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Blooming Cat * Tarot GUIDEBOOK with Color Images . ‘ This guidebook acts as a base to help you gain a general understanding of each card in this deck. It is inspired by the classic Rider Waite deck and shares some of the same symbolisa. Using yout own observation, investigation, and intuition, you will be able to interpret them in your own way and find even more meaning, symbolism, and depth. Happy Reading! THE FOUR SUITS Trees/Branches:-Wands Daffodils:Cups Lavender:-Swords Floral Pentacles-Pentacies The Foo!-O Element: Air Planet: Uranus Astrology: Avies The Foo! depicts a young cat traveling with only ball of yarn & a small Companion that seems to be keeping a watchful eye on him. The cat stares off into the cistance, perhaps dreaming of future adventures. He is very close to knocking the yarn off the cliff. Does he reaize this or 's he unawore of the potential dangers that lie in his path? This, we do not know. Upright- new beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, adventure Reversed: foolish, recklessness, distracted The Magician1 Element: Air Planet: Mercury Astrology: Virgo, Gemini The Magician's tail is pointed to the sky, while a finger points to the ground, as if to say "as above, so below’ The Magician is surrounded by all four tarot suits, these symbolize the four elements, earth, water, cir, and fre, being connected by the magician. The infinity sign indicates unlimited capacity for creativity. Upright- manifestation, desire, concentration resourcefulness Reversed- manipulation, wasted talent The High Priestess-2 Element: Water Planet: Moon Astrology: Virgo The High Priestess sits between two pillars that represent the duality of nature. She is the third pillar, the mediator or path between the two. She is calm, wise, and exudes an air of mystery. Upright- intuition, spirituality, higher power, wisdom Reversed. confusion, secrets, repressed The Empress-3 Element: Earth Planet: Venus Astrology: Taurus The Empress sits on a cushioned throne and wears a starry crown. She is surrounded by fertile flowers and leaves. She is ruled by venus and brings abundance to the reader. Upright- fertility, nature, femininity Reversed- smothering, dependence on others The Gmperor-4 Element: Fire Planet: Mors Astrology: Aries The Emperor appears as a stoic figure and is a firm leader that rules with force. He is experienced, ambitious, and determined Upright- authority, establishment, structure Reversed: tyranny, lack of discipline The Empero® The Hierophant-5 Element: Earth Planet: Venus Astrology: Taurus The Hierophant sits between two pillars representing obedience and disobedience. He wears a three- tiered crown, representing the three different worlds. The keys to heaven are at his feet. Two cisciples stand before him Uptight- tradition, conformity, spiritual wisdom, ethics Reversed- rebellion, subversiveness ea NN The Lovers-6 Element: Air Planet: Mercury Astrology: Gemini The Lovers sit together in happiness and harmonious union under the bright sun as tempiation lurkes behind them. Upright- porinerships, duality, love, union, harmony Reversed- imbalance, one-sidediness The Chariot-7 Element: Water Planet: Moon Astrology: Cancer The Chariot depicts a rider being pulled by one black and one white cat going in opposite directions, symbol of opposing forces that the rider must learn fo. control, The charioteer sils under a canopy of stars suggesting he is influenced by celestial forces. Upright success, control, willpower Reversed- lack of control, jack of direction, aggression Strength-8 Element: Fire Planet: Sun Astrology: Leo Strength calmly stands with her eyes closed next to. a growling lion that sits next to her. Upright- inner strength, bravery, compassion Reversed. seli-cloubt, weakness, insecurity The Hermit-9 Element: Earth Planet: Mercury Astrology: Virgo The Hermit stands alone at the peak of a mountain while holding a lantern of wisdom in one of paws. He has successfully climbed the mountain and is commited to the path he has taken. Upright- contemplation, introspection, soul-searching Reversed- loneliness, isolation Wheel of Fortune-10 Element: Fire Planet: Jupiter Astrology: Capricorn The alchemical and symbolic Wheel of Fortune represents the wheel of life. In the comers of the card are four creatures, each associated with the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: the angel is Aquarius, the eagle is Scorpio, the lion is Leo, and the bul is Taurus. On top of the wheel sits a Sphinx that represents knowledge and strength Upright- change, cycles, destiny Reversed- no control, resistance to change TJustice-l1 Element: Air Planet: Venus Astrology: Libra Justice holds scales in her left hand as a symbol of balance and a sword on her right, ready to exact justice if needed. She stands in front of a purple veil, and