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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________


Lesson Objectives: Student Activity Sheets
At the end of this module, I should be able to: Internet, Browser, Computer
1. Identify the different professions of an IS References:
2. Understand the importance of IS for the businesses
3. Characterize the Key components of BIS


1) Introduction:
GREAT! Are you excited? for our new topic for today?. Let’s just have a review with our previous lesson. Can
you write down here our “Did you Know?” last session.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1

Do you know anything about Business Information System?. Try answering the questions below by writing
your ideas under the first column What I Know. It’s okay if you write key words or phrases that you think are
related to the questions.
What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)
What is a BIS?

Do you think it’s a good profession

for you to become a BIS
(If Y) try to give some details why

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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

1. Activity 2: Content Notes
Business Information System:
Business information systems are sets of inter-related procedures using IT infrastructure in a business enterprise to
generate and disseminate desired information. Such systems are designed to support decision making by the
people associated with the enterprise in the process of attainment of its objectives.

The business information system gets data and other resources of IT infrastructure as input from the environment
and process them to satisfy the information needs of different entities associated with the business enterprise.

There are systems of control over the use of IT resources and the feedback system offers useful clues for increasing
the benefits of information systems to business. The business information systems are sub-systems of business
system and by themselves serve the function of feedback and control in business system.

It also has its Key Components to provide and follow the Information System Process to create:
• Decisions
• Transaction Processing
• Information and its flow
• Individual or functions involved

It is difficult to observe the decision process through we can see and review the results of a decision. Transactions
are usually more visible, though many current systems use computer programs, which are not easy to understand,
to process transactions. In principle, an observer can see information and its flows. Individuals can be observed too,
but it is not always easy to figure out the information processing functions they perform.

Most Professions Use Information Systems For Business:

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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

Marketing, accounting, finance, manufacturing

– there are many different professional goals
and types of work in the business world. There
are also many different industries where this
work can be performed – manufacturing, retail,
banking, healthcare. No matter what your
career goal is or what industry interests you,
your success and the success of the business
rely on your ability to recognize opportunities
where information systems can be used to
improve performance. In most lines of work,
you will need to store information in and
retrieve information from databases.

You will have to create persuasive and

professional reports and presentations to
convince others that your ideas make sense.
Using Microsoft Excel and other tools, you will
analyze data to find patterns and trends to aid
decision-making. You will manage your
relationships with contacts and clients using
customer relationship management systems.

The business’s success will depend on you leading efforts that use technology to support the introduction of new
products, efficiently manage supply chains, and effectively manage complex financial activities. Retailers rely on
past purchase data to develop sales forecasts and predict purchase behavior. Most businesses utilize collaboration
technologies to bring together employees from all over the world to solve problems

What Does an IS Career Look Like?

A career in information systems –

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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

is full of action, problem-solving, and teamwork. It is the goal of information systems professionals to bridge the
knowledge gap between business users and technologists, and thus IS professionals must be fluent in both worlds.
Work in the field of information systems is exciting, fun, and fast-paced. There is always a new team to work with
and new technology to learn about, and projects move quickly leaving openings for new endeavors. In a recent
report published in The Wall Street Journal, information systems professionals were tied for the highest percentage
of college graduates that were satisfied with their career path

When preparing to become an IS professional, students focus on learning about the types of systems that exist,
what they offer to businesses, best practices for implementation, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Students also focus on how to work with business users and discover what their system needs are and how they
can best be served by information systems.

Information systems professionals focus on solving problems in businesses through the use of information systems.
When students start their careers, they frequently work on teams that connect businesspersons with the appropriate
system solution for their situation. Usually the organizations they work for adopt a set of best practices to create
consistency across project teams. Through the use of these best practices, IS professionals determine what options
are available, consider the pros and cons of each, design a customized solution to match the specific business, and
develop a plan on how to best implement the information system, including rollout phases and training.

As mentioned, IS professionals typically work in teams. This is because the projects are usually very large and
have many interworking pieces. As a result, IS professionals specialize in a particular type of work and contribute
their expertise in this area. Specializations include system analysts, software developers, database
administrators, and project managers.

Information systems as a career is attractive

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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

to many individuals because of the traits above. However,

it is also engaging because it is a career in which you get
to work on making people’s lives easier.
IS professionals focus on developing systems that
businesspersons will use to create efficiency and increase
their performance. IS professionals design systems that
help businesspersons make better decisions (decision
support systems) and lead organizations (executive
dashboards). Systems are also created to keep track of
materials (supply chain management systems) and
customers (customer relationship management systems).

And given the important role of information in modern organizations, IS professionals record, monitor, and analyze
data to learn how the business can improve (business intelligence systems).

IS professionals work to design these systems to be more usable, more efficient, and more informative .

Oh! Hmmm.. Did something came up to your mind?. I hope you get some idea for you to imagine yourself in near future.

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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

Now have you visualized or imagine what is a BIS and its purpose?. Let’s try a short activity to know how much you
understand the our short introduction to our lesson.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities.

There you go! I’m expecting that you learn something today, I am excited to
hear your understanding with our lesson for today try to answer the following:

1. Search for news stories on the Bristol Palin vote controversy. What systems did
ABC put in place to catch voter fraud? Under the System used and Explain:

use this link for you get the article:



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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

2. Pick a user centered web site other than and explain why you think it is well designed


3. Find job descriptions for two information systems jobs. Do the job descriptions emphasize soft skills
or technical skills or both?


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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2

It’s time to answer on table question “What I Learned? “, summarized and analyze and write your answer
on the given table, on the first page of activity sheets

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding.

4. What is IPO Model?.


5. What are the Key Components of IS


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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

1. Activity 1: Thinking about Learning
Great! You finish this session module without sweat
Work Tracker: Let’s track your progress. Shade the session number you just completed.

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module helped you
learn the concepts?


Some question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:


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Module #04

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________


1. Does IT infrastructure need to continue IS processes?.

There are systems of control over the use of IT resources and the feedback system offers useful clues for
increasing the benefits of information systems to business.

2. How the IPO Model work?.

The inputs represent the flow of data and materials into the process from the outside. The processing step
includes all tasks required to effect a transformation of the inputs. The outputs are the data and materials
flowing out of the transformation process.

Information Management Strategy

• One industry study estimated the total cost to the US economy
of data quality problems at over US$600 billion per annum
(Eckerson, 2002).
• According to Continental Research’s findings, 60% of employees
spend on average 15 minutes per day searching for
information; 15% spend around 30 minutes; and 7% an hour or more.

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