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SES Structural





Site Number: SX3175

Site Name: SBC RELO

Site Address: 205 East Houston Street

San Antonio, TX 78205

Prepared For:

SAR-Revision 0

Date: 03/28/2014

SES Job # L106

Level 5 Consulting Engineers, Inc., Structural Engineering Services
19315 FM 2252, Suite 301, Garden Ridge, TX 78266 7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252















Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252


1.1 Subject Site

AT&T’s Rooftop-2014 NSB Site SX3175 (SBC RELO) will be situated on the roof top of
the Sheraton Gunter Hotel high-rise building at 205 East Houston Street, San Antonio,
TX 78205. This building is located in Bexar County Texas.

1.2 Objective

The objective of this structural analysis is to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed an-
tenna sled mounts, proposed equipment platform, and building roof structure when sub-
jected to proposed equipment and appurtenances.

1.3 Executive Summary of the analysis results

The subject building roof structure is capable to support combined effects of the roof
and proposed AT&T appurtenances/equipment if the antenna radiation height is within
6’-6” above the roof and sled//platform are centered on the building columns.


The scope of this work is limited to the structural analysis and capacity evaluation of the
roof structure at the vicinity of the proposed equipment locations and not the entire
roof/building. In addition, only stability analyses of sled mounts and platform are con-
ducted and not the design of these items. The design is performed by the manufactur-
ers of the sled mount and the platform which indicate their adequacy for the proposed


According to Ref [1], the Sheraton-Gunther hotel is a 12 story high-rise building con-
structed in early 1930’s. This beautiful historic building is located in the down town San
Antonio, Texas. A set of building drawings is not available to review the building con-
struction. However, as per the mapping results of Ref [3], the building structure consists
of structural steel beams, girders, and columns. The roof structure consists of 3” thick
one way slab, 6” deep beams and 12” deep girders. The roof parapet is 2’-8” above the
roof surface.


4.1 Proposed Sled mount and appurtenances

The proposed non-penetrating sled mounts will be (3) Valmont RTW-10 or approved
equivalent with specified ballast in each sled. The proposed appurtenances on the sled
mounts from Ref [2] are indicated in Table 1.

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252

Table 1. AT&T’s total appurtenances on three sled mounts

Status Center, Appurtenance Mount Cables
(12) Commscope-SBNHH-1D65C
(3) Raycap-DC6-48-60-0-8F
(6) DC,
(12) Ericsson-RRUS-11
Proposed 136.5’ Sled(1) (3) Fiber, &
(6) Ericsson-RRUS-12
(3) RET
(6) Ericsson-RRUS-A2 module
(3) Ericsson-RRUS-32
(1) Total weight of sled with full appurtenances and recommended ballast with indicated radiation center is 3280 lbs.

4.2 Proposed Platform and Equipment

The proposed non-penetrating platform will be a Commscope-MTC3586-PRE with

attached (2) H-frames or approved equivalent. The proposed equipment on the platform
from Ref [2], are indicated in Table 2.

Table 2. AT&T’s total equipment on the platform

Item Status weight (lbs)
(3)Small Purcell Proposed 750
(2) Alpha Power Proposed 4600
(1) Marconi cabinet Proposed 200
(1) PPC Proposed 200
(1) Ciena Proposed 35
Slack box Proposed 60
(1) Platform(1) Proposed 2835
(1) Misc. Platform loads Proposed 120
(1) Total weight of the platform with full equipment is 8800. Lbs.


The analysis is based on the information extracted from the following references as pro-
vided by the Level 5 Consulting engineers:

[1] Fifty year historical ownership abstract by “Texas Abstract Services”, dated

[2] NSB Construction drawings by “Level 5 Consulting Engineers, Inc.” Rev 1, dated

[3] Rooftop structural mapping information by “Level 5 Consulting Engineers, Inc.”,

dated 10/30/2013 and 01/03/2014.

[4] Structural site walk information by “Level 5 Consulting Engineers, Inc.”, dated

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252


The analysis is based on the standards and loading criteria as indicated in Table 3.

Table 3. Standards and loading criteria

Design Codes and Standards IBC 2012, ASCE 7-2005, AISC 13th
edition, ACI 318-2005, TIA-222-G- Load
Basic wind speed 90 mph (3-Sec gust) (1)
Structure classification II
Exposure category B
Importance factor 1
Roof Dead load (2) 63 PSF
Roof Live load 20 PSF
(1) Located in Bexar County, TX.
(2) Calculated based on the assumed roof profile.


Due to a lack of building drawings and structural information, a mapping of the roof
structure was conducted by Ref [3]. However, limited information regarding the roof
structure was collected due to access difficulties and the presence of fire-proofed steel.
The slab thickness was measured at 3” and a minimum ACI recommended reinforce-
ment was considered. For the cross section of the typical beam, 6”x4” dimensions were
measured. The lightest beam in this category from the AISC manual was considered as
W6x9. For the cross section of the typical girder, 12”x6” dimensions were measured.
The lightest girder in this category from the AISC manual was considered as W12x26.

Different radiation heights were considered for the 8’ antennas and RRU-12/A2 units to
determine the ballast requirement and applied stresses to the roof structure. Also differ-
ent locations were considered for the platform and sleds.

The desired antenna radiation and RRU-12 height of 9’-0” above the roof surface was
examined in option I. Option I was found unacceptable due to heavy ballast require-
ment and high demand on the roof structure. The required ballast in each sled using op-
tion I is 3000 lbs. The capacity usage of the 3” thick roof slab and W6x9 beams are at
131% and 113% respectively. Capacity usage is the ratio of the applied load to the
available strength in a structural member. A capacity usage ratio of 105% or less indi-
cates structural adequacy of the analyzed existing member.