a world behind it Upright- cause and effect, clarity, faimess Reversed- dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness The Hanged Cat-12 Element: Water Planet: Neptune Astrology: Pisces The Hanged Cat is suspended upside-down by one leg, it seems os if he could easly tree if he desired to. He hos a peaceful look on his face and a glowing halo around his head representing enlightenment. Upright- sacrifice, release, new perspectives Reversed- resistance, needless sacrifice Roto y Death-15 Element: Water Planet: Pluto Astrology: Scorpio Death, sometimes known as the Grim Reaper, stands atop a skull with a third eye. He blocks the path so that everyone, regardless of who they are, must pass him before moving forward, Uptight- endings, transformation, change Reversed. fear of change, holding on Temperance-14 Element: Fire Planet: Jupiter Astrology: Sagittarius Temperance depicts « winged angel with one foot in the water representing the subconscious, while the other foot is on dry land, a representation of the material world. Water easily flows between two flower cups suggesting union and balance. Upright- balance, patience, finding meaning Reversed: extreme. excess, lack of balance The Tower-16 Element: Fire Planet: Mars Astrology: Aries The Tower card depicts a high tower at the top of anicy mountain. A lightning Dott strikes the tower setting it ablaze. Flames burst from the window & out of the top of the tower. Two cats have jumped out of desperation, trying to escape the destruction within, Upright- sudden upheaval, change, chaos Reversed- fear of change, holding on The Devil: 15 Element: Earth Planet: Satur Astrology: Capricorn The Devil stonc’s atop a pedestal where two unhappy looking cats are chained before him. They are under his control. The grapes and flame on the cat's icils represent the hunger for power and the material world Upright- addiction, materialism, playfulness Reversed- release, restoring control The Star-17 Element: Air Planet: Uranus Astrology: Aquarius The Star cord depicts a cat at the edge of a pond. She is holding two flowers full of water. She pours one into the pond, the other out to the ary land, nurturing the green, fertile land. One large star surrounded by seven smaller stars shines above her. Upright: hope, faith, purpose Reversed- discouragement, insecurity The Moon-18 Element: Water Planet: Neptune Astrology: Pisces The Moon card depicts two towers with mountains in the distance and the moon above. There are two rats, one appears docile & domesticated, the other wild. A crawfish is crawling out of the water, seeming to head straight ahead on a path that goes between them, Upright- unconscious, illusions, anxiety, intuition Reversed- confusion, fear The Sun-19 Element: Fire Planet: Sun Astrology: Leo The Sun card shows a carefree kiiten riding a white horse under the bright sun above them. The cheerful sunflowers and red flag suggest an accomplishment. Upright- success, celebration, positivity, warmth Reversed- negativity, depression, saciness Tudgement-20 Element: Fire Planet: Pluto Astrology: Scorpio Judgement depicts a cat family, rsing from the grave, answering the trumpet call of the angel above them. Their arms reach out and they await their fate. Wil they spend eternity in heaven or hell? Upright- rebirth, reflection. reckoning, awakening Reversed- doubt, self-loathing The World-21 Element: Earth Planet: Saturn Astrology: Capricom The World card shows a dancing cat inside a wreath of flowers. She holds a wand in each of her front paws. I's a harmonious scene. There are four creautures in each comer, the same figures in the Wheel of Forune card. They represent Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius ond Taurus - representatives of the four comers of the universe, the four elements. Upright- fulfillment. harmony. completion Reversed- delays, incompletion, no closure King of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo The King of Wands sits on a cushion of gold next to a blossoming wand, symbolizing life ond creativity. The lion and salamander before him represent fire and sirength Upright- leadership, vision, taking control Reversed- domineering, tyrant, powerless Queen of Wands Element: Fre Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo Tne Queen of Wanas sits on a gold cushion with a small black cat. representing her intuition and snacow- self. On one side is a sunflower, symbolizing happiness and ferliity. On the other side is @ wand which is starting blossom, symbolizing life. The two gold lions Upright. confident, self-assured, determined Reversed- jealous, demanding, seffish Knight of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo The Knight of Wands sits on a powerful horse with a mane that resembles flames. Both are ready for action and battle. instead of o sword, he holds a Knightor @ flaming wand. Wands