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eS BU SF in the Lives of the Zon SURRENDERED SOULS All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauraiga Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls ( Sri Sri Prapanna-jivanamrtam ) Sri Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara deva Gosvami Maharaja $i CATTANYA SARASVATA MATH SRI DHAM NAVADVIP, WEST BENGAL INDIA Copyright © 1982 by His Divine Grace B.R. Sridhara deva Gosvami Maharaja Readers interested in the subject matter this book are invited by the SrCaitanya ‘Sarasvata Math to correspond with its secretary a the following address. Sri Caitanya Sarasvata Math Sri Dham Navadvip, Kolergaiija Dist. Nadia, West Bengal India “All rights reserved First Edition, 1982 published by Maha Upadeshaka Pandit Govinda Sunder Vidyaranjan Bhaktishastri Jyotirbhusan, Sri Caitanya Sarasvata Math, Post Office Navadvip, Dist. Nadia, West Bengal Printed in India by ‘Spads Phototypesetting (I) Pvt. Lid. 101 A, Poonam Chambers, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Bombay 18. devarn divyatanun suchandavadanarn biilirkacel \Sandrinandapurari sadekavaranari vairagya vidydambudhim irisidahdntaniddirn subhaktilasitara saravatinambararh vande tah Subhadarn madekaSaranarn nyasisvararn Sridharam offer my humble obeisances unto His Divine Grace §rfla Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara deva Gosvami Maharaja, whose countenance is especially beautiful and kind, and who is able to present the highest ‘ontological truths in the most pleasing poetic style. His transcendental body is decorated with fine garments colored like the newly risen sun. He is the spiritual storehouse of concentrated bliss and the single fit choice of the honest devotees. His renuncia- tion and knowledge are comparable to a vast ocean, and he is the unlimited reservoir and preserver of all the illustrious conclusions of devotion. Sporting in pure devotional service, radiant with the highest mellows of conjugal love, he is the most distinguished among all the learned devotees. He bestows the highest auspicious- ness, he is my only shelter and the greatest general among those of the renounced order. ALL GLORIES TO $RI SRI GURU AND Orn Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara deva Gosvami Maharaja can be introduced as the famous crest jewel of the Gaudiya Vaisnava renounced order and the spiritual preceptor in the disciplic line descending from Srila Rupa Gosvami, The Sr7 Prapanna-jivanamrtam (Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls) is compiled from original sanskrit texts, and is being pre~ sented for the first time in the English language for the intellectual clas: of men in both the eastern and western worlds. This literature is especially intended for the serious practitioners of bhakti yoga who ¢ devoid of all material assets. It is our desire that it will be regularly read and committed to memory, like the Srimad Bhagavad-gita, in order to develop one’s devotional temperament ‘The first and second editions of this book came out in Bengali in the years 1943 and 1979. Itis our great fortune that by the combined endeavors of eistern and western devotees, this great work has appeared in the English language. To the extent that this literature is circulated within the homes of everyone throughout the world, proportionately the rich mine of the auspicious qualities of Lord Krsna and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will appear within the hearts of all. Then, without doubt, the nectarean taste of the transcendental mellows of love of Godhead will surely awaken and bring deep satisfaction and bliss to everyone. This literature was rendered into the English language by ‘Tridandi Bhiksuka Srimad Bhakti Vijiana Bharati Maharaja and pada Sarvabhavana dasa Prabhu. Also special mention is to be given to Tridandi Bhiksuka Aksayananda Maharaja, Tridandi Bhiksuka Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja (Ph. D.), and Sripada Parisevana dasa Prabhu who assisted in this publication. In addi- tion, special attention should be given by the thoughtful devotees to the introduction of the present edition written by Sripad Bharati Maharaja. Particular regards are extended to Dr. Amiya Asthana whose enthusiasm has been the source of great bliss for us and by whose financial assistance the publication of Sri Prapanna-jivanimrtam in English has been made possible. I would like to take this opport- unity to offer my obeisances to all the readers of Sri Prapanna- fivandmrtam. The Publisher His Diving GRACE $ri Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja Table of Contents Introduction Nectarean Invocation. Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriputres .... a Acceptance of Things Favorable to Devotional Service... 47 Rejection of Things Unfavorable to Devotional Service ... 65 Strong Conviction in the Lord’s Protection ... Accepting the Lord as a Guardian Full Self-surrender .....2..- ‘Surrender in Humility Nectarean Instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: (Feressectistsnrieretsceseegpvenses eal oi eels) Reference Guide . we 191 Index to Sanskrit Verses Guidelines to Sanskrit Promuciation .. INTRODUCTION SH Sri Prapanna-jivaniamrtam (Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls) is a precious jewel from the transcendental treasure chest of vast scriptural knowledge of its author, Ora Vigqupida Sri Srimad Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara deva Gosvamt Maharaja, a pure devotee of Lord Caitanya Mabaprabbu, The author has best described the book in his own inimitable words— “When the great bee-like devotees of the Lord drink the honey of Krsna’s lotus feet, they become intoxicated and madly sing the glories of the Lore’s qualities and names. In the ecstacy of their chanting and dancing some of the nectar falls from their mouths and is scattered in all the four directions. Sri Sri Prapanna-jivanamrtam is the repository for those scattered transcendental drops of nectar which have been collected very carefully for my ultimate Purification.” | Sri Srimad Bhakti Raksaka Scidhara deva Gosvimi is one of the last surviving and greatest generals who arose during the era of his spiritual master, On Visqupada Sri Srimad Bhakti Sidghanta Sarasvati Thakura, the illustrious founder of the Gaudiya Mission. Descending from a family of high brahminical lineage noted for their Vedic and tantric scholarship, Srila Sridhara Maharaja was recognized by his spiritual master for his expertise in defeating any ‘opponent by using brilliant analogies. Once Srila Sridhara Gosvami had written a sanskrit poem in praise of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. After reading the composi- tion, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati repeatedly praised the author commenting that it was written in a “happy style” and “Dhaktivinoda Thakura has made him write this. Now Lam satisfic that at least one man is left behind who will be able to represent my conception... .”” Then, just prior to the disappearance of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati, he requested that his favorite devo- tional song, “Si ripa maijari pada sei more sampada,” which expresses the highest realization of Vaisnava philosophy, be sung, only by Srila Sridhara Maharaja. He was chosen, though many qualified Kirtan leaders were present, because Srila Bhakti idhanta was always extremely satisfied with Srila Sridhara deva’s pure devotional rendering and his exemplary and spotless conduct. Because of his keen intellect and clear-mindedness, Srila Sridhara Maharaja would often be approached by his Godbrothers to duplicate from memory the points covered in the lectures of his spiritual master. Throughout his life he was always esteemed as the unrivalled “consulting physican” able to give authoritative and impartial spiritual advice to all who sought his counsel. Now, at the age of 88, he holds the post of the most advanced and learned devotee living within the Vaisnava community. Sri Sri Prapanna-jivanamrta contains the essence of all ignava conclusions found in the Vedic literature as handed down through