Changing Your Mind About Peter Pan

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Changing your mind about Peter Pan

The novel Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie describes a little boy that doesn't want to grow up
and can fly. He escapes when listening to their parents planning his future. The novel
focuses on Peter and the lost boys. He says he is a Capitan and only wants always to
be a little boy and to have fun, to play and pass a lot of time-fighting with pirates or
redskins in Neverland. He has a fairy as a friend called Tinker bell. Also, he is
egocentric, rebellious and funny. Sometimes he believes cleverer than the other boys
for this reason he always tells them when to eat, walk, fly, talk, and rest.

First Peter Pan represents innocence and youth. He lives in London's Kensington
Gardens. He has the capacity and ability to give order and be followed by all lost boys
but he is strict, he hates all families with special mothers and fathers and always thinks
for himself. For this reason, he uses his imagination to control the other boys,
particularly when boys are hungry. Like the quote shows.     

   "You never exactly knew whether there would be a real meal or just a   make-
believe it all depended upon Peter's whim: he could eat, really eat, if it was part
of a game, but he could not stodge just to feel stodgy, which is what most
children like better than anything else; the next best thing being to talk about it"
(Page 49- Line 17). Peter can be quite cocky and immature too, on certain
occasions when it is necessary he can be polite and very adult despite, he
admits, hating adults.

Second, J.M.Barrie shows as “Peter has a big enemy called James hook" a pirate who
lost his hand to a crocodile and immediately when he listens to a sound tic toc clock
run away quickly. On the other hand, Peter sometimes plays with the lost boy's life for
example, when the lost boy is taking a nap with Wendy on the abandoned rock.
J.M.Barrie wants to show us the big power that the children have when they use their
imagination in Neverland. Tinker bell loves Peter and accepts all his naughty and
sometimes she gives ideas to him. But he wants to give a big responsibility to Wendy
like a mother and when pirates discover that the lost boy has a new mother who counts
beauty stories they want to steal away from his mother and kill them. Peter is a
common boy with his pranks and goodness, similar to London boy too. 

In conclusion, we can say that Peter is a naughty boy as J.M.Barrie tells us he wants to
be a child forever and that are why he escapes to Kensington gardens and doesn't
want to group up. For all these reasons Peter isn't as good as we think. He is able to
influence Wendy, tinker bell, mermaids and the princess when he pretends to take
control of some situations when lost boys protest.

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