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Software Manual


Manual Version 1.10

February 2015

© CardioTek

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

EC-Declaration of Conformity
Medical product Class IIb type CF

Product: Electrophysiological Measurement System


Manufacturer: CardioTek B.V.

Amerikalaan 70
6199 AE Maastricht-Airport
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 43 3656006
Fax : +31 43 3656007

Information: General information:

Technical information & support:



The Year that your EP-Tracer device was manufactured can be derived from
the first four (4) digits of the Serial Number present on the backside of the

Software version information:

This manual is applicable for EP-Tracer System Software version 1.05.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015




1. Read all instructions before using the product.

2. EP-TRACER is intended for use in a medical environment only.

3. The unit and the accompanying PC-software are only to be operated by qualified
medical staff such as cardiologists, electrophysiologists or lab technician (for
assistance only).

4. The operating staff named in 3. has to be trained in using the EP-TRACER by

qualified application specialist from Cardiotek B.V. or by one of our certified
service person.

5. The functioning of the EP-TRACER system could possibly interfere with implantable
cardiac pacemakers, internal cardiac defibrillators, or any other such equipment.
Never use the EP-TRACER system while programming or interrogating such

6. The EP-TRACER unit shall only be connected to the Personal Computer’s USB
connection. The EP-TRACER and PC must be connected to the mains by the use of
a medical safety transformer that meets the EN60601-1requirements. Further,
connection to the mains should be via a suitably protected socket outlet, using the
mains lead and plug provided by the manufacturer or one of an equivalent quality.
For safety reasons, extension leads or multi-socket connections should not be

7. The EP-TRACER is only to be used with certified catheters, electrodes and sensors.

8. The unit can be placed on any flat surface of at least the size of the unit. Care
must be taken to ensure a free flow of air around the unit. Do not cover the unit
with blankets or similar.

9. The unit should be protected from the risk of fluids entering it.

10. The unit should be serviced by a qualified service technician when:

a.  The unit does not appear to operate normally or shows a marked change in
performance; or
b.  The unit has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged; or
c.  Liquid has been spilled onto the product.

11. The power supply is not protected against ingress of liquids. Therefore it should be
placed in a position where there is no chance of any liquid to get in contact with
the power supply. Do NOT place the power supply on the floor.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015




12. To prevent the patient from exposure to an electrical shock, connect the CCB
cables only to the EP-TRACER unit. NEVER   connect the CCB cables to any other
device, such as a computer, a printer, etc.

13. Do not attempt to service the product beyond that described in the user-
maintenance instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified service

14. A distance of at least 2 meter should be observed between the patient and the PC
configuration of the EP-TRACER.

15. Any Fault-situation that compromised the safety of the patient should be reported
to CardioTek immediately. FAX: 0031-43-3656007.

16. This equipment complies with International Standard EN 60601-1-2 for

electromagnetic compatibility for medical electrical equipment and/or systems.
This standard is designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a typical medical installation. However, because of the proliferation
of radiofrequency transmitting equipment and other sources of electrical noise in
healthcare and other environments, it is possible that high levels of interference
due to close proximity or strength of a source might disrupt the device’s
performance. Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding
EMC, and all equipment must be installed and put into service according to the
EMC information specified in chapter 13 of this document.

17. This device has not been tested for immunity to magnetic disturbances.

18. Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical equipment.

19. The EP-TRACER unit and the patient connections are the only system parts
allowed to be inside the patient environment (PE).

20. Do not touch accessible metal parts of the medical electrical equipment and the
patient simultaneously.

21. The EP-TRACER system cannot be used in combination with High Frequency
Surgical Equipment.

22. To prevent the patient from exposure to an electrical shock make sure that
conductive parts of ELECTRODES and associated connectors for APPLIED PARTS
including the NEUTRAL ELECTRODE do not contact other conductive parts and earth.
All input channels connected together are considered to be one applied part.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

23. To prevent the RISK of electric shock, only connect the Powerbox to a power
socket with a protective earth connection.


1.  Before using EP-TRACER, make sure to read and fully understand the previous
safety instructions, and the User Manual.

2.  The EP-TRACER unit does not contain user serviceable parts. Do not open nor
perform any modifications to the unit.

3.  Avoid damaging the power cord. Do not bend it excessively, step on it, place heavy
objects on it, etc. A damaged cord can easily cause an electrical shock or fire hazard.

4.  Always grasp only the plug on the power cord when plugging into, or unplugging
from, an outlet.

5.  Never handle the power cord or its plugs with wet hands when plugging into, or
unplugging from, a mains outlet.

6.  Be sure the protective earth cable (yellow/green) is always connected to a protective
earth terminal.

7.  Prevent cords and cables from becoming entangled.

8.  The EP-TRACER should be placed free accessible to ensure the possibility to
isolate the EP-TRACER device from the supply mains.

9.  Basic knowledge of the Windows operating is required.

10.  Changes of hard- and software, which are executed without our written permission
and without adaptation of the declaration of conformity, are not allowed and will lead
to an extinction of any warranty.

11.  We see us responsible for safety, reliability and suitability of our products only, if:
-  installation, instruction, service, new settings or repairs are done by medical
technicians and advisers, who are trained by us;
-  the electrical installation of the concerned room is in accordance with the
corresponding requirements (see EP-TRACER Hardware manual);
-  the device/system is used according to the manual and
-  only equipment will be used, which is authorized by the Cardiotek B.V.

1.  Connect the patient cables only to the front-panel of EP-TRACER. Never try to
connect a patient cable to another connector such as the PC or any other device.

2.  Prevent connecting cables to the patient-catheters or -electrodes while the cable
is not connected to EP-TRACER.

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

3.  Make sure that a defibrillator is always a vailable at the patient’s side. 

4.  When using a defibrillator be sure not to touch the device or any loose ends of
patient cables.

5.  Always make sure that a temporary pacemaker is available. EP-TRACER contains
a programmable stimulator for performing the electrophysiologic study. This
stimulator is not to be used for pacemaker functions.

6.  During stimulation the pulse current is measured to check if the stimulator is
functioning properly. When the current measured is more then 5 mA below the
set value, a warning is issued “OUT1 NOT CONNECTED?”. In this case the
catheter connections should be checked. When the current measured exceeds the
set value by more than 5 mA, also a warning is issued “OUT2 TOO HIGH”. This
could result in a dangerous situation for the patient and the procedure should be
stopped immediately. Please check Chapter  “14.1 Warnings”   for additional
explanation of warnings.

7.  EP-TRACER is not a diagnostic system. The diagnosis is left to the operator
(cardiologist). The operator has to verify the readings and information provided

8.  The personal computer, that is part of the EP-TRACER system, is intended to
serve as a dedicated workstation for this system. It should not be used for any
other purpose.

9.  The EP-TRACER system is not intended for use as a patient monitor. For ECG
monitoring purposes, a dedicated patient monitor should be used.


1.  When a signal on the PC-screen disappears, or only the baseline is shown, or
only a line at maximum/minimal amplitude level, this can indicate that the
appropriate channel of the amplifier has become defective. In this case verify the
connection to the patient. In any case of doubt qualified service personnel must
check the unit.

2.  When the stimulator is stimulating but there is no capturing, check the
connections of the stimulator to the patient. Check also for the correct
stimulation electrode. In any case of doubt qualified service personnel must
check the unit.

1.  The requirements of the European standard EN60601-1 have to be known by the
user and the system integrator.

2.  The one who is connecting devices and accessories together, integrates or uses
them is fully responsible and liable for this system. He is also responsible and

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

liable for the compliance with this standard.

3.  All system components have to be in compliance with the applicable

requirements and standards and labeled according to these standards.

4.  If there are concerns about the use of a component contact the manufacturer of
that component and request a certificate stating compliance.

5.  A system in total has to be as safe inside the patient area as a medical electrical
device that is in compliance with EN60601-1 standard.

6.  If devices are connected together they still and in total have to be as safe for the
patient as specified in the EN60601-1. Please notice that there is a direct electric
connection to the heart through the patient cables of EP-TRACER. Improper
usage of these connections can be dangerous for the patients’ life. Please take
care that the leakage current of the system connected in whatever system
combination is never higher than the maximum allowed value (patient leakage
current 0,01 mA).

1.  The EP-TRACER system consisting of the EP-TRACER unit, the PC-configuration
and the medical safety transformer must be tested for electrical safety according
to EN60601-1. Qualified personnel must carry out this inspection at least once a

2.  Accessories such as Catheter Connection Boxes, ECG cables and or other patient
cables may degrade or deform when in use for a long period. In this case they
should be replaced to prevent artifacts on signals or mal-functioning. Also for
replacement use certified accessories only.