An antenna radiation height of 6’-6” and RRU-12 height of 4’-0” above the roof surface
were used in option IV. Also the platform and sleds were centered on the building col-
umns in this option. Option IV was found barely acceptable due to limited reserve ca-
pacity of the roof structure. The required ballast for each sled using in this option is
2100 lbs. Capacity usage of the 3” thick roof slab and W6x9 beams in this option are at
105% and 75% respectively. The capacity usage of the roof girders is at 101%. A sum-
mary of the sled ballast requirement and applied stresses applied to roof in the options
considered is indicated in Table 4.

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252

Table 4. Comparison of Antenna radiation heights

Option Antenna Weight (lbs.) Roof stress (PSF)
RAD RRU12 ballast Sled& App Total Gravity Gravity+
height height Wind
I 9’-0” 9’-0” 3000 1180 4180 67 309
II 7’-0” 7’-0”” 2400 1180 3580 56 269
III 7’-0” 4’-0” 2300 1180 3480 55 268
IV 6’-6” 4’-0” 2100 1180 3280 53 260

In summary the building roof structure is capable of supporting combined roof and pro-
posed AT&T appurtenance/equipment in option IV only.


The analysis results indicated that the assumed roof structure is not capable to support
AT&T’s appurtenance and equipment loads with the desired radiation height of 9’-0”
above the roof. To qualify, the radiation height of antennas must be lowered to 6’-6”
above the roof surface. Additionally, RRU-12/A2 heights must also be limited to 4’-0” or
less from the roof surface. Finally, Sleds and platform must be centered on a building
column. Refer to SK-1 in Appendix I for information.


Three single-sector, non-penetrating galvanized sled mounts, Valmont model

RTW-10 or approved equivalent shall be used. Each sled to have 1050 lbs of
proper ballast in each tray for a total of 2100 lbs in each sled. Manufacture rec-
ommended rubber mats shall be used beneath entire contact area of sled with

A non-penetrating galvanized Commscope-MTC3586-PRE or approved equiva-

lent platform with sufficient number of bearing pads to be used to support plat-
form and equipment gravity and wind loads. Total weight of the platform with full
equipment is 8800. lbs. The platform bearing pad contact stress on the roof con-
sidering the total weight shall be 3.5 PSI or less. Manufacture recommended
rubber mats shall be used beneath the entire platform.

Sled mounts and the platform shall be located on the main roof of the subject site
building according to sketch SK-1 indicated in Appendix I.

The sector appurtenances and stealth box shall be installed symmetrical with re-
spect to the sled centerline.

Cutting/drilling/welding into the roof structure and other structural elements of the
building is not permitted unless coordinated with the structural engineer and
owner representative.

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252

Alterations of or connections to non-structural members must be coordinated with

the construction manager and owner representative.

We greatly value the opportunity to be of service on this project. Please do not hesitate
to contact us with any questions or concerns.

With Regards,

Razi S. Nagavi, PE

TXPE# 101437
Expires: 06/30/2014
Structural Engineering Services
Cell: (469) 855-8804
TX Firm registration # F-14644

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252


The analysis is based on the theoretical capacity of the members and not based on an
assessment of present conditions of the supporting structure.

The analysis is solely based on the information supplied by the client. Structural Engi-
neering Services has not made an independent determination of the accuracy of the
supplied data.

No allowance was made for any damaged, missing, or rusted members. The existing
structure is assumed to have been properly designed, constructed and maintained in
accordance with prevailing Standards.

The existing structure is assumed to be in good condition with no structural defects and
with no deterioration to its member capacities. The structure member sizes and geome-
try are considered accurate as supplied. The material grade is as per data supplied
and/or as assumed and stated in the analysis.

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252




From Ref [3]

Constructed roof framing plan from Ref [3] and
Recommended locations of Sled mounts & Platform

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252

Photo 1. Sheraton-Gunter Hotel – (from Google maps)

Photo 2. Sheraton-Gunter hotel- Main Roof-(looking north)

Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252
12"x6" I-Beam

Spaced 6' between

the 6" I-Beam

6"x4" I-Beam.
8 3/8"x8" I-Beam Column
12" I-Beam

3" Thick Concrete

2" Angle Iron

6" I-Beam


6' between the

6" I-Beams

8 3/8" 8"
Sled or Platform Dimension X Dimension Y
Sled Sector Alpha X1=50’-6” Y1=12’-6”
Sled Sector Beta X2=13’-0” Y2=27’-6”
Sled Sector Gamma X3=33’-0” Y3=11’-0”
Platform X4=32’-6” Y4=11’-6”



10 | P a g e
Structural Engineering Services SES Job # L106
7015 Winding Creek Rd, Dallas, TX 75252
3/27/2014 ATT/GNET-SX3175-SBC RELO (Sheraton Hotel) SES Proj # L106
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Wind Loads per TIA-222-G (based on ASCE 7-2005)

References: SX3175
1. International Building Code, IBC
Prepared By: RNagavi
2. ANSI / TIA - 222 -G Standard

Define Units:
lb lb lb ksi  1000
psf  ksf  1000 psi  kip  1000lb kft  1000lb ft 2
2 2 2 in
ft ft in

Code Requirements:
TIA-222 -Rev G-Table 2-2
Wind Direction Probability Factor (Kd) = Kd  0.85

