Into The Weeds Walking The Regulatory Line of CBD in Cosmetics

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Regulatory | C&T ®

• There is no outright prohibition against CBD-
containing cosmetics, but this does not mean
hemp products will no longer be regulated.

• This article reviews the ins and outs of CBD

cosmetic compliance as the current U.S.
legislation stands.

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Toiletries Vol. 134, No. 7
@cosmeticsandtoiletries | July/August 2019
© 2019 Allured Business Media.

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Into the
Weeds Walking the Regulatory Line of
CBD in Cosmetics

Allison Fulton and Sarah Blitz

FDA Legal Practice, Cannabis Team
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton
Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles

C annabidiol (CBD), a substance derived from

the Cannabis L. sativa plant, has quickly gained
mainstream popularity. The Cannabis L. sativa
plant is known to contain over 100 cannabinoids,
including cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol (CBG)
and others. Of the many cannabinoids, CBD
is found naturally in the plant in the highest concentrations. Hemp is one
strain of the Cannabis L. sativa plant that contains high concentrations of
CBD and low concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the
psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. CBD is not known to
have the same psychoactivity of THC—in other words, you do not
get high from CBD.
According to federal law, a Cannabis L. sativa plant that
contains less than 0.3% THC is considered hemp. Presently,
there are a variety of cosmetic products on the market that
prominently feature the inclusion of hemp-based CBD. These
products come in a variety of forms, from lip balms to bath bombs
and body oils.

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Into the Weeds

Regulations for CBD cosmetics in the U.S.

are complex and evolving. The 'Farm Bill'
legalized hemp but this does not mean hemp-
containing products will not be regulated.

However, the regulatory landscape for cos- dietary supplement containing an active ingre-
metics containing CBD in the U.S. is complex dient that is in an FDA-approved drug, or for
and evolving. The Agriculture Improvement Act which substantial clinical investigations have
of 2018, also known as the “Farm Bill,” removed been conducted and been made public. CBD
hemp from the Controlled Substances Act. This is the active ingredient in the FDA-approved
means hemp is no longer considered an illegal drug Epidiolex, and has been the subject of
substance under U.S. federal law. This does substantial clinical investigations that have
not mean, however, that hemp products will no been made public. Therefore, CBD is not
longer be regulated. permitted in food or supplements.
In the wake of the Farm Bill, the U.S. Food However, there is not a similar provision in
and Drug Administration (FDA) released a the FDCA that prohibits the inclusion of CBD,
series of statements clarifying its position on or other drug active ingredients, in cosmetic
CBD in FDA-regulated products. The FDA has products. In other words, there is no outright
also issued a steady stream of warning letters to prohibition against CBD-containing cosmetics.
companies marketing CBD products, including
topicals and creams, that cross the line into The ‘Why’ of CBD
unfounded drug claims. Cosmetic Compliance
For example, in March 2019, the FDA issued
Before getting into what cosmetic manufac-
a warning letter related to the sale of a CBD
turers should do in order to remain compliant,
salve that purported to “treat chronic inflamma-
it is important to understand why. The FDA
tion and other conditions.” The FDA also issued
regulates cosmetics under the FDCA, the Fair
a warning letter to a company selling a CBD
Packaging and Labeling Act, and Title 21 of
“muscle gel” advertised for reducing inflamma-
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Under
tion and relieving arthritis pain. CBD-containing
the FDCA, cosmetics are defined as “articles
cosmetics also have been cited for more egre-
intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or
gious claims—such as treating cancer tumors
sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwise
and heart disease.
applied to the human body...for cleansing,
The FDA currently prohibits the introduction
beautifying, promoting attractiveness or alter-
of food or dietary supplements containing added
ing the appearance.”
CBD, regardless of whether the CBD is hemp-
Unlike drugs, cosmetic products and
derived. This is because under the Federal Food,
ingredients do not require FDA approval
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), a manufacturer
before they can be marketed; the exceptions
may not introduce into commerce a food or
are color additives, and sunscreens and
antiperspirants—which the FDA considers as
“drugs” under the FDCA. Cosmetic manufac-
turers are also not required to register their
The national market for hemp-derived CBD establishments—although the FDA does have
in skin care is expected to reach $7 billion by a voluntary registration program; nor list their
2023, according to Hemp Industry Daily. products with the FDA.
The FDA classifies products as cosmetics
or drugs according to their intended use. The