Upright- courageous, self-assured, hero. adventure Reversed- arrogant, reckless, hasty, lack of self control 9 | Perens ' Pr 10 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo Page of Wands Hement: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo The Page of Wands stands tall against a large stick and seems very interested in the green leaves that are sprouting from it. Behind him is a mountainous, barren background. Below him is a salamander, a mythical creature that symbolizes transformation and fire Upright- froo-spirit, adventure, fearless Reversed- impatient, lacking ideas, unreliable Ten of Wands depicts a cat carrying a heavy bundle of ten sticks on his back. Though he is struggling, he is nearing his destination in the near distance and will soon be able to release the burden he is carrying. Upright- hard work. burden. duty. responsibilty Reversed- carrying the burden, breakdown, Sos Wands é x 9 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagitiarius, Aries, Leo Nine of Wands shows a fired-looking cat standing amongst 8 trees. He is injured but is determined and ready to battle once more with the staff he holds. Upright- persistance, resilience, courage Reversed- struggle, stubbomess, rigidity 10 8 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo Eight of Wands depicts 8 pointed branches flying through the blue sky. They cre pointed downward as if they are ready fo land Upright- progress, quick decisions, sudden changes Reversed- chaos, delays, losing momentum, 7 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo Seven of Wands shows a lone cat at the top of a hill defending his position and tertitory. Upright- protectiveness, standing up for yourselt, defending yourself Reversed- giving up. admitting defeat, yielding Perera 6 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagitiarius, Aries, Leo Six of Wands shows a cat with a look of accomplishment on his face riding a beautiful white horse, c symbol of strength and purity. They both are ecomed with wreaths, symbols of a victory. Upright- success, victory, triumph, rewards Reversed- failure, lack of recognition i 5 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo Five of Wands shows two cats, one orange and one white, in te middle of five trees. They oppear to be either fighting or playing with each other. Upright- conflict, competition, arguments, tension Reversed- end of conflict, agreements, harmony 4 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittcrius, Aries, Leo Two cats snuggle between four white blossoming frees. There is a fone thal there is something being celebrated. Upright. celebrations, reunions, stability Reversed- lack of suppor, instability 3 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo Three of Wands depicts a cat sitting between three trees with his back tumed. He is looking out, ina reflective state, toward the water. Upright. momentum, confidence, growth, foresight Reversed: limitations, lack of progress, onstacles iz Pats 2 of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo Two of Wands depicts a cat sitting on top of the world between wo trees. He looks out at all of the polenticl opportunities that lie before him. Upright. decisions, discovery, progress Reversed- fear of the unknown, lack of planning, not taking action Ace of Wands Element: Fire Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Leo ‘Ace of Wands shows a paw holding a sprouting branch. In the distance isa castle, representing future opportunities. Upright: inspiration, new opportunities, personal growth Reversed-lack of direction, distractions, deloys 13 King of Cups ap Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The King of Cups sits balanced on a stone cushion floating on top of turbulent waters. He wears @ fish amulet around his neck, a symbol of creativity. To his right is a fish jumping out of the water, to his left © ship sailing steadily on the choppy sea i po = Upright- diplomatic, compassion, control, balance Reversed- emotionally manioulative, coldness Pere re tad Queen of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer. Scorpio, Pisces The Queen of Cups sits with a thoughtful expression on stone throne on a shore of colorful pebbles. She sits between the land and the sea, She wears a crown adorned with a shell and a fish is jumping out of the water, both symbols of the unconscious mind Upright. compassion, calm, intuative Reversed- insecurity, dependence Creo Knight of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Knight of Cups rides calmly along the water on a white horse. Three fish, symbolizing consciousness nd creativity, jump out of the water. The young cat holds a daffodil, he admires it and holds it as if he's bringing forth a message Upright- idealist. romantic. creativity Reversed- unrealistic, moodiness, disappointment 14 Page