Topographic Factor (Kzt) = Kzt  1.0 TIA-222 -Rev G-2.6.6

Structure Class II TIA-222 -Rev G-Table 2-3

Importance Factor (I) = I  1.0

TIA-222 -Rev G-US County listings
Wind Velocity (V): V  90 mph Bexar County-TX

Gust Response Factor (Gh): Gh  0.85 TIA-222 -Rev G-2.6.7

Exposure Type B

We chose Exposure B
For Exposure B Use Exp =2, For Exposure C Use Exp = 1 E xp  2

Calculate wind loads at antennas and mounting frame based on TIA-EIA-222-G Standards: Z roof  130 ft

Height of Appurtenance above grade:

Z ant  Zroof  9 ft  139 ft

Exposure Coefficient (Kz):  2

[See Level 5 CDs]
 ant  
Kz  2.01   if  Exp = 1   1.09
 900 ft  
 2

Check Minimum Values:  Zant  
2.01   otherwise Check Maximum Values:
Kzmin  0.7 if E xp = 1  0.85  1200 ft   Kzmax  2.01
0.85 otherwise
Kz  
if Kz  Kzmin Kzmin Kz  
if Kzmax  if Kz  Kzmin Kzmin Kz 
Kzmax otherwise Kz  1.09
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Wind Loads per TIA-222-G (based on ASCE 7-2005)

References: SX3175 - Options II, III, & IV

1. International Building Code, IBC
Prepared By: RNagavi
2. ANSI / TIA - 222 -G Standard

Define Units:
lb lb lb ksi  1000
psf  ksf  1000 psi  kip  1000lb kft  1000lb ft 2
2 2 2 in
ft ft in

Code Requirements:
TIA-222 -Rev G-Table 2-2
Wind Direction Probability Factor (Kd) = Kd  0.85

Topographic Factor (Kzt) = Kzt  1.0 TIA-222 -Rev G-2.6.6

Structure Class II TIA-222 -Rev G-Table 2-3

Importance Factor (I) = I  1.0

TIA-222 -Rev G-US County listings
Wind Velocity (V): V  90 mph Bexar County-TX

Gust Response Factor (Gh): Gh  0.85 TIA-222 -Rev G-2.6.7

Exposure Type B

We chose Exposure B
For Exposure B Use Exp =2, For Exposure C Use Exp = 1 E xp  2

Calculate wind loads at antennas and mounting frame based on TIA-EIA-222-G Standards: Z roof  130 ft

Height of Appurtenance above grade:

Z ant  Zroof  7 ft  137 ft

Exposure Coefficient (Kz):  2

[See Level 5 CDs]
 ant  
Kz  2.01   if  Exp = 1   1.08
 900 ft  
 2

Check Minimum Values:  Zant  
2.01   otherwise Check Maximum Values:
Kzmin  0.7 if E xp = 1  0.85  1200 ft   Kzmax  2.01
0.85 otherwise
Kz  
if Kz  Kzmin Kzmin Kz  
if Kzmax  if Kz  Kzmin Kzmin Kz 
Kzmax otherwise Kz  1.08
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qz1   0.00256  Kz Kzt Kd V  I 

2 lb
Velocity Pressure: qz1  19.06  psf

Wind pressure: 
qz  max qz1 Gh 20 psf  qz  20 psf

Wind Force:
Wind Force = Wind pressure x Ca cefficient x Area
Aspect Ratio of Members > 25 Use Caflat1  2.0 (for flat members) Caround1  1.2 (for round members)

Aspect Ratio of Members = 7 Use Caflat2  1.4 (for flat members) Caround2  0.8 (for round members)

Aspect Ratio of Members < 2.5 Use Caflat3  1.2 (for flat members) Caround3  0.7 (for round members)



Antennas 1 through 4 -Andrew SBNH-1D65C, 96x11.9x7.1, W=49.6 lbs

Height Hant2  96in Aspect Ratio for Antenna

Width Dant2  11.9in
Aspectant2   8.07 2
Dant2 Aant2  Hant2 Dant2  7.93 ft
Calculate Wind Coefficient Ca:

Caa12  if Aspectant2  2.5 1.2 1.2  Caa12  1.2

  Aspectant2  7 0.6

Caa12  if Aspectant2  7 1.4 1.4  Caa12  1.44
  18 

Ca12  if Aspectant2  25 2.0 Caa12  1.44 
Total Wind force for (1) Antenna 2 -Andrew SBNH-1D65C
Fant  qz Aant2 Ca12  227.78 lb

Consider 8' long pipe with 2.375, 2.875, 3.5, and 4 inch OD diameter, aspect ratio
Antenna Pipe mounts: is almost always over 25,. Thus Ca=1.2 will apply

Caround1  1.2 L pipe  8 ft wpipe  qz Caround2  16 psf Aspect ratio on the exposed part
2.375 OD pipe mount: Wpipe2.3  2.375 in Apipe2.3ns  Lpipe Wpipe2.3  1.58 ft Notshielded

Aspectpipe2.3   40.42 Fpipe2.3  wpipe Apipe2.3ns  25.33  lb
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2.875 OD pipe mount: Wpipe2.8  2.875 in Apipe2.8  Lpipe Wpipe2.8  1.92 ft

Aspectpipe2.8   33.39 Fpipe2.8  wpipe Apipe2.8  30.67  lb

3.5 OD pipe mount: Wpipe3.5  3.5in Apipe3.5  Lpipe Wpipe3.5  2.33 ft
Aspectpipe3.5   27.43 Fpipe3.5  wpipe Apipe3.5  37.33  lb


