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Ey || | T 19MATI1 New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VTU, Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade& NBA Semester End Examinations April — May 2021 APPLIED MATHEMATICS-I Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 1a) Find the pedal equation of the curve r = sin + cos®. 5 Li col ©) Illustrate that the curves r = 3 ani = intersect each other SASH SO orthogonally. ©) Discuss that for a parabola y? = 4ax evolute is 27ay? = 4(x — 2a). 8 12 col OR 24) Find pedal equation for the curve = = 1 + cosé. 3 Li cor ©) Compute angle of intersection of curves r= <5 and r= Ta 7 13 col ©) Discuss that the radius of curvature at any point @ on the cycloid x = 8 12 Col a(@+sin®), y = a(1 — c0s®) is 4acos (2) Module 2 3a) (3) ou, ou 5 L4 C02 Ifu = e+), then use Euler's theorem to investigate value of x5" +¥ 5, b) fx =u(1—v), y= uv then discuss value of J). 7 pms | COZ ©) Find maxima and minima for f(x ,y) = xy(a — x — y),a > 0. Also find Li coz maximum and minimum value of the function. OR 4a) fu = f(x-+ ct) + g(x — ct) then derive that Ugy = C*Uyx te 14 a COD >) Ifu=F(2x—3y, 3y—4z, 4z— 2x) predict value of 692-4 422 + 3%. 7 WL coz ©) Find maxima and minima for sinx +siny +sinz, where x,yandzareangles 8 = LI. C2 of the triangle. Module 3 5) Find the area of ellipse 1 by double integration. Speen Pos >) Find the value of 2 (4 — x2) dx using concept of Beta and Gamma functions. DLL aos Compute f° fy e+?” dydx by changing order of integration. I Ecos, OR 6a) Find volume of the sphere x? + y? +z? = a? by integration. 5s 14 €O3 Page 1 of 2 19MATI1 b i 7 ti cos Using gamma function Investigate value of f x4 ed © Compute {xy dxdy by changing the order of integration. oe ee Module 4 Ta) yty 0 5 2 co4 de sinx+xc0s y+ 0 se eI : Tis. Cl » Obtain the solution of differential equations 2 + yootx = vosx of de ©) Find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of parabolas y? 8 13 Cos OR Ba) d 5 L2 204 » solve (c+) 12, © ‘b) 7. Lb co4 Obtain the solution of differential equations dk x ©) Show that the orthogonal trajectories of the family r(1~cos@) = ais the fa 8 13 COs r(1+cos@)=6 where a and 5 are constants Module 5 9a) 0) 2 3iy4 5 gh, COS Reduce the matrix |2 3 5 4 |to rowechelon form seule [4 8 13 12 b) Solve the system of equation 5 13 Cos x+y +2=9,x-2y+32= +y 3. by using Gauss cos elimination method °) Att 10 Ls cos Find the eigen value and eigen vector of the matrix A=|1 5 1 coe 311 OR 10a) fl 23 2| 3 L3 cos Find the rank of the matrix ]2 3 5 1 eas | b) _ Find inverse transformation of the following linear transformation Sis COs 2x, +5x,, yy =2x, +4x, +115, ty + 2x, coe °) -1 3 10 Ls cos Reduce the matrix 4 = : 1] to diagonal form and hence find 4* C06 Page 2 of 2 en OM ee are USN 19CHE12 | New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VU, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade & NBA. Semester End Examinations,April - May2021 Engineering Chemistry Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 Marks RBT COs 1a) Explain the construction and working of Lithium ion battery. Mention the 6 L2 C01,2,3,4 advantages of Lithium as a anode. 5,6 b) List out the battery characteristics and explain any two characteristics of the battery. 7 Li C01234 ©) How do you measure single electrode potential of a given electrode? Explain the 7 13 C013 construction and working of calomel electrode and mention its advantages. OR 2a) Predict the anode and cathode from the following data and calculate the EMF of the 6 12 C01,2,3,4 cell, if a cell is constructed by coupling Zn-electrode dipped in 0.5 M ZnSO, and Ni-electrode dipped in 0.05 M NiSOy. Write the cell representation and cell reactions. Given: standard reduction potentials of Zn and Ni are-0.76 and -0.25 V respectively. b) Describe the construction and working of Electrical double layer super 7 Li CO1,2,44 capacitors. Mention its any two application. 