of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Page of Cups stands by the wavy sea. A fish appears to fly out of the daffodil next to him and is headed right toward him. The fish and the soa represent the element of water and all things to do with emotions, intuition, and creativity. Upright- possibility, dreamer, sensitivity Reversed- emotional immaturity, insecurity, creative blocks Pe eater 10 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Ten of Cups depicts a cat family bonding and sharing a moment together looking ahead to a beautiful rainbow and a sky full of 10 daffodils. Upright. inner happiness, fulfilment, harmony Reversed- shattered dreams, struggling relationships, disconnection SCOR enc 9 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Nine of Cups show a content looking cat siting on a wooden bench with a fish. Above him are 9 daffodils symbolizing success and fulfilment, both materially and spiritually. Upright- satisfaction, emotional stability, gratitude Reversed- lack of inner joy, indulgence 15 8 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Eight of Cups depicts a cat sitting near a river with 8 daffodils behind him. They are arranged in such away that it looks like one is missing, suggesting there is something incomplete. The cat stares chead to the mountains uncer the light of the moon, perhaps ready to embark on a journey to a new life Upright- cisillusionment, leaving behind, withdrawel Reversed- fear of change, fear of loss i | Bor CUPS Spares 7 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Concer, Scorpio, Pisces The Seven of Cups shows a cat with his back to us Rising up ‘rom the clouds are seven daffodils with various images coming from them, some would be considered gifts, some would not. The clouds and datfodils represent the cats Greams and wishes. He must be careful what he wishes for. erro) Upright- choice, daydreaming, opportunities Reversed- lack of purpose, confusion 6 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Six of Cups shows a young cat and kitten presenting each olher with a daffodil. They are standing between a castle and a field of daffodils blooming nearby. Upright. innocence, happy memories, healing Reversed- forgiveness, moving forward, indendence 16 5 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Five of Cups shows a cat with his back tumed on three daffodils that have fallen behind him. He doesn't notice there are two daffodils standing next to him. In the distance is a flowing river and a bridge beyond the river Upright- failure, loss, arief, self-pity Reversed- acceptance, moving on 4 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer. Scorpio. Pisces The Four of Cups shows o cai silting up against a tree. He is so engrossed in his thoughts he doesn't notice the large paw reaching out offering him a daffodil Upright- apathy, contemplation, meditation Reversed: awareness, withdrawel, acceptance tor Cups . 3 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Three of Cups shows three joyous cats dancing around daffodils in celebration. The ground is covered in grapes, squash and pumpkins, symbols of an abundant harvest Upright- friendship, collaborations, happiness Reversed- overindulgence, isolation 17 2 of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Two of Cups shows two happy cats touching the petals of their daffodils together. Above them is a Coduceus of Hermes, the ancient symbol of commerce duality, and exchange. At the top of the caduceus is a lion's head, symbolizing fire and passion. Upright- unity. partnership. connection Reversed- imbalance, distrust, tension Ace of Cups Element: Water Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The Ace of Cups shows a paw offering a daffodil that hos five flowing streams of water coming from it that fall info c sea containing a lotus. The five sireams represent your five senses and the creativity ‘and intuition flowing from within you. Upright. creativity, new feelings, spirituality Reversed- blocked creativity, emptiness, repressed emotions 18 King of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Liora, Aquarius The King of Swords sits upon a golden throne above the clouds. He holds lavender in his paws, it points fo his loft, the side of the intuitive mind. His crown is adorned with o buiterfly, a symbol of transformation. He wears wreath of blue (symbolic of his spiritual understanding] and purple (symbolic of his compassion) flowers. Upright- mental clarity, intellectual power, authority Reversed- misuse of power, manipulation Queen of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius The Queen of Swords sits upon a golden winged throne flying above the clouds. She wears a crown adored with butter‘lies, symbols of transformation. She looks into the distance while holding her left paw out as if she is either giving or receiving. She protectively