the four Vaignava disciplic successions. After thorough contemplation and realization of the personal instructions concern- ing surrender given by the Lord and His devotees, the author has systematically presented those instructions in an ever new ecstatic mood. This ambrosia, which is based upon the six processes of surrender, is meant to act as fertilizer for the soil in which the seed of devotion is planted. Because the process of surrender is dynamic and ecstatic it requires the most wholesome and fresh autrients. This book certainly fulfills this genuine need. Throughout the book, the intensity of surrender increases in a dynamic progression, gradually end naturally carrying the reader to the higher and higher realms of Krsna consciousness, where absolute dedication is the only solace of the surrendered souls., Thus by regularly reading and remembering these ambrosi instructions, one’s heart can be purified and one can begin to perceive the mysterious path of bhakti yoga, for realization naturally follows proper conceptualization. Finally, 1 would like to kindly ask forgiveness for any discrepancics which may appear in this first English edition of the book. I offer my humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master Ori Visnupada Paramaharhsa Parivrajakacharya Astottara-Sata Sri Srimad Abhaya Carana Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada, and Ori Visnupada Paramahashsa Parivrajakacharya Astottara-Sata Sri Srimad Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara deva Gosvami Maharaja, ‘Tridandi Bhiksuka Bhakti Vijina Bharati ‘$i Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Appearance Day ‘Sri Navadviipa Dharm March 9, 1982 1/Nectarean Invocation TEXT 1 ri guru-gaura-gandharva- govindarighrin ganaih saha vande prasidato yest ‘sarvarambhiah Subhaikarah Sri guru—spiritual master; gaura—Lord $1i Caitanya Mahi- prabhu; gandharva—Srimafi Radharant; govinda—Lord Govinda; aighrin the lotus feet; ganaih—with the associates; saha—with; vande—I offer obeisances; prasidatah—out of mercy; yestim— them; sarva-drambhah—all invocations; subhankardh—auspicious- TRANSLATION 1 offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual raster (Sila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvatl Thikura), Lord $1 Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srimati Radharini and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Govinda, accompanied by theit respective associates. All invocations become auspicious by their ccauseless mercy. ‘gaurisigarh gaura-vaibhavam ‘gaura-sankirtanonmattarit ‘gaura-kérunya-sundaram Ambrosia im the Lives of the Surrendered Souls gaura—Lord Set Caitanya Mabiprabhu; »ak—instruction; vigraham—embodiment; vande—I offer obeisances; gaurdrigam— ‘olden limbs ; gaura—Lord Sti Caitanya Maha prabhu; vaibhavam— expansion; gaura—Lord Sri Caitanya Mahiprabtu; saikiriana- congregational chanting; unmatiam—absorbed; gaura—Lord $i Caitanya Mahaprabhu; karunya—compassion; — sundaram— captivating. ‘TRANSLATION 1 offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual ‘master who is the embodiment of Lord Gaurdiiga’s instructions. He is always intoxicated by ttc constaut performance of the eongre- gational chanting of the holy name inaugurated by Set Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Indeed the spiritual master is the personal expansion of Lord Caitanya, Himself, and his bodily luster is of the same golden hue. His unexcelled beauty is only enhanced by the store- house of Lord Caitanya’s compassion. TEXTS gurw-ritpa harioh gaurarin adhd ruci rucdvrtam nityarh nawni navadvipe ‘nda kirtana nartanaih guru—spiritual master; ripa—form; harim—to Lord Hari; ‘gauram—Lord Gauraiga; radha—Srimati Radharagi; ruci—tuster; rucd—by the temperament; dvrtam—covered; nityam—always; nawni-—offer obeisances navadvipe—in the abode of Sri Navadvipa Dhidena; ndma—the holy name; Kiriana—congregational chanting; nartanaifi—by dancing, etc. TRANSLATION I eternally offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Gaurdiiga who is none other than the Supreme Lord, Hari, and is externally [chal ‘Nectarean Invocation 3 manifest as the spiritual master. Veiling His inner temperament which is enriched with the mood of Srimatt Radharani, the same Lord Gauriiga, merged in ecstatic love for Krsna, engages in profuse congregational chanting and ecstatic dancing in the spiritual abode of Sri Navadvipa Dhama. TEXT4 Srimat-prabhupadambhoja ‘madhupebhyo namo namah trpyantu krpayi te "tra Prapanna.jivandmrte Srimat-prabhupadambhoja—of the illustrious lotus feet of the spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura; madhu- pebhyah—unto those who drink the nectar; namah namah—I repeatedly offer obeisances; irpyantu—tet them be satisfied; krpaya—by the mercy; te—they; atra—herein; prapanna- jivanamrte—within this literature known as Sri Prapanna- jivantmram. ‘TRANSLATION 1 offer my repeated obeisances unto those eternal associates of my spiritual master, who are tasting the nectar of his lotus feet. By their kindness, let them be satisfied upon relishing this humble rendering of the Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls. itokan Katipayan atra cahardmi sativa mude ati—very; arvacina—inexperienced; riipah—the representation; api—although; pracinaném—previous authorities; susammatan— 4 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls to the recognised opinion; slokdn—to the verses; katipayiin—to several; atra—herein; ca—and; aharami—compile; saam—of the devotees; mude—for transcendental bliss. ‘TRANSLATION Since I, myself, am most unqualified to present this topic of surrender, I have compiled the recognized opinions of the former Spiritual authorities on this subject. Thus I humbly present the many verses collected herein, for the transcendental satisfaction of the Lord's devotees. TEXTS tad-vag-visargo janatagha-viplavo yasmin prati-slokam abaddhavaty api namany anantasya yao ‘nkitani yat Sravanti giyanti graanti sidhavah tat—that; vak—vocabulary; visargah—creation; janata—the people in general; agha—sins; viplavah—revolutionary; yasnin— in which; prati-slokam—each and every stanza; abaddhavati— irregularly composed; api—in spite of; namani—transcendental names, etc.; anantasya—of the unlimited Lord; yasah—glories; aitkitini—depicted; yat—what; sravanti—do hear; gayanti—do sing; grnanti—do accept; saidiva}—the purified men who are honest. ‘TRANSLATION ‘Those narrations which are full of descriptions of the transcenden- tal glories of the name, fame, forms, pastimes, etc., of the unlimited Supreme Lord is full of transcendental words which destroy the sins in the impious lives ofthis world’s misdirected civilization, Such transcendental literatures, even though imperfectly composed, are heard, sung and accepted by purified men who are thoroughly honest. ‘Nectarean Invocation TEXT? abhivyaktd mattah prakrt-laghu-rip&dapi budha vidhatri siddharthan hari-guamayl vah ketir iva ‘pulindendpy agnih kimu samidham unmathya janito hiranya srenindm apaharati néntah kalusavam abhivyaki@—compiled; mattah—from me, prakrti—characters laghu— inferior; ripat—from the, embodiment; api—although ‘budhalearned persons; vidhdtri—bestower; siddidrthdn—to the cherished desires; hari-guramayt—resplendent with the qualities of Lord Hari; vah—to us; krtif—composition; iyam—this; ulindena—by this lowborn candala (outcaste); api although; venih fire; kimu-what more; samidham—wood; wvmathya—rub- bing; janitah—produced; hiraya—gold; Srenindm-—of the cate- gories; apaharati—remove; na—not; antah—within; kalusatdom— ofthe impurities. ‘TRANSLATION © greatly learned personalities, although this literature was composed by an ordinary person of inferior character, because itis resplendent with the transcendental qualities of the Supreme Lord Hari, it will fulfill all your cherished desires. Is not fire sufficient to remove the impurities mixed in gold, even though such fire is ignited with wood rubbed together by the lowest-born candala (outeaste)? TEXTS yathokia riipa padena icenotpadite ‘nale hemnah suddhis tathaivitra viralartéhrtih satin ‘patha—just like; ukt@—spoken; ipa padena—by Srila Ripa