3.  For the EP-TRACER models 70 and 102 the fan filter at the rear end of the unit
should be inspected regularly and replaced at least every six months.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015


The EP-TRACER system is shipped with accompanying documents. Please read all
documents before operating the system.

Refer to the user manual before using the system

Check accompanying documents

The EP-TRACER system patient-connections are designed to be defibrillator proof, as

indicated by the following symbol:

Device of CF type, defibrillator proof

To prevent the patient from exposure to an electrical shock, connect the CCB cables
only to the EP-TRACER unit. NEVER  connect the CCB cables to any other device, such
as a computer, a printer, etc. The cables are labeled with following warning.

Warning label on CCB cables


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Manufacturer information

CardioTek B.V.

Amerikalaan 70

6199 AE Maastricht-Airport

The Netherlands

Indicates the serial number of the device

Indicates the model of the device

Maximum Input DC power

Warning: electricity!

The unit contains hazardous voltage, please don’t open enclosure.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015


The EP-Tracer System is an electrophysiology measurement system used to acquire,

filter, digitize, amplify, display, and record signals obtained during electrophysiological
studies and related electrophysiological procedures in hospitals or EP-Labs.

The system allows the user to view and record the signals.
The system incorporates a stimulator intended to be used for diagnostic cardiac
stimulation during electrophysiological testing of the heart.


The purpose of the equipment is to help with the diagnosis of people (no specific
demographic requirements) suffering from arrhythmias.
The EP-Tracer is not a diagnostic system in order to provide diagnostic hints. Signals
are only displayed, but not evaluated in order to provide diagnostic assistance.
The diagnosis is up to the user (electrophysiologists). The user must verify the data
and information provided by the EP-Tracer.
The EP-Tracer system is not suitable for the monitoring of a patient. For ECG
monitoring, a special patient monitor should be used.
The EP-Tracer includes a programmable stimulator for electrophysiological studies.
This stimulator must not be used as a pacemaker. The EP-Tracer is not designed to
meet life-sustaining functions. Instead, use an external pacemaker.

User: Electrophysiologist
Discipline: Electrophysiology
Indication: Patient suffering from arrhytmias
Patient population: No demographic restrictions
Contraindications: None
Place of use: Bedside at Hospital, CCU or EP-lab
Type of use: Regular and experimental EP-studies
User interface: PC with EP-Tracer SW installed


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Table of contents 
1. Introduction to the EP-TRACER System  13

2. Getting Started  14
2.1 Recommended minimum PC Configuration 14
2.2 Electric Installation 14
2.3 EP-TRACER Software Installation (WINDOWS 2000 or WINDOWS XP) 14
2.4 Patient Connections to EP-TRACER System 16
2.4.1 Model EP-TRACER/38 16
2.4.2 Models EP-TRACER/70 and EP-TRACER/102 17
2.5 Catheter Connection Block Models CCB4 and CCB5 18
2.5.1 Explaining the Labels 18
2.6 Connecting Pressure Transducers 19

3. The EP-TRACER Software 20

3.1 Starting up the EP-TRACER System 20
3.2 The Menu Structure 21
3.3 Entering Patient Data 26
3.4 Setting up Channels 27
3.4.1 Settings 28
3.4.2 Buttons 30
3.4.3 Setting up the STIM Channel 31
3.5 Saving and Loading a Configuration 31

4. Using the Program  32

4.1 Selecting a Window 32
4.2 Storing Traces 32
4.3 View mode 33
4.4 The Stimulator (Pacer) 34
4.4.1 Stimulator (Pacer) Parameters 34
4.4.2 Stimulation (Pacer) Protocols 35 Preprogrammed Pace Protocols 35 Saving your own Pace Protocols 36
4.4.3 Stimulator (Pacer) Control Keys 36
4.4.4 Stimulation (Pacer) Status 37
4.5 Calibrating Pressure 38
4.6 QRS Detection 41

5. View Mode (Alt+F1)  42

5.1 Special Keys in View Mode 42
5.2 Calipers 42
5.3 Printing 43

6. Triggered Mode (Alt+T)  44

6.1 Triggering 44
6.2 Display 44
6.3 Calipers Timing 44
6.4 Printing 44
6.5 Stimulator Commands 45
6.6 Optional Wide Screen 45

7. Split screen Mode (Alt+Y)  46

7.1 Triggering 46
7.2 Calipers Timing 46
7.3 Printing 46

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

7.4 Stimulator Commands 46

7.5 Additional Remark 46

8. Templates  47
8.1 Acquisition of Templates 47
8.2 Presentation of Templates 48

9. Using the LOG  49

10. Interfacing with RF Generators  50

10.1 Introduction 50
10.2 Connections 50
10.3 Functioning 50
10.4 Setup in Configuration File 52

11. Bipolar and Unipolar Recordings  53

11.1 Recording Unipolar and Bipolar Signals from the Same Electrode 53
11.2 Use of Another Reference (10- input) 53

12. List of Commands  54

13. Panel Descriptions  56 

13.1 EP-TRACER Front Panel 56
13.2 EP-TRACER Rear Panel 57

14. Diagnostics  58 

14.1 Warnings 59

15. Upgrading 60


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

1. Introduction to the EP-TRACER System

The EP-TRACER system is a computerized electrophysiology measurement system
designed for both regular and experimental EP studies. In the clinic it is being used for
a variety of applications. For example small EP studies at the bedside or in the CCU,
for demanding RF ablation procedures of accessory pathways, as for mapping during
arrhythmia surgery. In the field of basic electrophysiology it is used for experimental
studies with animals.

An EP-TRACER system consists of an EP-TRACER unit and a Personal Computer. The

EP-TRACER unit is connected to the computer by a USB cable. The EP-TRACER unit
contains a two-channel stimulator and a multi-channel amplifier. A basic system uses
a standard Personal Computer with an LCD or CRT monitor. The monitor is used to
display the ECG traces and to inspect, command and control the EP-TRACER unit.

A user selectable set of ECG and electrogram traces is displayed on the monitor. The
monitor is able to show all channels at real time with a user settable display speed
from 10 mm/sec to 300 mm/sec. The display can be frozen for analysis. A data buffer
is available to trace 60 seconds back in time. A separate window is available for
continuously monitoring the patient during a procedure. A user selectable set of
measurement channels can be stored on hard disk, either continuously or for a fixed
period of 12 or 60 seconds. After a study it is possible to archive the recorded data on
a CD-Recordable or DVD-Recordable.

The EP-TRACER basic version, EP-TRACER/38, provides the acquisition of the 12 lead
Surface ECG, 20 intracardiac channels and 6 auxiliary channels. The EP-TRACER/70
offers the same as the EP-TRACER/38 with additional 32 intracardiac signals. The EP-
TRACER/102 offers 84 intracardiac signals. The patient connections of the EP-TRACER
unit are optically isolated from the PC side. Stimulator output can be redirected to one
of the intracardiac channels allowing the operator to stimulate through any connected
catheter without changing connections.

The EP-TRACER system provides fast hardcopies of patient data working with
standard types of LaserJet printers.

EP-TRACER stationary system


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

2. Getting Started
The EP-TRACER system consists of the EP-TRACER unit, a POWERBOX mains adapter
and the necessary cables and accessories (Overview Accessories, parts and additional
materials see chapter 9 in the Hardware manual). The EP-TRACER unit is a cardiac
amplifier with a built in two-channel stimulator. The EP-TRACER unit is connected to
the computer by a USB cable.

2.1 Recommended Minimum PC Configuration

a.  Pentium IV 2.0 GHz, 512 MB RAM

b. Graphics adapter VGA 32 MB RAM resolution 1280x1024 pixels
c.  80 GB hard disk
d. CD or DVD recorder
e.  At least 2 USB ports (USB1.1 or USB 2.0 compliant)
f.  Windows 2000/XP/ Windows 7 (32-bit version only)
g. LaserJet printer
h. 19” LCD monitor 

Warning: The EP-TRACER system has to be used as a local working system and not
intended to be used in any IT-Network. Network operations of any kind are within the
customers responsibility.

2.2 Electrical Installation

For electrical installation of the system please refer to the EP-TRACER Hardware
Manual also supplied with the system.

2.3 EP-TRACER Software Installation (WINDOWS XP)

1.  For best performance set the Windows desktop to a resolution of 1280 x 1024 with
16bit color. Higher resolutions (e.g. 1600x1200 or 1920x1200) are also possible.

