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The Manifesto of Integral Investing

We acknowledge humanity’s global grand challenges (GGCs), particularly the

existential threats such as climate emergency, nuclear capacity, and unsafe expo-
nentially growing technologies. Current systems, including political, economic,
financial, and educational systems, are not contrived to handle the GGCs. Never-
theless, we are convinced that transformation is feasible, and the necessary
resources, knowledge, technology, and capital exist to safeguard humanity and our
planet. A mind shift toward world-centric levels of consciousness is a mandatory
requirement and a premise for immediate, united, and adequate global action. We are
totally committed to doing our part to ensure the future of life. This is our manifesto:
1. Have a Massively Transformative Purpose: Our massively transformative pur-
pose (MTP) is to inspire and empower investors and company builders to ensure
the future of life and wellbeing. We take a world-centric view of the world and
address the GGCs through integral sustainability investing. We believe that the
development and deployment of safe and ethically sound exponentially growing
technologies are crucial for the future of humanity.
2. Have a Moonshot: Our moonshot is the investment turnaround. We believe in
the critical role of investing and company building in solving the GGCs. To
reverse it, we unleashed the investment turnaround to achieve the next paradigm
in investing. This paradigm is rooted in the essence of all existence, the exterior
reality, the material world, as well as the interior reality, such as culture, values,
psychology, ethics, and morals. It is a reality in which financial returns are
inseparable from environmental, social, cultural, and ethical impact, including
individual joy and happiness.
3. Make Transformation Feasible: We believe that transformation is feasible. We
are confident that humanity will muster the necessary mind shift, political will,
capital, and resources in time to implement the Smart scenario outlined by
Randers et al. in their 2018 Transformation is Feasible report to the Club of
Rome. The implementation of the UN SDGs must occur within planetary
boundaries. We continue to contribute our share of this transformation through

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254 The Manifesto of Integral Investing

our integral investments in early-stage, exponential-tech companies, as well as

smart grids, ultra-energy efficient, sustainable NDC datacenters, and our efforts
toward climate endowments.
4. Follow an Investment Strategy: We have an investment strategy and a profound
tactical implementation plan based on three decades of hands-on expertise. We
know what we do and do what we know. We have a stellar track record in direct
investments and company building.
5. Have an Investment Philosophy: Our investment philosophy is based on Integral
Theory, AQAL (pronounced ah-qwul), by philosopher Ken Wilber, which has
been applied in more than 50 disciplines from medicine to economics and
business. It is rooted in evolutionary theory and helps us integrate all of reality,
its exterior as well as interior dimensions, in our investment decisions. It is a
map that helps us simplify and navigate the complexity of reality while
maintaining multiple world views and honoring the evolution of human con-
sciousness from pre-modern to modern, postmodern, and post-postmodern
structures of consciousness.
6. Have a Proven Investment Framework: Our proven investment framework is
called Integral Investing, a framework that both transcends and includes tradi-
tional and impact investing. Integral investing is a meta-theory and practice of
investing based on consciousness evolution as described in Wilber’s Integral
7. Communicate Your Ideals: We communicate our ideals via our motto, the 6Ps:
The Parity of People, Planet and Prosperity with Passion and Purpose. Doing
good and doing well are not contradictory aims but are indicative of an indis-
pensable mindset that ensures the future of life and wellbeing; in short, integral
sustainability. The equality of all 6Ps is the key to our future.
8. Be Smart about De-Risking: We de-risk our investments using our proprietary
Theta Model, the due diligence process of Integral Investing that applies the
tools and methodologies of Integral Theory to de-risk investments with the
intention to build integrally sustainable companies from the very beginning.
We use proven financial due diligence and methods, structures, tools, and
metrics to lead the way toward the implementation of the next paradigm in
investing. The Theta Model has been developed, refined, and successfully
applied since 1995.
9. Investing in Scientific Proof and Technology Advancement within Planetary
Boundaries: We believe in scientific proof. We invest in scientifically proven
solutions to real-world problems. We never invest in “shoulds,” but in hard and
proven ideas and in highly qualified and integrally informed people. We believe
in the ingenuity of the human mind to solve critical problems, even if it takes
time. Humanity has arrived at this point in time and space through an evolu-
tionary process that initially looked linear and local. Now it has become obvious
that we are subject to an exponentially growing function of evolution that has a
global impact. Thus, smart and wise action is required.
10. Act Boldly Now: We act boldly now and believe that we are living through some
of the most exciting times in human history. We are very privileged to be alive in
The Manifesto of Integral Investing 255