Gosvami; nicena—by an outcaste; utpAidite—ignited; anale—in 6 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls the fire; hemnah—of gold; Suddhih—the purification; tatha— similarly; eva—certainly; atra—herein; viraha—separation; drti— anxiety; hrtih—removed; satdm—of the devotees. TRANSLATION According to the humble manner in which Srila Ripa Gosvami hhas presented the previous verse, fire, although ignited by an utcaste, can purify gold. Similarly, although composed by us, this, literature is meant to enlighten the devotees, thus dispelling their arief of separation from the Lord. TEXTS antah kavi yasas-kimarn sadhutavaranarh bahilt Sudhyantu sdhaveh sarve duicikitsyam imarh janam antah—within; kavi—poet; yasah-kdmam—desire for fame; sadhut—qualities of the devotee; avaranarh—dress; bakih—out- ward; iudhyantu—Iet it be cleansed; sddhavah—devotees; sarve— all; duicikitsyam—difficult to cure; imarit—this; janam— persons. ‘TRANSLATION © saintly persons, please purify this wretched hypocrite who is afficted with the disease of gross insincerity which is so difficult to cure. Externally I make a show of saintliness, but within Tam simply desiring the fame and the prestigious throne of a poet. TEXT 10 Aergna-gtha priya bhaki ‘bhakia-gatha priyo harit kathaicid ubhayor atra prasaigas tat prasidataen (cna Nectarean Invocation 7 krsna—of Lord Krsna; gathd—topies; priya—dear; bhakia— devotees; bhakta—of the devotee; gatha—topics; priyah—dear; Lord Hari; kathaficit—somchow; ubhayoh—of both; atra— ‘within; prasaiigah—passage; tar—that; prastdatim—Iet you be satisfied. ‘TRANSLATION ‘Narrations concerning Lord Krsna are naturally very pleasing to the devotees. Narrations relating to the Lord's devotees are very enchanting to the Supreme Lord Hari. This literature has attempted to depict descriptions of both the Supreme Lord and His devotees. Therefore I have hope that you may be pleased. TEXT 11 svabhava-krpaya santo sariéodhyaiigt-kurudhvarh bho hy ahaituka krpabdhayah svabhava—naturally ; krpaya—by the mercy ;santah—O devotees; ‘mat—my; uddeiya—intention; malinatim—to the offensivencss; sarnéodhi-—cleansing; arigt-kurudhvam—you please accept; bho— 0; hi—certainly; ahaituka—causeless; krpa—mercy; abdhayah— ocean, TRANSLATION (© devotees of the Lord, because you are certainly an ocean of causeless mercy, by your natural compassion please agree to cleanse the impurity or offenses in my intention and thereby accept it. TEXT 12-14 granthe’smin parame ndrma prapanna-fivandmrie dasadhyiiye propannintrs fivana priina-dayakam Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls varddhakara posakarh nityarn sardindriya-rasayanam atimartya-rasollasa Paraspara-sukhavaham viraha-milanarthaptarn skryna-kirga-kathimriam _prapattivisayare vakyara coddhrtarn Sastra sammatam granthe—in the book; asmin—within; parame—supreme; ndma— holy name; prapanna-jivanamrte—the literature Sri Sri Prapanna- fivanaémrtam; dasa—ten; adhyaye—in the chapters; prapannaniam— of the surrendered; jivana—tife; prina—ife force; dayakam— giver; varddhakam— increase; posakam—nourishment; nityam— eternal; ard—heart; indriya—senses; rasdyanam—stimulation atimartya—transcendental; rasa—mellow; _ulllsa—enjoyment; Paraspara—mutual; sukhdvaham—carvies happiness; viraha— separation; milana—union; artha—purpose; dptam—attained; krsna—Sri Krsna; krrsna—associates of Sri Krsna; katha—topics amrtam—nectar; — prapatti—surrendered; _visayam—subject; vakyam—narration; ca—also; uddhrtam—selected; sdstra— scripture; sammatam—approved. TRANSLATION This sublime literature known as Sr? Sri Prapanna-jivanamrtam (Anibrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls), consists of ten chapters which depict the constantly increasing spiritual rejuvena- tion and nourishment of the lives of surrendered souls. This litera ture is an elixir for the heart and spiritual senses. The mutual ecstasy exchanged between the Lord and His surrendered devotees, produced by the ever-fresh transcendental mellows of the Lord's pastimes, is also described herein. There are descriptions of the ‘Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, who is devoted to performing His pastimes along with His associates inthe ecstasy of union and in the mood of (ft Nectarean Invocation 9 cotter pion omen ee epee anette /been -sclected from. various scriptures, along with recognized conclusions of the previous spiritual authorities. TEXTS 15-22 ‘tra cimanya-citvandt kysna-pada-rajojusim ‘krsna-pada prapannain ‘rynarthe? khila-karmanam kysna-svajana-bandhionars Krsnaika-dayitatmandm bhakidindra hrdayodghatt ‘marma-gathamrtena ca bhakiérti-hara-bhakti abhista-piartikarara tatha sarva-sariéaya-chedi hrd ‘granthi-bhijjdnabhasitan apitrva rasa-sambhara- camatkérita-cittakam Vviraha-vyadhi-santapta bhakta-citta-mahausadham Juktayuktara parityajva bhaktarthakhila-cestitam atma-pradina-paryanta pratijidntah pratisrutam bhakta-premaika-vasya sva- svaripollasa-ghositam 10 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls pitrnasvasakararh siksat \ ‘govinda-vacandrartam samihrtara pibantu bhoh sdidhavah Suddha-darsanch atra—herein; ca—also; ananya-cittandm—of those who are exclusive in attention; krgna—Lord Krsna; paida—lotus feet rajah—dust; jusim—of the servants; krsra—Lord Krsna; plida— lotus feet; prapanndndm—of those surrendered; krsna—Lord Krsna; arthe—for the purpose; akhila—all; karmandm—of acti- vities; krgra—Lord Krsna; prema—love of God; eka—only one; lubdhianam—of those desirous; krsna—Lord Krsna; wcchista— remnants; eka—one; jivinaim—of those sustained; krsna—Lord Krsna; sukha—happiness; eka—only one; vdficdn’m—of those who desire; krsna—Lord Krsna; kiikara—servant; sevindm—of those who serve; krga—Lord Krsna; viccheda—in separation; dagdhinam—of those who have burning hearts; krga—Lord Krsna; sariga—association; ullasat—joyful; hrdam—of krgna—Lord Krsna; svajana—relatives; bandhiandim—of the friends; Lord Krsna; eka—only one; dayita——dear; Gtmanam—of the living entities; bhakidném—of the devotees; hrdaya—heart; udghdti—awakened; marma—secret; gatha—topics; amrtena—by the nectar; ca—also; bhakta—devotee; @rti—anxiety; hara— remove; bhakta—devotee; aié ta—cheished; piirti- kararn—fulfill; tatha—just as; sarva—all; sarnéaya—doubt ‘chedi—slice; hrd—of the heart; granthi-bhit—one who pierces knots; jidna-bhasitam—one who gives full knowledge; apiirva— unprecedented; rasa—mellow; sambhdra—multitude; camatka- rita—one who amazes; cttakam-—to the heart; viraha—separation; vyadhi—disease; santapta—afflicted; bhakia—devotee; citta— heart; mahd—great; ausadham—medicine; yukta—qualified; ayukta—unqualified; parityalya—abandoning; bhaktdrtha—for the devotee; akhila—all; cestitam—endeavor; Gtma—self; ‘pradana—bestow; paryanta—up to; pratiji—promise; antah— within; pratiérutam—all Vedic scriptures; bhakta—devotec prema—love of God ; eka—only one; vaéya—influenced; sva—own; jena Nectarean Invocation u" /svaripa—identity; ullésa—joy; ghositam—proclaim; piirna—com- plete; divdsakararn—giver of assurance; saksai—direct; goviada—Loré Govinda; yacana—words; _amrtam—nectar; samchriam—gathered; pibantu-you please drink; bhoh—O; sadhavah—devotees; Suddha—pure; daréandh—appeating. TRANSLATION In this literature there are descriptions of devotees whose un- Aivided attention is fixed on Krgna, who are servitors of the dust of the lotus feet of Krgna and have surrendered unto the lotus feet of Krsna. All their activities are centered around Krsna, and they are abscrbed in unalloyed love of Krsna. Their lives are sustained by ‘accepting Krsna’s remnants only, their one desire isto please Krsna, and they attend the servitors of Krsna. Their hearts are either burn- ing in separation of Krsna, or overflowing with ecstacy in the asso- ciation of Krsna. Krpna is their relative and friend. Only Krsnais the dearmost object of their lives. ‘These sublime and confidential verses which express the heart- feit sentiments of the devotees, are the nectar which destroys all the cevotees” anxieties, fulfills their hopes and cherished desires, and slashes all doubts within the heart, revealing complete knowledge by piercing the knot of ignorance. Krsna amazes the devotees’ minds with a wonderful multitude of waves of different devotional mellows, and Hes the great panacea for the hearts of all devotees afficted with the pangs of separation. The Lord does not consider who is qualified or unqualified, but He wholeheartedly assists His devotees in all their endeavors. The ‘Supreme Lord even promises in all the scriptures to give Himself to His devotees, and He experiences supreme bliss by simply depending upon their love. In this way the Lord gives His full assurance to His devotees in all circumstances The nectarean narrations that have emanated directly from the lotus lips of Lord Govinda have also been carefully compiled, ‘These narrations are the very life-force of all devotees. O devotees of the Lord, of pure and unblemished countenance, kindly relish this nectar! 