Jasmine Star Email Templates 1

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Writing hasn't been easy for me.
In fact, I didn't learn how to read until I was almost 11 years
old, so forming my thoughts into words took me longer than
most. However, through the years, I've fallen in love with books,
libraries, and written word. Even though I'm a photographer,
writing--in the form of blog posts, social updates, and emails--
is something I do more often than shoot. In light of this, I
consolidated the time I spent writing to free me to do more of
what I love: be with my camera. The enclosed email templates are
merely a starting point. When I started my business, I struggled
with how to correspond with prospective clients, but over the years
formulated my thoughts in a systematic manner. I hope these
emails help you find ways to organize your time so you can do
more of what you love.

Stay Fabulous,
Email One:
Email Requesting Personalized
Client Information.

This is the first email I send to prospective clients when I receive an email inquiry. It allows
me to get pertinent information so I can tailor my response in a way that caters to their
specific needs.

Hi Tina!

Thank you very much for taking the time to inquire about my wedding photography collections.  I’m
truly blessed to do what I love and I appreciate your time and consideration in advance! Because I
accept only a limited number of weddings each year, I like to get to know my clients very well to
ensure we’re a good fit.  If you could take just two minutes to answer the following questions,
it would streamline our communication and ensure you’re well taken care of!  :)

Bride’s Name:
Groom’s Name:
Wedding Date:
Wedding Location:
Reception Location:
Phone Number:
Best Time to Call:
Who Can I Thank for the Referral?
Are You Working with a Wedding Coordinator?
Coordinator Name:

Again, thank you for contacting me and I look forward to our paths crossing in the near future!

Email Two:
Response to Email Inquiry for
Photography Services.

This is the email I send to clients after they’ve responded to the first email I sent them (Email
One). Because I know the bride and groom’s name, I personalize the email to both of them,
as well as personalize the wedding venue and the month of the wedding. Along with this
email, I attach the Collection Menu (a list of pricing for my services) and links to specific
parts of my portfolio (this could be a link to a blog post you’d like to feature or a slideshow
of images from a specific shoot).

Hi Scott and Elizabeth!

First off, thank you for contacting me.  It’s a true honor to even be considered to document your
wedding and I appreciate your time and consideration in advance!  I look forward to getting to know
you better and I hope our paths cross in the near future as you plan your FABULOUS wedding next
October at the Four Season Santa Barbara!  :)
Attached you’ll find detailed information regarding my collections, so if you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me.  I’m also sending you links to my wedding and engagement work, to better
acquaint yourself with my style and photographic voice, should you like to view more of my port-
folio.  Lastly to see recent ongoings in my life and business, feel free to check out my blog:  www.
I hope to hear from you soon!


Weddings: Engagements:
Stephanie + Stephen Marie+Charlie
-insert link to blog post/slideshow here -insert link to blog post/slideshow here
Shannon + Jody Brandon + Kristin
-insert link to blog post/slideshow here -insert link to blog post/slideshow here
Meg + Tim Keren+Pieter
-insert link to blog post/slideshow here -insert link to blog post/slideshow here
Email Three:
Response if Unavailable for a
Wedding Date.

This is the email I send to prospective clients if I am booked for their wedding date. I find it’s
important to offer to help them find another photographer because it makes them feel less
alone in the process. Chances are if they liked your style of photography, they’ll like your
suggestion/recommendation as well.

Hi Shirley!
I wish you the best as you marry your soul mate and I know nothing but great things are in
store!  :) Unfortunately, I’m unavailable on your wedding date (total bummer!), but if there’s
anything else I can do, please let me know. If you’d like recommendations, I’d be more than
happy to give you a few, so just let me know what your budget is and I’ll take things from
there! Best wishes and happy wedding planning!


Email Four:
Follow Up Email

I don’t normally follow up with prospective client inquiries, but if do, I send this email a week
after I send Email Two.

Hi Morgan!
Happy Wedding Planning and I hope you’re having a beautiful week so far! :) I’m writing to
follow up with your inquiry to ensure you don’t have lingering questions I can answer. I’m
here to help along the way, so feel free to reach out if you need anything at all!

Stay Fabulous,
Email Five:
Response if Prospective Client is Inquiring Too Far
in Advance of Booking Season.