6 ©) Compute an expression for the emf of a concentration cell. With the help of 7) 13 Colzs4 ‘mathematical expression, justify that in a concentration cell, emfis available only as long as the electrolyte differ in their concentration, Module 2 3a) Identity correct reasons: 6 14 C0134 (i), Rusting of iron is quicker in sea water than in river water. Gi). Contact of dissimilar metals should be avoided. Gii). Oxide of aluminum protects it from corrosion but oxide of iron does not protect it b) Explain the term electroless plating. Discuss the electroless plating of copper for 7 12 CO4S manufacture of PCBs. ©) List out the advantages and disadvantages of instrumental methods over 7 =I COL conventional methods. What is the working principle of UV-Visible spectrophotometry? oR 41a) Identify and explain the type of corrosion occurring in following cases 6 4 C0134 (i). Bolt and nut made different metals in contact with each other. (ii). Deposition of small dust particles on iron surface. b) Summarize the technological importance of the metal finishing. What are the 7 2 CO12 different techniques used in metal finishing? 9 of aluminium and cathodic protection by sacrificial anodic = 7 = LL. COS, Module 3 5.) Describe the determination of higher calorific value of solid fuel with Bomb 6 12 Cost calorimeter. b) What is the importance of reformation of petrol? Explain any three che changes in reformation process with equations. ¢) Illustrate the knocking mechanism in IC engines and suggest any two methods to 7 ~=—S«L3- Ss COB reduce knocking. al 7 L4 €0123,4 oR Page 1 of 2 19CHE12 6a) b) ° Ta) b) °) 8a) b) 9a) b) °) 1a) bd) ° Explain the construction and working of photovoltaic cell. Mention any two advantages of PV cell Identify the suitable reason for the following (® Continuous flow of inert gas required during a pyrolysis reaction. (ii) Grass calorific value is higher than the Net calorific value. (iii) Compare to traditional energy usage. renewable energy usage is limited. Using the following data calculate the rise in temperature of 2560 g of water, if 0.9 g of coal is completely burnt in a bomb calorimeter whose water equivalent mass is 440 g. The GCV of coal is 34450.6 kJ kg’! k’! and specific heat of water is 4.187 kek" . Module 4 Ina COD experiment, 20 em? of wastewater sample consumes 25 em’ of 0.01M K,Cr,0- for oxidation of impurities. Calculate COD value of water sample. How the capturing of carbon dioxide from atmosphere can combat the climate change? Illustrate with diagram any one such technology used to capture carbon dioxide. Explain softening of water by ion exchange process with neat diagram. OR Explain the principle and procedure for the determination of COD. Describe with a suitable diagram the detoxification treatment for dye-contaminated water based on semiconductor photocatalysis principle. Write a short note on: i) Remediation of soil pollution ii) Green-house effect Module 5 Discuss any three size dependent properties of nanomaterials Write the synthesis, properties and applications of Kevlar. Give reasons for the following with respect to glass transition temperature (Tg) of polymer: i) Among polyethylene and polystyrene, which polymer exhibits higher Tg value and why? ii) Among polypropylene and nylon- 6,6, which polymer exhibits higher Te value and why? oR Write a note on: i Classification of nanomaterials based on dimensions Biodegradable polymers Write the synthesis, properties and applications of Polytetrafluorocthylene. Explain the solution combustion method for the synthesis of nanoparticles, giving its advantages and disadvantages. ae aaa a2 12 L4 L3 L4 12 EG Li 12 Li co14s C0245 C023 €O1,2,3,4 5.6 €02,3,5,6 €02,3,5,6 €03,5,6 02.3 0123 012.34 €013,4,6 CO145,6 €01,3,4,6 CO14,5,6 cor Page 2 of 2 (est | lia) | | | 19PHY12 New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VTU, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade & NBA Semester End Examinations April-May 2021 Engineering Physics Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Note: Charge of electron ¢ = 1.6 x 10"e, Mass of electron m = 9.1 x 10°"kg, ‘Mass of Proton = 1.67x 1077kg, Planck’s constant h = 6.625 x 10™Js, Boltzmann’s constant k = 1.38 x 10°J/k, Velocity of light e = 3 x 10°mis, Absolute permittivity 6 = 8.85 x 10°7F/m, Mass of neutron =1.67 x 10°"kg, Absolute permeability jt = 4m x 107 H/m Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 1a) Describe de Broglie hypothesis and explain the properties of matter waves. 