Chemistry Practical

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Air separate the components of @ mixuure of sand salt aod ammonium chloride {er campos) ty Materials Required Sond, common salt (NeC),amzionium chlonde (NHC ‘or camphor, filter paper, kanach china dish tipod aude ee wire yauze, beaker, glass rod, bumen, cotton pag Theory ‘components retain their properties and herefore be separated by physical methods based upon their properties, 1. Camphoe or ammonium ehloride om heating directly convert into vapour. This is called sublimation, In contresi to ths, sand and common salt do not sublime So from mixture containing ammonium chloride, -ommon salt and sand, ammonium chloride can be separated by process of sublimation. On heating, ammonium chloride converts into vepour leaving behind the non-volatile components. On cooking, the vapour of ammonium chloride changes inte solid HCI (oli) > NHC (vapour) —» NHC (sl 2 Common sltis soluble in water but send is not soluble in water, 3. When a mixture of common salt and sand in water ia psied through filter paper, sand particle remain on the ter paper but other components of mixture, £2 common sal and water pass thrangh filter paper: ‘4 From a solution of common salt in water, common salt can be obtained by evaporetion. 4 . ot separation of different components of a mixtire snsdecrclaids semen lt re ofsublimation, flteration and evaporation are applied. CO Al QUAD CAMERA Separation of the Components of a Mixture Experiment No,( 4 Procedure (A) Steps for Separation of Ammonium Chloride 1. Take the mixtie oftand, ammonium chloride aad common silt in & chi inverted funnel dish and cover it with an 2. Phugthe end of the funnel with cotton 3. Place the china dish over a tripod stand and heat it sertly 4, Ieis observed that ammonium chloride undergoes sublimation, ic yapous of NH\Cl are formed which get condensed oa the cooler sides of the funnel 5. Scratch the condensed NHCl from inner walls of the funnel. The non-sublimate mixture contains sand and common salt which semains lef in the chine dish, "ig 4. Aeron cian bang separated on ‘he miu by cubirtion 54 (B) Steps for Separation of Sand L Tonon-sublimate the mixture, add water 2. Stic the mixture with a clean glass rod. Filter the solution. Common salt solution is obtained as the filtrate, whereas sand is obtained as the residue on the filter paper aye o Fier paper (residue sand) L Funnet ‘Stand. | weaker Fig. 2. Sard barg remaved from common ‘Sal soliton hy fieration, (C) Steps for Separation of Common Salt (Sodium chloride) 1. Take the filtrate in a china dish, 2. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness, where water evaporates leaving behind sodium chloride in the china dish. | an ‘salt and water) | @© REDMI NOTE 8 PRO CO Al QUAD CAMERA ‘Science Lab Manua (Ch Fig. 3. Gomimon salt being separated by eveparaton Result * Sand, common salt and ammonium chloride mixtu- separated by sublimation, filteration and evaporatio: Precautions All glass apparatus should be clean and dry Do not heat contents on high flame. Heat ammonium chloride carefully as it is volatile Fix a cotton plug at of ammonium chlori Moisten the filter p eepe

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