This is the email I send to prospective clients if they’re wanting to book beyond what I’m
comfortable. For me, I don’t like to book more than a year in advance, but there’s no right
or wrong timeline. Everyone has their own preferences, so amend as you see fit. However,
I’ve noticed when a client tries booking a photographer before securing a date and venue,
there’s a higher likelihood of changing the proposed wedding date based on
venue availability.

Hi Paola!
Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me!  It’s an honor being considered for
your wedding and I appreciate it very much! If it’s not too much to ask, can you contact me
once a date and wedding venue have been secured?  I don’t book weddings without a date/
location or more than a year in advance, so if you could follow up with me once the logistics
are locked, I’d greatly appreciate it.  More than anything, I just want to make sure I remain on
the same page with my clients.  I completely understand you’re planning and budgeting for
your wedding, so my collections range from $X,500-$XX,000 for your convenience.  Again, I
appreciate your interest greatly and I hope our paths cross in the near future!  :)


Email Six:
Response to a Prospective Client Requesting
Discounted Prices.

Early in my career, I started my business charging $1,000 for my wedding photography

services. I was new and desperate for work, so I shot every wedding I could. The business
grew in a relatively short amount of time, so I steadily increased my prices and two years
later I was charging $4,000 for my services. This was a rather steep price change, so when
I received referrals from brides I photographed during my first year, many clients asked me
to charge the same amount I charged the referring bride (sometimes resulting in a $3,000
difference). Regardless of how it breaks down, as photographers we must stand by our
prices, even under stiff pressure to discount. This is the email I send to prospective clients
requesting a price reduction.
Hi Jenny!
Thanks so much for your interest in my wedding photography services!  I’m thrilled and hon-
ored your sister Jackie sent you my way...your family has a special place in my heart!  :)
I know it may be a difficult conversation to navigate, but I appreciate your willingness to ex-
plain your budget considerations...trust me, I was a bride before I was a photographer, so I
know budgets, too. Since Jackie’s wedding, my business has--thankfully--flourished to such
a degree that I had to raise my prices to reflect changes in supply and demand.  I guess you
can say Jackie and Jeremiah invested in good stock two years ago!  ;)
If we don’t get the opportunity to work together, please feel free to let me know if you’d
like my personal recommendations based on your budget considerations and we can take
things from there. Again, thank you.

Stay Fabulous,

Email Seven:
Following Up with a Prospective Client When
Another Prospective Client Expresses Interest for the
Same Wedding Date.

This is the email I send to a prospective client who inquired about my services, but hasn’t
paid a retainer to secure the date. If I’m in the process of engaging with a prospective client
and another prospective client expresses interest for the same wedding date, I will notify the
person who contacted me first and allow her to secure the date. The key, however, is to
stay in constant communication with both parties so no one is misunderstood.

Hi Dakota!
I hope all is well and life is sweet! It’s been lovely corresponding with you in regard to your
upcoming wedding on September 28, 2013 and I sincerely hope we have the opportunity to
work together in the near future. To ensure we’re on the same page, I’m reaching out to let
you know another bride has inquired regarding my services for her wedding on September
28, 2013 as well. She is interested in moving forward with booking, but I wanted to make
sure we connected before I moved forward. If you would like to secure my services for your
wedding, please let me know within the next 24 hours. I’d appreciate a timely response to
ensure everyone is well taken care of! :) Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing
from you soon.

Email Eight:
How to Prepare Clients for an Engagement Session.

This is the email I send clients 3-4 weeks before their engagement session. It’s important to
personalize the details of their upcoming photo shoot, as well as prepare them for what
to expect.

Hi Lesley!
I can’t wait to shoot in Newport Beach!  I love the Lido area and I have no doubt we’ll
capture some great photos.  I know we covered most of the following during the initial con-
sultation, but I send this to all my clients to ensure we’re on the same page for the shoot...
you’re already WAY ahead of the curve (I love your idea of shooting along the Harbor),
so let’s get started.

Jasmine Star Love Shoot Tips...

