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-SL -GL (group list) -PY (feedback in Elite abt the pension) -HR (SunLife and Clarica

Case ID and type of Policy

 Purchase: Pension we bought

 HR: Human resources, we got them, we administrate them…

Pension (G): collective; REER, pension, etc)

Individual Pension (I)
Trustee (T): We only pay them; we are the third party, no contact with the
member and we don’t do the administration for them.

Case ID and type of plan

Trustee (T): We only pay them; we are the third party, no contact with the
member and we don’t do the administration for them.

Pay as you go: We do everything; we got the money and we administrate

Purchased business: We deal it like it’s our own
Paid-up: We deal it like it’s our own
Fully-insured: We deal it like it’s our own
Survivor income benefit (L): Ce n’est pas une rente… c’est un bénéfice payable à
un conjoint vivant.
Please reimburse: Sponsor deal with us, we paid for them, we’re the third party
(ex: Kodak)
Payroll: HR and PY (special group, because to many member, service +)

***DSO= Non-annuity

1. Type of annuity: SL in screen RGG1

SL: Single Life Annuity JL: Joint Life Annuity

AC: Annuity Certain TL: Temporary Life Annuity
DS: Deposit Settlement Option LC: Survivor Income Benefit (Annuity
2. The duration of guarantee period: 00

00: There’s no guarantee associated with policy

01: 1 year period or Option 1 for Settlement Options

05: 5 year period
06: 6 year of period or Option 6 for Settlement Options
99: Guarantee period exists for a partial year
RB: Return of Balance Premium
RG: Return of Balance Premium with a Guarantee Period

3. Index Indicator (indexation or not): Y

C: annuitant ID where CPI indexing applicable

Y: yes there is indexation (according to the certificate or agreemnt with sponsor, fixed
N: No fixed Indexing

4. Joint Life Reducing (only for joint annuities): NA

A2: reduces by 25% if annuitant dies A3 (J3): reduces by 33.3% if

annuitant (Joint) dies
A4: reduces by 40% if annuitant dies A5 (A5): reduces by 50% if
annuitant (Joint) dies
A6 (J6): reduces by 66.6% if annuitant (Joint) dies A7: reduces by 67.38% if annuitant
(Joint) dies
A8 (J8): reduces by 75% if annuitant (Joint) dies AV (JV): variable % reduces if
annuitant (Joint) dies
E2: reduces by 25% on either death E3: reduces by 33.3% on either death

E4: reduces by 40% on either death E5: reduces by 50% on either death
E6: reduces by 66.6% on either death EV: variable % reduces on
either death
NR: not reduce on either death NA: not applicable (not a
S3: reduces by 33.3% at specified death S5: reduces by 50% at
specified death
DF: deferred corporate annuity record


Elite: I only can make a change for the member. The Joint can only if there is a split with
2 active payees
1. Name search in Sunet and RAIC (Name, DOB and Old address)
2. RAI if 2 actives payees and taxable to who? If different than the owner (special
3. RAIC Select the payee and go to RFC1 and F4. Change the address and the
phone number  F5
4. Different province (Quebec): remove or add any additional Qc Tax on RIG1
screen F4 RFC1 change address and number  Annual Tax Information screen
(Add/Remove tax in Qc under Province) F5
5. Foreign (Outside of Canada):
 Less than 6 months: we only change the mailing address not the
residence address.
 More than 6 months: RAI
-RGG1 (Look in the Canadian Tax Service for non-resident…
-C.O.E impact on the Tax (click on YES do not return… Because I have to
send a notification)) … Change the address 
-RIG1 on the payee level (add 25% for the non-resident tax) 
-Go to RGG1 to change the extract to 21 days if the member receives the
payment bye check or 6 days if the member receives it by direct deposit.
-Process for the form NR301 in Business Procedure

EFT DATA (Add/Change/delete)  Electronic Fund Transfers

Send us by fax … a copy of a VOID cheque with all you information… sign it

1. RAI (check if there’s more than one case ID  Go to RIG1  Change the
banking information
2. If the address is foreign go to RGG1 payment extract reflect 9 days, if the
EFT info has been deleted make sure the payment extract reflect 21 days.
1. If in the letter from a 3 party with RP:  add 0 in front the number and 01
2. Check to be sure we have the right account un SUNET
3. Check RAIC if have other products
4. RFC1 F4  RAIM F4 record the DOD … F5
5. RAI with the client ID (RGG1 paying or Not paying)
-RGGA to check the Joint DOB and Joint Information
-RGD1 for the split with the Joint
-Funded (can see it in SUNET, or in Elite «line of business» for purchase)
-NIL= both die (Yellow) -Continuing: Joint still alive (White) Joint: Owner
alive and joint die (White) -HR (Pink)

1. Do RAI in Elite and enter the company (GP, SL, PY, HR)
2. Enter the client ID  With the role of P go to RIG3
3. The annuitant ID will end with 01
4. Make the deduction on the right line save and  F5


Name of Institution Institution # Valid # of digits

Bank of Hong Kong (HSBC) 016 8 or 9
Bank of Montreal 001 7
Bank of Nova Scotia 002 7 or 12
Caisse Populaire 825 8
Canada Trust Company 004 4-7-11
Citibank Canada 260 10
Laurentian Bank of Canada 039 3-7-9 or 12
National Bank of Canada 006 7
Royal Bank of Canada 003 7

RDCI: Data Collect Inquiry
Add/change/all the transactions refuse (F10)