has her right paw placed on top of the lavender. Upright- independent, unbiosed judgement Reversed- emotional, easily influenced, cold-hearted Knight of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Liora, Aquarius The Knight of Swords shows a determined cat riding a strong white horse. They charge on ahead as the wind blows through the grass below them. Upright- ambitious, success driven, fast-thinking Reversed- restless, unfocused, mpusive 19 Page of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Liora, Aquarius The Page of Swords sits under moving clouds and blue sky. He's holding lavender that is pointed foward the sky. His body is facing one direction, and his face another. Green, fertile plants are growing in the ground betore him. Upright- curiosity, thirst for knowledge, positive movement forward Reversed: self-expression, haphazard action Peer rae (| 10 of Swords Hement: Air Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Ten of Swords show a cat with 10 spears of blooming lavender thot appear fo have been stabbed in his back. Upright- deep wounds, betrayal, loss Reversed- recovery, regeneration 10 of Swords 9 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Liora, Aquarius The Nine of Swords shows an anxious looking cat lying under 9 pieces of lavender. She has been woken up, perhaps by a bad dream. Upright anxiety, fear, depression, womry Reversed- inner turmoil, deep-seated fears, secrets 20 8 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Eight of Swords depicts a cat thot sits blindfolded in the middle of 8 lavender stalks. They seem to create prisorvlike bars around her. The cat doesn’t realize she can simply remove her blindfold and walk away through the gaps in the stalks Upright- negative thoughts, self-imposed, restriction, imprisonment Reversed- inner critic, releasing negotive thoughts 7 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Libro, Aquarius Seven of Swords shows a cat taking five stalks of lavender, leaving two standing. As he sneaks away from the castle, he is smiling as if ne is proud of himselt for getting away with something. Upright- betrayel, getting away with something Reversed- self-deceit, keeping secrets Bos aacad 6 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Liora, Aquarius Six of Swords show a cat and her kitten traveling in a boat fo land nearby. They cuddle close to each other, leaving the past behind them. The water ahead is calm, while the water on the right is turbulent. Upright. change, transition, rite of passage Reversed- resistance to change, unfinished business 21 eraser 4 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Libro, Aquarius The Four of Swords shows a cat resting on a floor. Behind himis a staircase that leads up towards the stay night. Four lavender stalks suound him, one lies beneath him and three above him pointing downwards towards his head and torso. Upright: relaxation, meciitation, contemplation Reversed- exhaustion. deep contemplation 5 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius The Five of Swords depicts one cat sitting next to three lavender staks. He is staring down at another cat that has fallen on the ground alongside two lavender stalks. Under this stormy sky it appears @ bottle has been fought. Upright- conflict, disagreements, defeat, winning att all costs Reversed- reconcilation, making amends Ree h conan 3 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Liora, Aquarius The Three of Swords shows a heart, floating under rain clouds, that has been pierced by three sharp lavender stalks. Upright- emotional pain, grief, broken heart Reversed- insecurty, dependence 22 Beecrer ac 2 of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius The Two of Swords shows a white blindfolded cat sitfing under two crossed lavender stalks that are perfecily balanced. Water flows behind her. She appears to be calm, and thoughtful yet cannot see. What kind of situation is she in? She must use her senses, mind and heart to figure out a solution for what ails her. Upright- cifficult decisions, weighing options Reversed- indecision, contusion, stalemate Ace of Swords Element: Air Astrology: Gemini. Liora. Aquarius ‘Ace of Swords shows a paw holding an upright lavender stalk over jagged mountains, At the top of the stalk is a crown and laure! wreath, symbols of victory and success Upright- new ideas, mental clarity, success Reversed- inner clarity, clouded judgement 25 King of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The King of Pentacles sits atop a pentacle of flowers Below him is a bull, showing he is connected to the astrological sign of Taurus. He is surrounded by vines and grapes, symbols of material success. Upright- abundance, business leadership, prosperity. secutily Reversed- stuoborn, greed, indulgence King o: Pentacle> Queen of