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Into the Weeds

intended use is determined primarily by the
Who has patchouli power? claims a manufacturer makes in its pro-
motional materials, including on websites
cb2-skinTM biofunctional— and in TV ads. For example, a topical
A non-controversial cream intended for “moisturizing” would
be considered a cosmetic; a topical cream
alternative to CBD oil intended for “reducing inflammation” or
“pain relief” would be considered a drug.
Formulating beauty products with CBD or hemp oil can be And certainly more aggressive claims—such
challenging and controversial, while exporting beauty products as “helping to cure or prevent diseases”
containing CBD or hemp oil can be just as complicated, as it is including cancer or rheumatoid arthritis—
highly regulated and completely prohibited in some countries. would not be considered appropriate claims
To comply with the regulations and get the expected skin for cosmetics.
care benefits, the CBD or hemp oil needs to be grown without Products also can be both cosmetics and
pesticides or herbicides; have significant CBD content; and drugs as the categories are not mutually
exclusive. For example, an eye cream that
contain no THC.
purports to “reduce inflammation” and also
Ashland’s cb2-skinTM biofunctional is a new alternative
“provides key nutrients for moisturizing”
solution to CBD oil. Extracted from premium patchouli, cb2- is making both drug and cosmetic claims,
skinTM is a CB2 (cannabinoid receptor 2) activator with superior respectively.
benefits compared with hemp oil. It is associated with increased A product’s claims can also be implied.
cannabinoid receptor 2 and increased beta-endorphin in skin For example, the FDA may consider a claim
biopsies and can help decrease the TRPV1 receptor and mitigate that a product “improves joint mobility
skin discomfort. and reduces joint inflammation and pain”
Clinical studies have shown that the application of a cream to be an implied claim for treating rheu-
formulation with cb2-skinTM at 1% for 28 days can decrease skin matoid arthritis. In the same way, a claim
discomfort and improve sensitive skin. A face mask formulated that a product “prevents bone fragility in
with cb2-skinTM at 1% can immediately reduce the stinging older women” may imply that it prevents
and burning sensations induced by some ingredients in the
The FDA has stated that a product’s
intended use also can be established based
Learn more on consumer perception; i.e., established
through the product’s reputation, or by
ingredients that have a well-known, to the
public and industry, therapeutic use. Assert-
ing a non-claims based theory of intended
use, however, would likely not withstand
judicial scrutiny. Nevertheless, companies
should understand the consumer takeaways
and perceptions so that adequate context
can be provided in a product’s promotional
Although cosmetic manufacturers
are not required to register with the FDA
or submit their products for pre-market
approval, they do have a legal responsibility
to ensure the safety and labeling of their
products. The FDCA prohibits the introduc-
tion of cosmetics that are “adulterated” or
“misbranded,” and a cosmetic is considered
adulterated if it contains a substance that
may make the product harmful to consum-
ers under customary conditions of use.

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Examples include if a product contains a and misbranding provisions ensure that products
filthy, putrid or decomposed substance; if it is on the market are safe for consumers to use; and
manufactured or held under insanitary condi- of course, safety goes to the heart of the FDA’s
tions where it may have become contaminated mission to protect the public health.
with filth; or may have become harmful to Cosmetics are not subject to specific FDA
consumers. Events that may render a cosmetic regulations on good manufacturing practices
adulterated often relate to the product’s manu- (GMP) but the FDA has published a guidance
facturing or the failure of ingredients to meet document that incorporates international
specifications—for example, a preservative that consensus standards for manufacturing cosmet-
does not prevent bacterial contamination. A ics: “Cosmetics—Good Manufacturing Practices
cosmetic would be deemed misbranded if its (GMP)—Guidelines on Good Manufacturing
labeling is false or misleading; if it does not bear Practices,” ISO 22716:2007. The guidelines make
the required labeling information; or if the con- recommendations for processing and laboratory
tainer is made or filled in a deceptive manner. controls, such as testing raw materials, in-
process products and finished products to ensure
The ‘How’ of CBD product uniformity and consistency, storage of
Cosmetic Compliance materials under controlled conditions, calibra-
How can companies ensure their CBD tion of manufacturing and laboratory equipment,
cosmetics comply? First, cosmetic products and testing of retained samples for preservation
containing CBD may currently be marketed against microbial contamination. Companies
in the U.S., so long as the products meet the that follow these guidelines can minimize the
adulteration and misbranding provisions of the risk of product contamination and adulteration.
FDCA, including all labeling requirements under Product testing at the time of launch is espe-
21 CFR Parts 700 and 701. These adulteration cially important to ensure the product contains