RRUs: Caflat  1.2 frru  qz Caflat  24 psf

Aspect Ratio < 2.5, use
Ericsson RRUS-11, 17.8"x17"x7", W=55 lbs Drru1  7 in L rru1  17.8in Wrru1  17in
Aspectrru1   1.05
SIDE Frru11f  frru Lrru1 Wrru1  50.43  lb FACE
Frru11s  Drru1 Lrru1 frru  20.77 lb
Ericsson RRUS-12, 20.4"x18.5x7.4", W=58 lbs Drru2  7.4in L rru2  20.4in Wrru2  18.5in

Frru12s  Lrru2 Drru2 frru  25.16 lb

Frrus12f  frru L rru2 Wrru2  62.9 lb
Drru3  9.5in
Ericsson RRUS-32, 29.9"x13.3"x9.5", W=77 lbs L rru3  29.9in Wrru3  13.3in

Frru32s  Lrru3 Drru3 frru  47.34 lb

Frrus32f  frru L rru3 Wrru3  66.28  lb
Ericsson RRUS-A2 Module, 15"x12.8x 3.5, W=15 lbs Drru4  3.5in L rru4  15in Wrru4  12.8in

Frrua2s  L rru4 Drru4 frru  8.75 lb FrruA2f  L rru4 Wrru4 frru  32 lb

fmisflat  qz Caflat  24 psf
Cabinets & Misc. Items Caflat  1.2
Caround  0.8
fmisrd  qz Caround  16 psf
Aspect Ratio < 2.5, use
Raycap Surge arrestor,
DC2-48-60-0-9E box,
L dc2  10.75 in Wdc2  10.25 in Ddc2  6.2in
10.75"x10.25"x6.2", W=16 lbs
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Fdc2s  Ldc2 Ddc2 fmisflat  11.11 lb SIDE Fdc2f  Ldc2 Wdc2 fmisflat  18.36 lb FACE
Raycap Surge arrestor, distributor L dc6  24in Wdc6 
DC6-48-60-0-9E box, 10"
dia"x24" height, W=20 lbs Fdc6  Ldc6 Wdc6 fmisrd  26.67 lb FACE
Fiber Slack box, 18"x18"x4",W=20 lbs

Ffibboxf  18in 18in fmisflat  54 lb FACE

Ffibboxf  18in 4 in fmisflat  12 lb SIDE

PPC, 48"x24"x12", W=200 lbs
SIDE Fppcf  48in 24in fmisflat  192 lb FACE
Fppcs  18in 12in fmisflat  36 lb

Meter and Disconnect, 18"x12"x8", W=50 lbs
Fmeters  18in 8 in fmisflat  24 lb SIDE Fmeterf  18in 12in fmisflat  36 lb FACE
Telco Box, 48"x48"x18", W=100 lbs

Ftelcos  48 in 18in fmisflat  144 lb SIDE Ftelcof  48in 48in fmisflat  384 lb FACE

Ciena, 27.2"x16.2"x6.4", W=33 lbs
SIDE Fcienaf  27.2in 16.2in fmisflat  73.44 lb FACE
Fcienss  27.2in6.4in fmisflat  29.01 lb

Small Purcell Cabinet, 35"x24"20", W=250 lbs
Fpurs  35in 20in fmisflat  116.67 lb Fpurf  35in 24in fmisflat  140 lb FACE
Marconi, 31"x26"x26", W=200 lbs Fmarconi  31in 26in fmisflat  134.33 lb

Transformer, 36"x30"x30", W=400 lbs Ftransformer  36in 30in fmisflat  180 lb

Alpha Power Cabinet, 72"x30"x30", W=250 lbs Falphapower  72in 30in fmisflat  360 lb

Miscellaneous Items on the platform,
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Sled and Platform:

Aspect Ratio < 2.5, use Caflat  1.2

Valmont- RTW-10 SLED, 10'x(4+2)' facia, Andrew-MTC3586-PRE1, PLATFORM, 12'x10'

8'-2'x 7'-8" in plan, W=412 lbs excluding plan, 2'-3" high with two H-frames,(12) 18" dia
pipe mounts, Face area=8 ft 2 bearing, W=2835 lbs, side surface are=12 ft 2

 2
Fsled  8ft  fmisflat  192 lb
 2 
Fpltfrm  12ft  fmisflat  288 lb


Sled mount Calculations

Sled-Valmont- RTW-10, w=212 floo, w=200 face wsledface  200 lb dsledface  47in
wsledflr  212 lb dsledflr  48in dsledface1  dsledface  48in  0.08 ft

Fsled1  Fsled .70  134.4 lb hsled  1.7ft Partially shielded w

wsled  wsledflr  wsledface  412 lb antennas
Antennas 1 through 4 -Andrew wants  4  62lb  248 lb dants  58in dants1  dants  48in  0.83 ft
SBNH-1D65C, 96x11.9x7.1, W=49.6 lbs
Fants  4  Fant  911.11 lb hants  7 ft
Fant  227.78 lb
dpipmt  49in
Pipe mounts, (4) 2.375"OD, L=8',
wpipmt  120 lb dpipmt1  dpipmt  48in  0.08 ft
w=4x30lb=120 lbs No wind exposure(shielded by antennas)

Ericsson RRUS-12, 20.4"x18.5x7.4", W=58 lbs wrru12a2  80lb drru12a2  43in drru12a21  drru12a2  48in
Ericsson RRUS-A2 Module, 15"x12.8x 3.5, W=15 lbs
Frrus12f  62.9 lb Frru12a2  Frrus12f  .35  22.01 lb hrru12a2  7 ft

