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DOCTOR’S ACADEMY  Atomic Structure

c) Equal d) None
12) Which one of the following is correct
regarding charge on e-.
ACADEMY i) charge on single e- = 1.602x10-19C
ii) charge on 1 mole of e- = 1.75x1011C/mole
Compiled By: Dr MANOJ KUMAR iii) charge on 1 kg of e- = 9.65x104C/kg
Chapter wise Test = Chemical Bonding a) I only b) I and II
1) Which one of the following is wrong pair. c) II and III d) I, II, III are correct
a) John Dalton  solid sphere model 13) Millikan oil drop experiment determines
b) J.J Thomson  charge on electron e
c) Rutherford Discovery of Nucleus a) Mass of electron b) of electron
d) Neil Bohr energy model of atom c) Charge of electron d) Charge of proton
e) Schrodinger quantum numbers 14) Electron will spiral into nucleus and atom
2) No of nodes in 3S would be. would collapse if
a) 0 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 e) 7 a) Electron gains energy while moving in
3) Formula to calculate No of spherical nodes allowed orbit.
is b) Electron loses energy while moving in
a) 2n2 b) 2(2l+1) c) n-l-1 d) n 2 e) l allowed orbit.
4) Which one of the following is correct c) Neither gains nor loses energy.
a) Probability of finding e- in angular node is d) All are wrong
50% 15) Alternative name of quanta for light is
b) Probability of finding e- in spherical node is a) Lepton b) Boson
95% c) Photon d) Quark
c) Probability of finding e- in orbital is 95% 16) Which one of the following is correct
d) All of the above description of energy of photon
5) No of _______ nodes would be always a) 1.37hv b) 8.3hv
zero for any S-subshell. c) 3hv d) 2.63hv
a) Spherical b) Angular 17) Which one of the following part is
c) Total d) Both a and b wrongly labelled
6) No of nodes in 3P are
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4 e) 6
7) No of angular and spherical nodes in 3d
respectively are
a) 2 and 0 b) 0 and 2
c) 3 and 2 d) 1 and 2
8) Gas discharge tube glows orange red when
____ gas is used.
a) He b) H2 c) Ne d) Co2 e) N2 18) Wave number in following diagram is
9) Orbitals with 2 lobes are
a) S and dxy b) dxy and dyz
c) Px and dz2 d) dx2-y2 and dxy
e) P2 and S
10) Incorrect pair is
a) Stoney named electrons a)1/2 b) 1 c) 2 d) 2.5 e) 3
b) Eugene goldstein named proton 19) Energy of radiation of 5Ao wavelength
c) Crooks named gas discharge tube would be
d) J.J Thomson named cathode rays a) 4x1016J b) 3x1016J
d) Rutherford named nucleus c) 2x10 J d) 1x1016J
e e 20) Energy of photon is
11) of electrons is ____ then of proton a) Directly proportional to wavelength
m m
a) Less b) More b) Inversely proportional to velocity
c) Directly proportional to wave number


DOCTOR’S ACADEMY  Atomic Structure
d) Directly proportional plank’s constant c) Magnetic quantum number
21) Angular momentum of electron of 3rd d) Spin quantum number
orbit will be 32) Which model describes circular motion of
a)1.05 x 10-34 b)2.10 x 10-34 electron
c)3.16 x 10-34 d)4.20 x 10-34 a) Bohr’s atomic model
22) Which one of the following is correct b) Schrodinger mechanics models
relation between velocity and radius of c) Zeeman effect d) Stark effect
electron. 33) Color in fireworks appear due to
a) V r b) V2 r a) Gas discharge effect
c) V 1/r d) V 1/r b) Zeeman effect
23) Calculate amount of energy needed c) Stark effect
when electron jumps from 2nd orbit to 3rd d) Jumping of electron from excited to ground
orbit of H-atoms. state
a) 2K/36 b)5K/36 c)3K/36 d)4K/36 34) When spectrum of an atom is exposed to
24) As value of n = increases electric field. It seems to split further into 9
a) Energy of orbit increases spaced lines. It means.
b) Energy of orbit decreases a) atom has 9 shells
c) Energy of orbit remains constant b) atom has 9 subshells
d) None c) atom has 9 orbitals
25)1.097 x 107m-1 is d) atom has 9 energy levels
a) R b) Z c) K d) ao 35) 9500-18750 Ao range of wavelength of
26) If frequency of a wave is 100 Hz then its radiations is possible in
wave number a) Lymen series b) Bracket series
c) Paschen series d) Balmer series
36) Tungsten is used as
a) Cathode in mass spectrometer
b) Anode in mass spectrometer
27) SI unit of wave number is c) Anode in X-ray tube
a) Hertz b) cm-1 c) m-1 d) A-1 d) Cathode in X-ray tube
28) If e- jumps from K-shell to 1st M-shell and 37) Wrong statement about X-rays is
then to N-shell and finally to O shell and then a) Long wavelength radiations
returns to L-shell. The wavelength of emitted b) High frequency radiations
radiation would be categorized in c) Highly energetic radiations
a) Lymen series b) Balmer series d) Are called Rontgen rays
c) Pashchen series d) Bracket series e) Are photons
e) Pfund 38) When electron jumps from 3rd-shell to
29) Halpha line refers to jumping of electron 2nd-shell in tungsten used as anode in X-ray
from tube, we get
a) infinity to 1st orbit a) K x-ray b) L x-ray
b) infinity to 2nd orbit c) M x-ray d) N x-ray e) O x-ray
c) 2nd orbit to 1st orbit 39) Crystalline structure can be studied by X-
d) 1st orbit to 2nd orbit ray diffraction techniques. This is possible
e) 3rd orbit to 2nd orbit because X-ray wavelength
30) Wave number of limiting line of Lymen a) Is shorter then atomic separation in solids
series is b) Is longer then atomic separation in solids
a) 1.097 x 107 b)2.18x 10-18 c) Is comparable to atomic separation in solids
c)5 x 1.097 x 107 d)3 x 1.097 x 107 d) None
31) Zeeman effect and stark effect is 40) Address of electron is provided by
expressed by a) Gas discharge tube
a) Principle quantum number b) X-ray tube
b) Azimuthal quantum number c) Set of 4 quantum numbers