2.  From the EP-TRACER installation CD copy directory ‘\EP-TRACER’ to ‘C:\EP-


3.  Create a shortcut on the desktop for file ‘EP-TRACER.exe’. 

4.  Power up the EP-TRACER unit (refer to HW Manual for details).

5.  Connect the USB cable to the EP-TRACER unit and to the computer.

6.  The computer will notice that a new USB device is connected.

7.  Follow the instructions of Window's Device Driver Wizard. Select the C:\EP-TRACER
directory to load the driver. Select the file ‘EPTRAUSB.INF’ for installati on. After
that the wizard will automatically load the files ‘EPTRALDR.SYS’ and

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

8.  In the file ‘C:\EP-TRACER\ Heading.txt’, the name of the hospital should be defined.
The contents of this file can be changed using the program NOTEPAD. The text in
this file will appear on top of each hardcopy.


To keep your system working properly, please follow these recommendations:

1.  Do not use the EP-TRACER system computer for any other tasks.

2.  Do not use floppies and do not use CDROMS from other systems in order to
prevent the risk of virus contamination.

3.  Use the NT file system (NTFS) and not the FAT32 file system.

4.  For shut down of the system please close the EP –TRACER software with the “Exit”  
(see 3.2 The Menu Structure: Submenu-File) and shut down the computer properly
with the windows system shut down.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

2.4 Patient Connections to EP-TRACER System

2.4.1 Model EP-TRACER/38


Warning:  To prevent the patient from exposure

to an electrical shock, do not   connect
the CCB cables to any other device,
such as a computer, a printer, etc.

CCB Cable

ECG Cable

L V5 V4
V6 F

R V1 V2


CCB 4 or CCB 6

Note:  - This is an illustration.

- The positions of ECG
electrodes are not correct.
- The connection of the catheter
to the catheter connection
block is just an example.  


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

2.4.2 Models EP-TRACER/70 and EP-TRACER/102

Model EP-TRACER/70 is similar to EP-TRACER/102 but INT5, INT6 and CONN B inputs
are not present.


CCB Cables

Warning:  To prevent the patient from exposure

to an electrical shock, do not   connect
the CCB cables to any other device,
such as a computer, a printer, etc.

CCB 4 or CCB6

ECG Cable

V5 V4 CCB 5
L V6 F

R V1 V2

Note:  - This is an illustration.

- The positions of ECG Catheters
electrodes are not correct.
- The connection of the catheter
to the catheter connection
block is just an example.  

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

2.5 Catheter Connection Block Models CCB4, CCB5 and CCB6

The catheter pins are connected to the EP-TRACER unit using Catheter Connection
Blocks. CCBs are only to be connected to the EP-TRACER unit using the CCB
connection cable (bearing a red warning label) provided. Following CCB models are

Model CCB4 (used in combination with EP-TRACER/38, EP-TRACER/70 and EP-

Model CCB5 (used only in combination with EP-TRACER/70 and EP-TRACER/102)
Model CCB6 (used for connecting circular mapping catheters in combination with EP-

2.5.1 Explaining the Labels

1 INPUTS (Intracardiac inputs to amplifier).

  A pair of one red and one black socket forms a signal on the display.
  The stimulator outputs can be redirected to one of these inputs to stimulate
the heart through the connected catheter. The input to be used for
stimulation is selected through the EP-TRACER software.

2 OUT (Stimulator outputs).

  These outputs are connected directly to the stimulator output and are
intended for emergency backup in case of computer failure.

CCB4 (Int1/2)
Signals are measured between each +
and – terminal and visualized as a channel
on the display.
Up to 10 channels are available.

Stimulation is possible on each red and

black terminal pair indicated by a black
rounded rectangle.

1 2

CCB5 (Int3-6)
Signals are measured between terminals 1
and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4 and so on.
Up to 16 channels are available.

Stimulation is possible on each red and

black terminal pair indicated by a black
rounded rectangle.

1 2

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

CCB6 (for circular mapping catheters)

Signals are measured between each terminal as
indicated on the label and visualized as max 10
channels on the display.

Stimulation is possible on each channel.

This box can ONLY be connected to INT1 or INT2


2.6 Connecting Pressure Transducers

Up to three pressure transducers can be connected to the unit. Each pressure

transducer is connected with its extension cable to one of the AUX inputs located at
the bottom right corner of the EP-TRACER front panel.

The EP-TRACER system is only to be used with recommended transducers. For

information about supported transducer types and or available interconnection cables
contact us at 


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

3. The EP-TRACER Software

3.1 Starting up the EP-TRACER System

After installation of the EP-TRACER program the icon of the EP-TRACER program will
be shown on the PC desktop. Double click on the icon to start the EP-TRACER

EP-TRACER icon on desktop

The EP-TRACER program immediately shows a basic set of traces on the display and
performs a system-integrity test. The basic set of traces allows a first inspection of the
ECG. Later when the procedure starts the specific patient data can be entered.

EP-TRACER main screen example  


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

The EP-TRACER program starts in the so-called running mode. The traces are shown
in real-time in a sweeping way.

The following is displayed:

a.  The menu at the top of the screen with the general function keys.
b.  The trace-window with sweeping traces.
c.  The numerical data-field with heart rate and RR-interval (HR, RR). The heart
rate is a value which is measured beat-to-beat. The detection of HR and RR is
dependent on the settings of the QRS detector. For detailed information please
see chapter 4.6. “QRS Detection”: 
d.  The Main Status at the bottom: RUNNING/VIEWMODE and the status of the
e.  The bottom information line: patient name, filename for recording, Notch filter
status and time information.
f.  A window viewing the holter signal.
g.  A multi tab window containing the so-called log, ablator data, pressure data or
holter data.

3.2 The Menu Structure

This chapter contains an overview of the EP-TRACER menu structure. After each item
you will find a short explanatory comment.

Main menu

Submenu - File 

Enter specific patient data

Load recording for reviewing
Load log for reviewing a complete study of a patient
Open patient directory with explorer
Load next recording
Load previous recording
Show recording details
Recording Edit, Cut/Paste

Exit program


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Submenu - Display 

Temporary hold update of traces display

Set traces display in view mode
View Intervals on the display
Set traces display in triggered mode
Set traces display in normal mode

Update viewmode display with last 60 seconds

Hide holter display and enlarge traces display
Show holter display
Display option for basket catheter

Split the screen vertically to show two trace displays

Split the screen horizontally to show two trace displays

Change the display speed faster (mm/sec)

Change the display speed slower (mm/sec)
Change the display scale (V/mm)
Change the intensity of the traces

Distribute traces equally or unequally on the display

Show ECG leads only or all channels
Set the stopwatch to zero
Move cursors as a pair or separately
Set the cursor time indicator
Select the source for triggering
Allows Review window on last-stim trigger
Copy signal layout to memory (dual monitor only)
Paste signal layout to monitordisplay (dual monitor

Select monitor type

Select display mode for signal data
Change the color of the display background

Save screen dump as a bitmap file

Save screen dump as a JPEG file


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Submenu - Stimulator 

Start the stimulator protocol

Stop the stimulator
Use the automatic stimulator protocol
Use automatic In/Decrement in Pace mode
Change the Pacemaker Parameters / Protocols
X will toggle between the 2 stimulator outputs
Ins will add an extra stimulus in the stimulator protocol
Del will delete an extra stimulus in the stimulator
Single / Cont key will toggle between these 2 modes
Sync / Nosync key will toggle between these 2 modes
Changes the pacing stimulus interval in ms
Loads the pacer protocol
Saves the pacer protocol
Loads acute pacing protocol
Toggles between 3 preset pacing protocols
Shows the stored protocols meant for Induction
Shows the stored protocols meant for Termination
Turns Stimulator beeper sound on
Toggles pacer output mode between Biphasic /

Submenu –  Amplifier 

Turn ECG notch filter on/off

Turn INT notch filter on/off
Generate 1mV calibration pulse on all inputs
Force signals to the baseline (after defibrillation)
Set reference for unipolar signals to Wilson or I10-
Select a calculated reference
Switch ECG audio ON/OFF (option)
Send current channel configurations to the amplifier


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Submenu _ Print 

Print traces of active display

Print 12 lead ECG
Print standard ECG 3 x 4
Print a 60 seconds registration of the holter channel
Print a 60 seconds registration of two holter channels
Select the channel to be used for the holter display

Submenu - Storage 

Store 12 seconds from memory

Store 60 seconds from memory
Store a snapshot
Generate 1mV calibration pulse on all inputs
Force signals to the baseline (after defibrillation)
Store 12 seconds from display in viewmode
Store 60 seconds from display in viewmode
Change settings for Auto Storage

