Ielts Notes'

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With many problems of transport and accommodation in cities, some governments are
encouraging businesses to move to rural areas. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh
the disadvantages?
 Recently, some governors have been considering a new policy to motivate companies to
relocate to countryside regions, as they believe this could solve the growing concerns of
accommodation and transport in urban areas. In my opinion, while this policy has a number of
benefits, its drawbacks are far more significant.


- Government  governor
- encouraging  motivate
- move to  relocate
- rural areas  countryside regions
- problems  (growing) concerns
- cities  urban areas

2. Government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to
develop the country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

 There is a school of thought that the authority should make more investment in science subjects
rather than spending money to ensure the nation ’s economic growth. From my perspective, this
belief is somewhat flawed because there are many other fields that are equally important as

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