8M Ll COt, b) Setup time independent one dimensional time independent Schrodinger wave 8M L206 equation. ©) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron having kinetic energy of 13 100eV. oR 2) State and explain Heisenberg’ uncertainty principle Mention its significance. 8M L1_—sCOl, b) Define phase velocity and group velocity. Derive an expression for de Broglie aM L2-— COG. wavelength form the concept of group velocity. ©) Compute first two permitted energy values for an electron bound ina potential = 4M_—L3 well of infinite height of width 0.18nm, Module 2 3.a) Describe various types of polarization mechanisms aM 12 C02, b) Explain B-H Curve and differentiate between hard and soft magnetic materials. © 8M —-L2._——«CO6 ©) The dielectric constant of a material is 1.000074. The density of atoms is M13 2.7x10°/m', Calculate the dipole moment induced in each atom when gas is in an electric field of 3 x 10'V/m. OR 4a) Explain various types of magnetic materials, 8M L2—€O2, b) Obtain an expression for internal field in one dimension in case of dielectric 8M 12 C06 solids, €) If NaCl is subjected to an electric field of 000V/m and the resulting polarization © 4M_—L3. id 4.3x10°C/m?.calculate the dielectric constant of NaCl. Module 3 5.) Explain optical fiber communication system using block diagram, 8M LI C03, b) Explain the construction and working of Nd:YAG laser. 3M 12 C06 ©) Amedium in thermal equilibrium at temperature 300K has two energy levels with 4M L3 a wavelength separation of Lum. Calculate the ratio of population densities of the upper and lower levels Page 1 of2 19PHY12 6a) b) ) Ta) by ° 8a) » °) 9a) » °) 10a) » oR, Define attenuation and describe the factors contributing for attenuation in optical fiber. ‘Obtain an expression for energy density in terms of Einstein’s co -efficients at thermal equilibrium condition. The refractive index of clad of an optical fiber is 1.49 and numerical aperture of the fiber is 0.244, Calculate the reftactive index of core and acceptance angle. Module 4 Discuss the graphical representation of variation of Fermi level with temperature and concentration in p and n type semiconductors. Derive an expression for electron concentration in an intrinsic semiconductor ‘Compute the probability of an electron occupying an energy level 0.04eV above the Fermi level at 300 K and 500 K in a material. OR State Hall effect. Derive an expression for Hall co-efficient in case of n-type semiconductor Discuss the variation of Fermi factor with energy at T=0” K and T>0",. The electron concentration in an n-type semiconductor is 4X10"” /m’, Calculate the resistivity of the material if the drift velocity of electron is 250 m/s in an electric field of 800 Vim. Module 5 Elucidate the principle, construction and working of SEM with a neat diagram. Update the significance of nanomaterials in the present scenario and employ its applications. Calculate the energy of neutrons that produce 2™ order Bragg reflection at 20° ‘when incident on plane separated by a distance 4A. OR Derive Braggs Law and explain the construction and working of Brage’s X-ray spectrometer. Based on the reactivity interpret the various types of Biomaterials ‘A monochromatic beam of electrons with K.E. 300 eV undergoes first order Bragg reflection in a crystal at a glancing angle 8° 30. Calculate the interplanar spacing. 8M. 8M. 4M 8M 38M. 4M 8M 8M 4M. 10M 4M om 10M 4M om Li 2 13 12 oc uu Li c03, cos cos, C06 co4, cos COs, cos COs, cos Page 2 of 2 baci eeiea ella 19CSE13 New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VTU, Accredited by NAAC with “A’ Grade& NBA Semester End Examinations April/May 2021 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING WITH C Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 1a) What is type conversion? Describe different types of type conversion with example, 5 Lt co1,co2 b) Explain how increment and decrement operator work with an example of each. 5 12 co1,co2 ©) __ List and describe various operators in C, each with suitable examples. 1 LI CO1,Cco2 OR 2a) Define flowchart. With an example draw and label all the different symbols used in a 5 Li co1,coz flowchart b) Compare different formatted and unformatted input/output functions with examples. 5 12 €01,c02 ©) _ List and describe all the C tokens with one example of each. 10° LI CO1,co2 Module 2 3.a) Illustrate with an example the use of goto and retum statements. 