Submenu - Templates 

Show templates
Load templates
Save templates

Submenu - Pressure 

Show or hide pressure display

Show the pressure calibration dialog
Set the value for the pressure low-pass filter

Submenu - Report 

Insert text in the Log file

Show the contains of the Log file in report form


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Submenu –  Rf-Ablator 

Displays the graphs of the parameters on the

Show the contain of the ablator report
Makes in report subtotals for RF energy
Will calculate total of RF energy at end of report
Print the RF report

Submenu –  Setup 

Show dialog for setting channel properties

Show dialog for setting the QRS detector
Select channel for holter display
Show dialog for setting the ECG muscle filter
Load a configuration from disk
Save a configuration to disk
Show dialog with all system settings

Submenu –  Cardiotek 

Contact details about the Cardiotek office

Starts the EP-TRACER diagnostics function
Show the diagnostic log file for the EP-TRACER system
Clears the EP-TRACER system diagnostic log file


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

3.3 Entering Patient Data

A new study starts from menu File - New Patient. The following window appears:

  The EP Study Number will be used

as name for the directory to store all
data of this patient. This field has
mandatory to be filled. Use
characters that are allowed in
directory names (don’t use / , \ , : , ;
or . in the study number)

  When traces are printed on paper

the patient data are printed in the

All patient related information including the recorded traces is archived on the
harddisk of the PC in a separate folder. The EP Study number is used as name for this

When the study number already exists the user can decide to erase existing
recordings or to append new recordings.

If you choose to erase files then all existing information from previous examinations of
this patient will be irrevocably lost. Therefore it is strongly advized that you make a
backup copy of each study on a CD or DVD.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

3.4 Setting Up Channels

From menu Setup – Channels (Alt+D) the following dialog is displayed:

This dialog displays all available channels and their properties.

The dialog shows tabs at the top: ECG, INT1 (intracavitary signals 1..10), INT2
(intracavitary signals 11..20) and AUX 1,2,3 (the auxiliary channels e.g. for pressure
recording). These tabs correspond to the connectors on the amplifier section of the
front panel of the EP-TRACER unit. The more channels your EP-TRACER unit has the
more corresponding tabs you will find in this dialog box. Final tab is STIM for setting
up the derived STIM channel (see section 3.4.3).

All items can be selected by mouse or from keyboard with the arrow keys. Items can
be toggled by double clicking with the mouse or from the keyboard with the space

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3.4.1 Settings

Channel number – indication only.

Channel name. Type the name for the channel. The color of a data channel is
userselectable and can be changed by + or – keys.

When set ON the channel is stored when making recordings.
When set OFF the channel is not stored nor can it be displayed on the screen. Unused
channels should have Store set to OFF to reduce the size of recordings.
NOTE: Be aware that unrecorded channels will also not be available for future review.
If you want to record data from a channel but you don’t need to see it on screen
during the procedure set the position (Pos) of such channel to 0.

When set ON the amplitude of a trace will be limited to prevent it from crossing other
When set OFF the amplitude of a trace is limited to the display window borders only.

Represents the vertical position of a trace in the display window. A value of 1 will
show the trace at the top of the display. A value of 999 will display the trace at the
bottom of the display. A value of 0 will prevent the trace from being displayed.
Note: the trace can also be positioned by dragging its label with the mouse on the
traces display.

Controls the amplitude of a trace on screen. SGain does not influence the amplitude of
the signal stored on the harddisk. SGain can also be used when reviewing recordings
and when larger amplitude and more detail are required. SGain can have a value of 0
to 160. A value of 10 is standard.

Controls the amplitude of a signal in the amplifier unit. It has a permanent effect on
the signal data. The range for Gain is 0 to 255, where 0 to 9 reduces the signal
amplitude and 10 to 255 increases the signal amplitude. For the ECG a Gain of 20
results in a calibrated presentation of 10 mm/mV. We recommend NOT changing the
Gain of the ECG channels, as it would result in an uncalibrated ECG. For intracavitary
signals the Gain is used to get useful signal amplitudes. For atrial and ventricular
signals a gain of 30 is usually adequate. For His bundle recording a gain of 100 to 200
is used.
Remark: If you want to amplify one of the ECG signals more than the other ECG
signals then use of SGain is recommended. All ECG signals will be recorded with the
same amplification on the harddisk but the visual amplitude of the selected ECG
channel will be augmented.


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Filter  (Surface ECG only)

Controls the setting for the surface ECG high-pass filters. A Low or High filter can be
selected. The Low filter has a high pass frequency of 0.05 Hz and the High filter has a
high pass frequency of 0.2 Hz.

Filter  (intracavitary signals only) 

Sets the high-pass filter to one of the following positions:
U-low 0.05 Hz, used for unipolar signals
U-high 0.2 Hz, used for unipolar signals
B-low 40 Hz, used for bipolar signals
B-high 80 Hz, used for bipolar signals.
When changing the filter from a unipolar filter (U-low or U-high) to a bipolar filter (B-
low or B-high) the Input of the signal is changed accordingly. But it is possible to use
the unipolar filters with bipolar inputs. Therefore you may override the input mode

An intracavitary signal input can be either bipolar (BIP) or unipolar (UNI).
For a bipolar signal two electrodes have to be connected, for example the distal and 2
of a catheter. The trace on the display shows the difference of these two electrodes.
For a unipolar signal only one electrode is needed, for instance the distal. The trace on
the display shows this signal referenced to the Wilson triangle.

The stimulator outputs can be directed to one of the intracavitary inputs. Select a
channel for stimulation by double clicking with the mouse in the Out1 column.
In the example above the HRAd channel is used for stimulation using stimulator Out1.
The HRAd channel catheter is used simultaneously for stimulation of the heart and at
the same time for recording the signal.

Same functionality as Out1, for stimulator output Out2. In the example shown above
Out2 is redirected to the RVd catheter. The box around the X indicates the active
parameter. This parameter can be changed using the keyboard.


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3.4.2 Buttons

The buttons at the bottom of the dialog affect the appearance of the traces on the
display. After pressing one of these buttons the dialog is closed directly.

No changes are made to the traces on the screen.

Traces are distributed evenly over the vertical space of the display.

Traces for ECG channels have less vertical space than INT channels.

Traces are ordered on the screen in the same order as they are listed in the dialog.

Show All
All traces with Store set to ON will be displayed on the screen.

12 Lead
Only the 12 lead surface ECG traces will be displayed.

This will undo the affect of the 12 Lead button, so all previously visable traces will be
shown agian.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

3.4.3 Setting Up the STIM Channel 

The STIM channel is not a measured channel, but it is a derived channel indicating the
stimuli as wel as the intervals between stimuli.

The STIM channel will always be positioned at the bottom of the screen.

STIM channel can be turned on and off by using Store on/off.

3.5 Saving and Loading a Configuration

After changing the configuration of the channels it is possible to save the configuration
on the harddisk. From menu Setup – Save Configuration (Shift+F4) the configuration
is saved. From menu Setup –  Load Configuration (F4)  a pre-programmed
configuration is loaded. This way it is possible to store and reload configurations you
find most suitable for a procedure.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

4. Using the Program

Basically the EP-TRACER software provides three different modes to present collected
signal data. These modes are:

1.  Running Mode

2.  View Mode (see also chapter 5.View Mode)
3.  Triggered Mode (see also chapter 6.Triggered Mode)

Based on the type of examination performed durring an EP procedure the

presentation mode can be selected. Also combinations of the above mentioned modes
are provided. To do that the display is splitted either vertically or horizontally. In the
dynamic presentation modes 1 and 3, the displayed data can be frozen. The different
presentation modes and its features are explained later in this manual.

The EP-TRACER software starts always with the Running Mode.

By default the following channels are displayed:
ECG: I, II, III, AVF, V1, V6
The Notch filter for the ECG and IECG channels are off.
The system is not recording automatically when starting the software.
For security reasons the stimulator outputs are not connected to any channel.

For changing the default settings please ask our application specialist on site or
contact the Cardiotek B.V. 

The presentation of the traces can be changed:

F1  Display - Freeze/Continue 

Temporary hold the sweep of the traces.

Alt+F1  Display  - ViewMode 

Sets the display in viewmode. The last 60 seconds are displayed.