Ericsson RRUS-11, 17.8"x17"x7", W=55 lbs wrruray  4  55lb  77lb  20lb  317 lb drruray  16in
Ericsson RRUS-32, 29.9"x13.3"x9.5", W=77 lbs
Frruray  Frrus32f  Fdc6  92.94 lb
Raycap DC6-48-60-0-9E,10" dia"x24" W=20 lbs hrruray  18in drruray1  drruray  48in  2.67 ft
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Gravity Load and wind effects on the Valmont RTW10 Sled

OPTION II Sled dimensions Dsled  98in Bsled  92in

STABILITY hants  7 ft hrru12a2  7 ft
Sled Area Asled  Bsled Dsled  62.61 ft
wapp  wants  wrru12a2  wrruray  wpipmt  765 lb
wsledapp  wsled  wapp  1177 lb Sled Modulus Ssled  Bsled  85.22  ft

wballast  2332lb Fballast  Bsled 1.33ft  fmisflat  244.72 lb

dballast  48in hballast  0.67ft

wsledappball  wsledapp  wballast  3509 lb

Fwind  Fsled1  Fants  Frru12a2  Frruray  Fballast  1405.19 lb

.7 is the friction coefficient

Fres  wsledappball 0.7  2456.3 lb of roof and the sled

Mgravityedge1  wants  dants1  wpipmt dpipmt1  wrru12a2  drru12a21  183.33 lb ft

Mgravityedge2  wsledface dsledface1  wrruray drruray1  wsledflr dsledflr  wballast  dballast  11038 lb ft

Mgravityedge  Mgravityedge1  Mgravityedge2  10854.67 lb ft Resisitng moment

Mres  Mgravityedge

MgavityCL  wants  dants  wpipmt dpipmt  wsledface dsledface  wrru12a2  drru12a2  wrruray drruray

MgavityCL  3181.33 lb ft

 
Mwind  Fants  Frru12a2  hants  Frruray hrruray  Fsled hsled  Fballast hballast  7161.66 lb ft

MtotalCL  MgavityCL  Mwind  10343 lb ft

Mot  Mwind  7161.66 lb ft

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Mres A safety factor of 1.5 or greater is Fres

Sot   1.52 required against overturning or sliding
Sslid   1.75
Mot Fwind

e   2.95 ft Larger than
wsledappball ebal
ebal   1.36 ft

wsledappball lb Mot lb
σgravity   56.04 σwind   84.04 lb
Asled 2 Ssled 2 σgravity  σwind  140.08
ft ft 2
Maximum contact stress of gravity on the roof at rest

 Dsled 
wsledappball 4  
 
3  Dsled  6 e  lb
σmax   268.65 Maximum contact stress on the roof surface at overturning
Asled 2

 Dsled  Effective depth of contact Dsled  8.17 ft

Deff  3    e  3.41 ft
 2 
To reduce ballast requirements & roof stresses, we should lower lower RRU12+RRU A2 &
Lower RRU12+RRU A2
wballast  2288lb hants  7 ft hrru12a2  4 ft

wsledappball  wsledapp  wballast  3465 lb

Fwind  Fsled1  Fants  Frru12a2  Frruray  Fballast  1405.19 lb

.7 is the friction coefficient

Fres  wsledappball 0.7  2425.5 lb of roof and the sled

Mgravityedge1  wants  dants1  wpipmt dpipmt1  wrru12a2  drru12a21  183.33 lb ft

Mgravityedge2  wsledface dsledface1  wrruray drruray1  wsledflr dsledflr  wballast  dballast  10862 lb ft

Mgravityedge  Mgravityedge1  Mgravityedge2  10678.67 lb ft Resisitng moment

Mres  Mgravityedge

Mwind  Fants hants  Frru12a2  hrru12a2  Frruray hrruray  Fsled hsled  Fballast hballast  7095.62 lb ft

MtotalCL  MgavityCL  Mwind  10276.95 lb ft Mot  Mwind  7095.62 lb ft

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Mres A safety factor of 1.5 or greater is
Sslid   1.73
Sot   1.5 required against overturning or sliding Fwind
STRESS e   2.97 ft Larger than
wsledappball ebal
ebal   1.36 ft

wsledappball lb Maximum contact stress of gravity on the roof at rest

σgravity   55.34
Asled 2
Mot lb lb
σwind   83.26 σgravity  σwind  138.6
Ssled 2 2
ft ft

 Dsled 
wsledappball 4  
 
3  Dsled  6 e  lb
σmax   269.65 Maximum contact stress on the roof surface at overturning
Asled 2

 Dsled  Effective depth of contact Dsled  8.17 ft

Deff  3    e  3.35 ft
 2 

OPTION IV Lower RRU12+RRU A2 & Antennas

wballast  2112lb hants  6.5ft hrru12a2  4 ft

wsledappball  wsledapp  wballast  3289 lb

Fwind  Fsled1  Fants  Frru12a2  Frruray  Fballast  1405.19 lb

.7 is the friction coefficient

Fres  wsledappball 0.7  2302.3 lb of roof and the sled

Mgravityedge1  wants  dants1  wpipmt dpipmt1  wrru12a2  drru12a21  183.33 lb ft

Mgravityedge2  wsledface dsledface1  wrruray drruray1  wsledflr dsledflr  wballast  dballast  10158 lb ft

Mgravityedge  Mgravityedge1  Mgravityedge2  9974.67 lb ft Resisitng moment

Mres  Mgravityedge

Mwind  Fants hants  Frru12a2  hrru12a2  Frruray hrruray  Fsled hsled  Fballast hballast  6640.06 lb ft