5 13 €02,Co3 b) Distinguish between if-else and else-if ladder with suitable examples. 5 L4 €02,C03 ©) Develop aC program to swap the first and last digit of a given input number. 10 13 €02,CO3 Example Input : 3246 Expected output = 6243 oR 4a) _ Illustrate Fibonacci series with the help ofa C program. 5 L3 €02,C03 b) _ Examine nested loops to generate the given right triangle 5 L4 €02,C03 12345 1234 123 12 i ) Illustrate the different unconditional branching statements with example of each, 10-13 €02,C03 ‘Module 3 Sa) How we can pass array to functions? Examine with a ‘C° program. 5 L4 €03,cos b) Illustrate linear search with a *C” program. 5 13 €03,Cc0s ©) How we can get the product of two matrices using Multidimensional arrays? Examine 10 L4. CO3,COS with a °C” program. OR 6a) How we can define our own functions? Examine with a “C” program, 5 L4 €03,Cos b) Illustrate binary search with a °C” program, 5 13 €03,COs ©) How can we get the length of the given string, copy the contents of given string tothe 10 L4 -CO3,COS contents of another string, join two given strings, compare two given strings, and find the first occurrence of the given character in the given string using string manipulation functions of the standard library? Page 10f2 19CSE13 Ta) b) ° 8a) b) ° 9a) 10a) » °) Module 4 Construct a structure variable to represent the details about Employees using the 5 following methods: i) Tagged structure ii) Type defined structure How can we pass structure to functions? Examine with a C program. 5 Develop @ ‘C’ program to maintain the records of ‘n’ student details using an array of | 10 structure with four fields (Roll_Number, Name, Marks_of 3. Subjects and Percentage), Choose appropriate data type for each field, Print the marks of all the three subjects of the student, given name as input. OR Develop a °C” program to illustrate the use of file pointer variable. 5 How can we create a new file named as “testxt’ in /te/bin directory and write two lines. 5 of data to the file using two different library funetions. Develop a *C” program to count characters, words and lines in a file, 10 Module 5 Interpret the given program and find out the output by assuming random input to the 5 variable var: #inelude void main() { int var; int *ptr; int **pper; printf("Value of var =%d \n", var ); printi("Value available at *pu printf("Value available at ** ppt return 0; } Write a °C’ program to find the sum and mean of all elements in an array using pointers. 5 Justify the need of the following *C’ functions along with its syntax and example for 10 each: i) matlocd) ii) callocg) iii) reallocg) OR Justify the uses of pointers in C with an example, 5 Illustrate the algorithm for insertion and deletion in stack. 5 Justify the applications of Linked lists and stacks data structure 10 L6 L4 L6 L6 L4 L6 Ls Ls LS L3 Ls €03,C04 €03,C04 €03,CO4 €03,C04 €03,C04 €03,C04 €04,C06 €04,CO6 C04,C06 €04,C06 €O4,C06 €04,C06 Page 2 of 2 19MEE13 oom: 1. C1 New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VTU, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A* Grade& NBA Semester End Examinations May/April 2021 ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 1a) Differentiate between Renewable and Non-renewable energy resources with 6 Li Col examples. b) Explain briefly how electricity is generated by hydal power. Z.. 12y COL ©) With a sketch explain the production of bio-diesel. 7 L3 col OR 24a) List the advantages and disadvantages of bio-diesel. 6 Li col b) Explain the production of electricity from a windmill with a sketch. te MLOWICOL ©) _ Explain the Helio-electrical process of solar energy conversion. 