Pentacies Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Queen of Pentacles sits atop a pentacle of flowers wearing a crown of gold. She is surrounded by greenery, flower, and grapes. symbols of abundance, fertility and her connection to the earth Upright- practicality, nurturing, financial security Reversed- seli-centereciness, jealousy, smothering Queenor Pentacieg Knight of Pentacies Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Knight of Pentacies sits on his still horse next to a ploughed field. He focuses on the pentacle he is holding steady and dreaming of wnat's to come. Upright- efficiency, hard work, responsibility Noid Reversed- self-discipline, obsessiveness, laziness Knight of Pent VISTA 24 Page of Pentaclies Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Page of Pentacles stands next to a lush flowering bush with a mountain range in the horizon. He doesn't notice his surroundings, his full attention is on the pentacles of flowers before him. Upright- ambition, desire, opportunity, diligence ed eee Reversed- lack of commitment, greeciness, iano (ed procrastination eg 10 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus. Virgo, Capricorn The Ten of Pentacles shows cn older cat surrounded by his family. He has a look of contentment on his face and feels good that he can share his abundance with his children and grandchildren. Upright- legacy, family, culmination, wealth Reversed- financial loss, lack of stabiity 9 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom 666 666 The Nine of Pentacles shows a beautiful cat adorned gotPentacies with flowers cround her neck, she's surrounded by grapes. To her left a falcon calmly sits on her tail The falcon and grapes are symbols of her success and wealth. Ny Upright fruits of labor, rewards, financial independence % Reversed- living beyond means 25 8 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Eight of Pentacles shows a paw holding a hammer above an anvil where pentacle coins are being made. Uptight- apprenticeship, passion, high standards, mastery Reversed- lack of passion, uninspired, unmotivated 7 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Seven of Pentacles shows o cat sitting in lush, flowering greenery, admiring the seven beautiful pentacies that have blossomed. Upright- investment, hard work, perseverance Reversed- distractions, lack of rewards, limited success. vee . iz Panto 6 of Pentacles Element: Eorth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Six of Pentacles shows a paw dropping beautiful flowers that ore faling towards a scale. The flowers ‘are being given away, the aiready balanced scales represent foirness. Upright- charity, generosity, sharing wealth Reversed- stinginess, power, domination, unpaid debt Gor Pentacke> 26 5 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Five of Pentacles depicts an injured, hungry, and tired cat walking post a church window that is emitting warm lighl. The cat is so focused on his plight, he fails to see he could stop for help and keeps on walking instead. Upright- need, poverty, insecurity, isolation Reversed- lass of balance, disorganized, overwhelmed Sor Pentacie> Ss 4 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Four of Pentacles shows cat with his body protectively wrapped around his bail of gold yarn. He has two beauitiul floral pentacles below him and balances two mare, one on his head and one on his {cil, He is so fixated on and attached fo these items, he cannot move eg Upright. conservation, frugality, control, security —¢* 4 Pentacles Reversed- greediness, stinginess, over spending ] 3 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Three of Pentacles shows a young cat dancing with joy around a pentacle free. After being taught by the older cats, he has successfully grown three perfect, uniform floral pentacles. Upright- collaboration, building, leaming Reversed- lack of teamwork, disorganized, disharmony 27 r/ = iw Ss i | 2 of Pentacke> 2 of Pentacles Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricom The Two of Pentacles shows a cat on his back confidantiy juggling two pentacles on his foot and tail. The pentacles rest inside an infinity sign, a symbol thot this cat can handle whatever comes his way in ife. Below him, two ships scil the choppy seas but they manage to stay afloat. Upright- balancing decisions, priorities, adapting to change Reversed- loss of balance, disorganized, overwhelmed Ace of Pentacies Element: Earth Astrology: Taurus. Virgo, Capricom The Ace of Pentacles depicts a paw extended out holding a pentace. Il is being offered and is there for the taking. Below the pentacle is a flourishing bush with an opening init. On the other side are mountains, onc perhaps, great opportunities. Upright opportunity, prosperity, new venture Reversed: lost opportunity, missed chance 28

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