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Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 20/FY-23

Technology & NMB Division, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Incident : LTI of company employee

Date of Incident : 05/06/2022 Time: 1:40 P.M.
Department : Scientific Services
Section : Chemical Lab (RAC#3)
Location : Near Punching Machine of RAC#3 Lab
Injury : Mild Contusion with Tenderness Left Ankle

What happened?

Injured Person (IP) was coming to join his B shift duty from his home. Party entered through L-Town Gate
Sakchi and following SP#1 road reached RAC#3 Lab Punching M/c. After reaching, while he was climbing
down from his bike, his left leg got twisted, resulting in a sprain injury. IP attended West plant First-Aid and
from there he was referred to TMH emergency for further treatment. No fracture was observed but he was
made unfit for 2 days.

Risk Type : Blue (C3, L3)

Last date of Incident (LTI) of department : 02/02/2022
Incident (LTI) free days : 122 Days
Under camera surveillance : No

Photograph of the incident site:

Incident Spot Bike

Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 20/FY-23

Preliminary Findings:
1. Illumination was good as it was day-time.
2. Floor condition was also good.
3. During climbing down from bike, he was not alert.

Immediate actions taken:

1. IP was sent to First-Aid Station for treatment and from there he was referred to TMH.
2. Communicated among all concerned about the incident.
3. Further team will be formed for detailed investigation.


1. Advised all concerned to take care while climbing down /up from bike/ two-wheeler.

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