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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No.

7, 2011 Trends

Determination of antibiotic residues

in honey
Zaneta Bargańska, Marek Ślebioda, Jacek Namieśnik

Honey produced by honeybees is a valuable food product. The presence of xenobiotics in honey may harm its quality and
constitute a danger to human health. Antibiotics are commonly applied by beekeepers to eliminate disease among honeybees.
Moreover, ubiquitous administration of antibiotics may cause bacteria to become resistant to many drugs and spread antibiotic-
resistant strains of bacteria. Appropriate sample preparation and determination of antibiotics at very low concentrations in
foodstuffs are real analytical challenges. This article reviews analytical methods used for determination of residues of different
sorts of antibiotic in honey and other honeybee products.
ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Antibiotic residue; Chromatographic determination; Gas chromatography; Honey; Liquid chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Multi-
class residue method; Sample preparation; Screening test; Tandem mass spectrometry

1. Introduction diseases in honeybees [3]. Consequently,

Zaneta Bargańska*, antibiotic residues in honey may have got
Jacek Namieśnik Safety of food and feed is one of the main there as a result of the treatment of dis-
Department of Analytical
Chemistry, Chemical Faculty,
objectives in consumer health policy. eases [e.g., American foulbrood (AFB) or
Gdansk University of Maintaining a high level of protection in European foulbrood (EFB)]. The treatment
Technology, Traugutta 11/12, this area is vital not only for public health, of honeybees with antibiotics is prohibited
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland but also to preserve consumer confidence in the European Union (EU) and there
in food. The regulation of the European have been significant advances in EU
Marek Ślebioda
Perlan Technologies Polska Sp.
Parliament and of the Council (EC) No legislation concerning risk assessment.
z. o. o., Puławska 303, 02-785 178/2002 [1], laying down the general European Commission (EC) Directive
Warszawa, Poland principles and requirements of food law, 2377/90 with annexes states that honeys
established the Rapid Alert System for should be free of antibiotic contamination
Food and Feed (RASFF). The principle of [4], so honeys containing these substances
RASFF action is based on the collection cannot be sold in most EU countries and
and the rapid communication of informa- no maximum residue levels (MRL) of
tion on risks detected in relation to food or antibiotic residues have been laid down. In
feed, and the RASFF portal website con- some countries (Switzerland, UK and
tains an online searchable database of Belgium), MRLs have been set for each
notifications [2]. class of antibiotics (10–50 ppb) [5,6].
The contamination of the environment Table 1 lists information on therapeutic
by xenobiotics is linked to industrialization substances (including prohibited sub-
and intensive agriculture. Honeybees can stances), which may be used for veterinary
be used for environmental monitoring purposes, and which are covered by the
because they are good biological indica- program for monitoring chemical residues
tors due to two signals: their mortality and in honey and other honeybee products.
the residues present in their bodies or Two main approaches are used to
beehive products that may be detected by determine the content of antibiotic resi-
laboratory analyses. dues in honey: screening tests and multi-
The use of antibiotics in apiculture has stage analytical methodologies. The simple
been known since 1940. Sulfonamides, tests provide qualitative or quantitative
tetracyclines, nitrofurans and macrolides information, enabling determination of a
Corresponding author. are used in farming to prevent and to single target analyte. With multi-stage
Tel.: +48 58 3472110;
combat diseases of cultivated plants and methods, a fairly broad spectrum of ana-
Fax: +48 58 3472694;
by beekeepers to prevent and to combat lytes can be determined in one analytical

0165-9936/$ - see front matter ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2011.02.014 1035
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 7, 2011

Table 1. Characteristics of antibiotics usually applied by beekeepers

Antibiotic Characteristics Ref.