*Please be on time!  I’m a natural-light photographer, so the sun dictates how long I can
photograph you.  Please make proper considerations for traffic, hair delays, and fashion
emergencies!  ;)  An average shoot lasts 1-1.5 hours...if you show up 30 minutes late, the
session is not extended, but, rather, ends at the regularly scheduled time.  Please don’t think
ill of me...I just want to be honest in advance and let you know I want the BEST photography
experience for you.  And being on time achieves exactly this!  :)

*Be sure to check out the blog for engagement sessions and engagement slideshows be-
fore the shoot.  I’ve also discovered that when the prospective groom views a slideshow in
advance, it helps him feel comfortable in front of the camera.  Girls are usually more likely to
model or what I lovingly refer to as “work-it” in front of the camera.  Guys, on the other hand,
are sometimes not.  However, if they see some of my images and poses beforehand, they
know that I’m only there to make them look extra handsome.  ;)  Here’s a specific link to my
blog that’ll bring up only engagement sessions: -insert link here

*Don’t hesitate to check out photo shoot locations beforehand.  I know we spoke about
this, but if something else has popped up or you have a cool idea, please don’t hesitate to
let me know.  I encourage you to find a spot that reflects your love and a place you’ll both
feel comfortable.  And please note that there is no such thing as an ‘ugly’ location....there is
beauty everywhere....we just have to find it!  I’ve shot pretty much in every location imagin-
able (dumpsters, septic tanks, graffiti walls, etc), so please know that the location doesn’t
necessarily have to be pretty at every corner :)

*It’s always fun to bring along props.  I view every engagement session like a mainstream
shoot--complete with models and props and scenery.  I want every engagement shoot to
look like it could be in a magazine, so feel free to bring things along that really reflect your
fantastic personalities.  For instance, I’ve had a couple bring along a soccer ball because
they met on the field.  Another couple bought cotton candy and had fun eating it together. 
Another couple had matching iPods, so they brought them along because they’re both re-
ally into music.  The list is endless!  Suggestions:  Bikes, polaroid camera, a favorite journal,
magazines you like reading.  Anything!  :)   Don’t hesitate to bring anything that truly reflects
you individually or as a couple.

*Some girls will have their practice run regarding hair and makeup for the engagement shoot. 
This helps them feel a little more ‘done-up’ for the shoot and boosts their confidence.  I’m
not saying you should do this AT ALL!!  However, what I can say is that in my experience
shooting engagement sessions, girls want to feel pretty and confident...and sometimes
spending a little extra time getting ready achieves just that.  If you’d like recommendations,
I’d be happy to pass a few a long who’ll take amazing care of you! I think that’s it for now,
but please feel free to contact me should anything else arise.  Again, I’m so excited and I
can’t wait to see you again soon!  :)


Email Nine:
How to Prepare Clients for the Wedding.

This is the email I send clients five weeks before their wedding. As the wedding date draws
nearer, the bride is likely dealing with plenty of last minute details so a friendly photography
reminder is usually welcomed.

Hi Casey!
I can’t believe we’re just a month and a half away from your wedding…time flies fast when
you’re having fun! :) I’m looking forward to working with you, your families, and the amaz-
ing wedding team you assembled for the day, so please let me know if you need anything
in advance to the wedding. On that note, if you have a preliminary timeline of the day, I’d
love to take a look at it as soon as possible. More than anything, I want to make sure the
day is planned with plenty of time for photos…and plenty of time for everyone to enjoy the
moment. If you don’t have a timeline and would like assistance putting one together, let
me know and we can work on getting your date organized with ease! :) Also, attached is
the breakdown for the remainder balance, including the required state tax. As outlined in
the contract, the balance is due 14 working days prior to the wedding, so if you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Lastly, I’m here to help in any capacity, so if there are
specific family photos I should capture or special details you’d like documented, please let
me know prior to the wedding so you can rest assured everything will be photographed just
the way you’d like.

Email Ten:
Response if Prospective Client is Requesting
Photography Outside of My Specialty.

This is the email I send to clients who want to book me for services I don’t provide, namely
children’s and family photography.

Hi Megan!
Congrats on your recent family addition and I wish you only the most amazing time as you
navigate life as a new mom. Some of my favorite photos are those of my mom holding me
as a baby and I wish the same for your child! At this time I focus exclusively on weddings in
my career. If you’re looking for an amazing newborn photographer, feel free to let me know
and I’ll send a few recommendations your way. I wish you all the best at your photo shoot!


Hi Nicole!
Thank you so much for your time and consideration in advance! Some of my favorite
memories are made during my annual family photo session, so I wish you all the best as you
plan your family portraits.
At this time I focus exclusively on weddings in my career. If you’re looking for an amazing
family photographer, feel free to let me know and I’ll send a few recommendations your way.
I wish you all the best at your photo shoot!


jasminestar.com jasminestarblog.com facebook.com/jasminestarpage twitter.com/jasminestar

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