MtotalCL  MgavityCL  Mwind  9821.4 lb ft

Mot  Mwind  6640.06 lb ft

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Mres A safety factor of 1.5 or greater is
Sslid   1.64
Sot   1.5 required against overturning or sliding Fwind
STRESS e   2.99 ft Larger than
wsledappball ebal
ebal   1.36 ft
wsledappball lb Maximum contact stress of gravity on the roof at rest
σgravity   52.53
Asled 2
Mot lb lb
σwind   77.92 σgravity  σwind  130.45
Ssled 2 2
ft ft

 Dsled 
wsledappball 4  
 
3  Dsled  6 e  lb
σmax   260.66 Maximum contact stress on the roof surface at overturning
Asled 2

 Dsled  Effective depth of contact Dsled  8.17 ft

Deff  3    e  3.29 ft
 2 

Equipment Platform Calculations

Andrew-MTC3586-PRE1, PLATFORM,
12'x10' plan, 2'-3" high with two
H-frames,(12) 18" dia bearing,
W=2835 lbs, side surface are=12 ft 2

wpltfrmfl  2535lb dpltfrm  60in

Fpltfrm  288 lb hpltfrm  24in

Platform Elevation Platform Plan

Platform H-Frame consists of two part, whfr  300 lb dhfr  72in dhfrC  22in
upper is 180 lbs and the lower is 120 lbs,
Fhfr  140 lb hhfr  66in
Their center w.r.t platform CL is 22 inches wpltfrm  wpltfrmfl  whfr  2835 lb


Small Purcell Cabinet,

35"x24"20", W=250 lbs
wpur  3  250 lb  750 lb dpur  108 in dpurC  48in

Fpurf  140 lbFpur  Fpurf  3  420 lb hpur  85in

PPC, 48"x24"x12", W=200 lbs wppc  200 lb dppc  130 in dppcC  70in
Fppcf  192 lb
Fppc  Fppcf  192 lb hppc  92in
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Fiber Slack box, 18"x18"x4",W=20 lbs
wfiber  3  20lb  60 lb dfiber  122 in dfiberC  58in

Ffibboxf  12 lb Ffiber  Ffibboxf  3  36 lb hfiber  60in


Ciena, 27.2"x16.2"x6.4", W=33 lbs wciena  35lb dciena  126 in dcienaC  66in
Fcienaf  73.44 lb
Fciena  Fcienaf  73.44 lb hciena  96in

wmar  200 lb dmar  18in
Marconi, 31"x26"x26", W=200 lbs dmarC  42in
Fmarconi  134.33 lb
Fmar  Fmarconi  134.33 lb hmar  42in
Alpha Power Cabinet, 72"x30"x30", W=2300 lbs
walph  2  2300lb  4600 lb dalph  18in dalphC  42in

Falphapower  360 lb Falph  2 Falphapower  720 lb halph  63in

Miscellaneous Items on the platform,
wmisc  120 lb


Gravity Load and wind effects on the Platform

Platform dimensions Dpltfrm  120 in Bpltfrm  144 in

Platfrom Area Apltfrm  Bpltfrm Dpltfrm  120 ft

Platfrom Modulus Dpltfrm 3
Spltfrm  Bpltfrm  200  ft

Platform Plan

wpltfrm  2835 lb wequip  wpur  wppc  wfiber  wciena  wmar  walph  wmisc  5965 lb

wpltequip  wpltfrm  wequip  8800 lb Total weight of platform

 
MGrLedge1   wpur dpur  wppc dppc  wfiber dfiber  wciena  dciena  9894.17 lb ft

 
MGrLedge2  wmar dmar  walph dalph  wpltfrmfl  wmisc  dpltfrm  whfr dhfr  22275 lb ft
 
MGrLedge  MGrLedge1  MGrLedge2  32169.17 lb ft Gravity moments w.r.t pltfrm lower edge = Resisitng OT

MGrCL1  wpur dpurC  wppc dppcC  wfiber dfiberC  wciena  dcienaC  whfr dhfrC  5199.17 lb ft
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MGrCL2   wmar dmarC  walph dalphC  16800 lb ft 
MGrCL  MGrCL1  MGrCL2  11600.83 lb ft Gravity moments w.r.t pltfrm CL

F1  Fpur  Fppc  Ffiber  Fciena  Fhfr  Fpltfrm  1149.44 lb

F2  Fmar  Falph  854.33 lb

Ftotal  F1  F2  2003.77 lb Fres  wpltequip 0.7  6160 lb

 
Mwind1   Fpur hpur  Fppc hppc  Ffiber hfiber  Fciena  hciena  5214.52 lb ft

Mwind2   Fpltfrm hpltfrm  Fhfr hhfr  Fmar hmar  Falph halph  5596.17 lb ft

Mwind  Mwind1  Mwind2  10810.69 lb ft Wind over turning moments w.r.t roof level =OT Demand

MGrLedge Fres
SF OT   2.98 SF Slid   3.07
Mwind Ftotal

MtotalCL  MGrCL  Mwind  22411.52 lb ft
MtotalCL Larger than ebal
ebal   1.67 ft
e   2.55 ft 6

wpltequip lb Maximum contact stress of gravity on the roof at rest

σgravity   73.33
Apltfrm ft

MtotalCL lb lb
σwind   112.06 σgravity  σwind  185.39
Spltfrm ft

 Dpltfrm 
wpltequip 4  

 3 Dpltfrm  6 e   lb
σmax   199.28 Maximum contact stress on the roof surface at overturning
Apltfrm ft

 Dpltfrm  Dpltfrm  10 ft
Deff  3    e  7.36 ft Effective depth of contact
 2 
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qz1   0.00256  Kz Kzt Kd V  I 