12 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls \ TEXT 23 \ atraiva prathamadhyaye upakramamrtabhidhe maigalacarana’ cétma- vijhdptir vastu nimnayah grantha-paricayo diyaya visayas ca nivesitah ‘atra—herein; eva—certainly; prathama—first; adhyiiye—in the chapter; upakrama—beginning; amrta—nectar; abhidhe—known as; maigala-acaranam— invocation; ca—also; dtam-viidptih— self-exposition; vasm—substance nirnayal—conclusion; grantha literature; paricayah— introduction; adhydya—chapter; visayah— matter; ca—also; nivesitah—assimilated. ‘TRANSLATION ‘The first chapter of the book known as “Upakramdmrtam,” o “Nectarean Invocation,” includes the invocation for auspiciousness, as well as a self-exposition and general introduction. A summary of the chapters and their associated themes is also given. And to the best of my ability, I have explained the relevant subjects to be cstablished in each chapter. TEXT 24 dvitiyadhyayake nama fri-sastra-vacandmrie prapatti visayanana- Sastroktih sannivesita dritiya—second; adhyayake—in the chapter; ndma—by the name; Sri-Sdstra-vacandmrte—nectarean topics of revealed scriptures; prapatti—surrender; visaya—by the subject: various; sastra—scripture; ukti—mentioned; sarnivesit piled. Nectarean Invocati ‘TRANSLATION In the second chapter known as “Sri Sastra-vacanamrtam," or the “‘Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures”, various topics ‘mentioned in the scriptures regarding the process of surrender have been compiled. TEXT 25 trtiyato 'stamarn yavat Sre-bhakta-vacandmrte Prapattih sad-vidha prokia bhagavata ganodiva riyatah—from the third; astamam—eighth; yavar—up to: Srt-bhakta-vacanimyte—nectarean instructions of the devotees; rapawtih—surrendered:; sat-vidha—six kinds; prokta—mentioned; bhagavara—ereat devotees; ganodité—appearing together. TRANSLATION The third through eighth chapters are entitled” Sr7 Bhakta vacandmrtam,"* or “Nectarean Instructions of the Lord's Devotees." In these six chapters, various verses from the lotus lips of many great devotees of the Lord are given, delineating the six-fold process of complete surrender. TEXTS 26-27 Gnukilyasya sakkalpah pratikilya-vivarjanam raksisyatité vigvaso goptrtve varanarn tathis Gima-nik sepa-karpanye sad-vidha Sarandgatih evam paryayatas casminn ekaikadhyaya samgrahah 14 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls Gnukilyasya—of anything that assists devotional service to the Lord; sanikalpah—acceptance; pratikidlya—of anything that hinders devotional service; vivarjanam—complete rejection; raksisyati— He will protect; iti—thus; vigrdsah—strong conviction; gopirtv in being the guardian, like the father or husband, master or main- tainer; varanam—aeceptance; tashé—as well as; dtma-niksepa— full self-surrender; karpanye—humility; — saf-vidha—six-fold Jaranigatih—process of surrender; evam—thus; paryayatah— coming in succession; ca—and; avnin—within; eka—one; adhyaya—chapter; sarngrahah—collected, TRANSLATION ‘The six divisions of surrender as as follows: the acceptance of those things favorable to devotional service, the rejection of ‘unfavorable things, the conviction that Krsna will give protection, the acceptance of the Lord as one’s guardian or master, full self= surrender, and humility. In this way, in one chapter after another, these topics have been given. TEXT 28 adhydye navame nama bhagavad-vacandmrte Slokimrtarh samahrari ‘saksd bhagavatoditam ‘adiyaye—in the chapter; navame—in the ninth; ndma—the name; bhagavat-vacandmrte—nectarean instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; Sloka—verse; amartam—nectar; samahrtam—compiled; saksai—direct; bhagavata—of the Supreme Lord; uditam—spoken. TRANSLATION In the ninth chapter entitled “\Sri Bhagavad-vacandmrtam”’, or “Nectarean Instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead”, [chal Nectarean Invocation 1s verses emanating directly from the lotus mouth of the Lord have been presented, TEXT 29 dagame caramadhyaye cdivasesamrtabhidhe ‘guru-krsna-smrtau grantha- ‘syopasartharanam krfam daéame—in the tenth ; carama—utmost; adhydye—in the chapter; ‘ca—also; avasesamrta—final ambrosia; abhidhe—known as, gure— spiritual master; krswa—Lord Krsna; smriau—in remembrance; granthasya—of the literature; _upasarhharanam—completion; krtam—done. ‘TRANSLATION ‘The tenth and final chapter entitled “Sri Avasesamriam’”, oF the “Final Ambrosia” has been concluded in remembrance of the spii- tual master and Lord Krsna. TEXT 30 uddhrta stoka pitrve tu tadartha-suprak@gakam vakyaii ca yamatas tatra ‘yatha jhanarn nivesitam uddhrta—quoted; sloka—verse; pitrve—before; tu—but; tat— that; artha—meanings; su-prakasakam—clearly revealed; vakyam— explanation; ca—also; yatnatah—out of care; tatra—there; yathi-jfianam—best of knowledge; nivesitam—arranged. TRANSLATION To the best of my knowledge, the purports to the previous verses have been carefully revealed. 16 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls TEXTH bhagavad-gaura-candranarh vadanendu sudhatmikt bhaktoktair vesita sloka bhakta-bhavodita yaich bhagavat—the Supreme Lord; gaura-candrindm—of Lord Gauracandra; vadana—face; indu—moon; sudhdimik—composed of nectar; bhakta—devotees; ukiaih—by the mentioned; vesité— inserted; sfoka—verse; bhakta—devotees; bhiva—temperamen uditd—spoken; yatah— because ‘TRANSLATION The verses of the devotees are mentioned along with the nectarean verses which emanated from the moon-like mouth of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprablu, because such messages are actually manifested from the Lord Himself, in the mood of a devotee ‘TEXT 32 rapattya saha cainanya- bhaktair naikatya hetutah ananya-bhakti-sambandharn bah vékyam ihoddhrtam prapattyé—by surrender; saka—with; ca—also; ananya— unalloyed; —Bhaktaih—with devotees; _naikatya—nearness; hetutah—from the cause; ananya—unalloyed; bhakti—devotion; sambandham—about; bahu—many; vakyam—words; iha—herein; uddhriam—quotes. TRANSLATION Many verses regarding pure unalloyed devotion have been quoted herein because of the intimate connection between the parallel principles of devotional service and surrender. (chal " bhagavad bhakta-Sastrandrh sambandho °sti parasparam iat tat pricdhanyato namnirn prabheda karanaria smrtam bhagavar—the chapter entitled “Sri Bhagavad-vacanamrtam”; bhakta—the chapter entitled “Sri Bhakta-vacanamrtarn’'; Sastra- nam—of the section entitled "Sri Sastra-vacanamrtam”; sambandhah—relation; asti—is present; parasparam—mutualtat— that; zar—that; pridhiin yatah—because of being chief; namnam— of the names; prabheda-karanam—dlifference; smrtam—known as. TRANSLATION Although the chapters entitled “Nectarean Instructions of the Lote’s Devotees”, “Nectarean Instructions of the Supreme Persona- lity of Godhead” and “Nectarean Topics of the Revealed Scrip- tures” are mutually related, different principal names have been giv- ‘en to indicate the individual importance of each. TEXT 34 pratyadiyiya visepasin tara tatraiva vaksyate maligjana viedrasya kificid Glocyate “dhund prati—every; adhyaya—chapter; vigesah—speciality; 1w—but; tatra—there; taira—there; eva—certainly; vaksyate—will be spoken by me; mahdjana—the great devotees; vicdrasya—of the concusion; kificit—something; Glocyate—is being discussed; adhur—at present. 