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Name: Date:

1. Дати відповідь на запитання.

a) What is your name? – My name is ________________________
b) What is your surname? – My surname is _______________________
c) How old are you? - I am _____________.

2. Заповни пропуски. (Her / His)

a) Rosie has got a lot of toys. _______favourite toy is a doll.
b) Bob likes sport. ________favourite sport is basketball.
c) Ann has got a lot of friends. ______ best friends are Dorian and Kate.
d) Oksana has a lot of balloons. _______balloons are red.

3. Вставити to be у теперішньому часі (am , is , are)

a) I ____good at swimming.
b) She ______good at dancing.
c) He ____good at playing football.
d) My mum ______good at cooking.
e) They ____good at computer games.

4. Перекладіть українською.
a) June –
b) October –
c) Autumn –
d) February –
e) April –
f) December –
g) November –

5. Переклади українською.
a) Я вмію читати.______________________________________________________

b) Він вміє писати._____________________________________________________

c) Ми вміємо танцювати._______________________________________________

d) Вона не може грати у футбол._________________________________________

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