Flywheel: Er. Subodh Kumar Ghimire

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Er. Subodh Kumar Ghimire

Source: R.S. Khurmi

Fly-Wheels are not new.
What is Fly wheel?

• Flywheel is a heavy rotating body that acts

as a reservoir of energy. Energy is stored
in the form of kinetic energy.
• Flywheel is extensively used in
applications like “Punching Press’ (power
is supplied at constant rate)and I/C
Engines” (Power is generated at variable
Why is Flywheel?
• To store and release energy when needed
during the work cycle
• To reduce the power capacity of electric
• To reduce the amplitude of speed
Flywheel & Governor
• Flywheel • Governor
– Reduces the unavoidable – Controls the mean speed of the
fluctuation of speed ,arising from engine by varying the fuel
fluctuations of turning moment on supply to the engine.
the crankshaft. – It has no influence on cyclic
– It neither has influence on mean speed fluctuations.
speed nor it maintains a constant – Only operates when the engine
speed. is running away from its mean
– Always remains in operation when speed
the engine is running – It is essential for all types of
– It may not be used if the cyclic engines to adjust the fuel supply
fluctuations of energy output are as per the demand.
small or negligible. – It involves frictional losses
– Energy stored is in the form of
kinetic energy and is 100%
convertible to work without friction
Materials for flywheel
• It is generally made of CAST IRON, as it
has following advantages;
1) C.I Flywheels are cheapest
2) C.I Flywheels can be given any complex
shape without involving machining
3) Excellent ability to damp vibrations
However it has poor tensile strength,
and its failure is sudden and total.
This is not machine Design…
Turning moment diagram of a
steam engine
of energy
Turning moment diagram
of a 4-stroke engine

Max.fluctuation of

=9  rad /sec
Turning moment diagram
of a mechanical press
Flywheels as energy reservoir :
Crank pin brg

Crank shaft F
Main brgs E

the turning moment on the crankshaft,

T = Torque on the crankshaft at any instant, and Tmean = Mean resisting torque.

Then accelerating torque on

the rotating parts of the
= T – Tmean

When the turning moment is positive (i.e. when the engine torque is more than the mean
resisting torque) as shown between points B and C (or D and E) the crankshaft
accelerates and the work is done by the steam.
When the turning moment is negative (i.e. when the engine torque is less than the mean
resisting torque) as shown between points C and D, the crankshaft retards and the work
is done on the steam.
If (T – Tmean) is positive, the flywheel accelerates and
if (T – Tmean) is negative, then the flywheel retards.
Mean resisting torque line AF cuts the
turning moment diagram at points B, C, D
and E.

The variations of energy

above and below the
mean resisting torque line
are called
fluctuations of energy.
The areas BbC, CcD,
DdE, etc. represent
fluctuations of energy.

When the crank moves from a to p work done by the engine is equal to the area aBp
energy required is represented by the area aABp the engine has done less work
the area aAB less than the requirement
This amount of energy is taken from the flywheel and the speed of flywheel decreases
Now the crank moves from p to q the work done by the engine is equal to the area
pBbCq, whereas the requirement of energy is represented by the area pBCq.
Therefore, the engine has done more work than the requirement. This excess work
(equal to the area BbC) is stored in the flywheel and hence the speed of the flywheel
Turning moment diagram of a 4-stroke engine
(Multi Cylinder-3)
Energy in the flywheel at A = E
Turning Moment and crank Energy in the flywheel at B = E + a1 E max
diagram Energy at C = E + a1 – a2
Energy at D = E + a1 – a2 + a3
Energy at E = E + a1 – a2 + a3 – a4 E min
Energy at F = E + a1 – a2 + a3 – a4 + a5
Energy at G = E + a1 – a2 + a3 – a4 + a5 – a6
Energy at G = Energy at (A) =E
Energy at F = E + a6
Maximum fluctuation of energy, ∆ E = Maximum energy – Minimum energy
Nm a3 a5
= (E + a1) – (E + a1 – a2 + a3 – a4)
= a2 – a3 + a4

A B C D F G(A)
a2 a4 a6

oat max energy 2

o at min Energy
Crank Angle 
Coefficient of Fluctuation of Energy
It may be defined as the ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the work
done per cycle. Mathematically, coefficient of fluctuation of energy,

CE =Maximum fluctuation of energy

Work done per cycle
Tmean = P x 60 = P
Work done per cycle = Tmean × θ 2pN w

θ = Angle turned (in radians), in one revolution.

=2p , in case of steam engine and two stroke internal combustion engines
=4p , in case of four stroke internal combustion engines.