F4  Setup – Load Configuration 

A configuration file can be loaded from disk.
1.  The channels that appear on the screen
2.  The channels that will be stored to disk
3.  The settings for each channel

F5  Display Rate

The sweep-speed can be selected from 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 to 300
These scales are applicable for a 21" CRT monitor or a 19” LCD monitor.
A PC monitor is not calibrated. Therefore scales are approximate values

Note: When using the EP-TRACER dual monitor software then the left monitor is used
to operate and control the system and the right monitor is used for watching the
condition of the patient, with both ECG and intracardiac signals, continuously.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

4.1 Selecting a Window

Whenever multiple displaywindows are present (e.g. Alt+U mode, Alt+T mode, Alt+Y
mode or with Dual monitor Software) only the active displaywindow can be changed
using the commands Alt+D and F5. The window that has the blue speed bar is the
"active" window. Another window can be made active using the TAB-key or by clicking
with the mouse somewhere in that window.

4.2 Storing Traces

During the study data of all traces is temporarily stored in the memory of the PC. This
memory contains trace data from the last 60 seconds, and is continuously updated.
Traces can be stored on harddisk:
a.  As fixed period episodes (12 or 60 seconds) or
b.  Continuous (the future)

Fixed period storage stores traces from this memory to harddisk. Storage can take
place from a sweeping display (running mode) or from a viewmode display.
Storing from a display in running mode directly stores 12 or 60 seconds from the
Storing from a display in view mode stores 12 or 60 seconds as shown on the display.

Continuous storage stores all selected traces on harddisk until the storage is
deactivated. Recordings of some seconds up to several hours can be made. The
recording time is limited only by the disk capacity. With disk capacities of 120 or 240
Gbyte the user can make something like 400 hours of recording.

The following Function-Keys are available:

F8  Storage - 12 seconds. 

Store the most recent 12 seconds.

F9  Storage - 60 seconds.

Store the most recent 60 seconds.

Ctrl+F9  Storage - Continuous.

Or Start or stop continuous storage. The actual state is indicated on the
R   bottom status bar: STORE ON / STORE OFF.

Ctrl+F8  Storage - 12 sec cont .

Same functionality as Ctrl+F9 or R, with the difference that recording
starts with first 12 seconds of history.

All recordings are stored on harddisk with a specific filename. The system provides a
list of suggested filenames. The user can pick one of these names, or can type a new
filename. The default filename is the study number. The files are saved with the
filename and an index number as extension. The first default filename of study
number 2005-1-17 will be 2005-1-17.000, then 2005-1-17.001, and so on.
Alternatively one can select one of the other default names like VT, SINUS,
REST_ECG, etc. 


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

4.3 View Mode

The view mode is entered with the Alt+F1 function key. Pressing the Esc-key resets
the display to running mode.

When the display goes into view mode the traces of the last 60 seconds are displayed.
Also an index window of this episode is shown. A segment is indicated in blue, to show
which part is displayed in the trace window.

Through traces can be scrolled by using the scrollbar or by dragging the blue segment
in the holter display with the mouse.
In view mode also a recording can be loaded from disk.
Menu File – Load Recording (Alt+F) displays a list of recordings of the current study.
In the view mode also a holter window is displayed to monitor the patient. The actual
ECG of the patient keeps refreshing the 1-minute acquisition memory. At a sudden
onset of arrhythmia one should respond within 1 minute by leaving the view mode
(Esc-key) and entering the view mode again to inspect the traces of the last minute.

4.4 The Stimulator (Pacer)

The EP-TRACER unit has a two-channel stimulator built-in. The stimulator output
connections are located at the front side of the EP-TRACER unit. But the EP-TRACER
unit gives you the possibility to direct the stimulator outputs to any of the 20
catheter-input pairs on the unit. Under software control the stimuli are directed to the
selected catheter. This enables both pacing and sensing on the same catheter.
However, due to pacing the amplifier blanks for a short period.

This stimulator is controlled through the software. The data regarding settings and
status of the stimulator can be found in the stimulator window located at the upper
right corner of the EP-TRACER display. The stimulator control window has two levels
that you can toggle between using the F2-key. Level one of the stimulator control
window contains information about the pacing protocol and the active stimulator
channel. The second level contains the parameters (i.e. current, duration and catheter
selected for stimulating) set for both stimulator channels. The upper edge of the
stimulator window indicates the Stimulator status.

Note: During stimulation the functional output current can exceed the limits for
allowed leakage current. 

4.4.1 Stimulator (Pacer) Parameters

The PARAMETER window provides an overview of destination, duration (0.1 up to 9.9

milliseconds) and current (0.1 up to 25.5 milli-ampere) of the A (Out1) and V (Out2)
stimulation pulses. One parameter can be changed at a time. A parameter can be
selected for changing by clicking it with the mouse or using the Up  and Down 
commands. The active parameter indicated by a blue field can be changed using the
+ and - keys.

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The coupling interval for AV sequential pacing (A-V ms) can be programmed between
2 and 255 milliseconds. The coupling time can be as short as 2 milliseconds for AV
"simultaneously" pacing, but has to be longer then the Atrial pulse length.

In the picture shown above the output selection field of the V (Out2) output is active
and can be changed. The A (Out1) pulses are directed to the catheter at input 1. The
V (Out2) pulses are redirected to the catheter connected to input 4.

4.4.2 Stimulation (Pacer) Protocols

Within the EP-TRACER software a stimulation protocol can contain up to 6 protocol

lines. These 6 protocol lines provide a stimulation protocol consisting of a basic rate
with up to 5 extras each with a settable interval. Every protocol line defines a number
of stimuli (1 up to 9999), the interval time (time between the stimuli, 10 up to 9999
milliseconds) and the output channel of the stimulation (1: A (Out1), 2: V (Out2), 3:
A-V sequential and 0: no stimulation). Extra’s can be added and removed using keys
Insert  and Delete. The active parameter of the stimulation protocol is indicated in
blue. It can be changed using the increment and decrement commands; the I  or D 
keys or alternatively the +, -  keys. Use left, right, up  and down  arrow keys to
select the active parameter.

The shown pacer protocol consists of 2 protocol lines. It starts with 10 stimuli with an
inter-stimulus interval of 600 milliseconds. This is followed with one stimulus at 360
milliseconds. All stimuli are directed to the Atrium (Out1). The protocol is executed
only once (SINGLE) and the protocol starts synchronized (SYNC). The stimulator is
waiting for the command to start execution (Ready). The active field is the interval of

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

the last extra. For automatic mode; Step defines the value added to the active
interval. If active the step value can be changed using the left and right arrow keys.
A negative step will result in decrementing intervals. Last specifies the minimum
interval time that the stimulator will set. Delay specifies the time between executions
of consecutive pace protocols. Preprogrammed Pace Protocols

The EP-TRACER comes with a set of preprogrammed pace protocols to facilitate rapid
operation of the stimulator.


The pace protocols BASIC1, BASIC2 and BASIC3 are loaded when the EP-TRACER
program starts. The program BASIC1 is immediately shown in the stimulator protocol
window and is available to be changed and executed. With the command Ctrl+F2 the
actual stimulator protocol is memorized and the next BASIC protocol is shown and made
available. This way the user has 3 working protocols available. The idea is to use BASIC1
as the induction protocol, BASIC2 as the termination protocol and BASIC3 as the backup
protocol. Following this idea the user starts the induction protocol and when successful will
change to the termination protocol with the command Ctrl+F2. After termination of the
arrhythmia the user can switch to the backup protocol by Ctrl+F2, or return to the
induction protocol by pressing Ctrl+F2 once more.
In this way the user can rapidly switch between the (successful) induction and the
(successful) termination protocol.

The ACUTE protocol is also loaded at program start. The protocol ACUTE can replace
temporarily the actual protocol (ACTUAL). With the command Ctrl+F1 the actual protocol
is memorized and replaced by the ACUTE protocol. The purpose could be to use this as a
facility to switch rapidly to an arrhythmia termination protocol. The ACUTE program can
be changed and executed. When finished the command Ctrl-F1 memorizes the (changed)
ACUTE program and replaces it by the memorized actual protocol.

ALT_0, ALT_1.. ALT_9

These 10 programs are also loaded at program start. They can be called with the
corresponding command Alt+0, Alt+1...Alt+9. These protocols are fixed within the EP-
TRACER program. The idea is to use a systematic order in the protocols. By default the
Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3 and Alt+4 are used for induction protocols. The Alt+0 and Alt+9 are
used for termination protocols. Saving Your Own Pace Protocols

You can also save your own pace protocol. If all your protocol settings are correct it
can be saved using the command Shift+F2. You will be prompted to name the new
protocol. Next time you can re-load this protocol using the Alt+F2 command.

4.4.3 Stimulator (Pacer) Control Keys

The stimulator is keyboard controlled using single-key commands. Following

commands are available:

Key Function Note


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

G Go Starts the stimulator, the selected protocol is

send to stimulator first and then executed.

