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Name: _______________________________Core: _________Date:____________________

Animal Behaviors

Learning Targets:
Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning
A1. Describe animal behaviors associated with reproduction of animals. (K)
A2. Support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals. (R)

1. Read CK-12 Reproductive behavior of animals and answer the following questions in the
table below to give you a general overview of reproductive behavior in animals.

Question Answer

What is mating and why It is important because traits that help animals attract a mate and
is it important? have offspring increase their fitness. As the genes that encode these
traits are passed to the next generation.

What are courtship They are special behaviors that help attract a mate. Male courtship
behaviors and why are behaviors get the attention of females and show off a male’s traits.
they important?

List all examples of One example is a peacock raising his tail feathers. Another example
courtship behaviors of courtship behavior in birds is the blue-footed booby. He is doing a
mentioned in the dance to attract a female for mating. Whales have special mating
reading. songs to attract females as mates. Frogs croak for the same reason.
Male deer clash antlers to court females. Male jumping spiders jump
from side to side to attract mates.

What are display Display behavior is a fixed set of actions that carry a specific
behaviors and why are message. Although many display behaviors are used to attract mates,
they used? some display behaviors have other purposes. For example, display
behaviors may be used to warn other animals to stay away, as you
will read below.

How do birds and Caring for the young may include making a nest or other shelter. It
mammals care for their may also include feeding the young and protecting them from
offspring? predators. In most species of mammals, parents also teach their
offspring important skills.

What are the two 1. Birds

examples of care
mentioned in the 2. Mammals

What does it mean This means that they defend their area. The area they defend usually
when an animal is said contains their nest and enough food for themselves and their
to be ‘territorial’? offspring. A species is more likely to be territorial if there is not very
much food in their area. Having a larger territory could mean more
prey or food.

How do animals defend Animals generally do not defend their territory by fighting. Instead,
their territory? Give they are more likely to use display behavior. The behavior tells other
examples from the animals to stay away. It gets the message across without the need for
reading. fighting. Display behavior is generally safer and uses less enemy than
fighting. Male gorillas use display behavior to defend their territory.
They pound on their chests and thump the ground with their hands to
warn other male gorillas to keep away from their area. The robin
displays his red breast to warn other robins to stay away

2. Research an animal and make an argument about how animal behavior increases the odds of

*Ten Strange, Endearing and Alarming Animal Courtship Rituals

These Weird Animal Courtship Displays Are Probably Better Than Your Valentine’s Day Plans
^5 remarkable animal moms

*Nursery Web Spider *Prairie Vole *Bluegills (fish) *Adelie Penguins

*#Hooded Seals *Bowerbirds *Sage Grouse Howler Monkeys

# # # #
Frigatebirds Flamingos Flatworms Whooping Cranes
# # # #
Albatross Deep Sea Anglerfish Peacock Spiders Buff breasted

^African Elephant ^Orangutan ^Emperor Penguin ^Polar bear

^Cheetah Lion Meerkat Grant’s gazelle

Question: How does this animal’s behavior increase the probability of reproduction?

Use CER to help you structure your argument:

Claim - An argument that answers the question

Evidence - To show the point
Reasoning - Explain how this evidence proves your point
Link - Link back to the point, Show how this point answers the question
Note: You may need more rows of evidence and explanation depending on the amount of content
your source(s) provide(s).
Animal name Whooping Cranes

Claim The courting behavior and the nests of the whooping cranes helps them have a
better chance of successfuly reproducing.

Evidence and The whooping crane is an organism whose behavior is that they are
reasoning monogamous who make pairs at 2 to 3 years old and mate for life. Courting
pairs perform an elaborate, energetic dance display in which they leap, flap
their wings, toss their heads, and even fling feathers and grass.

Evidence and The whooping cranes are very territorial and defended primarily by the male,
reasoning who may attack intruding Whooping Cranes by running, flapping, hissing,
stabbing, or jumping and slashing with his feet. The newer nests are mostly
made next to their parent’s nests.


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