7 13 COL Module 2 3a) With a neat sketch, explain the working of four stroke diesel engine 6 12 coz b) Compare a two-stroke engine with four stroke engine aaa ee Coz °) With a neat sketch,Analyze Antilock braking system in vehicle safety 7 L4 coz OR 4a) With a neat sketch, explain the parts of IC Engine 6 12 coz b) With a neat sketch, explain the working of Telematics rv Li coz ©) Withaneat sketch, Analyze the engine management system in functioning of 7 L4 CO2 a vehicle. Module 3 $a) A single cylinder four stroke IC engine has a swept volume of 6 liters and 6 L2 C034 uns at a rated speed of 300 rpm. At full load, the torque developed was measured with a belt dynamometer whose pulley diameter is Im.The tension in the tight side and slack side of the belt is 700N and 300N respectively. engine consumes 4kg of fuel in one hour. The indicated mean effective pressure is 6 bar and the CV of the fuel is 42000 kJ/kg. Find the followings: (DBP (ii) IP (iii) Mechanical efficiency Page 1 of 2 19MEE13 b) 9 6a) b) 7a) b) ° 8a) b) ° 9a) b) ° 10a) b) ° Define following terms ore (ii) Refrigeration (iii)Compression ratio (iv)Swept volume (v) Stroke With a neat sketch, explain the working of vapour compression refrigerator OR Following observations are taken during a trail on single cylinder four stroke diesel engine; cylinder diameter=250mm, stroke=400mm, speed=250rpm, brake load=687.4N, brake drum diameter-2m, mean effective pressure=6 X 10° Nim*, diesel oil consumption=1.33 X 10° kg/sec, specific gravity of fuel =0.78,cv of fuel=43900kJ/kg. Determine the followings;(i)IP (ii)BP (iii)FP With a neat sketch explain working of split AC With a neat sketch explain working of summer AC Module 4 ing of tool post method of taper turning. Explain the s Draw the neat sketch of WJM and Explain its working principle. Write the advantages, disadvantages and applications of CNC. OR Explain the applications of robotics in industries. Explain with the neat sketch the working of LBM process. Draw the neat sketch of cylindrical configuration robot and Explain the working principles. Module 5 Give a brief classification of composite materials. Write the advantages, disadvantages and applications of nano-composites Draw the neat sketch of fused deposition modeling RP technique and explain its working principle. OR Compute the different applications of rapid prototyping. Explain the production of MMCs by stir casting process. Define a) Stress b) strain c) Hooks law with relevant equations. Li 12 16} uu 2 Li 12 Li Li 13 Lu La C034 C034 C034 C034 C034 cos cos cos cos cos cos cos C06 cos cos cos cos Page 2of2 [es] fe | | ] 19CIV14 New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VTU, Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade& NBA Semester End Examinations April - May 2021 ELEMENTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 11a) _ Explain the various types of bridges. s ut cor b) _ Discuss about the properties of following building materials: 5) iz) icoL Cement ii, Bricks ©) Illustrate various components of a building with a neat sketch. 10 13 COL OR 2a) _ State and prove Parallelogram law of forces. Li cor b) Explain the principle of transmissibility of forces. 5 12 COL ©) Compute the magnitude and resultant of the force system shown in figure 2(c). 1 13 COI ae 120N ! i ' Fig.) Module 2 3a) Define couple of a force. Explain the characteristics of a couple 5 LI coz b) State and explain Varignon’s theorem of moments 5 12 "con ©) Compute the magnitude, direction, position and line of action of the resultant from the point 10 13 CO2 *A’for the system of forces shown in Figure 3 (c). Page 1 of 4 Peta Oia a Mei i a 19CIV14 Fig3(¢) OR 4a) Describe the concept of Free Body Diagram with examples. 5 1 cox cos b) State and Prove Lami’s theorem 5 12 Cow co3 ©) A:string ABCD attached to two fixed points A and D has two equal weights S00 N attached 10 13 CO2/ to it at B and C. The weights rest with portions AB and CD inclined at angles of 30° and 60° C03 respectively with the vertical, as shown in figure 4 (c). Find the tensions in the portions AB, BC, and CD of the string. The inclination of BC with vertical is 120°. 500.N Fig 4 (0). Module 3 Sa) Describe various types of beams based on support conditions. Ss LI cox cos b) Explain different types of loads and supports on beams. S12 Cos cos ©) Compute the support reactions for the beam shown in Figure 5 (c). 10 14 Cox cos Page2of 4 19CIV14 2m Fig 5(c) OR 6a) Describe briefly about Angle of repose and Cone of friction 5 Li cox cos b) Explain laws of static friction in detail 5 12 Cos cos ©) A uniform ladder of 4 m length rests against a vertical wall with which it makes an angle of 10 L4 CO3/ 45°, as shown in Figure 6(c) . The coefficient of friction between the ladder and the wall is cos (0.4 and that between the ladder and the floor is 0.5. If the man whose weight is one-half of that of ladder ascends it, how high will he be when the ladder slips? Given: |= 4 m, 0= 0.5, My =04, p= 0.5. Fig 6(). Module 4 7a) Compute the centroid of the shaded area shown in the figure 7.