2 lb
Velocity Pressure: qz1  19.14  psf

Wind pressure: 
qz  max qz1 Gh 20 psf  qz  20 psf

Wind Force:
Wind Force = Wind pressure x Ca cefficient x Area
Aspect Ratio of Members > 25 Use Caflat1  2.0 (for flat members) Caround1  1.2 (for round members)

Aspect Ratio of Members = 7 Use Caflat2  1.4 (for flat members) Caround2  0.8 (for round members)

Aspect Ratio of Members < 2.5 Use Caflat3  1.2 (for flat members) Caround3  0.7 (for round members)



Antennas 1 through 4 -Andrew SBNH-1D65C, 96x11.9x7.1, W=49.6 lbs

Height Hant2  96in Aspect Ratio for Antenna

Width Dant2  11.9in
Aspectant2   8.07 2
Dant2 Aant2  Hant2 Dant2  7.93 ft
Calculate Wind Coefficient Ca:

Caa12  if Aspectant2  2.5 1.2 1.2  Caa12  1.2

  Aspectant2  7 0.6

Caa12  if Aspectant2  7 1.4 1.4  Caa12  1.44
  18 

Ca12  if Aspectant2  25 2.0 Caa12  1.44 
Total Wind force for (1) Antenna 2 -Andrew SBNH-1D65C
Fant  qz Aant2 Ca12  227.78 lb

Consider 8' long pipe with 2.375, 2.875, 3.5, and 4 inch OD diameter, aspect ratio
Antenna Pipe mounts: is almost always over 25,. Thus Ca=1.2 will apply

Caround1  1.2 L pipe  8 ft wpipe  qz Caround2  16 psf Aspect ratio on the exposed part
2.375 OD pipe mount: Wpipe2.3  2.375 in Apipe2.3ns  Lpipe Wpipe2.3  1.58 ft Notshielded

Aspectpipe2.3   40.42 Fpipe2.3  wpipe Apipe2.3ns  25.33  lb
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2.875 OD pipe mount: Wpipe2.8  2.875 in Apipe2.8  Lpipe Wpipe2.8  1.92 ft

Aspectpipe2.8   33.39 Fpipe2.8  wpipe Apipe2.8  30.67  lb

3.5 OD pipe mount: Wpipe3.5  3.5in Apipe3.5  Lpipe Wpipe3.5  2.33 ft
Aspectpipe3.5   27.43 Fpipe3.5  wpipe Apipe3.5  37.33  lb


RRUs: Caflat  1.2 frru  qz Caflat  24 psf

Aspect Ratio < 2.5, use
Ericsson RRUS-11, 17.8"x17"x7", W=55 lbs Drru1  7 in L rru1  17.8in Wrru1  17in
Aspectrru1   1.05
SIDE Frru11f  frru Lrru1 Wrru1  50.43  lb FACE
Frru11s  Drru1 Lrru1 frru  20.77 lb
Ericsson RRUS-12, 20.4"x18.5x7.4", W=58 lbs Drru2  7.4in L rru2  20.4in Wrru2  18.5in

Frru12s  Lrru2 Drru2 frru  25.16 lb

Frrus12f  frru L rru2 Wrru2  62.9 lb
Drru3  9.5in
Ericsson RRUS-32, 29.9"x13.3"x9.5", W=77 lbs L rru3  29.9in Wrru3  13.3in

Frru32s  Lrru3 Drru3 frru  47.34 lb

Frrus32f  frru L rru3 Wrru3  66.28  lb
Ericsson RRUS-A2 Module, 15"x12.8x 3.5, W=15 lbs Drru4  3.5in L rru4  15in Wrru4  12.8in

Frrua2s  L rru4 Drru4 frru  8.75 lb FrruA2f  L rru4 Wrru4 frru  32 lb

fmisflat  qz Caflat  24 psf
Cabinets & Misc. Items Caflat  1.2
Caround  0.8
fmisrd  qz Caround  16 psf
Aspect Ratio < 2.5, use
Raycap Surge arrestor,
DC2-48-60-0-9E box,
L dc2  10.75 in Wdc2  10.25 in Ddc2  6.2in
10.75"x10.25"x6.2", W=16 lbs
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Fdc2s  Ldc2 Ddc2 fmisflat  11.11 lb SIDE Fdc2f  Ldc2 Wdc2 fmisflat  18.36 lb FACE
Raycap Surge arrestor, distributor L dc6  24in Wdc6 
DC6-48-60-0-9E box, 10"
dia"x24" height, W=20 lbs Fdc6  Ldc6 Wdc6 fmisrd  26.67 lb FACE
Fiber Slack box, 18"x18"x4",W=20 lbs

Ffibboxf  18in 18in fmisflat  54 lb FACE

Ffibboxf  18in 4 in fmisflat  12 lb SIDE

PPC, 48"x24"x12", W=200 lbs
SIDE Fppcf  48in 24in fmisflat  192 lb FACE
Fppcs  18in 12in fmisflat  36 lb

Meter and Disconnect, 18"x12"x8", W=50 lbs
Fmeters  18in 8 in fmisflat  24 lb SIDE Fmeterf  18in 12in fmisflat  36 lb FACE
Telco Box, 48"x48"x18", W=100 lbs

Ftelcos  48 in 18in fmisflat  144 lb SIDE Ftelcof  48in 48in fmisflat  384 lb FACE