this day and age, but with privilege comes responsibility. Subsequently, there
has never been a better time to act than now, and neither has there ever been a
greater necessity or obligation to act.
11. Never, Never, Never Give In: During a 20-minute speech at Harrow School on
October 29, 1941, Churchill encouraged his audience to “Never give in. Never
give in. Never, never, never, never–in nothing great or small, large or petty–
never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to
force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” The
enemy Churchill was referring to was Nazi Germany, but we think that his
advice applies in general to a life well lived. This is why we have adopted it.
12. Provide Certainty Where There Is Doubt: We provide certainty where there is
doubt and hope where there is despair. We are mindful optimists, and we use
scientific research and lifelong investment and company-building expertise to
clear a path to a sustainable and abundant future for us all. We put our money
where our mouth is.
13. Recognize the Critical Role of Capital in Transformation: We believe in the
critical role of capital to solve the GGCs. However, to achieve that, our systems
must move beyond the current understanding of capital as being money and the
single measurement of success. We work with and have an extended under-
standing and definition of capital that transcends the traditional financial capital
and includes natural capital, human capital, as well as social and cultural capital,
but also, for example, cognitive and psycho-spiritual capital.
14. Invest in People, not in Ideas: We invest passionately and compassionately in
people, not in ideas. Our experience has reinforced the old adage that “ideas are
a dime a dozen” and taught us that 80% of the risk in any endeavor lies with the
people involved. Therefore, we invest first and foremost in people, because
people at later stages of consciousness are more likely to succeed at
implementing a good idea whose time has come.
15. Build Integrally Sustainable Organizations: We believe that trust and wisdom
are the foundation for the future of life. We walk the talk and work tirelessly
toward building a culture of trust in our organizations. We focus on building
integrally sustainable companies that are led by integrally informed manage-
ment teams.
16. Take Pride in Long-Term Investments: We choose long-term, sustainable invest-
ments over short-term profit at the expense of people and the planet. We take
pride in making meaningful investments that generate abundance for all and
ensure the future of work and the future of life and wellbeing.
17. You Can Only Achieve What You Measure: We believe that we can only achieve
what we measure. To fulfill our self-imposed Integral Investing mandate, we
measure the activities and outcomes of our investments. We use existing
measurement criteria for success by applying standards and quasi-standards
where they exist and develop our own metrics where needed.
18. You Cannot Not Invest. We believe that the market has no intentions, only
people do. We think that everybody is an investor, because we all influence the
economy through, for example, our purchases, votes, work, commitments,
256 The Manifesto of Integral Investing

knowledge, preferences, love, and caring. Like money, the market and our
economic systems are constructs made by people to serve people. We believe
that our current GGCs are the result of outdated systems created by outdated
mindsets that no longer serve humanity. Earth needs world-centric mindsets. We
are committed to paving the way toward integrally sustainable investment and
business systems that are driven by people rooted in world-centric mindsets to
ensure the future of life.
19. With Privilege Comes Responsibility: We believe in higher ethics, morals, and
unity consciousness. Through our actions we contribute to unleashing the next
level of consciousness in human evolution and believe that higher ethics and
morals pave the way.
20. Self-actualize through Investing: We self-actualize through investing. Investing
is not a profession but a way of life for us. We actively seek out the good in
everything. We live an integrally informed life guided by an integral life practice
and believe that there is always a solution to a problem when you are committed
to a positive outcome. We seek short-term flow and long-term meaning through
our activities. We think globally and exponentially. We act locally with integral
impact to ensure the future of life on earth.
21. Practice Humility: We practice humility and seek harmony between head and
heart. Chinese sage Lao Tsu wrote in the Tao Te Ching that “the more you know
the less you understand. . . [and] not knowing is true knowledge.” We take those
words to heart. While we trust scientific research and allow ourselves to be
guided by progressive models of the world, we do not follow anyone or anything
but truth. Moving forward, we practice humility, embrace the unknown, and
practice flexibility with the intention to grow, to shift our beliefs and our
activities at any time, should the Universe reveal better ways of serving the
future of life.