Tetracycline Commonly applied in the treatment of many bacterial infections of the digestive system, the respiratory [7,8]
system and the skin. Also used as a growth stimulant in animals, hence its use in some countries as an
animal-feed additive. The use of tetracyclines as growth stimulants is prohibited in the European Union
(EU). The large-scale application of tetracyclines carries the risk of their residues appearing in food.
Tetracyclines are not registered in the EU for treating honeybees, so there are no established residue levels
for this type of antibiotic in honey. Oxytetracycline is currently the only antibiotic registered for use by
Canadian beekeepers to treat American foulbrood (AFB), a highly contagious bacterial disease of larvae,
difficult to eradicate, caused by the rod-shaped bacteria Paenibacillus larvae. Tetracyclines act on both
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Sulfonamides Used for 10–15 years to combat varroatosis, a disease of bees caused by the mite Varroa destructor, and in [7,9,10]
the treatment of AFB. In 1940, sodium sulfathiazole was registered in the USA for the control of AFB, but its
application was later prohibited, as residues of this antibiotic accumulated in honey.
Aminoglycosides This is a group of bactericidal antibiotics, of particular significance in combating dangerous Gram-negative [7]
bacterial infections. The best-known aminoglycosides are gentamycin, lincomycin, neomycin and
streptomycin. Their polar nature makes it difficult to isolate them from samples and to determine them
b-lactams The most commonly used class of antibiotics in veterinary practice for treating bacterial infections in
domestic animals and dairy cattle. These antibiotics contain b-lactam bonds, which are broken by certain
enzymes, the so-called b-lactamases, produced by some bacteria. This is why these compounds tend to
decompose under the influence of heat and in the presence of alcohols.
Macrolides Commonly applied in veterinary practice to treat infections of the respiratory system and as growth
stimulants added to animal feeds. They are easily assimilable following oral administration and disperse to
a large extent into the tissues, especially lungs, liver and kidney.
Chloramphenicol A broad-spectrum antibiotic. Chloramphenicol acts on various pathogens affecting both humans and [7,11]
animals. It is one of the most toxic antibiotics, damaging bone marrow and causing anemia, leucopenia
and granulopenia.
Nitrofuran The nitrofuran derivatives furazolidone, nitrofurazone, nitrofurantoin, furaltadone are antibacterial drugs [7,12]
derivatives which were used in veterinary practice to treat infections of the urinary tract, digestive system and skin, and
were also used as food preservatives. The antibacterial action of nitrofurans covers a broad spectrum of
micro-organisms (Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Gram-negative rods). Nitrofurans also have
antiprotozoal and fungicidal properties. Besides their pharmacological value, nitrofurans elicit numerous
side effects like mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, damage to the lungs and cardiac muscle. In animal
organisms nitrofurans are metabolized quite quickly, so their metabolites are used to monitor nitrofuran
residues as residue biomarkers because of their long half-life in animals (1.9–3.8 weeks). The respective
biomarkers of furazolidone, nitrofurantoin, nitrofurazone and furaltadone are the metabolites 3-amino-2-
oxazolidone, 1-aminohydantoin, semicarbazide, and 3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazolidone. The
administration of nitrofuran to animals destined to be human food has been prohibited in the EU since
1997, because the metabolites of this compound can accumulate in animal tissues and their products for a
long time, even after the conclusion of treatment.

run, so the choice of sample-preparation technique is shows a general scheme of determination of antibiotics
very important. in honey.
Semi-quantitative immunoassay tests are character-
ized by high specificity, high sensitivity, simplicity and
2. Screening tests cost effectiveness, which make them particularly useful
in routine work. The main drawbacks of these methods
Screening methods can detect the presence of an analyte are high background absorption, a large number of
or group of analytes at the level of interest, and usually incubation and washing steps, and degradation of
provide semi-quantitative or quantitative results. enzyme during storage. Biosensor methods that contain
Screening tests should provide low rate of false compliant a biological-recognition element (e.g., enzymes, proteins,
samples, high throughput, ease of use, short analysis nucleic acids, cells, and tissues) coupled to a signal-
time, good selectivity, and low cost. Table 2 lists assays transduction element can operate fully automatically.
that are commonly used to determine the content of Instability of the biological-sensing component, which
antibiotic residues in honey. can lose its activity in hours or days, depending on the
Laboratories facing the analysis of large numbers of nature of the molecule and exposure to environmental
samples usually first apply screening methods covering stresses (e.g., pH, temperature or ionic strength), is the
families of antibiotics. Samples found to be non-compli- chief disadvantage of these types of test. Another limi-
ant are then analyzed by confirmatory methods. Fig. 1 tation is on the size of the physico-chemical transducers

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 7, 2011 Trends

Table 2. Assays used to determine the contents of various antibiotic residues in honey

Assays Principle Remarks Ref.