Work done per cycle = P x 60


n = Number of working strokes per minute,

= N, in case of steam engines and two stroke internal combustion engines,
= N /2, in case of four stroke internal combustion engines.
Coefficient of Fluctuation of Speed
The difference between the maximum and minimum speeds during a cycle is called
the maximum fluctuation of speed. The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of
speed to the mean speed is called the coefficient of fluctuation of speed.
N1 and N2 = Maximum and minimum speeds in r.p.m. during the cycle,
N = Mean speed in r.p.m. =(N1 + N2) /2
Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, CS = (N1-N2) / N = 2(N1-N2) / (N1 + N2)

= (w1-w2) / w = 2(w1-w2) / (w1 + w2)

= (v1-v2) / v = 2(v1-v2) / (v1 + v2)

The reciprocal of the coefficient of fluctuation of speed is known as coefficient

of steadiness and is denoted by m.
m= 1/ CS
(N1-N2) / N = 2(N1-N2) / (N1 + N2) =
Energy Stored in a Flywheel
when a flywheel absorbs energy, its speed increases,
and when it gives up energy, its speed decreases.
m = Mass of the flywheel in kg,
k = Radius of gyration of the flywheel in metres,
I = Mass moment of inertia of the flywheel
about its axis of rotation in kg-m2
= m.k2
N1 and N2 = Maximum and minimum speeds in r.p.m.
ω1 and ω2 = Maximum and minimum speeds in rad/sec.
CS= (N1-N2) / N = (ω1- ω2) / ω = 2(N1-N2) / (N1 + N2) = 2(ω1- ω2) / (ω1 + ω2)

Mean kinetic energy of the flywheel = ½ I. ω 2

= ½ m.k2. ω 2
Speed of the flywheel changes from ω1 to ω2, the maximum fluctuation of energy
∆E = Maximum K.E. – Minimum K.E. Multiply and divide by ω
= ½ I. ω12 – ½ I. ω22 ∆E = I.ω2.CS = m.k2. ω 2.CS
= ½ I.(ω1 – ω2) (ω1 + ω2) = 2ECS
= I.(ω1 – ω2) ω
Energy Stored in a Flywheel
when a flywheel absorbs energy, its speed increases,
and when it gives up energy, its speed decreases.

Radius of gyration (k) may be taken equal to the

mean radius of the rim (R), because the thickness of
rim is very small as compared to the diameter of rim.
Therefore, substituting k = R,
∆E = m.R2. ω 2.CS
= m.v2.CS v = Mean linear velocity (i.e. at the mean radius) in m/s
Since ω = 2 p N/60, = ω .R

∆E = m.k2. ω 2.CS
= p2 .m.k2. N 2.CS

Multiply and divide by ω

∆E = I.ω2.CS = m.k2. ω 2.CS
= 2ECS
Example :

The mass of flywheel of an engine is 6.5 tonnes and the radius of gyration is 1.8
metres. It is found from the turning moment diagram that the fluctuation of energy is
56 kN-m. If the mean speed of the engine is 120 r.p.m., find the maximum and
minimum speeds.
N1 and N2 = Maximum and minimum speeds in r.p.m.
ω1 and ω2 = Maximum and minimum speeds in rad/sec.
∆E = m.k2. ω 2.CS
N = Mean speed in r.p.m. =(N1 + N2) /2
CS= (N1-N2) / N
= p2 .m.k2. N 2.CS
= p2 .m.k2. N .(N1-N2)

Calculate N1 and N2

N1 =121 r.p.m and N2 = 119 r.p.m

Example :
The torque exerted on the crank of a two stroke
engine Is given as

T ( ) = [15,000+2,000sin 2() – 1,800cos 2()] N.m

If the load torque on the engine is constant,

Determine the following :

1.Power of the engine if the mean speed is 150 rpm.

2.M.I of the flywheel if CS =0.01
3.Angular acceleration of the flywheel for  =30 o
T-  diagram of the example problem

T, T
T r=Ta =15,000N.m

E max

0 1= 21o 2 = 111o 

Crank Angle 
Solution :
T av = 1 /2 ∫0 M d
= 1 /2 ∫0 (15000+2000sin 2() - 1800cos 2()) d

= 15,000 N.m = T r ( resisting torque)

Work output /cycle = (15,000 X 2 ) N.m

Work output /second = 15,000 X 2 ( 150 /60 ) W

Power of the engine = 235.5 k W
The value of  at which T- diagram intersect with T r are
given by

[15000+2000sin 2() - 1800cos 2()] = 15,000 N.m

[2000sin 2() - 1800cos 2()] = 0,

 tan2 =0.9

2()1 = 42o & 2()2 = (180+ 42)o

()1 = 21o & ()2 = 111o

() 2
E max = ∫ ( 2000sin 2() - 1800cos 2()) d

= 2690.2 N.m
We have Ks = 0.01 &  = (150 X 2)/ 60
=15.7 rad /s

Using the relation , E max = I 2 CS

M.I of the flywheel , I = 2690.2 / (15.7 2 X 0.01)