Integral Investing The meta-theory and investment practice of integral investors, it

is rooted in philosopher Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, AQAL (pronounced
Integral Investors Self-actualizing individuals who have awakened to a unity
consciousness mindset at later stages of human development. They are acting
holistically, whether they use AQAL as a guiding map to navigate the exponen-
tially growing complexity of the world or not. Integral investors have a massively
transformative purpose (MTP), a moonshot, and a daily integral wheel of life
practice. They apply exponentially growing technologies to build integrally
sustainable organizations that successfully address humanity’s global grand chal-
lenges such as implementing the UN SDGs within planetary boundaries.
Integral Map, Framework, or Operating System Synonym for Ken Wilber’s
Integral Theory, AQAL.
Integral Lens This is the looking glass into the world of investing that uses Integral
Theory as its lens.
Integral Sustainability Investing This approach to investing aims to fulfill the call
issued in the Brundtland Report, named in honor of former Norwegian Prime
Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, who chaired the World Commission on Envi-
ronment and Development from 1983 through 1987. Brundtland’s request for
sustainability intends to meet “the need of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”1 Integral sustainability
fulfills Brundtland’s call through investing and the application of Integral Theory,
and contends that all investment activity must be rooted in the essence of all
existence, the interior such as culture, values, ethics, and morals as well as
exterior reality, the material world. It is a reality in which financial sustainability
is inseparable from its environmental, social, cultural, and ethical impact, as well
as individual self-actualization, joy, and individual happiness.


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M. Bozesan, Integral Investing,
258 Glossary

Integral Team The management team, C-levels, in which we invest ought to

operate from an integrally informed and/or integrally acting level. The desired
center of gravity is second tier with a minimum centered at first tier, orange-level,
as defined, for example, by Spiral Dynamics.
Integral Theory Developed by philosopher Ken Wilber, it is rooted in evolution-
ary theory and honors the truth in all there is. It aims to integrate all of reality,
exterior as well as interior dimensions. It is a map that helps simplify and navigate
the complexity of reality while maintaining multiple world views and honoring
the evolution of human consciousness from pre-modern to modern, postmodern
to post-postmodern structures of consciousness.
Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP) A term popularized by Singularity
co-founder Peter Diamandis. Your MTP reflects you and your belief system; it is
inspiring and connects your heart with your mind. It is independent of technol-
ogy; it is neither too wide nor too narrow; and you can speak with confidence
about what it means and why it is your MTP.
Moonshot A moonshot is the intention to achieve something that nobody has
achieved before. It means to go “10 times bigger, while the rest of the world is
trying to grow 10%.”2 Our professional moonshot is the implementation of the
Investment Turnaround (in German, the Investmentwende). It is the specific
application of exponential technologies toward achieving Integral Investing, the
next paradigm in investing, namely integral sustainability. It aims at
implementing an investing paradigm rooted in the essence of all existence, the
exterior reality, the material world, as well as interior realities such as culture,
values, ethics, and morals. It is a reality in which financial returns are inseparable
from environmental, social, cultural, and ethical impact, including individual joy
and happiness. Our first goal is the integrally sustainable implementation of the
UN SDGs within planetary boundaries by 2050.
Theta Factor The result of the Theta Model, AQAL due-diligence process that my
husband, Tom, and I use to decide on whether or not to invest.
Theta Model The Theta Model is the due-diligence, de-risking, process that applies
the tools and methodologies of Integral Investing to de-risk investments with the
intention of building integrally sustainable companies from the very beginning. It
integrates (a) traditional investing due-diligence criteria (financial, legal, sales
and marketing, etc.) with (b) sustainability criteria and impact investing metrics
(for example, UN SDGs within planetary boundaries, as well as Social, Environ-
mental, and Governance (ESG) of the UN PRI, etc.); and (c) cultural, behavioral,
and consciousness criteria as defined in Wilber’s integral framework.