18 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls ‘TRANSLATION The unique feature of each chapter will be mentioned therein. Now, we will present some of the general conclusions of great devotees regarding surrender. TEXT 35 ‘bhagavad-bhaktitah sarvam ity uispjya vidher api kainkaryara krgna padaiké Srayatvara saranagatih bhagavat—of the Supreme Lord; bhaktitak—out of devotion; sarvam—all; iti—thus; uisrjya—creating; vidteh—of the rule; api—also; kaiikaryam—servitorship; krsna-pdda—the lotus feet ‘of Krsna; eka—only; dérayatvam—characteristie of surrender; sarandgatih—the path of surrender. ‘TRANSLATION By serving the Supreme Lord, all perfection is attained. The actual symptom of surrender is seen in one who simply takes shelter of the Lord’s lotus feet in full faith, disregarding servitorship to the scriptural injunctions. TEXT 36 sarvantaryimitara drstva hareh sambandhato 'Khile aprthag-bhava tad drstit ‘Prapattir jdna bhaktitah sarva—all; antaryamitam—the Supersoul; drstva—seeing; hareh—of Lord Hari; sambandhatah—on account of the relation- ship; akhile—in all; aprthak—non-different; bhiva—conception; [ena] Nectarean Invocation " tat—His; drstih—vision; prapattifp—surrender; j bhaktitah—from devotion. ‘TRANSLATION In the opinion of some transcendentalists, actual surrender means to see all living entities equally, due to their relationship with the Supersoul who resides within everyone's heart. But this realization falls within the category of mixed devotion, which is impure, because it gives preference to scriptural rules and regulations over unalloyed devotional service. TEXT 37 nityatvais caiva Sistresu Prapatter jtdyate budhaif aprapannasya nr-janma vaiphalyoktes wu nityata nnityatvam—eternality ; ca—and; eva—certainly ;Sastrey scriptures; prapatteh—of surrender; jdyate—know; budhaih—by the intelligent; aprapannasya—of the unsurrendered; nr-janma— human birth; vaiphalya—fruitless; ukteh—of the mentioned; tu—but; nityatd—eternality. TRANSLATION Learned men have understood the eternality of surrender from the statements of the scriptures, wherein it is also mentioned that without surrender to the Supreme Lord, the human form of life is wasted. Thus the eternality of surrender is established. TEXT 38 nanyad iechiti tat pida- ajah prapanna vaisnavah ‘etic apt tat tasyah sadhyatvam ucyate budhaih 20 Ambrosia im the Lives of the Surrendered Souls na—not; anyat—otherwise; icchanti—desire; tat—that; pada- rajah—pollen of the lotus feet; prapanna—surrendered; vainavah—devotees; kificit—something; api—even; iti—thus; tat—that; tasyah—of surrender; sadhyatvam—characteristie of what should be performed; ueyate—is said; budhaih—by the intelligent. ‘TRANSLATION Surrendered devotees desire only the shelter of the pollen of the lotus feet of the Lord. Therefore all intelligent persons have pro- claimed that surrender is the science of practical devotional service. TEXT 39 ‘bhava duldkha vindias ca para nistara yogvati paravn padarh prapattyaiva krgna sarhprptir eva ca bhava—material nature; duakha—distress; vindSah— destroy; ca—and; para—other ; nistara—deliver; yogyatd—ability; param— supreme; padam—abode; prapattya—by the surrendered; eva— certainly; krsna—Lord Krsna: sampraptih—attained: eva certainly; ca—and, TRANSLATION By surrender one can mitigate all the miseries of birth and death, is able to deliver others from these miseries, becomes qualified to center into the Supreme Abode of Lord Visnu, and is enabled to attain the devotional service of Lord Krsna. (chat Nectarean Invocation TEXT 40 sravana-kirtandidindiin bhakty aitganarh hi yajane aksamasyapi sarvaptih Prapattyaiva harav iti svavana—hearing; Kirtana—chanting; adindm—other processes of devotion; bhakti—devotion; arigandm—of the parts: hi— certainly; yajane—in the performance; aksamasya—of one what is unable; api—even; sarva—all; dptih—obtained; prapattya—by surrender; eva—certainly; harau—unto Lord Hari; iti—thus. ‘TRANSLATION "By surrendering unto the lotus feet of Lord Hari, one attains the ultimate goal of life even if he is unable to perform the various processes of devotion such as hearing, chanting, ete. TEXT 41 sakhya-rasaita praya sett kecit vadanti tw ‘madhur dau prapannanivn praveso nésti ceti na sathya—friendship; rasa—mellow; irita—sheltered: prava— ‘mest; sa—surrender; iti—thus; kecit—some; vadanti—proclaim; ‘tu—but; médhurya—conjugal love; adau—in these, ete.; pra- anriiném—of the surrendered; pravetah—enter; na—not; asti— is; ca—and; iti—thus; na—not. TRANSLATION ‘Some persons claim that the process of surrender is usually in the mellow of friendship, but it is not a fact that surrendered souls never enter into other mellows such as conjugal love, etc. 22 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls TEXT 42 sakpt pravrtti matrena prapattih sidhyattiyat lobhotpiadana hetos tad locana-prayojanam sakri—once; pravrtti—undertaking; matrena—by only; prapattih—surrender; sidhyati—perfects; iti—thus; yat—that; Jobha—hankering; uipadana—generation; hetoh—reason; tat— that; dlocana—discussion; prayojanam—necessary. ‘TRANSLATION Even by once becoming inclined to surrender, all perfection is attained. Thus it is necessary to discuss this subject in order to stimulate hankering for surrender. TEXT 43 ‘api tad drukialyadi- sahkalpady aiga laksanat tad anuéilaniyatvarn ucyate hi mahajanaih api—moreover; tat-that; anukilyadi—all that is favorable; saiikalpa-adi—aeceptance, ete.; aiiga—patt; laksandt—from those symptoms; fat—that; anustlaniyatvam—characterized by surrender; ucyate—said; hi—vertainly; mahdjanail—by the great devotees. TRANSLATION Great devotees of the Lord have cited various favorable and unfavorable practices for surrender, and they have given instruc- tions advocating favorable surrender. lent] ‘Nectarean Invocation 2B TEXT 44 bhavarti pidyaméno va bhakti matrabhilasyapi vaimukhya badhyamano "nya satis tae charanarvrajet bhava—material existence; arti—fear; pidyam@nah—afficted; »d—or; bhakti—devotion; matra—only; abhilési—those who are desirous; api—even; vaimukhya—those adverse; badhyaménah— those hampered; anya—no other; gatéh—goal; rat—that; Saranam—shelter; vrajet—accept. TRANSLATION If a person is afflicted by fear of material existence, exclusively desirous of devotional service, or even adverse to devotional service, they have no other alternative but to accept the shelter of the Supreme Lord TEXT 45 ‘airayiintara rahitye vanyaéraya visarjane ananya-gati bhedas tu dvicvidhah parikirtitah diraya—shelter; antara—within; rahitye—devoid of; rd—or; ‘anya— other; diraya—shelter;visarjane—in the rejection; ananya— unalloyed; gati—goal; bledah—difference; tu—but; dvi-vidah— two kinds; parikiriitah—is. proclaimed. TRANSLATION One may enter into unalloyed surrender in two ways : either ‘without having a previous religious conception, or by rejecting a previous conception. 24 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls ‘TEXT 46 ‘mano-viik-kaya bhedac ca tri-vidhé sarandiganiy {asin sarvatiga sampanna Sighram piirna phala prada nytindidhikyena caitasarna ‘@ratamyarin phale “pi ca ‘manah—mind; vak—words; kaya—body; bhedit—out of the Aifference; ca—also; tri-vidid—three kinds; sarandgatih—the path of shelter; rastim—of those; sarva—all; aiiga—processes; sarpanna—endowed; sighram—soon; piirna—completely: phala— result; pradi—bestower; nyiinddhikyena—by the deficiency or excess; ca—and; evdsdm—of their; tdratamyam—distinetion; Phale—in the result; api—even; ca—and ‘TRANSLATION ‘The process of surrender may be divided into three types— surrender of the body, mind or words. Full surrender in all these aspects quickly bestows the complete result, otherwise a result is attained according to the degree of surrender. TEXT 47 vindiéya sarva-dulkhiané nija-madhurya-varsanam karoti bhagavan bhakte Sarandgata palakah vindéya—destroying; sarva—all; duhkhini—distress;; nija—own; ‘madhurya—sweetness; varsanam—rain; karoti—does; bhagaviin— the Supreme Lord; bhakte—for the devotee; sarandgata—sur- rendered; péiakah—guardian, (en Nectarean Invocation 25 TRANSLATION ‘The Supreme Lord, who is extremely affectionate to His sur- rendered souls, removes all their distress and inundates their hearts with His divine form of beauty, ‘TEXT 48 apy asiddhari tadivatvarn vind ca sarandigatrin ity apicrva phalatvarh hi ‘asyi Sarhsanti pandivah api—and; asiddham—imperfect; tadiyatvam—characterized as His; vind—without; ca—and; saranigatim—path of surrender; ‘ti—thus; apiirva—unprecedented ; phalatvam—nature of the result; ‘hi—certainly; tasya—of that; Sarisanti—praise; panditah—the earned, TRANSLATION Without surrender, one cannot ‘belong to the Lord.’ Therefore learned persons praise the quality of surrender which yields such an unprecedented fruit. TEXT 49 ‘athava bahubhir etair uktibhih kit prayojanam sarva-siddhir bhaved eva govinda-carandirayé ‘athava—or else; bahubhih—by many; etaifi—by these; uk ‘bhih— by the mentioned; kim—what; prayojanam—necessity; sarra—all; siddhi—perfection; bhavet—will be; eva—certainly: govinda — Lord Govinda; caraya—totus feet; dirayat—out of shelter. 26 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls TRANSLATION Otherwise what is the importance of these narrations ? Only by surrender unto the lotus feet of Govinda is all perfection attained. TEXT 50 iri-sandtana-jivadi- ‘mahijana samahtam api cen nica sahsprsian plyiigarn piyataon budhih Sri sandtana—Srila Santana Gosvami; jiva-adi—Srila Siva Gosvami and other great devotees; mahajana—great devotees; samiahriarh—collected; api—even; cet—if; nica—low; sams- ‘prstam—touched; plylisam—nectar;, piyatim—you please drink; budhah—O intelligent persons. TRANSLATION © learned men, even though I am low-born, you should all relish the ambrosia collected by Srila Sandtana Gosvimi, Srila Jiva Gosvimi and other great devotees. ‘Thus ends the First Chapter of Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls, entitled “The Nectarean Invocation.” 2/Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures TEXT I Sruti sty Sastresu rapattir yan niripyate tad uktarn dvitiyadhyaiye rt Saistra-vacandonyte Sruti—the Vedas; smrti—the corollaries of the Vedas; ddi—ete. ‘istresu—in the scriptures; prapattih—surrender; yat—by which; niripyate—deseribed; tat—that; uktam—mentioned _ before; dvitiya—second; adhyaye—chapter; $7 Sastra-vacandrte—the nectarean topics of revealed seriptures. ‘TRANSLATION In this second chapter called ‘Sri Sastra-vacanamrtam”” ot the ““Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures”’, the conclusions concerning surrender as given in Sruti and Smrti scriptures are described. TEXT 2 yo brahmiinarn vidadhitt piirvarn yo brahma-vidyarh tasmai gah Palayati sma kesnah, tara hi devam dima vetti prakdéarmh mumuksur vai Saranam amuri vrajet. Jab—whom; brahminam—to Lord Brahmi; vidadhati—be- stowed; piirvam—before; yah—whom; brahma-vidyam—spiritual knowledge; sasmai—unto him; gah—cows; palayati—tends; sma— 7 28 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls did; krgah—Lord Krsna; tam—Him; hi—certainly; devam—the ‘Supreme Lord; atma—the soul; vriti—characteristie; prakagiam— revelation; mumuksuk—desirous of liberation; vai—certainly; Garanam—of the sheltered; amum—this; vrajet—should accept. TRANSLATION In the beginning, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, who tends the cows, created Lord Brahma and imparted spiritual knowledge unto him. Persons desiring liberation should accept the shelter of that Supreme Person, who reveals the nature of the soul. TEXT 3.4 aharikrtir makarah syn rnakaras tan nisedhakah tasmait tu namasa ksetri ‘svataniryarn pratisidhyate ‘bhagavat paratantro "sau tad éyatidtma-flvanah tasmat sva sdmarthya vidi ‘yajet sarvam agesatah chankrtih—false ego; makarah—the letter ‘‘m”; syat—will nakérah—the letter ‘“n”; tat—that; nisedhakal—prohibitor; tasmit—therefore; tu—but; namasa—by obeisances; ksetri—one who is offering —obeisances; _svataniryam— independence; pratisidsyate—prohibits; bhagavat—the Supreme Lord; ‘paratantrah—dependent on the Supreme; asau—this; tat—that; Gyatta—subjugation; dima-jivanah—of the living entity; tasmar— therefore; sva—own; sdmarthya—ability; vidhim—regulation; tyajet—give up; sarvam—all; aéesarah—completely. TRANSLATION ‘The syllable “ma” designates the false ego (the misconception that one’s body is one’s self), and the syllable “na” signifies a probi ‘Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures » ‘Therefore the combination of these two letters “namah”. signifying obeisances, means that independence is forbidden for one who offers obeisances. The living entity is dependent on the Supreme Truth, and his actual identity and constitutional position is subordinate to the control of the Supreme Lord. Therefore it is one’s duty to completely give up all claims to self-ability TEXTS. chakra nivrsnrn ‘eéavo nahi davagah ahahikara yutania hi ‘madhye parvata rasayah ahaikéira—false ego; nivettnam—devoid; kesavah—Lord Krsna; nahi—not; diragah—distant; ahavikara—false ego; Jutdnnim — of the persons; hi—certainly ; madhye—within; parvata: ‘mountain; raéayah—multitude. TRANSLATION ‘The Supreme Lord Keéava certainly resides amidst persons who are free from material entanglement. But those persons who ‘are engrossed in false ego are separated from the Lord as though by a multitude of mountains TEXT 6 Yavat prthaktvam idam atmana indriyartha mayé-balam bhagavato jana isa pasyet ‘van na sarhsrtir asau pratisrnrameta vyarthiipi dubkha-nivaharn vahati kriyartha (S.B. 39.9) Jong as; prthaktvam—separatism; idem—this; Gtmanah—of the body; indriya-artha—for sense gratification; balam—influence of the external energy; bhagavatah—of the 30 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls Personality of Godhead ; janah—person; ita—O my Lord; pasyet— sees; tdvat—so long; na—not; sarisrtit—the influence of material existence; asau—that man; pratisarhrameta—can overcome; vyartha- api—although without meaning; dubkha-nivaham—multiple miser- ies; vahatt—bringing; kriya-artha—for fruitive activities. TRANSLATION © my Lord, the material miseries are without factual existence for the soul, Yet as long as the conditioned soul sees the body as meant for sense enjoyment, he cannot get out of the entanglement of material miseries, being influenced by Your external energy. TEXT7 prapyapi durllabhatarar ‘mianusyara vibudhepsitam air dérito na govindas tair dima vaticita’ ciram prapya—achieving; api—even;, durllabhataram—most rare; ‘manusyam—human form; vibudhd— intelligent; ipsitam—desirous; yaih—by who; diritah—sheltered; na—not; govindah—Lord Govinda; taih—by them; atma—self; vaficitah—deceived ; ciram— eternally. ‘TRANSLATION ‘The most rare human form of life is desired even by the demigods. Those persons who do not accept the shelter of the Supreme Lord Govinda, even after having attained the human form of life, deceive themselves eternally. TEXT89, siti caturaé caiva (aksvns tin jiva-jatigu Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures bhramyadbhih purusaih prapya mimusyarn janma paryayat tad apy aphalatin yatarn tesdim Gimabhimauinm varakandm anaritya govinda-carana-drayam asitim—cighty; caturah—four; ca—and;_eva—certainly; Jak sn—one hundred thousand; 1a1—to them; jiva—living entity: ‘Fatisu—in the species; bhrdmyadbhik—by the wandering; purusaih— by the persons; prdpya—obtaining; ménusyam—human form: Janma—irth; paryayat—transmigration; tat—that; api—even; ‘aphalatm— fruitless; yatam—of the persons; tesdm—their; dima— soul; abhimdnindm—of those with false ego; vardkandm—of the insignificant; andéritya—not taking shelter; govinda—Lord Govinda; carana—lotus feet; dvayam—the two. ‘TRANSLATION ‘One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through 8,400,000 species of life by the process of gradual evolution. That human form of life is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the lotus feet of Govinda (Krsna sarvlcira vivarjitth Sathadhiyo vrdtya jagad-varicaka dambhiahaikrti pana-paisuna paréh papantyaja nisthurah ye edinye dhana-dara-putra-niratah sarvaidhamas te’pi hi Srt-govinda-padzravinda Sarand muktd bhavanti dvija sarva—all; Gedra—spiritual practices; —_vivarjitah—devoi 4atha—deceitful; dhiyah—intelligence; vrdty&—devoid of the performance of purificatory ceremonies; jagat—universe; vaiicaka—cheater; dambha—pride; ahankrti—with false ego; 32 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls Pana—drink; paifuna—alchohol; paralh—devoted; papa—sin; ‘antya-j—low-born; nisthurah—cruel; ye—whoever; ca—and; anye—others; dhana—wealth; —sara—wife; putra—son; niratah—attached; sarva—all; adhamah—fallen; te—they; api— even; hi—certainly; Sr7-govinda—Lord Govinda; padaravinda— lotus feet; Sarand—shelter; muktd—liberated; bhavanti—becomes; ‘dvija—O brohmana. TRANSLATION O brahmana! Even though a person may be devoid of saintly behavior, bereft of the performance of Vedic purificatory cere- monies, deceitful, hypocritical, conceited, addicted to intoxicants, sin-personified, malicious, a universal cheater, extremely attached to son, family, and wealth, cruel, or very low born—if he surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord Govinda, he becomes liberated. TEXT 1 Paramartham asesasya Jagat didi kéranara Saranyarn Saranam yiito ‘sovindarh navasidati paramartham—Supreme Truth; agesasya—unlimited ; jagatdm— of the universes; adi—primeval; kdranam—cause; saranyari— should be taken shelter of; Saranam—shelter; yatah—accepted; govindam—to Lord Govinda; na—not; avasidati—rejects. ‘TRANSLATION A person is never rejected if he surrenders unto the lotus feet of Sri Govinda, who is the cause of all the universes, the Supreme Absolute Truth, and the ultimate shelter for everyone. Nectarean Topics of Revealed § TEXT 12-13 sthitah priya hite nityarh ya eva purusarsabhah rajarns tava yadu-srestho vaikunthah purusottamah ya enavit sarnsrayantiha bhaktya narayanarh harim te tarantiha durgani na me'trasti viedrana sthitah—situated; priya—dear; hite—for the _ benefit; nityam—etemnal; yah—who; eva—certainly; purusarsabhah— Supreme Person; rdjan—O king; tava—your; _yadu- Sresthah—best amongst the Yadus; vaikunthah—the Vaikuntha planet; purusottamah—Supreme Person; yalt—-who; enam-—to this; savnsrayanti—shelters; tha—herein ; Bhaktya—by devotion; ndrdya- nam—Lord —Naréyana; —harim—Lotd Hari; te—they; taranti—deliver; ha—within; durgini—uncrossable; na—not: ‘me—my; atra—there; asti—is; vicdrana—judgement. TRANSLATION © King, whoever surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the best of the Yadu dynasty, the Lord of Vaikuntha, is delivered from this insurmountable ocean of material existence, It is not for me to estimate the glories of such persons ‘who have taken shelter of Lord Nardyana in full devotion. ‘TEXT 14 Ye daikha cakribjakararh hi Sariginarn Khagendra ketwn varadam srivah patim samiérayante bhava-bhiti-ndsanarn {esarh bhayarh nasti vimukti-bhajam 34 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls ‘ye—those; saakha—conch; cakra— disc; abjakaram—Iotus; hi— certainly; sarriginam—bow; khagendra—Garuda, the King of the birds; ketum—fiag; varadam—bestower of boons; ériyah—the goddess of fortune; patim—the Lord, husband; sama—complete: Girayante—they take shelter; bhava—material existence; biti— fear; ndéanam—destroyer; tesdm—their; bhayam—fear; na—not; casti—is; vimukti—liberated ; bhdjm—those entitled ‘TRANSLATION Great liberated personalities are fre from all fear because they take full shelter of the Lord who holds a conchshell, disc, lotus flower and bow, and bears the flag of Garuda, The Supreme Lord is the bestower of all benedictions, the husband of the goddess of fortune and the destroyer of all fear of material existence. TEXT 15 sarisare’ sminmahia-ghore ‘moha nidré samakule ye hari Saranarit yanti te krtarthéi na sarhsayah sarisire—material existence; asmin—within; mak-ghore—very ghastly; moha—illusion; nidra—sleep; samakule—completely covered; ye—those; Aarim—Lord Hari; saranam—surrender; yinti—aecepts te—they; krta—accomplished; arthd—purpose; na—not; sarnéayah—doubt. TRANSLATION In this ghastly material world, overcast by illusion and sleep, those persons who take shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord Hari, are all-successful—of this there is no doubt. (ena Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures 35 TEXT 16 isin durpadanarh tesaris ‘Puinsim uddama-cetasim air diritas trtha-padas carano vyasanityayah (8.B, 3.23.42) kim —what; durdpidanom difficult to achieve resdmm—for those: Pumsam—men; uddama-cetasam—of uncontrolled minds; yaih— by whom; airital—taken refuge; firtha-padah—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; caranah—lotus feet; vyasana-atyayah— which vanquish dangers. TRANSLATION If persons of uncontrolled minds surrender unto the Supreme Lord Hari's lotus feet, which are the destroyers of material existence, certainly nothing is difficult for them to attain, TEXT 17 Sarina minast divya vaiylse ye ca manusah bhautikas ca katharn klesa ‘badhante hari-savitérayam (sa. 32237) Sdrird—pertaining to the body ; mdnasd—pertaining to the mind; divyd—pertaining to supernatural powers(demigods); vaiydse—O Vidura; ye—those; ca—and; mamusah—pertaining to other men; ‘bhawtikdh— pertaining to other living entities; ca—and; katham— how; Aleséh—miseries; badhante—can trouble; hari-sarnirayam— ‘one who has taken shelter of Lord Krsna. TRANSLATION Therefore, O Vidura, how can persons completely surrendered to the Supreme Lord, Hari, be put into miseries pertaining to the body, mind, nature, and other men and living creatures? 36 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls TEXT 18 sam@srita ye padapallava-plavar ‘mahat-padam punya-yaio murareh bhavambudhir vatsa-padari pararn padaria padara padarn yad vipadéri na tesdm (5.8. 10.1458) samasritd—the fully surrendered; ye—whoever; pada-pallava— lotus feet; plavam—boat; mahat-padam—the shelter of the entire universe; punya—virtuous; yakah—fame; murareh—of Mukunda; bhavambudhih—the material ocean; vatsa-padam—the hoof-print of a calf; param padam—Vaikuntha; padam-padam—at every step; yat—whoever; vipadam—danger; na—not; tesam—their. ‘TRANSLATION For one who has accepted the boat of the lotus feet of the Lord, who is the shelter of the cosmic manifestation and is famous as Mukunda or the giver of mukti, the ocean of the material world is like the water contained in a calf’s hoofprint. Param pada, or the place where there are no material miseries (Vaikuntha), is his goal, not the place where there is danger at every step of life. TEXT 19 _yesdtn sa esa Bhagavan dayayed anantah ‘sarvatmandirita-pado yadi nirvyalikam te dustarim atitaranti ca deva-mayarn naisarht mamaham iti dlith 3va-srgala-bhaksye (S.B. 2.7.82) yesdm—unto those only; sak—the Lord; esah—that; bhagavan— the Personality of Godhead; dayaye—does bestow His mercy; anantah—the unlimited potential; sarva-dtmand—by all means, without reservation; dérita-padah—surrendered soul; yad'—only is such surrender; niryyalikam—without pretention; 1e—those only; dustaram—insurmountable; atitaranti—can overcome; ca— [ena Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures 7 and the paraphernalia; deva-mayam-—diverse energies of the Lord na—not; esim—of them; mama—mine; aham—myself; iti—th dhih—conscious; sva—dogs; srgala—jackels; bhaksaye—in the matter of eating. ‘TRANSLATION Anyone who is specifically favored by the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, due to unalloyed surrender unto the service of the Lord, can overcome the insurmountable ocean of illusion and can understand the Lord. But those who are attached to the conceptions of “I" and “mine”, pertaining to thie body, which is meant to be finally eaten by dogs and jackals, cannot do so, TEXT 20 ‘balasya neha saranavh pitarau nrsinha ndrtasya cigadam udanvati majjato nauk taptasya tat-pratividhir ya ihaijasestas tavad vibho tanu-bhriash tvad-upeksitandm (8.8. 