A Automatic mode Starts the stimulator in automatic mode.

Make sure that the right interval is active for
auto in- or decrementing. Also a value for
delay must be set.

W Wenckebach mode Will during standard pacing in continues

mode decrement S1 by set step value for a
set# of beats.

Space Stop pacing Stops all pacing activity immediately

I or + Increment active parameter Changes effective after next Go command

D or - Decrement active parameter Changes effective after next Go command

X Toggle the stimulator output The protocol remains unchanged but output
will be toggled between Out1 and Out2.

Key Function Note

Insert Insert one extra (S..) in the Up to five extras are available for your pacing
protocol protocols. Extras are inserted at the end of
the protocol and a last line parameter must
be active.

Delete Remove one extra The last extra will be removed.

4.4.4 Stimulator (Pacer) Status

The STIMULATOR STATUS LINE located at the upper edge of the stimulator window
shows the actual status of the stimulator. It shows when pacing is in progress or that
the stimulator is waiting. The stimulator can be either waiting for the next execution
command, or waiting for the synchronization trigger. During pacing the execution of
the stimulation Protocol can be followed.

During stimulation the pulse current is measured to check if the stimulator is
functioning properly. When the current measured is more then 5 mA below the set
value, a warning is issued “OUT1 NOT CONNECTED?”. In this case the catheter
connections should be checked. When the current measured exceeds the set value by
more than 5 mA, also a warning is issued “OUT1 TOO HIGH”. This could result in a
dangerous situation for the patient and the procedure should be stopped immediately.
Please check Chapter 21 for additional explanation of warnings.


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EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

4.5 Calibrating Pressure

1. Connect pressure sensor to inlet ‘AUX1’ on the EP-TRACER unit.

Fill the sensor and the rest of the pressure monitoring kit with flush solution. Flush the
sensor and make sure no air bubbles remain in the kit.

2. From menu Setup – Channels the following dialog appears:


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

3. Select the Zero value for the pressure channel to be calibrated:

The pressure is measured relative to the atmospheric pressure. For nulling the sensor
open the vent port of the pressure sensor to open air. The sensor is measuring the
atmospheric pressure.
Press the ‘Auto Zero/Calib’ button on the dialog.
Now the atmospheric pressure for P1 is indicated as 0 mmHg.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

4. Select the Calib value for the pressure channel to be calibrated:

Close the vent port of the pressure sensor.

Apply 100mmHg to the sensor using a mercury column.
Press the ‘Auto Zero/Calib’ button on the dialog. Now the value for P1 should indicate
100mm Hg.

6. Note the values for Zero and Calib.

Most of the time only the value for Zero will vary. The value for Calib will remain
around 83.

7. Connect a sensor to EP-TRACER input ‘AUX2’. 

Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for pressure channel 2 (P2).


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

4.6 QRS Detection

QRS detection is used to indicate numerical values for the heart rate and the RR
interval time. The heart rate is indicated as beats per minute (bpm). The RR interval
time is presented in milliseconds (msec). A good detection of the QRS complex is also
mandatory for using the stimulator for synchronized pacing.

The QRS detection is based on the analysis of the waveform of one channel. Any
channel can be selected for QRS detection.

To provide fast switching from ECG to intracardiac channels, one of three presets can
be selected: R-Wave, Intracardiac or Spike.

The QRS detection of an R-wave or Intracardiac channel is done using a triangle with
a base of Width ms. In this case (Width is 60) the upslope and the downslope are
calculated over a time of 30 ms each. The calculated value of the QRS detector should
be higher then the value of Level (in this case 20) for at least Minimum Length ms (in
this case 10 ms) in order to positively detect a QRS.
The Slope can be set either Positive (for detection of an R-wave), Negative (for
detection of S-wave), or Positive and Negative (Pos/Neg) for detection on both R-
waves and S-waves. This way it is possible to detect QRS complexes during Sinus
rythm and during tachycardias.
For detection of wide QRS complexes, you should set the value of Width to a value of
120 ms. Then it is possible to detect wide QRS complexes with low amplitudes.
With the help of Refractory Period one can adjust the time after a detected QRS
whithin which the software doesn’t try to detect a QRS complex again. This can
prevent unwanted detection of or triggering on a following peak similar to the QRS
complex, e.g. by tall T-waves.

The spike detection will detect rapid changes on an (intracavitary) channel. As the

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Width is only a few ms, the minimum length is not applicable. Pos/Neg allows
triggering on a positive or negative spike.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

5. View Mode (Alt+F1)

Within the EP-TRACER software means are provided to inspect recorded data in more
detail during a procedure. The functionality is similar to reviewing recorded data after
a procedure. The basic idea is when an interesting phenomenon occurs during a
procedure there is the opportunity to check it. Therefore a sixty seconds window is
available containing pre- and post occurrence data. Using this mode does not interfere
with any ongoing data storage.

In the VIEW mode the HOLTER window monitors the patient. The actual ECG of the
patient keeps refreshing the 1-minute acquisition memory. At a sudden onset of
arrhythmia one should respond within 1 minute by leaving the VIEW mode ( Esc-key)
and entering the VIEW-mode again (Alt+F1) to inspect the traces of the last minute.

The HOLTER and INDEX windows can be suppressed in order to give a wide screen for
inspection of the traces.

In dual monitor version of the software there is no need for a holter window as the
right-side display is used for continuous monitoring of the patient.

In the VIEW mode the use of the mouse offers speed and ease of use. Moving the
mouse in the trace windows works as a caliper. The left mouse button activates the
zeroing of the interval measurement and setting the time reference. Moving the
indicated part in the index field offers the possibility to scroll through the memory.
Alternatively the slide bar at the bottom of the screen can be used.

Recorded files can be inspected in the VIEW mode. With Alt+F a list of available files
is presented. The first minute of the selected file is then loaded. Use the scroll bar at
the bottom side of the window to select the interesting part in the file. The cursor time
in the file is indicated in milliseconds.

5.1 Special Keys in View Mode

Esc  Leave view mode and return to the MAIN MENU and the running mode.

Home,  Go to begin, end of the traces


Alt+F  Load file from disk. A list of all available files is shown. The user can
select from that list.

5.2 Calipers

In view mode calipers can be used for interval measurements. A yellow caliper line will
appear by clicking with the left mouse button on the traces display. When moving the
mouse a red caliper will stay were the yellow one was positioned. And a green caliper
line will appear which can be dragged with the mouse. This caliper can be released by
clicking with the right mouse button. The difference in time between the calipers is
indicated on the bottom status line on the screen.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Calipers can be moved and positioned separately or combined using the 2-command.

5.3 Printing

All printing options are available in the view mode also. 

With the LaserJet it is possible to make a high resolution/high speed hardcopy. With
Alt+F10 a hardcopy is made with the same layout as the display. A paper-speed of
10, 25, 50, 100, 200 mm/s can be selected. The hardcopy is made starting at the
same position of the trace display. The end is depended on the paper-speed.

In dual monitor version of the software there is no need for a holter window as the
right-side display is used for continuous monitoring of the patient.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

6. Triggered Mode (Alt+T)

The triggered mode offers a beat-to-beat updated presentation of recorded data. It is
of great value for positioning catheters and activation timing on a beat-to-beat basis.
In this mode the waveform is displayed at maximum resolution at 150 mm/sec or at
300 mm/sec.

6.1 Triggering

Using the triggered mode is only feasible with good triggering. Trigger is normally
derived from the QRS DETECTOR. Alternatively the triggering can be derived from the
stimulator. Triggering can be derived from all stimuli, or from the extra stimulus. The
default trigger source is the QRS DETECTOR combined with the Stimulator
simultaneous. This results in triggering irrespective of pacing. However if there are to
many triggers the data displayed will show jumps back and forth. To avoid that select
only one source of triggering instead of the combined source.

The source of triggering is indicated in the left bottom corner of the screen and can be
changed using Ctrl+T.

Possible sources
- QRS+Pacer
- Pacer+QRS
- Pacer
- Last Pacer

For achieving correct triggering it may be necessary to adjust the QRS detector as
described in section 4.6.

6.2 Display

Any configuration of channels can be displayed, as arranged in the Alt+D menu. With

F5 the display speed is toggled between 150 mm/sec and 300 mm/sec.

6.3 Calipers Timing

In the triggered mode a cursor-line can be moved to the position of first activation.
With the left mouse button this moment is accepted as reference. A red cursor line
indicates the reference position. A second cursor-line (the green cursor line) is used
to indicate the time difference in respect to the reference. During dynamic situations it
might be helpful to freeze the triggered display to carry out the measurement.

6.4 Printing

All printing options are available in the triggered mode also.  