Ciena, 27.2"x16.2"x6.4", W=33 lbs
SIDE Fcienaf  27.2in 16.2in fmisflat  73.44 lb FACE
Fcienss  27.2in6.4in fmisflat  29.01 lb

Small Purcell Cabinet, 35"x24"20", W=250 lbs
Fpurs  35in 20in fmisflat  116.67 lb Fpurf  35in 24in fmisflat  140 lb FACE
Marconi, 31"x26"x26", W=200 lbs Fmarconi  31in 26in fmisflat  134.33 lb

Transformer, 36"x30"x30", W=400 lbs Ftransformer  36in 30in fmisflat  180 lb

Alpha Power Cabinet, 72"x30"x30", W=250 lbs Falphapower  72in 30in fmisflat  360 lb

Miscellaneous Items on the platform,
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Sled and Platform:

Aspect Ratio < 2.5, use Caflat  1.2

Valmont- RTW-10 SLED, 10'x(4+2)' facia, Andrew-MTC3586-PRE1, PLATFORM, 12'x10'

8'-2'x 7'-8" in plan, W=412 lbs excluding plan, 2'-3" high with two H-frames,(12) 18" dia
pipe mounts, Face area=8 ft 2 bearing, W=2835 lbs, side surface are=12 ft 2

 2
Fsled  8ft  fmisflat  192 lb
 2 
Fpltfrm  12ft  fmisflat  288 lb


Sled mount Calculations

Sled-Valmont- RTW-10, w=212 floo, w=200 face wsledface  200 lb dsledface  47in
wsledflr  212 lb dsledflr  48in dsledface1  dsledface  48in  0.08 ft

Fsled1  Fsled .70  134.4 lb hsled  1.7ft Partially shielded w

wsled  wsledflr  wsledface  412 lb antennas
Antennas 1 through 4 -Andrew wants  4  62lb  248 lb dants  58in dants1  dants  48in  0.83 ft
SBNH-1D65C, 96x11.9x7.1, W=49.6 lbs
Fants  4  Fant  911.11 lb
Fant  227.78 lb
dpipmt  49in
Pipe mounts, (4) 2.375"OD, L=8',
wpipmt  120 lb dpipmt1  dpipmt  48in  0.08 ft
w=4x30lb=120 lbs No wind exposure(shielded by antennas)

Ericsson RRUS-12, 20.4"x18.5x7.4", W=58 lbs wrru12a2  80lb drru12a2  43in drru12a21  drru12a2  48in
Ericsson RRUS-A2 Module, 15"x12.8x 3.5, W=15 lbs
Frrus12f  62.9 lb Frru12a2  Frrus12f  .35  22.01 lb

Ericsson RRUS-11, 17.8"x17"x7", W=55 lbs wrruray  4  55lb  77lb  20lb  317 lb drruray  16in
Ericsson RRUS-32, 29.9"x13.3"x9.5", W=77 lbs
Frruray  Frrus32f  Fdc6  92.94 lb
Raycap DC6-48-60-0-9E,10" dia"x24" W=20 lbs hrruray  18in drruray1  drruray  48in  2.67 ft
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Gravity Load and wind effects on the Valmont RTW10 Sled

OPTION I Sled dimensions Dsled  98in Bsled  92in

STABILITY hants  9 ft hrru12a2  9 ft
Sled Area Asled  Bsled  Dsled  62.61 ft
wapp  wants  wrru12a2  wrruray  wpipmt  765 lb
wsledapp  wsled  wapp  1177 lb Sled Modulus Ssled  Bsled  85.22  ft

wballast  3036lb Fballast  Bsled 1.33ft  fmisflat  244.72 lb

dballast  48in hballast  0.67ft

wsledappball  wsledapp  wballast  4213 lb

Fwind  Fsled1  Fants  Frru12a2  Frruray  Fballast  1405.19 lb

.7 is the friction coefficient

Fres  wsledappball 0.7  2949.1 lb of roof and the sled

Mgravityedge1  wants  dants1  wpipmt dpipmt1  wrru12a2  drru12a21  183.33 lb ft

Mgravityedge2  wsledface dsledface1  wrruray drruray1  wsledflr dsledflr  wballast  dballast  13854 lb ft

Mgravityedge  Mgravityedge1  Mgravityedge2  13670.67 lb ft Resisitng moment

Mres  Mgravityedge

MgavityCL  wants  dants  wpipmt dpipmt  wsledface dsledface  wrru12a2  drru12a2  wrruray drruray

MgavityCL  3181.33 lb ft

 
Mwind  Fants  Frru12a2  hants  Frruray hrruray  Fsled hsled  Fballast hballast  9027.91 lb ft

MtotalCL  MgavityCL  Mwind  12209.25 lb ft

Mot  Mwind  9027.91 lb ft

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Mres A safety factor of 1.5 or greater is Fres

Sot   1.51 required against overturning or sliding
Sslid   2.1
Mot Fwind

e   2.9 ft Larger than
wsledappball ebal
ebal   1.36 ft

wsledappball lb Mot lb
σgravity   67.29 σwind   105.94 lb
Asled 2 Ssled 2 σgravity  σwind  173.22
ft ft 2
Maximum contact stress of gravity on the roof at rest

 Dsled 
wsledappball 4  
 
3  Dsled  6 e lb
Maximum contact stress on the roof surface at overturning
σmax   309.07
Asled 2

 Dsled  Effective depth of contact Dsled  8.17 ft

Deff  3    e  3.56 ft
 2 
To reduce ballast requirements & roof stresses, we should lower lower RRU12+RRU A2 &

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