Charm II (Charm Target analytes bind to receptors and the level of Used in screening tests for sulfonamides, [13,14]
Sciences, Inc.) radioactivity of H3 or C14 is determined. tetracyclines, b-lactams, macrolides, amphenicols
and streptomycin amino-glycosides.
ELISA (enzyme-linked An immunological test used for the quantitative The method is frequently applicable only in [14]
immunosorbent assay) determination of antibiotics by means of antibodies. preliminary quantitative analysis. It enables
detection of an antibiotic in honey in range above
10–50 ppb, depending on its chemical properties.
Tetrasensor The test uses two elements: a reagent containing an Used as a screening test for the quick [15]
(Unisensor) amount of labeled receptor and a dipstick consisting determination of tetracyclines present in honey
of a set of two capture membrane lines. The first line even at 10 ppb levels.
captures the remaining active receptor and the second
line takes the excess of reagent that has passed
through the first line.
Sulfasensor (CAP This test employs an antibody capable of detecting 10 Used in screening test for sulfonamides at the [16]
Transia, Biacore) key sulfonamides. The protocol includes a rapid acid- target detection level of 25 ppb.
hydrolysis step to liberate the bound sulfonamide
residues from the sugar component.

Figure 1. Flowchart for screening of antibiotics in honey.

used in biosensors. The performance of biosensor tech- 3. Analytical procedures

nology and immunoassay applied to testing honey was
found to be in good agreement to confirmatory high- 3.1. Sample preparation
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods, In EU countries, there are no MRL values for antibacte-
although some false positives were observed for tissue rial substances in honey. Only chloramphenicol and
samples [17]. nitrofuran metabolites have MRLs of 0.3 ppb and 1 ppb,
The possibility of using diluted samples from screening respectively [20]. Analytical methods intended for
for confirmation by gas or liquid chromatography coup- detection of residues of antimicrobial drugs in honey
led to tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS2 or LC-MS2) at trace levels are therefore necessary, and advanced
makes the complete procedure extremely convenient to sample-preparation techniques have to be applied in
use [18]. However, most chromatographic methods are order to enable determination of trace and ultra-trace
limited to one class or related classes of compounds and quantities of antibiotic analytes because of the complex
only a few studies have described simultaneous analysis composition of the honey matrix. The main focus has been
of unrelated compound classes [19]. to decrease the LOD of the target compounds (<5 ppb). 1037
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 7, 2011

Table 3. Sample preparation and analytical techniques used to determine antibiotics in honey

Analytes Sample preparation Recovery [%] Analysis LOD [ppb] LOQ [ppb] Ref.
Sulfonamides Hydrolysis/LLE 44–73 LC-MS – – [27]
Hydrolysis/LLE/SPE 38–116 LC-FLD, post-column 1–2 2–5 [28,29]
Dissolution/LLE/SPE 80–125 LC-MS2 7–12 [30]
Homogenization/LLE/SPE 65–86 LC-UV 0.3–0.4 1.5–2.2 [31]
Dissolution/SPE 74–94 LC-FLD 2–5 5–10 [32]
Hydrolysis 56–96 LC-FLD – 4–15 [33]
Hydrolysis/on-line – LC-MS2 0.5–2 – [9]

Multiclass Dissolution/on-line – LC-MS2 0.5–10 – [34]

antibiotics extraction
Dissolution/LLE – LC-MS2 27–81 – [5]
Dissolution/SPE 65–104 LC-MS2 <2 <7 [35,36]
Dissolution/SPE > 50 LC-MS2 0.1–1 <4 [37]

Macrolides Dissolution/SPE 42–136 LC-MS2 – – [38]

Tetracyclines Dissolution/on-line 84–121 LC-UV 5–12 17–40 [39]

MISPE 95–103 LC-MS2 0.1–0.3 0.2–1.1 [40]
Dissolution/SPE 72–98 LC-MS2, LC-UV 0.02–1.1 – [41]
Dissolution/SPE 95–105 LC-RRS 0.4–1 – [42]
Dissolution/OCLLE LC-CL, LC-UV 0.02–0.1 – [43]