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

6.5 Stimulator Commands

All stimulator commands are available as described in section 4.4.

6.6 Optional Wide Screen

Per default the triggered mode starts with a 600-millisecond window for presentation
of the triggered waveform. In single monitor version this window is shown in
combination with stimulation protocol window and the 1-minute HOLTER window. The
HOLTER window offers a comprised mode to monitor the patient. Optionally the user
can change to the wide screen mode for the display of a longer episode preceding the
triggered waveform as needed to display the atrial and ventricular electrograms of
patients with a prolonged AV time.
Disadvantage of this option is that the pacer protocol window is hidden. However the
pacer status field indicates any pace protocol in action.

Alt+W  The wide screen is used for the triggered display. No Holter-window is

Alt+H  Holter-window is displayed.

In dual monitor version of the software there is no need for a holter window as the
right-side display is used for monitoring the patient.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

7. Splitscreen Mode (Alt+Y)

The split screen mode is designed for use with pacer protocols working with one or
more extras. The top half of the screen shows the running mode in a compressed
form with a speed of 25 mm/sec up to 300 mm/sec. The bottom half of the screen
offers a triggered display at 300 mm/sec focused around the last extra. The last extra
(and with shorter intervals the last two stimuli) is displayed in a strip of approximately
1100 ms of length. The triggered display is refreshed with each last extra. A pair of
electronic calipers is availble to indicate the time of atrial or ventricle activation, and
the conduction time. In combination with the automatic increment/decrement mode of
the stimulator the user can easily observe the execution and resulting effect of pace
protocols. The running display monitors the patient, and gives information about the
capture of the stimuli, the triggered part presents the conduction time differences in
highest possible time resolution.

7.1 Triggering

Triggering is per default on the Last Pacer, which is caused by the last extra.
Triggering on other events is also possible. With the Ctrl+T key the trigger source can
be switched to a different condition/source comparable to the triggered mode.

7.2 Calipers Timing

In the triggered window callipers are available. During dynamic situations it might be
helpful to freeze the triggered display (using F1) for doing the measurements.

7.3 Printing

All printing options are available in the splitscreen mode also.

7.4 Stimulator Commands

All stimulator commands are available as described in section 4.4.

7.5 Additional Remark

The triggered display can be shifted in time allowing a different ratio of pre- and post
occurrence info to be shown.

At the bottom of the screen a small green triangle indicates the trigger point. By
dragging this trigger point with the mouse the user can divide the window in pre- and
post-trigger information to be displayed.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

8. Templates
The EP-TRACER has the possibility to acquire and show up to 20 templates. It can
show the template in the side-by-side mode: at the left side the template and at the
right side the actual recording. The actual recording can be in the normal running
mode, or in the triggered mode.

Remark: One should not change the number of signals to store when using templates.
Changing it, for example by loading a different configuration file (F4) or by
inserting/deleting channels through the Alt-D menu, disrupts the way the templates
are stored.

8.1 Acquisition of Templates

A template is acquired in the VIEWMODE. It can be acquired from the last minute, or
from a file. Indicate the beginning of the template with the mouse cursor. Make it zero
with right mouse click. To save it as a template open the template menu ( F7) and
select save template (or use Shift+F7). A list of 20 entries is shown. Select one of
them and enter a comment to identify it for later reference.

If the template is made from the Last minute buffer then the buffer will be saved with
the name template. (in the above example the Template.001, Template.002,
Template.003) If the template is made from a recorded file then the filename will be

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

stored with the name of the source file. In the above example the template 4 is from
the file ARRHYTM.000.

Remark: This can offer a nice way to gather 20 different templates for comparison.
But take care that these files have the same number and type of channels recorded.

8.2 Presentation of Templates

After saving one or more templates you can use the template for review. Open the
menu Templates and select Show (F7). This will result in the side-by-side
presentation mode. With the menu Templates, Select (Alt+F7) the template can be
At the first time presentation it can be necessary to adjust the position of the
template. This is done using the scrollbar at the bottom or with the PageUp  or
PageDn keys. Indicate the beginning of the template by the mouse left button click.
Then save the template again. The cursor zero-position will be recorded as start
position for the template. The template can be saved with the same comment and
with the same template number. Of course it can also be stored as a different
The template will stay at the left side until the template mode is left using the ESC
key. To get the template back on screen press F7 and the last shown template will be
exactly as programmed before. Use Alt+F7 to select one of the other templates.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

9. Using the LOG

For ease of use the EP-TRACER programs keeps record of each step during a
procedure. Each significant action is stored in a so-called LOG file for later reference.
An example of a typical LOG file is shown below.

For clarity reasons different type of entries are

indicated by diferent font colors.

Entry Type Font Color

Recordings Green
Executed stimulation protocols Red
Executed Ablations Orange
Annotations in a recorded file Yellow
Free text entered using F3 White

Patient data and system comments White

Typical log file

For reviewing patient data during or after a procedure the log file is of great value.
Each entry is time-stamped. Double clicking on the item will result in immediate
display of the events of that time. Of course the best results are achieved if major
events are recorded during the procedure. Also when reviewing studies afterwards
the log comes in very handy and time saving. The log file is stored in the directory
named after the study performed. During a review it is possible to make time-
stamped notes e.g. for marking interesting events in a file. These notes are indicated
in the log file in yellow and can be treated as all other entries. The best way to
experience the great comfort of the log file is by using it.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

10. Interfacing with RF Generators

10.1 Introduction

The EP-TRACER software provides an interface with common used RF generators

 /ablators. Table 1 provides an overview of available generators.

Manufacturer Model Firmware version

Stockert EP-Shuttle 1.032

Irvine Biomedical IBI-1500T 2.3

Medtronic Atakr n.a.

Atakr II 1.36

Osypka HAT300Smart 2.12

Boston Scientific EPT-1000 REVB 8/97

Table 1: Ablators.

Note: for supported generators and version information please contact CardioTek B.V.

Warning: Though the EP-TRACER displays information from the connected Ablator

device, the user of the EP-TRACER always needs to confirm/check the display of the
actual connected/used Ablator. 

10.2 Connections

The most common connection of a generator to the PC is by an RS232 serial link. The
communication port of the generator is connected to a COM port of the PC.

Note: For detailed information about connecting the generator to the PC please check
the user-manual and or other documents supplied with the generator.

10.3 Functioning

Note: For detailed information about the generator please refer to the user-manual of
the generator.

During ablation the generator transmits measured data to the EP-TRACER PC. The EP-
TRACER software interface provides information about the most important ablation

1.  Duration - duration of the ablation application in seconds

2.  Temperature - temperature of catheter tip
3.  Power - power delivered by generator in Watts
4.  Impedance - impedance in ohms

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

These values are presented as numerical values in the window marked generator. This
window is located in the lower right corner of the EP-TRACER control display. The data
is presented as shown in the left picture on the next page.

Figure 1: Screen during ablation Figure 2: Log after ablation

When the generator starts delivering energy (for instance when the foot pedal is
pressed) the screen automatically switches to the Ablator Tab, so the information is
visible. The background color of the indicators turns green. And a recording is started
At the end of RF application the color turns blue and all values are set to 0. If a
recording was automatically started it will be stopped after the preset post ablation
time has elapsed.

At the end of each ablation the following values are stored as an entry in orange in
the log:

1.  Duration
2.  Last Temperature
3.  Mean Power
4.  Impedance

A typical RF log entry is shown in the right-side picture on this page.

If during the procedure the generator is switched off, the software will detect this. All
indicators will display ‘---’. If the generator is switched on again, the communication
with the generator will automatically resume.

EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

10.4 Setup in Configuration File

In the configuration file (EP_Tracer.cfg) the type of generator is indicated, as well as

the COM port of the PC it is connected to. Following section of the config file indicates
the correct setting for the EPSHUTTLE type of generator connected to COM1.

% Ablator Types can be: NONE, IBI1500T, EPSHUTTLE, HAT300, ATAKR, EPT1000
% -------
% COM1..4 TYPE

Take great care whenever you are editing a configuration file. Errors in the structure
of this cfg file may result in a faulty and or instable system. In case of any doubt
contact us at for assistance.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

11. Bipolar and Unipolar Recordings

Normally the catheter signals are shown in bipolar mode. The signals are filtered to
show only the higher frequency components with a large amplification. EP-TRACER
has 2 filter settings for the bipolar signals. They are called B-low (40 Hz) and B-high
(80 Hz). Both are high-pass type filters. The B-high filter is most commonly used, as
with this filter the signals will show a straight baseline with rapid deflections. Some EP
specialists like to work with the B-low filter because it allows a little more low
frequency components to pass. And because of the filter characteristic the signals will
be shown with larger amplitude.