7.9.19) balasya—of a little child; na—not;; sha—in this world; Saranam— shelter (protection); pitarau—the father and mother; nrsiaha—O my Lord Nrsitnhadeva; na—neither; @rtasya—of a person suffering from some disease; ca—also; agadam—medicine; udanvati—in the water of the ocean; majjatah—of a person who is drowning; nauh— the boat; taptasya—of a person suffering from a condition of material misery; tat-pratividhih—the counteraction (invented for stopping the suffering of material existence); yah—that which; iha—in this material world; aijasa—very easily; istah—accepted (as a remedy); 1dvat—similarly; vibho—O my Lord, O Supreme; tanu-bhrtam—of the living entitles who have accepted material bodies; tvat-upeksitandm—who are neglected by You and not accepted by You. 38 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls ‘TRANSLATION ‘My Lord Nrsitnadeva, © Supreme, because of a bodily conception of life, embodied souls neglected and not cared for by You cannot do anything for their betterment. For example, a father and mother cannot protect their child, a physician and medicine cannot relieve a suffering patient, and a boat on the ocean cannot protect a drown- ing man. Whatever remedies they accept, although perhaps temporarily beneficial, they are certainly impermanent. ‘TEXT 21 tavad bhayarn dravina-deha-suhrn-nimitianh Sokak sprha paribhavo vipula’ ca lobhah savan mamety asad-avagraha arti-millarn Yvan na te'ighrim abhayarn pravrpita lokah SB. 396) ‘tavat—until then; bhayam—fear; dravina—wealth; deha—body; subrt—relatives; nimittam—for the matter of; sokah— lamentation; sprhi—desite; paribhavah—paraphernalia; vipulah—very great; ca—also; lobhal—avarice; t@vat—up to that time; mama—mine; i—thus; asat— perishable; avagrahah—undertaking; drti-millam— full of anxieties; yavat—as long as; na—do not; te— Your; aiighrim abhayam—safe lotus feet; pravrrita—take shelter; lokah—the people of the world. TRANSLATION © my Lord, the people of the world are embarrassed by all ‘material anxicties—they are always afraid. Always trying to protect wealth, body and friends, they are filled with lamentation, unlawful desires and paraphernalia, avariciously engaging in dealings based ‘on the perishable conceptions of “I” and “mine”. As long as they do not take shelter of Your lotus feet, they remain full of anxieties. fen) ‘Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures o (TEXT 22 vismitaria tari paripiirma-kéimarit svenaiva labhena samarn praidntamn vinopasarpaty aparara hi baléah va-lavigulenatititarti sindumn (SB. 7922) avigmitam—who is never struck with wonder; tam—Him; aripiirna-kémam—who is fully satisfied; svena—by His own; eva—indeed; labhena—achievements; _ samam—equiposed; praidntam—very steady; vind—without; upasarpati—approaches ; ‘aparam—another; hi—indeed; baliiah—a fool; ira—of a dos Faigulena—by the tail; atititarti—wants 0 cross; sindhum—the sea. ‘TRANSLATION Free from all material conceptions of existence and never wonder- struck by anything, the Lord is always jubilant and fully satisfied ‘by His own spiritual perfection. He has no material designations, and therefore He is steady and unattached. That Supreme Personality of Godhead is the only shelter of everyone. Anyone desiring to be protected by others is certainly as great a fool as one who desires to cross the sea by holding the tail of a dog. TEXT 23 kirdta-hiiydnidhra- pulinda-pulkasa bkira-suhma yavandh khasidayah _ye'nye ca papa yad-apiirayairayiah Sudhyanti tagnai prabhavisnave namah —(S.B. 2.4.18) kirdta—a provinee of old Bharata; hitna—part of Germany and Russia; dndhra—a province of Southern India; pulinda—the Greeks; pulkasah—another province; abhira—part of old Sindh; Suhma—another province; yavanah—the Turks; khaia-ddayah— the Mongolian Province; ye—even those; anye—others; ca—also; 40 Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls papa—addicited to sinful acts; yat—whose; apaéraya-dérayah. having taken shelter of the devotees of the Lord ; fudhyanti—at once Purified; 1asmai—unto Him; prabhavigave—unto the powerful Vignu; namah—my respectful obeisances ‘TRANSLATION Kirata, Hina, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasé, Abhira, Suhma, ‘Yavana and the Khaéa races and even others who are addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, due to His being the supreme power. I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto Him. TEXT 24 athata dnanda dugharn padimbujarn harsh Srayerann aravinda-locana sukharin nu visveivara yoga karmabhis van mayayiit vihaid na maninah —(S.B. 11.293) atha—thus; atah—therefore; dnanda—traiscendental bliss; dugham—Fulfiling; paddmbujam—lotus feet; harnsah—swan; irayeran—take shelter; aravinda-locana—O otus-eyed Lord; sukham—bliss; nu—as; visvesvara—O Lord of the universe; yoga— mystic power; karmabhih—by fruitive work; tvat—your; mayaya— by the illusory energy; ani—that; vihaté—destroyed; na—not; ‘maninah—of those with such false conceptions. ‘TRANSLATION Iotus eyed Lord, those expert swan-like personalities who exclusively select the essence of everything, take shelter in the ever- fulfiling transcendental bliss of Your lotus feet. O Lord of the universe, those under the influence of false prestige, who follow the paths of mystic yoga, fruitive work, and speculative knowledge, never accept the bliss of taking shelter at Your lotus feet, and are consequently devastated by Your illusory energy. [enal Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures a ‘TEXT 25, na naka prstharh na ca sarvabhawmarh nna paramesthyarn na rasidhipatyam na yoga-siddtir apunar-bhavarh va varichanti yat pida-rajah prapannah —(S.B. 10.1637) ne—not; naka-prstham—heavenly planets; na—not; ca—and; sarva-bhawnam—overlording in a distinguished position; na—not; Paramesthyam—attaining the position of Lord Brahma; na—not; rasithipatyam—worldly supremecy ; na—not:; yoga-siddhth—mystic ‘yore perfections; apunar-bhavam—liberation; va— ichanti— desire; yat—of Your; pada-rajah—dust of Your lotus feet; Prapanniih—of the surrendered. TRANSLATION ‘Those persons who have taken shelter of the dust of Your lotus feet have no desire for elevation to the heavenly planets, over- lording in any distinguished position, sovereignity over the earth, the post of Lord Brahma, the perfections of mystic yoga, or liberation TEXT 26 Yat-pada-samsrayah siita ‘munayah praiamayanah ssadyah punanty upasprstih svardhuny-Gpo'nusevaya (6.8. 1.1.18) ‘Yat —whose; pada—lotus feet; sainsrayah—those who have taken sheker of; sita—O Sita Gosvami; munayah—great sages; pra- Jamiyanah—absorbed in devotion to the Supreme; sadyah—at ‘once; punanti—sanctify; upasprstah—simply by association; svardhuni—of the sacred Ganges; dpah—water; anusevaya—bring- ing into use. 42, Ambrosia in the Lives of the Surrendered Souls ‘TRANSLATION © Siita, those great sages who have completely taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord, can at once sanctify those who come in touch with them, whereas the waters of the Ganges can sanctify one only after prolonged use. TEXT 27 devarsi-bhiitdpta-nrniin pitfniia nna kiitkaro nayam raf ca rajan sarvaimana yah saranarn Saranyara gato mukundarn parihrtya kartam (5.8. 11.5.1) deva—of the demigods; rsi—of the sages; bhiita—of ordinary living entitles; dpta—of friends and relatives; nrnim—of ordinary men; pittydm—of the forefathers; na—not; kifikarah—the servant; na—nor; ayam—this one; rni—debtor; ca—also; rajan—O king; sarva-Gtmand—with his whole being; yak—a person who; Saranam—shelter; faranyam—the Supreme Personality of God- hhead, who affords shelter to all; garah—approached; mukundam— Mukunda; parihrtya—giving up; kartam—duties. TRANSLATION ‘One who has given up all material duties and taken full shelter at the lotus feet of Mukunda, who gives shelter to all, is not indebted to the demigods, great sages, ordinary living beings, relatives, friends, mankind or even one’s forefathers who have passed away. TEXT 28 yada yasyZnugrhnati bhagavan dtma-bhavitah ‘sa jahati matirn loke vvede ca parinisthitam (SB. 429.45) femal Nectarean Topics of Revealed Scriptures B yadi—when; yasya—whom ; anugrhndti—favors by causeless mercy; bhagawan—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; aima- bhavitah—realized by a devotee; sah—such a devotee; jahiti— gives up; matim—consciousness; loke—in the material world; vede—in the Vedic functions; ca—also ; parinisthitdm—fixed. TRANSLATION ‘When a person is fully engaged in devotional service, heis favored by the Lord, who bestows His full mercy on him. At such a time, the awakened devotee gives up all material activities ard ritualistic performances mentioned in the Vedas. TEXT 29 dasame—in the tenth; dasamam—tenth; laksyam—symptoms; sheltered; airaya—shelter; vigrakam—form; r= krgra-akhyam—celetrated as Sri Krsna; param—supreme; dhéma—abode; jagat-

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