RFC1: Client Add/Change:

- Add I new payee (Next Transaction to process section (for the payment))F5
- To have all the details about the member
- Change the DOB and the Death posting date
- -Client social assurance
- Click and complete if it’s a PEP or a Company (register number of the
- -RAIC  RFC1 to see the name of POA
- COfE: Certificate of existence (to record it)

Address Changing:
- Can change the Address information (resident and mailing)
- Address Status code:
L-Low (c.o.p return)
M-Medium (to be sure If he still alive)
H-(pension came back)
U-Unclaimed (we are looking for the member, we have to start the payment but
we don’t have any news from him… After 3 years we give the $ to the Gouv)
- We can’t change any address for HR or PY member… send it to a specialist

RIG3  TAXABLE BENEFITS: (Avantages imposables)

Deduction Types narrative:
Code in Elite English
AH Alberta Health Premium
BH BC Health Premium
DP Dental Premium
FT Sales Tax
HP Health Premium
HS Hospital Care
LP Life Premium
OT Other
PT Provincial Sales Tax
SF Special Fees
UD Union Dues
SP Semi Private
MP Medical Premium
EH Extended Health
RAI: Alpha Inquiry
-If the role is 1 (not A, O or P): that’s mean we are paying the annuitant by another
entity (ex: The Bank)
-We can see the status of the Joint

RAIC: Client Alpha Inquiry

-We can make modification and update for the owner
-We can see the DOB of the owner

**find where we can add or change the POA (power of attorney)


-To see the DOB of the Joint… All the information about the Join…

RGG1: Contract Information (ANY change for the annuitant)

-We can see the Benefit Descriptor (indexation, joint reduction, type of annuity,
-We can access to the Line of Business
-To stop the payment after a Decease… change from DU to stop the payment
-Payment mode (monthly, yearly or quarterly)
-Payment extract advance
EFT or Check
PY, GP and HR= 10 days
Trustee= 14 days
Foreign: 21 days

RGG3: Annuitant inquiry

-We can see the Gross Purchase amount (what the member pays for the pension)
-Settlement Amount (few members can remove their money from the funds)
-Gross money receive

RGG4: Annuitant inquiry – Audit Information

-Change the payment date
- Last payment the member receive
RECYCLE (Régie des Rentes – RQ in Sunet at the end of the case ID): The member
probably have others products check in the RAIC to see all the policy the member has.

In Sunet Yes: we can give the information
In Sunet No: We have to confirm with the employer


In IMB Note  ASG (Annuity Survival Guide)

-With the 5 digits of the Case ID

Address changing:
-Before to change the address. I have to ask you few security questions.
-What’s your old address…?
-Perfect, I’m ready to take down your new address
-I’m going to repeat it back to you
-I made that change…

Tax splits …. Duplicate:

-Tax splits are already printed with your old address on. Do you have access to your old
mail, or do your mails get redirected to your new address?
-I’m going to make a duplicate for your tax splits and sent it to your new address.
-Do you have any other question for today?

File searching:
-Who sent you the letter?
-Are you looking for a group pension (a group annuity?)
-I don’t find anything under your name
- Do you have any supporting document to find your file? If you find anything you can
call us back or just send an email or fax with all the information.

Tax changing:
-How do you want to arrange that?
-It’s going to be effective for the next payment
New Plan transfer:
When they transfer the plan to us, they did not transfer this information.

**TD1 form to reduce tax

**NR301 foreign -address

Death claim:
-Who may I speak with?
-Now I’m going to freeze the account right away, so there’s no more payment issued in
the member name.
-This will be review by a specialist, just to make an update in the files.
-In about 2-3 weeks, you will receive a letter about all the details about the pension.
-If there is anything required in the letter, it will have a return envelope.
(Usually they ask for Certificate of dead, sometimes there are some form to field out)
-For the moment you don’t have to send anything to us.
-Thank you for notified us, and in the behalf of Sun Life I would like to offer you and your
family my sincere sympathy.

Overpayment after the member dies:

-We receive the overpayment

Mail in transit:
-In the subject heading you can find the client member.
-The letter was mail out. It’s probably in transit.
-It comes from MTL

Individual pension:
-Which employer have you worked for?
-Do you receive any amount from Sun Life in your bank account?
-This one is not handling by our department.
-It’s in the individual side.
-I can transfer you to the right department. Just provide your name and your DOB

-We act as the third party, we only make the payment.
-If you have any question about your plan, you have called the sponsor benefit line.
Ex: KODAK: 1-877-262-2736

COE letter:
-Do you know what this letter is about?
-It’s just to make sure you still receive your pension.
-I can confirm the letter with you by phone… There’s no need to mail it back to us.

Bank changing:
- Can’t make this update on phone because of security reasons.
-You have to send all the information to make this update. You have 3 options;
you can send your information by mail, e-mail or fax.
-Write a letter in the attention of the Group annuity, as long as the member
name is print on the Void check and the banq stamp on it. Don’t forget to sign the letter.

POA missing in the file:

-I don’t have any POA in the file, so I can’t make any change without the member
-We need a copy of a General POA or a Propriety POA. We need all the pages.
-With the proof of the POA you can have access to the account with no problem.

Payment falling the week-end:

-October 1st fells in a week-end, so the payment was issued the previous business day.

The use to determine the increase:

The amount is going up (it's definitely an increase). The employer tells us the amount is
going up. The best option is to call the employer (look RIG3 for the deduction)

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