An amplifier channel can be set to the unipolar mode by selecting the filter setting of
U-low (High-pass filter at 0.05 Hz) or U-high (High-pass filter at 0.2 Hz). Selecting
one of these filter settings will disconnect the - input of the catheter and connect the
- input of that channel to the WILSON TERMINAL. This is the same reference as used
for the pre-cordial ECG leads (V1..V6). This way the catheter + input  signal will be
amplified in reference to the WILSON REFERENCE signal.
All filters are high-pass type therefore DC components are filtered. Due to the time
constants U-low and U-high will react slowly. For normal EP procedures U-high will be
the best option.

11.1 Recording Unipolar and Bipolar Signals from the Same Electrode

Usually it is of interest to have both the bipolar and the unipolar signal of the same
catheter. The most practical way is to connect the catheter signals 1 and 2 (or distal
and 2) to a bipolar channel e.g. channel 8. The distal should be connected to the 8+ 
input and the 2 to the 8- input. The amplifier for channel 8 should be set to B-low (40
Hz) or B-high (80Hz). With a gain of approx. 100 this should result in a good bipolar
signal. The distal from the catheter should also be connected to a second amplifier
channel to get a unipolar signal from the distal. For example connect it to amplifier
channel 7 by making an electrical connection from 8+  to  7+. Use one of the
UNI/BIPOLAR adapter cables supplied with the system to do so. Channel 7 should be
set to unipolar mode by selecting a unipolar filter setting U-low (0.05Hz) or U-high
(0.2 Hz). The gain of channel 7 should be 5 or 10 to get a good unipolar signal.

11.2 Use of Another Reference (10- input)

In case of excessive power-line interference (the ECG shows 50/60 Hz interference)

the unipolar signal can become unusable. This usually varies from patient to patient.
In this situation the WILSON TERMINAL is not a good reference for the catheter
signals. Better results are possible by having a reference catheter in the heart as it
has been done in the past. EP-TRACER provides the possibility to use either the
WILSON TERMINAL as reference or, alternatively, to use the catheter that is
connected to the 10   input as a reference. The reference is switched using Alt+I.

After changing the reference you will be get feedback from the system showing the
current setting. If a floating catheter present in the heart or in the Vena Cava is
connected to the 10-  input and used as reference then the quality of the unipolar
signals will be spectacularly good.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

12. List of Commands


F1 Toggle between freezing and updating the signal traces

Alt+F1 Enter VIEW Mode (return with Esc-key)
Ctrl+F1 Load the ACUTE pace-protocol (and back again)

F2 Toggle between Protocol and Parameter windows of the Stimulator

Alt+F2 Load a pace protocol from disk
Ctrl+F2 Switch from pace-Protocol BASIC1 to BASIC2 and BASIC3

Ctrl+F3 Set stopwatch to zero

F4 Load configuration file

Alt+F4 Equal/Unequal distribution of display area per channel on the Display
Shift+F4 Save the current configuration in a file. The new file gets extension .CF_

F5 Change display speed of traces

F6 Amplitude of all channels is changed to 5, 10 or 20mm/mV

Shift+F6 Intensity of the traces changes to 1, 2 or 3 pixels wide

F8 Save 12 seconds
Ctrl+F8 Save last 12 seconds and store data continuous

F9 Save 60 seconds of tracings

Ctrl+F9 Switch continuous storage on or off

Alt+F10 Make hardcopy of traces as displayed

Ctrl+F10 Make hardcopy of ECG in 3x4 format
Shift+F10 Make hardcopy of 12 lead ECG @25 mm/sec

F11 Toggle between trace display and sole 12 lead ECG display
Alt+F11 Make a hardcopy of the Holter channel
Shift+F11 Make a hardcopy of the 2-channel Holter

Special key combinations 

Ctrl+B Toggles the stimulator pulse shape monophasic<>biphasic

Alt+C Calibration pulse, 1 mV in surface ECG and intracardiac channels

Alt+D Setup channels menu

Alt+N Powerline interference filter (notch filter) ECG on/off

Ctrl+N Powerline interference filter (notch filter) Intracardiac on/off

Alt+Q QRS detector menu

Alt+S Stimulator sound on/off

Alt+T Triggered mode

Alt+U Triggered mode and running mode, side by side.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

Alt+Y Split Screen mode

Alt+W Wide trace display
Alt+H Activate Holter window

Alt+0 Load Pace Protocol ALT_0

up to
Alt+9 Load Pace Protocol Alt_9

Other key commands: 

Esc Leave (sub-) menu

Tab Change active window
Go Starts the execution of the pace Protocol
Spacebar Stops the execution of the actual pace Protocol immediately
Inc(+) Increments the value in the active window (stimulator)
Dec(-) Decrements the value in the active window (stimulator)
Automatic Starts the stimulator in auto increment or auto decrement mode.

 j,J Increments/Decrements all intervals of one pace protocol

X Exchange stimulator output Atrium (out1) <> Ventricle (out2)
R Starts or stops a recording.
W Starts pacing in Wenckebach mode.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

13. Panel Descriptions

13.1 EP-TRACER Front Panel

Amplifier: Stimulator:
0.  Surface ECG input. 7.  Output channel 1.
1.  Intracardiac inputs 1..10. 8.  Channel1 activity indicator.
2.  Intracardiac inputs 11..20 9.  Output channel 2.
3.  Auxiliary inputs 1, 2. 10.  Channel2 activity indicator.
4.  Auxiliary inputs 3, 4. 11.  Backup pacing switch.
5.  Auxiliary inputs 5, 6. 12.  Backup pacing indicator.
13.  Beep volume.
14.  Sense indicator.
15.  Sense volume (option).
16. Power indicator.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 2 3 4 5 6

Models 102 and 70 only:

17. Intracardiac inputs 21..36. 20. Intracardiac inputs 53..68 (Model 102
18. Intracardiac inputs 37..52. 21. Intracardiac inputs 69..84 (Model
102 only).
19. Combination of 17 and 18. 22. Combination of 20 and 21 (Model 102
20 21 22

17 18 23 19


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

13.2 EP-TRACER Rear Panel

1.  Power Supply fuses. Replace fuses only by value and type indicated on the rear panel
of EP-TRACER unit.

2.  PC-DI
Connects to the POWERBOX transformer to supply the unit with energy.

3.  PC-COM
Communication port. (Not used for USB systems).

4.  PC-AUX
Auxiliary. (Not used for USB systems).

5.  BUS
Connects EP-TRACER unit to USB port of the computer with CardioTek B.V. type of
USB cable.

Used for connecting an external speaker (optional).

7.  USB
Connects EP-TRACER unit to the computer with standard USB cable.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In normal setup of the EP-TRACER system the power for the EP-TRACER unit is
coming from the powerbox attached to connector 2. And the unit is connected to the
PC using the USB interface and then either connection 5 or connection 7 is used
depending on the type of USB cable used. Do not to use both connections at the same


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015



EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

14. Diagnostics
From menu CardioTek - Diagnostics the following window appears:

Important system information is displayed.

Supply voltages and some other settings of

the electronics inside the EP-Polygraph unit.

Also some computer system information is


CardioTek B.V can use this information for


In case a value is out of range it will be

highlighted in red and an additional
error/warning will be presented.

This diagnostics window will also appear
whenever a problem is found during the
system integrity test of the EP-TRACER
system at startup. In this case an additional
allert box indicating the problem found shall
always accompany this window.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

14.1 Warnings

At startup the software checks the EP-Polygraph systems integrity. When a problem is
detected the following dialog appears:

A red colored square will indicate the problem.


EP-TRACER Software Manual V1.10 February 2015

15. Upgrading

The following actions are only needed in case of system trouble and or for

Checking the installation of the EP-TRACER USB driver

1. From the windows Start menu select Settings, Control Panel.

2. Open "System".
3. Select Tab "Hardware".
4. Press button "Device Manager".
5. Open "Universal Serial Bus controllers".
6. Check if "CardioTek EP-TRACER USB Interface" is listed.

Upgrading EP-TRACER USB driver

Copy the new eptrausb.sys and eptraldr.sys files to the directory WINNT->System32-
Reboot the system.

Upgrading EP-TRACER.exe

Make a safety copy of the current EP-TRACER directory on the HDD of your system.

Copy the new version of the EP-TRACER.exe and all other files supplied with the
upgrade to the original EP-TRACER directory.

Start the EP-TRACER.exe program and verify correct operation.

In case of any doubt contact us at for assistance. 


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