(a) 10 13 COs ya 000% Page 3 of 4 19CIV14 Fig.7(@) b) Derive the expression for determining the centroid of a Quarter circle with radius 10 14 COS OR Ba) State and prove perpendicular axis theorem. 10 13 COS b) _ Investigate the moment of inertia of the unsymmetrical | section shown in the figure 8(b), 10 14 COS about its centroidal X-X axis and Y-Y axis. Fig 8(b) ‘Module 5 9a) Write and explain newton’s laws of motion. 5 LI C06 b) Explain D’Alembert’s principle. 5 12 C06 ©) A ball was thrown vertically upwards from the ground with the velocity of 60 m/s. Afler3 10 13 CO6 seconds another ball was thrown vertically upwards from the ground. If both the balls strike the ground at the same time, compute the velocity with which the second ball was thrown. OR 0a) Describe i) Average velocity ii) Displacement iii) Speed 5 LI C06 b) Explain acceleration, average acceleration and variable acceleration. S$ 12 C06 ‘¢) The acceleration of a particle is defined by a= -2 m/s, if v= 8 mv/s and x=0 when 10 13 C06 1=0.Compute the velocity and distance travelled at t= 6s Page 4 of 4 USN 19ECE15 New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VTU, Accredited by NAAC with *A’ Grade& NBA Semester End Examinations April/May 2021 BASIC ELECTRONICS Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 1a) Explain Forward and Reverse biasing of a PN junction diode along with its V-1 Gaannmt b teil characteristics of Silicon and Germanium diode. b) What is a rectifier? Discuss the operation of full wave rectifier with necessary diagrams and = 8 ~=—«L2_— COL waveforms and write the formula for efficiency and ripple factor. ©) Derive the relation between a and B ina BIT 4 1 coz OR 2a) Draw the Input and Output Characteristics of Common Emitter Conti ® 1) Scoi Explain b) What is Zener Diode? Illustrate Line and Load Regulation with necessary diagrams and 8 12 cor equations. ©) A Full Rectifier uses 4 diodes and a transformer of ratio 230V:110V. The forward of each diode is 250. If R,=5000 find i. DC value of current throt i. DC value of volta stance = 4 «3 COD Module 2 3.a) Describe the single stage CE amplifier with the help of circuit diagram and waveform. Also = 8 = LA CO2 explain the Phase reversal concept b) Describe the working of Depletion MOSFET (n channel) with necessary the drain and transfer characteristics. ©) Design the voltage divider bias circuit to operate from 12V supply and the bias conditions 6 14 cor ram and draw 6 12 co Vee= 3V, Ve=SV, =I mA. Assume Ver=0.7V OR 41a) Define DC load line and Q point. Explain the procedure of drawing DC load line forabase © 8 = LI CO2 bias ci b) Using approximate analysis, determine the emitter voltage, collector voltage and collector & Sie cor emitter voltage. Given Vee = 18V,Re = 1.2KQ,Re = 1KO,R, = 33) ©) _ Differentiate BJT and MOSFET. 6 14 co Module 3 5.a) Define Modulation. Explain the need for modulation, 6 Lt cos b) Construct the circuit of non-inverting amplifier with the help of op-amp and derive the 6 12 Co3 expression for voltage gain. ©) Analyze the given circuit to find the output voltage. Given 8 13 COB Vi=-4V, Vie-2V, Vi=3V, R=6k O, R=4kQ, R= AKO, R= 4KQ. Page 1 of 2 Sy) Re ine 19ECE15 6a) b) ° Ta) b) ° 8a) by 9) 9a) b) 10a) b) 1 RF vt R2 v2 R3 V3 OW Vout OR Define Amplitude Modulation (AM) and derive the expression for AM wave with relevant waveform? Explain the operation of a RC phase shift oscillator with necessary circuit diagram. Given a non-inverting summing amplifier and the output equation V, =V, +V, +V., find out the relation between Ryand Ry. Rt Rt Module 4 Subtract (79)jo from (57)io using 1°s compliment and 2's compliment methods. Simplify the Boolean expression (x'+ 7’) (x+ y’+ 2’) to minimum number of literals and implement it using basic gates. Implement XOR gate using both the universal gates: OR Explain all the logic gates with the help of truth tables and logic diagrams. Convert i(FD65.EF);. to Decimal, Binary and Octal number systems ii) (345.2), to Decimal, Binary and hexadecimal systems, Minimize F(A,B,C.) =(2,3,5,7)and implement it using basic gates. Module 5 With the help of neat diagrams and truth tables, describe 8:3 encoder and 3:8 decoder. Draw and explain the architecture of 8085 microprocessor. OR Explain the working of SR,D, JK and T flipflops with the help of logic diagrams and truth tables. With the help of a block diagram, explain the architecture and features of the 8051 microcontroller. 