2711 Retreat1

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Established June 2004

April 21 2005

Rs: 2.00

Whats Inside Squawk Box Inspector Gadget Hitch movie review

Hats off to all the members of the Nirvana organizing team who put together a very good show this time around barring a few minor hitches. The crowd though predominantly MGITian seemed very pepped up on the first day & most of the events had good turnouts. The DJ nite by DJ MA THAISA & DJ SONAL was awesome with the latter flooring the crowds with mass local hits & the former doing so with international hits( Guys shes from Brazil !!!!). But the second day had a slow start due to the annual day programme held in the A-block seminar hall. Nothing started till about noon. But then everything picked up slowly...though the general feeling was that the second day was boring. NIRVANA kurtas sold like hotcakes. The most successful competition by a long shot was the DANCE competition . Drop in your views , comments & suggestions of NIRVANA 05 with the team of THE RETREAT.
The Nirvana organizing team & the two rock bands Zero & PDV after the end of the show

Classifieds The coolest movies around for just Rs.10. (blank cd must also be provided) Contact : 98662 31402

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