of samples or data from the source,
more characteristics of the system that produces the information source, also the
use of mathematical functions using MATLAB, which we require for this activity.

Time series data is a collection of observations obtained through repeated

measurements over time. Plot the points on a graph, and one of your axes would
always be time.

Time series data is everywhere, since time is a constituent of everything that is

observable. As our world gets increasingly instrumented, sensors and systems are
constantly emitting a relentless stream of time series data. Such data has
numerous applications across various industries.

A histogram shows the shape of the values, or distribution, of a continuous

variable. Histograms help you see the center, extent, and shape of a data set. They
can also be used as a visual tool to check for normality. Histograms are one of the
seven basic statistical quality control tools.

Histograms offer a good way to evaluate data. They can be used to check outliers
or outliers and help understand the distribution of your data. Understanding the
distribution of a variable is important when choosing appropriate statistical analysis

Statistical Description Analysis

Histograms show the shape of the data

Histograms show the shape of your data. The horizontal axis shows your data
values, with each bar corresponding to a range of values. The vertical axis shows
how many data points have values in the range of each bar. The fundamental
difference between histograms and bar charts is the type of data that is
represented. Histograms are used on continuous data, while bar charts are used
on categorical or nominal data.
Histograms have no space between bars. The bars represent the number of values
that occur in a specific range on the horizontal axis. Bar charts have space
between bars. The bars represent the measurement values for each category. To
generate a histogram, the range of data values for each bar must be determined.
The ranges of the bars are known as classes or intervals. Most of the time the
classes are the same size. For equal classes, the height of the bars shows the
frequency of the data values in each one.

This histogram will show us the number of students and the hours of study.

Time series data is a collection of observations for a single subject at different time
intervals (generally equally spaced as in the case of metrics, or unequally spaced
as in the case of events).

Time series analysis is the use of statistical methods to analyze time series data
and extract meaningful statistics and characteristics about the data. Time series
analysis helps identify trends, cycles, and seasonal variances to aid in the
forecasting of a future evento, factors relevant to time series analysis include
stationarity, seasonality and autocorrelation.

Time series analysis can be useful to see how a given variable changes over time,
time series analysis can also be used to examine how the changes associated with
the chosen data point compare to shifts in other variables over the same time

Time series data can be useful for:

-Tracking daily, hourly, or weekly weather data
-Tracking changes in application performance
-Medical devices to visualize vitals in real time
-Tracking network logs

Time series decomposition involves thinking of a series as a combination of level,

trend, seasonality, and noise components.

Decomposition provides a useful abstract model for thinking about time series
generally and for better understanding problems during time series analysis and

Decomposition is primarily used for time series analysis, and as an analysis tool it
can be used to inform forecasting models on your problem. It provides a structured
way of thinking about a time series forecasting problem, both generally in terms of
modeling complexity and specifically in terms of how to best capture each of these
components in a given model.
Each of these components are something you may need to think about and
address during data preparation, model selection, and model tuning. You may
address it explicitly in terms of modeling the trend and subtracting it from your data,
or implicitly by providing enough history for an algorithm to model a trend if it may
exist. You may or may not be able to cleanly or perfectly break down your specific
time series as an additive or multiplicative model.

A stationary time series is one whose properties do not depend on the time at
which the series is observed. Thus, time series with trends, or with seasonality, are
not stationary, the trend and seasonality will affect the value of the time series at
different times. On the other hand, a white noise series is stationary, it does not
matter when you observe it, it should look much the same at any point in time.

Before diving into formal definitions of stationarity, and the related concepts upon
which it builds, it is worth considering why the concept of stationarity has become
important in time series analysis and its various applications. In the most intuitive
sense, stationarity means that the statistical properties of a process generating a
time series do not change over time. It does not mean that the series does not
change over time, just that the way it changes does not itself change over time.

We believe that in this activity that we did, it helps us to understand more about the
databases of any specific topic and also to understand more about the models that
they treat as sources of information and stochastic processes, and thus present
statistical results, in addition to learning about the histograms, time series data,
time series decomposition and stationarity we believe that this activity that we
carried out was not easy at all since we had to understand a lot about these
models or functions that we required to do the activity, we struggled a bit but in the
end we were able put what is necessary as this will help us a lot in the future.


[1] J. Brownlee, «How to Decompose Time Series Data,» 6 Ffebruary 2022. [En línea]. Available:
#:~:text=Time%20series%20decomposition%20involves%20thinking,time%. [Último acceso:
2017 January 30].

[2] «influxdata,» 6 February 2022. [En línea]. Available:


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