10 10 10 10 Li 12 Li Li 12 co4 co3 co3 cos cos cos cos cos cos cos C06 Page 2 of2 19EEE15 usn] | | | | New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore Autonomous College affiliated to VTU, Accredited by NAAC with *A’ Grade & NBA. Semester End Examinations April/May 2021 BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions choosing one complete question from each module. Module 1 1a) A conducting wire has a resistance of 5 ohm. Compute the resistance of another wire of the 0S L3 COL same material but having half the diameter and four times the length b) Solve for the current I), Is and I; flowing in the parallel branches for the given ci 129 05 13 COL 100v ©) Using Mesh analysis, examine loop currents for the circuit shown in figure and also the 10 L4 COL power dissipated in all the resistors. avs 2a) The resistance of copper winding of a motor at room temperature of 20°C is 3.42 ohm. After 05 L3 COL an extended operation of the motor at full load the winding resistance increases to 4.22 ohm. Compute the temperature rise, given that the temperature coefficient of copper at 0°C is 0.004262°C/0. b) A toaster rated at 1000W, 240V is connected to a 220V supply. Investigate whether the 05 L3 CO1 toaster will be damaged and its rating gets affected. ¢) Use Nodal Analysis; examine the current through various resistors in the given circuit. 10 LS COL 50 Page 1 of 2 I9EEEI5 3a) b) 4a) 6a) b) Ta) b) 8a) b) 9a) b) 10a) b) °) Module 2 Two circuits, the impedance of which are given by ZI =104j15 and Z2 = 6-8 are connected in parallel. Ifthe total current supplied is 15A, compute the power taken by each branch also the power factor of individual circuits and of combination and draw the vector diagram. Derive the RMS Value and Average Value of voltage for sinusoidal Waveforms. OR ‘When the three identical star connected coils are supplied with 440V, SOHz, 3phase supply, the Iphase wattmeter connected across R phase and neutral reads 6kW and the ammeter connected in R phase reads 30A. Solve (a) Resistance and Reactance of the coil. (b) Power factor of the load and (c) Real, Reactive and Apparent power of 3phasc load. Draw the RLC series circuit and characterize the nature of the circuit if Xi>Xe and Xi=Xc with necessary equations and vector diagram. Module 3 Explain the Construction and the working of single phase transformer with a neat diagram, A coil of 1000 tums is wound on a ring of silicon steel having a mean diameter of 10cm and relative permeability of 1200. Its cross section area is 12 cm’, when a current of 5A flows through the coil. Calculate (a) The flux in the core (b) The inductance of the coil and (c) EMF if the flux falls to zero in 20ms oR Explain the terms self induced EMF and mutual induced EMF with a neat diagram. Derive the EMF equation of DC generator and mention the significance of back EMF in DC motor. Module 4 Define Tariff? Explain the different types of tariffs available in power systems. Explain in detail about Fuse and MCB with neat sketch and List out the differences between Fuse and MCB. OR Describe the Pipe Earthing and Plate Earthing with neat diagram. Draw and explain in detail the stair-case wiring with a neat diagram. Module 5 Explain in detail about the following (i) Calibration (ii) Standards Draw the block diagram showing the basic functional elements of an instrument and explain the functions of each With a neat diagram, explain in detail about the permanent magnet moving coil meter. oR Explain the working and construction of dynamometer type wattmeter. With the neat sketch, explain the principle of operation of current transformer. Explain in detail about the principle of operation of single phase energy meter with neat diagram, 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 L4 L4 2 L3 12 13 ray 13 Li 13 Li Lu Li ral 12 coz cor coz co2 co3 co3 co3 co3 co4 cos co4 cos cos C06 cos cos C06 Page 2 of 2

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