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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 4, Issue 51 23 September 2022

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the fifty first issue of my issue, not when it is circulated. If it
newsletter for Volume 4. bothers anyone that I have done this
Newsletter back issues and you wish to read the newsletters
I hope you have all had a good week. later, there are two ways you can go
Instagram about this: (i) you can do what one of
I am getting closer to finishing anoth-
er volume of Anita’s Garden! After the my readers told me she does and save
fifty second issue, I will start again at the PDF version of the newsletter
Twitter Issue 1, Volume 5. Just a little re- which I circulate by email to your com-
minder that you can view back issues puter and read it on the issue’s date or
of my newsletter on my website. The (ii) you can look up the issue in the
link is in the left hand column. newsletters section of my website on
the date that you wish to read it. Don’t
Contact me
I have some wonderful news. Insta- forget that my newsletter is free and I
 Feedback gram helped recover my hacked ac- don’t receive any money for doing it. It
count! When I first filed the claim I takes 5-6 hours to produce each issue
 Newsletter input don’t think I did it properly because I and it comes out every week. I also have
(tips, recipes, gar- never received a confirmation email. a mental illness and it can make doing
den photos etc) Also I wasn’t asked to send a video of things very hard when I am depressed,
myself. I decided to report the hack so I like to be on top of things when I
 To be added to my again and this time I was asked to can be to allow for times I am unwell.
mailing list send a video of myself for face recogni-
tion and Instagram sent me an email Blog
to confirm they had received my re- You can read my gardening blog here.
quest and were processing it. In less
than two hours, the account was back Social media
Inside this issue: in my possession! Needless to say, I
am very happy. The link to my ac- I have a Facebook page called Anita’s
count is in the left hand column. Garden, which I am very active on, I
try to post photos and updates of our
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 I know I continue to be a little ahead garden regularly. I am also back on
Anita’s Garden
with Anita’s Garden. Only once per- Instagram, now that my hacked ac-
son has given me negative feedback count has been recovered.
Due to a lot of rain recently, I was
able to spend a lot of time indoors and Collaborations
Top 5 gardening tasks 2
for the week wanted to use that time productively I have the following collaborations:
so I started working on my newslet-
ters. Because many of you were in  Italian Seeds Pronto
exactly the same situation, I thought
Collaboration news 2 it made sense to share what I had  Awapuni
written as you also had some spare
time on your hands to do some gar-  Bulbs Direct
dening reading. This is why I didn’t
If you are interested in collaborating
simply store them on my laptop and
Tips for growing radish 3 with me, please get in touch by email.
circulate them on the issue date. I
and kohlrabi
hope that I didn’t confuse anyone and Have a great weekend.
I can’t please everyone. All my advice
regarding when to sow and grow Anita Kundu
plants is correct at the date of the
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 5 1

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

This is the lachenalia Pear-

sonii. I have these planted in
These are our White Dynasty tu- This is the hyacinth Blue Pearl. It
some terracotta pots along
lips. Thank you to Bulbs Direct. is from Bulbs Direct. I am very
the pathway to the front door
This variety was the first to flow- grateful to Kayne and the team for
and they look so cheerful.
er. The next day the colour deep- kindly pre-chilling my tulip and
They are very easy to grow.
ened and they became whiter. hyacinth bulbs for me.

Top 5 gardening tasks

1. Sow radish seeds trees with liquid copper lettuce, mesclun, spinach, silver-
beet, spring onions, kohlrabi and
See my article on page 3 for grow- This helps combat fungal diseases beetroot.
ing tips. such as brown spot and brown rot
in summer. If you have a passion- 5. Sow herbs for your cat
2. Sow marigolds undercov- fruit vine be sure to spray that too
er as it is susceptible to fungal dis- Now is the perfect time to sow cat-
ease. nip, catmint and catgrass. Experi-
They are very easy to grow from ment to find out which, if any,
seed and make a great companion 4. Sow veggie seeds in pun- your cat is drawn to. The only one
plant in your veggie garden. nets outdoors our cat likes is catnip. It makes
3. Spray roses and fruit some cats aggressive but not Gin-
Now is the perfect time to sow ger. It makes her very happy.