A Augmented Intelligence Summit, 84

Abundance, 140 Augmented reality (AR), xviii, 64
Academy Award (“Oscar”), 13 Autonomous passenger air vehicle (APAV), 53
Acumen Fund, 171 Autonomous vehicle (AV), 49
Additionality, 185 Awakening, vii, 106
Adler, A., 119
Aeroponics, 45
Agenda 2030, 15, 16, 19, 157 B
Agriculture, 45 Batteries
AI, see Artificial intelligence (AI) lithium-ion, 44
AI-assisted collective intelligence, 218 Battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV), 49
AI winter, 75 Bayesian Belief Network, 218
Alliance for a New Humanity, 12 Bayes’ theorem, 213
AlphaFold, 78 B corporation, 45, 186
AlphaGo, 73, 76 Beck, D., 121
American Centers for Disease Control and Behavior, 135
Prevention (CDC), 1 Bias, 139–140
Angels’ Forum, The (TAF), 170 Big Three, xi, 129, 130
An Inconvenient Truth, 13 Bio-engineering, 37
Anti-dilution clause, 182 Bio-printing, 41
AQAL, x, 129 Bitcoin, 65, 68, 177
See also Integral Investing; Integral Theory Black swans, 218
framework Blockchain, 65
Arbib, J., 50 Bostrom, N., 72
Arnsperger, C., 168 Brain-computer interfaces, xviii, 58, 59
Artificial intelligence (AI), xviii, 71, 139 Branson, R., 102
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 28, 78 Brown, B., 142, 193
artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), 78 Brown, D.P., 139
artificial super intelligence (ASI), 79 Brundtland Report, 15
human-centered, 217 Brunnhuber, S., 68
unsafe, 10, 79 Brynjolfsson, E., 21
Asilomar AI Principles, 28, 80, 227 Buffett, W., 102, 171
Asimov, I., 87–88 Business Angel Netzwerk Deutschland
Augmented intelligence, xviii (BAND), xxii

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260 Index

C Decarbonization, 48
Campbell, J., xix, 105 Deception, 32
Capitalism, 6 Deep learning, 75, 76
Carbon sequestration, 49 DeepMind, 73, 76
Carbon tax, 167 de Grey, A., 42
Cartesian dualism, 99 Deikman, A., 23
Categorical imperative, 120 Demand-response aggregator, 185
Cell therapy, 39 Dematerialization, 34
Churchill, W., 229 Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, 5
Climate Action Summit, xvi Democratization, 35
Climate benchmarks, 18 Demonetization, 33
Climate change, xv, 6 Dennett, D., 99
Climate emergency, xvii, 10 De-risking, 179, 225
Climate Emergency Plan, xvi Descartes, R., 99
Club of Rome, xvi, 10, 11, 16, 17 Development, see Evolution
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Diamandis, P., 31
Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), 38 Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 32
Cognitive psychology, 99 Digitalization, xv, 3, 31
Cohen, R., Sir, 184 Disruption, xv, 33
Collective intelligence, 217 Dörner, D., 99
Collins, J., 232 Drawdown, Project, 159
Come On!, xvi, 16 Drucker, P., 127
Communism, 6, 101 Due diligence, 179
Conscious Capitalism, 127
Consciousness, 82
definition (see Integral Theory) E
Consciousness crisis, 101 Economy
Consciousness evolution, xvii, 118–126, 136 fossil-fuel-based, 5
See also Development free-market, 5
Consciousness, hard problem of, 82 full-spectrum, 19
Cook-Greuter, S., viii, xix, 105, 125, 191, 193 wellbeing, 5
COVID-19, xvii, 1, 10, 22 Edelman Trust Barometer, 9
Cradle to Cradle, 142 Ego development, 121–124, 137
CrowdSmart, 218 Electric vehicle (EV), 43
Crowdsourcing, 140 Electric vertical take-off and landing
Cryosphere Preservation Plan, 166 (eVTOL), 53
Cryptobubble, 68 Ellison, L., 22
Cryptocurrency, 66, 68, 177 Emissions
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 137 CO2, 13
Cultural creatives, 100, 127 green-house gas (GHG), 5
Cyberattack, 7 Energiewende, 185, 221
Cyber criminality, 10 Energy turnaround, 185, 221
Cybernet, 22, 169, 209 Enlightenment, vii, 89
assault on, 2
Enlightenment 2.0, 89, 98
D Entelios, 185, 221
Dalai Lama, 138 Environmental, social and governance
Data center, 34, 35 (ESG), 180
Data fraud, 7 ESG disclosures, 18
Dawkins, R., 98, 99 Ethereum, 68
Deal pipeline, 175 Eurobond, 5
Deal screening, 174 European Business Angel Network (EBAN), xxii
Deal sourcing, 174 European Central Bank (ECB), 5
Index 261