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Into the Weeds

the labeled amount of CBD and THC, if any. growth; sunscreen protection and SPF claims
Higher levels of CBD, and especially THC, could in makeup; hair restoration; wrinkle removal;
lead to consumer adverse events and render and stretch mark reduction.
a product illegal in some states. Companies Finally, cosmetic products containing CBD
should also test their products through their should avoid all explicit and implicit drug-like
shelf life, e.g., every six months until expiration, claims, including those that are common for
for CBD/THC levels and contamination such CBD products: healing, relief from pain and
as bacteria and natural degradants. Companies joint aches, anti-inflammation, analgesic,
that set and follow quality standards for CBD etc. The FDA has placed a high priority on
in their products may be well-positioned in a CBD products that make drug-like claims, as
competitive marketplace. evidenced in the warning letters and state-
ments by the outgoing FDA Commissioner,
who raised concerns in April 2019 over large

Product testing at retailers selling CBD topicals.

Following all of these guidelines will help

the time of launch is companies to reduce the risk of running afoul

of the FDA’s laws and restrictions.
especially important State and International
to ensure any CBD or Considerations
Within the U.S., state-level efforts also
THC content is properly are under way to regulate the use of CBD
in cosmetics. For instance, California has
labeled and legal. legislation pending (AB-228) to modify the
California Health and Safety Code that
contains provisions of the Sherman Food,
Drug and Cosmetic Laws to affirmatively
Second, marketers of CBD-containing state: “A cosmetic is not adulterated because
cosmetics should have scientific support show- of the fact that it includes industrial hemp
ing that CBD in the cosmetic is safe for topical products, including cannabidiol derived from
use for all intended consumers. Cosmetics that industrial hemp. The sale of cosmetics that
are unsafe for their intended use could garner include industrial hemp products or can-
attention from regulators worldwide, not to nabidiol derived from industrial hemp shall
mention ire from customers. The FDA has not not be restricted or prohibited based solely on
commented on the level of CBD that is safe the inclusion of industrial hemp products or
for over-the-counter use in cosmetics (or other cannabidiol derived from industrial hemp.”
products). It has done so, however, for the CBD While it remains to be seen whether AB-228
drug Epidiolex; pediatric patients are dosed becomes law, it is important to acknowledge
starting at 5 mg/kg per day, with a maximum that state-level legislative efforts may also
daily dose of 20 mg/kg. Of course, Epidiolex is impact the ability of companies to distribute
taken orally as a solution, unlike topical cosmet- CBD-containing cosmetics.
ics. Therefore, companies should develop solid Furthermore, companies must be aware
safety data, including clinical data, to support that compliance in international markets may
the level of CBD present in a product. impose further restrictions or requirements.
Third, cosmetic products containing CBD For instance, European Union Regulation
should be promoted using claims that are only No. 1223/2009 (the Cosmetics Regulation)
cosmetic in nature. Specifically, this pertains defines a cosmetic product as “any substance
to those for beautifying, promoting attractive- or mixture intended to be placed in contact
ness and moisturizing. Companies should take with external parts of the human body for the
note that some seemingly cosmetic claims have purposes of cleaning, perfuming, changing its
been viewed by the FDA as drug claims. These appearance, protecting, keeping in good condi-
include: acne treatment; promoting eyelash tion or correcting body odors.”

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Under the governing articles and associ-
ated annex, however, cannabis is included in Want More?
the list of prohibited substances; specifically,
For more on the EU’s view
“the flowering or fruiting tops of the cannabis
of CBD, see page 14 in the
plant” are prohibited. The seeds and leaves of February digital edition.
the plant are not prohibited; therefore, CBD
may be used in cosmetics placed on the EU
market when the CBD is obtained from canna-
bis seeds and leaves and not accompanied by
the fruiting tops of the cannabis plant. General
legal requirements for cosmetic products,
including those relating to safety and safety
reports, also apply.

Joining the CBD product bandwagon may
be lucrative but companies should use caution
and consult with qualified counsel in order to
avoid not only potential pitfalls, but also FDA
and international enforcement actions.

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