Collaboration news
Italian Seeds Pronto stock two Bulbs Direct still have a great Awapuni have recently launched a
great kohlrabi varieties. There is range of summer bulbs available new look website! Take a look
Di Vienna Bianco and Purple Vien- on their website. Choose from when you have a moment. It’s
na. I am growing the latter this dahlias, begonias, gladioli, callas, very impressive.
spring. I have covered growing potatoes and much more. Over the
kohlrabi in my article on page 3 in years, I have purchased many Camarosa strawberries are back in
this week’s issue but seeds can be summer bulbs from Bulbs Direct stock! There are regular bundles
sown in punnets outdoors now and and they continue to flower in our and mega bundles of 50 or 100
transplanted into 6-cell punnets or garden year after year. One of my plant. Last year Awapuni kindly
trays before eventually being favourites is the well-known dahl- gave me a mega bundle of 50
planted in the garden. ia variety Penhill Watermelon. plants which performed so well.
V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 5 1 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Tips for growing radish and kohlrabi

Radish When the seedlings are large
enough, they can be potted into 6-
Ready to harvest in around 30 cell punnets or seedling trays, be-
days, radish is one of the fastest fore being planted in the garden.
maturing veggies and it is also
incredibly easy to grow. When I Varieties
started gardening, it was one of
Italian Seeds Pronto stock two
the first things that I grew and I
kohlrabi varieties in the Franchi
also highly recommend that kids
Seeds range, Purple Vienna and Di
start with it too because it is ready
Vienna Bianco. I have grown Pur-
to eat so soon.
ple Vienna in the past from anoth-
When to sow er seed supplier (pictured) but this
Homegrown radish year, Gillian Hurley-Gordon, the
Radish is best sown in spring and owner of Italian Seeds Pronto,
autumn. kindly gave me the seeds in her
Because radish mature so quickly, range to try.
How to sow
you might not need to do much to
keep the weeds down. Preparing the ground
As a root crop, radish doesn’t
transplant well so I recommend I usually don’t bother adding com-
I suggest harvesting your radish
sowing seeds direct to where you post, but I do like to mix a little
soon after they become ready, oth-
want to grow them. veggie fertiliser into the ground
erwise they may start splitting
and/or becoming bitter to eat. prior to planting. I tend to space
If you are short on space, radish
the plants about 10 cm apart.
can be grown in containers. I have
found that it does well in 9 litre Water well after planting. Try and
buckets (you can use the house- keep the weeds down. Plants ben-
hold type, just drill some holes in efit from weekly liquid feeding
the bottom for drainage). with a water soluble plant food or
seaweed tonic such as Seasol.
I recommend sowing seeds at regu-
lar intervals so you have a contin- If you don’t want to raise kohlrabi
uous supply. from seed, you can sometimes find
seedlings at the garden centre.
Awapuni also stock kohlrabi seed-
Italian Seeds Pronto stock four lings and deliver direct to your
lovely radish varieties in the Fran- door, which is super convenient in
Purple Vienna kohlrabi spring when gardeners are very
chi Seeds range: Ravanelli Colorati
(Golden Line), Zlata (a sweet yel- If you’re keen to try growing some- busy outside. You can ask to be
low variety from Poland which is a thing new this spring, I highly rec- notified by email when they be-
personal favourite), Gaudry 2 and ommend kohlrabi. The shape is come available if they are out of
Dattero Rosso. very cool, we call it sputnik! stock.

Preparing the ground When to sow Preparation

As the roots of radish are quite Like radish, kohlrabi seeds can be Kohlrabi can be consumed raw or
short, you don’t need to dig the soil sown in spring and autumn. cooked. We enjoy it raw, grated
over as deeply as you would if you with some salt. Before the pan-
were sowing carrots or parsnips. I How to sow demic, we used to host wwoofers
don’t recommend adding compost (travellers with working holiday
I recommend sowing seeds in a visas) who would stay with us in
to the soil, as radish is a root crop punnet filled with some seed rais-
and the nitrogen may cause exces- exchange for some help around the
ing mix and leaving them outside garden. Many of the German
sive leaves at the expense of form- to germinate. You don’t need to
ing a radish underground. If you wwoofers we hosted had eaten
use a heat pad or put them in your kohlrabi back home and it was
do add anything at all, a little hot water cupboard. They will ger-
blood and bone and some super- consumed cooked.
minate outdoors fine at this time
phosphate fertiliser will help your of the year. Happy gardening!
radish along.
Have a great weekend

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