European Climate Law, 159 Global Steering Group (GSG), 184

European Commission, 17 Global Sustainable Investment Alliance
European Green Deal, 159, 186 (GSIA), 7
European Green Recovery and Investment Goleman, D., 136
Program, 5 Good, True, Beautiful, xii
European Parliament, 17 Göpel, M., 167
European Union (EU), 5, 6 Gore, A., 12, 102
Evolution Graves, C., xix, 105, 121
sociocultural, 120 Great Chain of Being, 129
Exponential, 140 Great Mindshift, 89
growth, 21, 23 Gross domestic product (GDP), 10
organization (ExO), 203 Grossman, T., 41
technology, xv, xvii Ground of Being, x
Guterres, A., xvi

Fake news, 2 H
Fisher, K., 192 Habermas, J., xii, 172
Five dysfunctions of a team, 194 Harari, Y.N., xviii, 72
5G network, 56 Hassabis, D., 28
Flow state, 107, 137 Hawking, S., 28
Forrester, J., 11 Health, xviii
Founder’s Dilemma, 195 Hero’s Journey, xix, 105–112
Fowler, J., x initiation phase, 113
Freud, S., 119 return phase, 114
Fridays for Future, 158 ultimate boon, 114
Friedman, T., 117 Heterarchy, 202
Future of Life Institute, 28, 80 Hierarchy, 201
Holacracy, 205
Holarchy, 201–203
G Holon, 136, 191, 202
Gap analysis, 196 Homo economicus, 132
Gardner, H., 135 Horizontal growth, 191
Gates, B., 1, 102, 171 Horizontal integration, 137
Gebser, J., 103, 120 Human Genome Project, 38
General Data Protection Regulations Human needs, 119, 120
(GDPR), 85 Human Rights Foundation, 2
Generation Investment Management, 143 Hydroponics, 46
German Advisory Council on Global
Change, 167
Gestalt Therapy, vi I
Gilligan, C., 105, 120 Impact investing, 171
Giving Pledge, 102, 171 Impact Reporting and Investment Standards
Global Alliance for Banking on Values (IRIS), 183
(GABV), 102 Impossible Burger, 47
Global Alliance for Buildings and Industrial Revolution, xv
Construction, 34 Digital Revolution, 36
Global Commons, 166 First, 20, 36
Global grand challenges (GGC), xv–xvii, 141 Fourth, xv, 21, 35, 36
Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), 102, Second, 36
183 Third, 21, 36
Global Impact Investing Rating System Inevitable success criteria, 174
(GIIRS), 186, 197 INF Treaty, 10
262 Index