= 1090 kg.m2
when  = 30o , T = 15,000+ 1732 -900 = 15,832 N.m

Hence ang. acceleration of the flywheel at  = 30o

 30 = (15,832 -15,000) / 1090

= 0.764 rad /s2

Flywheels of punching presses:

Prime mover shaft torque Load torque

Reciprocating varying torque constant


Motors for constant varying torque
Press operation
T- diagram of press
Peak torque


Motor torque

1 2 

The energy supplied by the motor to the crankshaft during

Actual punching operation,
T- diagram of press
Balance energy required for punching
Peak torque


Thus maximum fluctuation of energy Motor torque

1 2 

The values of θ1 and θ2 may be determined only if the crank radius (r), length of
connecting rod (l) and the relative position of the job with respect to the crankshaft
axis are known.
In the absence of relevant data, we assume Uniform Velocity of the tool

(2- 1) / 2  =t/2s =t /4r

T- diagram of press
Peak torque

2 machine

r  torque

Motor torque

1 2 
Assuming uniform velocity of the tool,
t (2- 1) / 2  = t / 2 s = t / 4 r
Operation :3.8 cm dia hole in 3.2 cm plate
Work done in punching : 600 N.m / cm2 of 1
sheared area
Stroke of the punch : 10.2 cm r 
No. of holes punched : 6 holes /min
Max speed of the flywheel at its rg = 27.5 m /s
Min speed of the flywheel at its rg = 24.5 m /s

To find :
Power of the motor of the machine ?
Mass of the required flywheel ?
Solution :
Sheared area /hole =  d t =  X 3.8 X 3.2 = 38.2 cm2
 work done in shearing /hole = 38.2 X 600
= 22,920 N.m
 work done / minute = (22,920 X 6) N.m
Power of the motor = (22,920 X 6) / 60
= 2.292 k W
r 
We have, t /2s = 3.2 / (2 X 10.2)
=3.2 / 20.4= (2- 1) / 2 
Energy required by the machine / cycle = 22,920 N.m
Energy delivered by the motor during actual Punching
i.e ( when crank rotates from 1 to 2 ) tool
= 22,920 X ( t /2s )
= 22,920 X (3.2 /20.4)
= 3,595 N.m
 Max .fluctuation of energy,
E max = 22,920- 3595 =19,325 N.m
= I ( 12 - 22 ) / 2
= m rg2 ( 12 - 22 ) / 2
But rg2 12 = (27.5 m/s) 2 & rg2 22 = (24.5 m/s) 2
 m ( 27.5 2 -24.5 2) / 2 = 19,325
m = 244 k g

Lets Confuse….
A machine punching 38 mm holes in 32 mm thick plate requires 7 N-m of energy per
sq. mm of sheared area, and punches one hole in every 10 seconds. Calculate the
power of the motor required. The mean speed of the flywheel is 25 metres per
second. The punch has a stroke of 100 mm.
Find the mass of the flywheel required, if the total fluctuation of speed is not to
exceed 3% of the mean speed. Assume that the motor supplies energy to the
machine at uniform rate.

We know that sheared area,

=3.14 x 38 x 32
=3820 mm2

Energy required to punch a hole is 7 N-m/mm2

E1 = 7 x 3820 = 26,740 N-m
time required to punch a hole is 10 second
Energy required for punching work per second
= 26,740 N-m/10 = 2,674N-m/s
Power of Motor 2.6 kW
A machine punching 38 mm holes in 32 mm thick plate requires 7 N-m of energy per
sq. mm of sheared area, and punches one hole in every 10 seconds. Calculate the
power of the motor required. The mean speed of the flywheel is 25 metres per
second. The punch has a stroke of 100 mm.
Find the mass of the flywheel required, if the total fluctuation of speed is not to
exceed 3% of the mean speed. Assume that the motor supplies energy to the
machine at uniform rate.
m = Mass of the flywheel in kg.
Stroke of the punch is 100 mm and it punches one hole in every 10 seconds

Time required to punch a hole in a 32 mm thick plate = 1.6 s

Energy supplied by the motor in 1.6 seconds = 4,278 N-m

Energy to be supplied by the flywheel during punching

= 22,462 N-m
The maximum fluctuation of energy,

Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, = 0.03

maximum fluctuation of energy (∆E) = m v2 CS

m = 22 462 / 18.75 = 1198 kg

We’ll Proceed with
Forces on Reciprocating Engines.

Review Your Status……

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