Aminoglycosides Dissolution/SPE 81–84 LC-MS2 – 2 [44]

Chloramphenicol Dissolution/LLE/SPE 64–74 LC-MS2 0.2 0.5 [45]

Dissolution/QuEChERS/dSPE 78–92 LC-MS 0.002 0.006 [25]

Chloramphenicol Homogenization/SPE 45–85 LC-MS2 0.2–5 0.6–15 [46]

and sulfonamides

Chloramphenicol, LLE/SPE 75–107 LC-MS2 0.02–0.2 0.1–20 [47]

Florphenicol and

Tiamulin Homogenization/SPE 88–106 LC-UV and LC-MS 29–35 and 0.5–1.2 101–122 and 1.4–4 [48]

Streptomycin Dissolution/SPE 94–109 LC-MS2 3–5 – [49]

Tylosin Dissolution/LLE/SPE 94–113 LC-MS2 – – [50]

Abbreviations: CL, Chemiluminescence detector; dSPE, Dispersive solid-phase extraction; FLD, Fluorescence detector; LC, Liquid Chromatog-
raphy; LC-MS, Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; LC-MS2, Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; LLE, Liquid-liquid
extraction; LOD, Limit of detection; LOQ, Limit of quantitation; MISPE, Molecular imprinted solid-phase extraction; OCLLE, On column
liquid-liquid extraction; RRS, Rayleigh resonance scattering detector; SPE, Solid-phase extraction; UV, Ultraviolet detector; QuEChERS, Quick,
easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe extraction.

During the determination of antibiotics in honey, (56–96%) of 13 sulfonamides with relative standard
sugars and other interfering substances (e.g., wax and deviations below 10% [6].
dyes) have to be removed from the sample at the prep- To meet the continuing challenges in the analytical
aration stage [21] and that is not always straightfor- determination of sulfonamides in honey, and various
ward. For example, hydrolysis of the N-glycoside bond to requirements of the Codex Alimentarius [22], sample-
convert sugar-bonded sulfonamides into unbound forms preparation techniques were employed for extraction
sometimes led to poor recoveries for almost all the [i.e. solid-phase extraction (SPE) and solvent extraction
sulfonamides, and it was necessary to modify the sample- (SE)]. One solution that can further eliminate these
preparation method. Methanol was used to break problems is the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged,
the N-glycoside bond to give satisfactory recoveries and Safe approach (QuEChERS), which was developed in