Infobahn International, 21, 169 K

Initial Coin Offering (ICO), 68 Kabbalah, vi
Initiation phase, 108 Kant, I., 172
Integral framework, see Integral Theory Kegan, R., viii, 103, 105, 134
Integral Investing, xviii, xix, 166, 173 Kehler, T., 72, 218
theoretical foundation, 128–140 Kohlberg, L., 105
Integrally sustainable organization, 5, 233 Kohut, H., 137
Integral metatheory, v Krugman, P., 12, 103
Integral methodological pluralism (IMP), 168 Kurzweil, R., xvii, 23, 28
Integral psychology, viii epochs of evolution, 26
Integral radar, 196 Fantastic Voyage, 41
Integral Theory, v, xviii, 172 Kyoto Protocol, 12
Integral Theory, developmental processes
cleaning up, xi, xiii, 112–114, 139
growing up, viii–x, xiii, 137, 139 L
opening up, xi, xiii Laloux, F., 207
showing up, xii, xiii, 115 Law of Accelerating Returns, 29, 88
waking up, vii–x, xiii, 106–112, 137, 139 Leadership development framework (LDF),
Integral Theory, elements of, viii, 129 125–126
levels, x, 133 Leadership/Lectical Decision Making
lines, x, 134, 136 Assessment (LDMA), 192
quadrants, x, xi, 142, 173 Lectica, 192
states, x Lee, K.-F., 73, 97
types, x Legacy-building, 117
Intellectual property (IP), 181 Lencioni, P., 194
IntelliCorp, 72, 218 Libra, 69
Intelligence, x LiDAR, 50
cognitive (IQ), 135–137 Life 3.0, 81
emotional (EQ), 136, 137 Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability
interpersonal, 137 (LOHAS), 100–101
intrapersonal, 137 The Limits to Growth, 11
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Loevinger, J., 105
(IPCC), 13, 157 Longevity escape velocity, 42
Internal combustion engine (ICE), 49
International Energy Agency (IEA), 13, 34
International Integrated Reporting Council M
(IIRC), 184, 199 Ma, J., 243
Internet, 21, 56 Machine learning, 75, 76
Internet of Things (IoT), xviii, 55–71 Mackey, J., 127
Intuition, 77 Mahamudra, 139
Investing Marx, K., 101, 117
blended value, 173 Maslow, A., xix, 103, 119–120, 136
early-stage, xviii Massively transformative purpose (MTP), 140,
mission-related, 173 145, 219
Sustainable and Responsible (SRI), 173 Massys, Q., 245
triple bottom line (TBLI), 173 Maturity Profile (MAP), 193
value, 173 McAfee, A., 21
Investment turnaround, xix, 145, 165, 166, 220 Mead, C., 28
Investmentwende, 145, 165 Meaning-making, 134
Ismail, S., 203 Meat
cultured, 40
plant-based, 47
J Mechanistic dualism, 99
James, W., 129 Meditation, 138, 139
Index 263

Metrics, 6 later stages, 103

Migration, 7 world-centric, viii, ix, xvii, xviii, 118, 121
Millennium Development Goals (MDG), 100 Peterson, J., ix
Mindset, xvii, 82, 146 Pinker, S., xviii
Mindset evolution, see Personal development Planetary boundaries (PB), xvi, 16, 141, 160,
Mind shift, 102, 118, 126–128 173
See also Mindset Planetary Emergency fund, 166
Mobility, xviii Planetary Emergency Partnership, 10
Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), 52 Planetary Emergency Plan, 166
Moonshot, 140, 145, 166, 220 Plastics, 48
Moore, G., 28 Plato, 129, 172
Moore’s Law, 28 Popper, K., xii
Moravec, H., 78 Principles of Responsible Investing of the UN
Mosaic, 21, 118 (UN PRI), 102
Musk, E., xvi, xviii, 28, 54, 102, 243 Programmer bias, 139–140
MTP, 145 Progressophobia, 10
Musk, K., xvi Psychoanalysis, vi
Psychograph, 133, 134, 191
N The Fourth Force in, 119
Nagel, T., 99 humanistic, vi, 119
Nano-robots, 42 integral, 119
Nanotechnology, 42 The Third Force in, vi
Natural Capitalism, 142 transpersonal, 119
Natural language processing (NLP), 218 Pyramid of needs, 119
NDC data centers, 221
Near-death experiences, 107
Neural network, 75 Q
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), vi Quantum computing, 70
New Ocean Treaty, 166
Nordhaus, W., 7, 11 R
Randers, J., xvi, 160
Ray, P., 100
O Realwirtschaft, 226
OECD, 17 Reductionism, 117
Olsen, K., 32 Renewable energy, 42
Oracle Corp., 22 Rifkin, J., 21, 36
Rio+20 Earth Summit, 183
Robotics, xviii
P Rockström, J., 160
Pandemics, 7 Rumelhart, D., 75
Panpsychism, 99 Russell, S., 86
Paris Agreement on Climate Change, 15, 19,
Parity of People, Planet and Prosperity—with S
Passion and Purpose (6Ps), xiv, 168, Satori, vii
173, 225 Scharmer, O., 101
Peak experience, ix, 107 Schwab, K., 21
People, planet and prosperity, 6 Scientific materialism, 99
Personal development, levels of Seba, T., 50
egocentric, viii, 121 Second Machine Age, 21
ethnocentric, ix, 118, 121 Self-actualization, 117, 143, 223
integral, xvii, 103 Self-identity, 137
integrated, viii Sensitivity, 213
Kosmos-centric, 87, 121 Sentence completion test (SCT), 125, 193
264 Index