DOCTOR’S ACADEMY  Atomic Structure
d) Bohr’s energy calculation a) n=5, l=0,1,2,3,4, m=+1,0,-1,=+1/2
41) Which of the following quantum number b) n=4, l=0,1,2,3, m=+1,0,-1,s=+1/2
cannot have zero value c) n=4, l=3, m=+1,0,-1,s=+1/2
i) n ii) l iii) m d) n=4, l=0,1,2,3, m=-3,-2,-1,0+1,+2,+3,s=+1/2
a) I only b) I and II only c) II only 50) If Value of n=2, then correct value for l is
d) II and III only e) I, II and III only a) 0 b) 1 c) 0 and 1 d) 1 and 2 e) 3
42) Which one of the following is wrong 51) Which one of the following is correct for
combination K+ ion.
a) K-shell has => 1 subshell, 2 orbitals, 2 a) n=2, l=1,m=+1,s=+1/2
electrons b) n=3, l=2,m=+1,s=+1/2
b) L-shell has => 2 subshell, 4 orbitals, 8 c) n=3, l=2,m=+1,s=-1/2
electrons d) n=4, l=3,m=+2,s=+1/2
c) M-shell has => 3 subshell, 9 orbitals, 18 52) Which one of the following doesnt obey
electrons Auf Bau principle.
d) N-shell has => 5 subshell, 25 orbtitals, 50 a) Copper b) Chromium
electrons c) Uranium d) All of above
e )Both a and d 53) Degenerate orbitals are orbitals of
43) Refer to follow table, identify the name a) Same sub-shell in a shell with different
of shell represented by ?. energy
Latter used K L M N O ? b) Same sub-shell in a shell with same energy
No of orbitals 1 4 9 16 25 36 c) Same sub-shell in a shell with double
No of e-s 2 8 18 32 50 72 energy
a) n b) Q c) P d) l e) d d) Different sub-shell in a shell with same
44) Wrong pair is energy
a) n2 => gives number of orbitals 54) Same value of n,l and m indicates
b) n-l-1 => gives No of spherical nodes a) Electrons in different orbitals
c) 1n => digit written with n shows No of shell b) Electrons in same orbitals
d) 2n2 => gives no of angular nodes c) Electrons in different subshells
45) How many spherical and angular nodes d) Electrons in different shells
are present in diagram. 55) Which one of following is 2S orbitals

a) I b) II c) III d) IV
56) The orbital shown is given diagram is
a) 1,0 b) 2,0 c) 0,2 d) 2,1 e) 2,2
46) After following 3d, electron would go
a) 2S b) 2P c) 3P d) 4P e)5F
47) For unpaired electrons, spin quantum
number is always written as
a)+1/2 b)-1/2 c) O d) None a) Px b) Py c) P2 d) dx2-y2 e) dz2
48) If we write +1,O,-1, which quantum 57) 3rd shell does not contain
number we are describing a) f-subshell b) d-subshell
a) n b) l c) m d) s c) P-subshell d) S-shell
49) For 4F1, correct set of quantum numbers 58) 1s2,2s2,2px2,2py1, 2 p2 which rule is
is violated here


DOCTOR’S ACADEMY  Atomic Structure
a) Auf bau principle 68) Slow neutrons cause fission of
b) Pauli exclusion principle
c) Hund’s rule d) n+l rule 69) Which one of the following indicates
59) Pauli exclusion principle is correctly electropositive element
described by a) 1s2,2s2,2p+,3s2,3p6
b) 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4s2,3d10
c) 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1
d) 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p4
60) Which one of the following is Not 70) 18 e-s can be accommodated in
isoelectronic combination a) K-shell b) L-shell c) M-shell
a) [CI-] = [Ar] = [K+] = [Ca++] d) N-shell e) both c and d
b) [F-] = [Ar] = [K+] = [Mg++]
c) [F-] = [Ne] = [Na+] = [Mg++]
All student Should try to complete one
d) [Br-] = [Kr] [Rb+] = [Sr++]
Chapter in 3 days at home+ daily lecture must
61) Which one of following is wrong for
be covered daily. Test and lecture should go
side by side. Work hard. World is changing..
keep pace with modern world. Only study can
do it.
Best of Luck
62) Wavelength of X-rays is ____ than
a) Smaller b) Longer
c) Equal to d) Negligible
63) Bohr’s radius constant is
a) -2.18x10-18 b) 5.29Ao
c) -1313J d) 0.529Ao
64) Which one of the following is wrong
regarding masses
a) He = 4amu
b) e- = 0.00055amu
c) Proton = 1.0086amu
d) H = 1.008amu
65) X-ray tube must have
a) Anode of small atomic #
b) Anode of small size
c) Anode covered by ZnS
d) Anode of high atomic #
66) If we change gas in gas discharge tube
then what will change
a) Nature of cathode rays
b) Nature of positive rays
c) Nature of X-rays
d) Glow produced in gas discharge tube
e) Both b and d
67) Which one of the following shows
neutron discovery


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