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 7, 2011 Trends

2003 [23] and became very popular among analysts in multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) mode [54].
worldwide for determining pesticide residues, especially According to EU criteria (2002/657/EC), when an MS
in food, because of its rapidity, cheapness and the pos- detector is used to confirm the presence of veterinary
sibility of determining a broad spectrum of compounds. drugs in food, at least two MRM transitions have to be
The conventional QuEChERS approach is based on employed [55] to provide information enabling unam-
acetonitrile/water partitioning of the analytes followed biguous confirmation of the analytes. Honey is a com-
by salting out with sodium chloride and magnesium plex matrix that contains sugars, pigments and phenolic
sulfate. Afterwards, dispersive SPE (dSPE), which in- compounds that must be removed prior to LC-MS anal-
volves the addition of small amounts of a bulk sorbent to ysis [26]. Usually methods start with acidic hydrolysis,
the extracts, is usually applied. The QuEChERS method followed by liquid-liquid extraction to liberate sugar-
reduces the number of steps in the analytical procedure, bound sulfonamides and sample clean up is continued by
thereby minimizing potential sources of error [24]. The SPE. The hydrolysis time must be long enough to ensure
application of the QuEChERS method provides high that the reaction is complete. The final analysis is by
recovery rates for analytes over a wide polarity range, LC-MS2 or LC-FLD, usually with post-column derivati-
and allows the use of smaller amounts of organic sol- zation.
vents. Methods allowing determination 37 out of the 42
A modified QuEChERS technique was used to analyze monitored multi-class antimicrobals (tetracyclines,
honey for chloramfenicol. Clean up by primary-second- macrolides, aminoglycosides, b-lactams, amphenicols
ary amine (PSA) was performed after evaporation of the and sulfonamides) in honey samples are available [5].
acetonitrile phase to decrease the limit of quantification The authors performed a single LC-MS2 analysis using a
(LOQ) and to minimize problems with the LC column stacking injection method. Thus, 10 lL of each of four
[25]. honey extracts were successively taken, giving a final
A review on general methods of preparing honey injection volume of 40 lL. The gradient elution and MS2
samples for chromatographic determination of contam- acquisition was started after the injection of the last
inants appeared recently [26]. Table 3 shows how the honey extract. The order of extract injection was very
choice of sample-preparation techniques depends on the important and influenced the loss of b-lactam due to the
properties of the target antibiotics in honey. presence of acid in two of the extracts. Up to 12 honey
samples can be prepared within 5 h using this analytical
3.2. Liquid chromatography procedure.
HPLC is widely used for routine analyses, where target A procedure involving sample dissolution with EDTA
antibiotics are determined. HPLC with UV detection was under mildly acidic conditions (pH 4.0) followed by SPE
used in a study of the degradation of tetracycline and allowed determination of 17 compounds (macrolides,
oxytetracycline in honey [51], but the limit of detection tetracyclines, quinolones, and sulfonamides) in honey
(LOD) was quite high (about 1 ppm). HPLC applied to samples [37] by ultra-performance LC-MS2 (UPLC-MS2)
determination of antibiotics has some inherent draw- in less than 5 min.
backs: Summarizing, the development of a multi-residue MS
(1) each antibiotic class has to be tested separately; detection methods, especially coupled with UPLC, is
(2) confirmation of the target analytes is based mainly highly promising and reduces the time and the effort
on retention-time comparison to standards; and, necessary for sample preparation.
(3) some analytes have to be derivatized to obtain an
appropriate LOD. 3.3. Gas chromatography
Sulfonamides are derivatized with fluorescamine (kex GC is rarely used for the determination of antibiotics in
403 nm and kem 492 nm, LOQ  10 ppb) [20] prior to honey, due to the polar nature, low volatility and ther-
separation by reversed-phase (RP)-HPLC for fluorimetric mal instability of these drugs. Derivatization of these
detection (FLD) (LOD  5 ppb, LOQ  10–15 ppb). polar compounds is advisable to improve peak shape and
Streptomycin was analyzed using post-column derivati- sensitivity of the method, acetylation being most widely
zation with 5-amino-6-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic used because the reaction can be carried directly in
acid with an LOD of about 5 ppb, and an LOQ of 10 ppb aqueous phase. Most applications require an extraction
[52]. step, for both sample clean up and preconcentration
Since 1990, LC-MS2, in combination with electrospray before analysis [7]. Table 4 summarizes the GC methods
ionization (ESI) or atmospheric pressure chemical ioni- used for determination of antibiotic residues in honey.
zation (APCI), has become widely used in the quantita- The use of atomic emission detection (AED) as a GC
tive analysis of residues of veterinary drugs in food [53]. detection method of N-methylated sulfonamides has the
A triple-quadrupole analyzer is usually used for the noticeable advantage of combining qualitative identifi-
quantitative analysis of different classes of antibiotics in cation of the analyte by evaluating the ratio of the ele-
food because of the high selectivity of the measurement ments forming the target compound with quantitative 1039
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 7, 2011

Table 4. Gas chromatography methods used for determination of antibiotic residues in honey

Compounds Gas chromatography LOD or LOQ or Ref.

CCa [ppb] CCb [ppb]
Column Detection
Stationary phase Length [m] I.D [mm]
(film thickness [lm])
Chloramphenicol 5% diphenyl 95% dimethyl 30 0.32 AED 0.1–2.4 – [56]
derivatized with acetic polysiloxane (0.25)
Chloramphenicol 5% phenyl-polysilphenylene- 30 0.25 MS2 0.1 0.25 [57]
siloxane (0.25)
Sulfonamides 5% phenylmethylsilicone (0.33) 12.5 0.22 AED – – [58]
derivatized via

Abbreviations: AED, Atomic emission detector; CCa, Decision limit; CCb, Detection capability; ID, Internal diameter; MS2, Tandem mass

determination. Application of this technique extends given to sample preparation and extract clean up before
significantly the linear dynamic range and lowers the the final determination.
LOD [58]. Once again, MS detection offers the major
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