Singularity, xvii, 42 UNEP, 34

Sisodia, R., 126 United Nations Framework Convention on
6Ds, 31 Climate Change (UNFCCC), 12
Skyport, 53 United Nations Global Compact, 183
Small to medium enterprises (SMEs), 165 Unity consciousness, 107
Snowden, E., 72, 83 Universal Basic Income (UBI), 5
SOCAP, 102 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), 43
Social Impact Investment Taskforce, 184 US PRISM, 86
Social Venture Circle, 102
Socio-Ecological-Technical-System (SETS),
Soros, G., 102
Varoufakis, Y., 5
Specificity, 213
Vedanta, vi
Spiral Dynamics, 121–124
Venture philanthropy, 171, 173
Spiritual emergencies, 107
Vertical development, 137
Stem cell, 39
See also Vertical growth
Sufism, vi
Vertical farming, 46
Superintelligence, 28, 72, 79
Vertical growth, 112–114, 137
Surowiecki, J., 68, 217
Vertical learning, 191
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), 15, 16,
18, 68, 157, 173, 220
interobjective, xi
Sustainable finance, 18
intersubjective, xi
Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE), 183
objective, xi
Swallowables, 59
subjective, xi
Virtual reality (VR), xviii, 64
Vision quest, 107
von Neumann, J., 23
Taxonomy, 18
von Weizsäcker, E., xvi, 16
Teal organization, 203, 207
Team assessment, 193–195
Tegmark, M., 26, 72
three lives, 26 W
Tesla Gigafactory, 44 Wade, J., 138
Theta Model, xix, 169, 180, 225 Washington University Sentence Completion
3D printing, 3, 62–64 Test of Ego Development (WUSCT),
Thunberg, G., xvi, 158 125
Toniic investors network, 50, 102, 143, 183 Weapons of mass destruction, 7
Torbert, B., 125 Wellbeing, xv, xviii, 3, 5, 58, 85, 123, 127, 148,
Torbert, W., viii 163, 167, 219, 224, 228, 233, 236, 239,
Track record, 211 253–255
Transformation is Feasible, xvi, xviii, xix, 160, Wheel of life, 146
221 Wijkman, A., xvi, 16
Transportation, xviii, 49–55 Wilber, K., xviii, xix
as a Service (TaaS), 51 foreword by, v
Trump, D., 15 integral framework, 129 (see also Integral
Turing test, 73 Theory, AQAL)
Wisdom of Crowds, 217
Work-life balance, 223
U World Economic Forum (WEF), 6, 21
Ultimate unity consciousness, ix World Health Organization (WHO), 51
UN SDG, see Sustainable Development Goals WORLD3, 11
(SDG) WWF, 17
Index 265

Xenotransplantation, 39 Zen Buddhism, vi

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